Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 839: Miracle Ancient Star

Chapter 839: Ancient Miracle Star

Chapter 839: Miracle Ancient Star

At the same time, after absorbing a large amount of elemental power, the five-element town Tianyin's lethality increased to a higher level. After a short operation, it released a powerful rule of five-elements, which contained a faint momentum of five elements.

"Fatian is eightfold, and it is called a" forged sword ". The power of the law on the body is condensed into a sword that opens the sky, and it is used to open up the sky when the law is nine. The imprint of the laws of the wave world and the five elements. It seems that the more rules of absorption, the more complete and powerful the Taoism will be, and the stronger the sword of the sky will be in the future. "

With a joy in his heart, Li Xing decided that if he had any leisure in the future, he would have to travel across the major planes and leave the imprint of various laws in the Tao, making it more complete and powerful.

After refining the five extreme saints, he took four hundred magic saints with a cloak. His own strength has already surpassed the Holy Saint, and he can command the Fengling Puppet with 1,200 Demon Saints, increasing its power by half.

After doing all this, he went out with Prince Yang Ren to the Baiyang realm, and proceeded to the ancient star who built the transmission circle. The journey is long, and Li Xing, who walks continuously for more than ten days, also feels a little tired.

Fortunately, that ancient star is close at hand. As soon as they arrived near the ancient star, they found that there were more monks around. Of course, most monks who can come to the star domain belong to the sage class.

Like Li Xing, Fa Tian Qi Zhong can be trapped in the heavens and earth, and few are.

Prince Qian Ren suddenly pointed forward and laughed: "No wonder there are so many monks here, the original miracle ancient star is nearby." Seeing that Li Xing was puzzled, he continued, "The miracle ancient star is actually a huge one. Trading hubs, monks from all major planes, if they want to find some rare treasures, they will come to the ancient miracle. On this ancient star, you can find all kinds of treasures, and rarely disappoint those who come. "

Li Xing asked: "There is a lot of chaos in the star domain. Since there are so many treasures on the ancient miracle stars, don't you need to be robbed?"

"Snatch?" Prince Chinen sneered. "If you knew the forces behind the ancient miracle, you wouldn't think so."

"Oh? Is it a first-level plane?" Li Xing said curiously.

"It's not a first-level plane, but an incredibly powerful force, called a 'miracle.'" Prince Chienen said, "As long as it is a monk walking outside, no one knows the miracle."

"'Miracle' can be said to be the largest trading organization among the heavens and the world, among the heavens and the world, if it speaks of its power, it can be said that it is not weaker than the first-level plane. It ’s easy not to shoot, and miracles are different. Those who are killed by Miracle King are not a few. "

Li Xing heard that, he couldn't help but came to interest, saying: "Brother Qian Ren, since it's the time to meet, you and I might as well go to Miracle Ancient Star?" He didn't have anything in particular, he just wanted to open his eyes.

Prince Ninja had no objection, and the two spotted their position and flew towards the miracle ancient star. Near the ancient star, more monks appeared around. Li Xing casually glanced at the past and found a saint flying around.

However, more sages enter the Miracle Ancient Star directly through the teleportation circle. The miracle ancient star, the above-mentioned French array extends in all directions, connects the major planes, and can directly enter the three major first-level planes. The monks at the three first-level planes can also directly enter the Miracle Ancient Star.

When Li Xing landed on the ancient miracle of the miracle, he felt that the ancient star was full of vitality, growing all kinds of magical plants, walking on strange animals and rare birds never seen before. In the magnificent palaces, the monks of various planes traveled in and out like shuttles.

Prince Qian Ren is not the first time to come to Miracle Ancient Star. He directly took Li Xing and landed in front of the most magnificent building. The building is soaring in the sky, it is like a huge mountain.

"This is the Temple of Miracles. The most expensive thing and the most worthy monk will appear in the Temple of Miracles." Qian Ren said, "Trading common things, calling for the spar of creation."

"Creative spar." Li Xing felt he knew nothing, so he had to openly ask what a spar is.

In fact, the conversation between the two does not need to speak. It only takes one thought to pass, and it can send complicated information to the other. Prince Chinen told Li Xing that although the laws operating in the major planes are different, one thing is the same, that is the power of creation.

No matter it is the first-level plane, the second-level plane, etc., or even the main plane of heaven and earth, all the planes have the power of creation. Because of the power of creation, it is possible to create a variety of planes, evolve geomorphic feng shui, and form creatures, mountains and rivers, rivers, lakes, and so on.

The power of creation is the most precious power left between heaven and earth after the fall of Tianzun. Such power, no matter in which plane, can be transformed into a force of creation.

The Heavenly Lord of the Lords of the major planes, in order to build their own plane, actually requires a lot of power of creation, so the spar of creation is extremely important to them. Therefore, the synthetic spar, also known as the plane elixir, belongs to the general currency of major planes.

The quality of all the spar is the same, no matter whether it is Datianzun or Shangtianzun, there is no essential difference in its power of creation. Therefore, there is no difference in the value of crystalline spar.

A forged crystal is roughly equivalent to the value of a Chinese artifact. It can be said that the spar of creation is the hard currency in the whole world. No panacea or magic weapon can be compared with it.

Not only does Tianzun need the power of creation, but all the monks who opened the cave, the creation of spar is very important to them. For example, Li Xing, Fa Tian eight heavy forged swords, Fa Tian Jiuzhong will use the sword of rules to open up a hole in the sky.

At that time, if he can refining some forged spar, it will be very helpful for his cave construction, and it will make it more complete. Of course, Li Xingxiu is profound, and the caves he opened must be no small matter. It is bound to require a large number of chemical crystals to provide energy.

As a result, Li Xing's eyes lit up when he heard about the wonderful use of the spar. He used to worry about how to provide enough and suitable energy when he opened the cave, and now he finally has it. It seems that this spar is the most suitable.

Not everyone can enter the Temple of Miracles, and guests must own at least one thousand fossils. What is the concept of a thousand forged crystals, that is equivalent to a thousand Chinese holy artifacts! Li Xing didn't, neither did Prince Ninja.

Two people stood outside the hall, you see me, I see you, while other monks are constantly in and out, they all feel that their own home is a poor egg.

"Brother Li, let's just have a look outside, or go to transmit the magic array early and go to the Sanqing World." Prince Qian Ren smiled and made suggestions.

Li Xing rubbed his nose: "How can I run for nothing?" He looked around and asked, "Where is the place to exchange for chemical crystals?"

Prince Qian Ren could not help asking: "You want to exchange for the chemical crystals? To be clear, it is a loss to exchange for chemical crystals here, at least 30% of the loss."

"Anyway, as long as it can be redeemed." Li Xing gritted his teeth. "I just don't know. Do I accept the devil here?"

Prince Qian Ren nodded: "It is natural to collect, and the price should be a little higher than the Chinese holy artifact." He immediately took Li Xing, went to the place where the crystal was exchanged, and made the building.

The Fortune Building is a small building that is not very large, but there are many monks who come in and out. It seems to be more lively than the Miracle Hall. When Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren entered the six-story small building, a sage like a merchant stepped forward to meet him and said with a smile: "How come they are in exchange for the spar?"

Li Xing nodded and asked, "Excuse me, my friend, are there any monsters here?" He said, he took out a demon from the lower realm. The devil shrank into a little devil and stood in the palm of Li Xing.

The sage glanced lightly and said, "This thing can be used to make sacred vessels, and can be collected. Five down-world demons can be exchanged for a forged crystal."

Li Xing was relieved. He had previously worried that Mo Sheng was not very valuable, and now he is satisfied with the price. Then asked how many metamorphic spar can be exchanged for the Midland and Upland Deities. The answer is that two monsters in the middle can be exchanged for twelve, and twelve monsters in the upper realm can be exchanged for. If it is a polar demon, you can get one hundred and fifty.

Li Xing didn't have the Devil of the Polar Realm at hand, but the number was very small and he was not ready to use it. In the end, there are a lot of demons in the middle and middle realms, and he wants to deal with them. So, on the spot, he took out all the 1,500 Demon Saints. There are 1,250 demon gods in the middle ground.

Seeing Li Xing take out so many magical sages all at once, Prince Qian Ren was also surprised and surprised. However, the extremely saint did not feel anything, he smiled and converted the spar, and quickly reached a transaction.

In the end, Li Xing obtained 2,800 pieces of forged crystals. Starting with Spar ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was the first time he saw it. The so-called fortune crystals are in the shape of a regular dodecahedron, each one has the size of a fist, and the real meaning of the fortune is transmitted through it.

To deal with so many demons, Li Xing has less than three hundred demons left. Among them, there are fifteen deities in the polar realm, and the rest are deities in the upper realm. These demons, for the time being he will not shoot, to be used to improve the lethality of Feng Lingyu.

Of course, in addition to the devil, Li Xing has no other good things on his body. There were more than one saints he had killed and more than one holy weapon seized. It was just that I didn't pay much attention to it before, but I just threw it into Jingtian and left it for a while.

At this moment, he took out the collected holy artifacts piece by piece. The five sages of the Five Elements World, the four sages of the Chaos World, and so on. Before and after, he obtained twelve sacred objects with good or bad quality.

In the end, all the twelve holy vessels were exchanged for thirty forged crystals.

After disposing of the sacred vessels, Li Xing began to turn over his own house and take out the beheaded gourd. This thing is a treasure for killing, but unfortunately it hasn't been used much after Li Xing's sacrifice.


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