Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 840: Celestial Prestige

Chapter 840: Heavenly Prestige

Chapter 840: Celestial Prestige

Seeing the beheading of the gourd, the sacred eyes of the Fortune Building were condensed, saying: "It is a special thing to kill the gourd for you, fifty fossils ..."

Li Xing was a little surprised. He was not very optimistic about beheading the gourd. He didn't expect to sell 50 forged crystals, so he asked the other party: "Taoyou, what is the function of this thing?"

"This chopped gourd is actually a foreign body generated by the heavens and the earth, but this one of yours is far from mature, so its value is greatly reduced. A mature chopped gourd can be worth at least three thousand fortune. Explained.

Li Xing was taken aback, three thousand? so much!

Next, Li Xing was like a tattered one, taking out the plundering chariot, the town monument, and all kinds of strange things. However, these things are not very valuable. For dozens or hundreds, Li Xing finally exchanged only ten forged crystals, and couldn't help sighing.

Although they are all small and small objects, the Holy Saint has no impatience and quotes one by one. In the end, Li Xing exchanged a total of 2,890 pieces of forged crystals, which should be enough for him to buy some things he needs.

Taking the forged spar, the two went straight to the Temple of Miracles. This time, there were more than a thousand spar in their bodies, and they were finally eligible to enter. At the Temple of Miracles, Li Xing found that the space inside was violated into many small parts.

Each small space is like a miniature cave sky, where one or more kinds of goods are placed for customers to buy. Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren, like the poor people who came to the city from the countryside for the first time, were greatly shocked along the way.

"The best holy wares are actually placed in the corner like bricks." Li Xing shook his head, and he saw an extreme holy ware that contained the laws of heaven. The price was only one hundred and twenty forged crystals, and it seemed to be precious here. Items are not counted.

"Huh? Look! This is the eye of surveillance. It is the eyeball left after the fall of the monk. This eyeball is much more precious than the holy holy weapon. It can be used to monitor the heavens. It is very useful. No wonder it is worth five thousand fortune. Spar! "Prince Qian Ren repeatedly murmured.

Li Xing touched this monitoring eye, but unfortunately he didn't have enough spar, and he only had an eye addiction.

In this way, the two walked like a horse and watched the flowers, passed through one miniature hole after another, but did not start. Cheap is inconspicuous, fancy, and too expensive, making Li Xing extremely depressed, and more and more feel that he is poor.

In particular, when they entered a slightly larger cave sky, they saw a monk pointing a certain Tianzun Feijian generously, saying, "I bought it!"

Li Xing can see clearly that the Tianzun-level flying sword is worth 18,000 fossils!

"Well, I really despise the world." Li Xing couldn't help feeling that he used to live in the world of the dragon elephant and dominate the world. Even in the realm of heaven and heaven, you can be arrogant.

But now when he is outside, when he stands with many strong men on many planes, he realizes that this world is not simple, and the master is like a cloud. As the saying goes, there is a sky outside, there are people outside, and a mountain is higher than a mountain.

Li Xing's mood was gradually getting upset, and he was planning to look at a few more cave days. If he couldn't find something he wanted, he would just leave. Staying here is too much to fight against self-esteem, I always feel like a poor man.

Entering the next miniature cave sky, Li Xing's eyes were suddenly attracted by something. This thing is called the Chaos Sword. The display on the item display is very clear. This is a copy, not a real chaos sword.

The real Chaos Sword is the Chaos Great Heavenly Deity, exhausting all the hard work, the supreme weapon created by Li Jiji, cut out with one sword, can turn everything into chaos, very powerful. The chaotic Datianzun once held this sword and beheaded an ultimate monster in the star domain, Xuanming.

The mysterious monster can swallow a second-level plane with one bite and tear the first-level plane with one claw. It is terrible, but it is chopped by the chaos sword.

The imitation of this chaotic sword is worth only three hundred forged crystals, and Li Xing couldn't help but be impressed. He was very interested in the chaotic world. At that time, he became aware of chaotic martial arts, and eventually formed a chaotic array.

Moreover, his mixed-yuan avenue developed on the basis of a chaotic array. At the deepest point of the mixed Yuan Dao species, the chaotic array is still hidden in it, operating in a mysterious way.

Li Xing is a decisive person. With a little thought, he is ready to win this chaotic sword. Unexpectedly, at this time, a group of three monks also entered this space. In front of him was a young man of Zhong Sheng Xiu, with red lips and white teeth and a very proud expression.

Behind the boy, he followed the two sages who seemed to be his escorts, and he was respectful of the boy. As soon as the boy came in, his eyes were absorbed by Chaos Sword, and he said, "Buy."

At first sight, Li Xing was not the way, and he reached out and grabbed the Chaos Sword School, smiling, "I'm sorry, I have already bought this item."

A follower stared coldly at Li Xing: "No one can take away what we want from the young master, leave things, and get out of here."

Li Xing's face sank. These people were really arrogant. It seemed that there were people in the background. He sneered, but picked up the chaos sword and turned away. Temple of Miracles has rules, first come first served, no one can violate this rule.

Seeing that Li Xing dared to disobey them, the teenager was so angry that he stared at Li Xing's back fiercely and said, "Dogs are guilty, this little will make you look bad!"

Li Xing didn't turn his head back, but his eyes showed the murder.

Prince Ninja was extremely sullen. After getting out of the space, he said angrily, "Brother Li, how can you bear it?"

Li Xing smiled: "Brother Qian Ni Ren, your" An Ni Ren Bu "mentality has also failed. I am not tolerant, I just look for a more suitable opportunity to start. That young man, with a bad heart, has a saint's practice, no The sage's state of mind will definitely strike me, and you look down. "

There are a lot of things I want to buy, but unfortunately there is only a limited amount of spar in his body. In the end, Li Xing only needs the chaotic sword imitation. This chaotic sword sells for three hundred forged spar. Li Xing paid for the spar at the exit. He quickly left with Prince Qian Ren, and seemed to be afraid of anyone.

As soon as they came out of the Temple of Miracles, they flew away from the ancient Miracle Star and flew to the void. Immediately afterwards, the young man and two followers also followed, and chased in the direction of Li Xingfei.

Li Xingfei was unhappy and slow, so that the other party could not catch up at once, and he would not throw it away. So, after reaching a desolate starfield, he stopped and turned to wait for the enemy.

The next three people had holy artifacts in the planetary domain, so they quickly caught up. As soon as the person came out, the young man designated Li Xing and said viciously: "Take Ben Shao! Let him regret coming to this world!"

One Shangsheng sneered with a ghastly sneer, grabbed his hands and took them to Li Xingqian. This is not to blame him, Prince Qian Ren is a middle sage, Li Xing does not even have the saint's breath, let alone a master.

As a result, the Shangsheng originally thought that they could easily destroy the three people, so he directly suppressed them with the hands of the original forces. Poor this saint, I do not know that Li Xing has killed even the most saints. Once he shot, he was destined to end.

"Dead!" Li Xing drank lightly, also suppressing the past with his real hands. The giant hand flew into the air and hit hard. One was a saint and the other was a true king.


The upper man was slammed by Li Xing, and his entire arm exploded, screaming loudly.

Li Xingfeng stunned the shot with a palm injury. Although Feng Lingzhang didn't have a hundred and two hundred holy gods at this moment, they were all replaced by Li Xing into two hundred magical holy gods. The power was equivalent to the original hundred and two hundred holy gods.

As soon as Feng Ling came out, hundreds of millions of filaments fell down, blocking the three masters and servants, leaving them nowhere to go to the sky and nowhere to land, all of a sudden despair. Feng Lingyu released the monstrous demon, full of intention to kill.

"Not good, protect Master!" The unharmed Shangsheng roared, sacrificed a superb holy weapon, blocked the light slightly, and yelled at Li Xing, "Stupid thing, you know our identity ? "

"No matter what your identity is, you will die today." Li Xing said coldly. Previously, the three had humiliated him in the Temple of Miracles, and he had been labeled dead.

The teenager felt the threat of death and his face turned pale. His parents and elders are extremely powerful. Once born, they are the cultivation of a saint. If you practice for a while, you will become a saint in the middle.

It can be said that he has had a smooth life in his life, acting as he pleases, getting what he wants. Today, the threat of death made him tremble, staring at Li Xing, saying: "Ben Shao's father is Xuhuang Tianzun, you dare to touch me, you must not die!"

"You are the son of Chaos Datianzun, and you are going to die." Li Xing looked at the boy like an idiot. When he shook Feng Ling, he broke the polar holy weapon, and all three were included in it.

The boy screamed twice, and his consciousness became blurred and he became a ghost. The other two saints can persist for a while, but not for long.

From the memory of the teenager, Li Xing learned that his name was Xuhuangbo, and his father was indeed Xuhuangtianzun. His grandparents were Xu Tianzun and Huang Tianzun, both of this age.

One person, three loved ones are Tianzun ~ www.readwn.com ~ No wonder so arrogant. Li Xing sneered, searching for items from the three of them, and actually gained a lot. A total of four holy artifacts were found, and 50,000 forged crystals.

For fifty thousand pieces, Li Xing will definitely make a fortune in the future, which makes him feel good. But at this moment, deep in the youth's body, a terror force was awakened, and it suddenly burst out.

Suddenly, the boy's vague consciousness returned to soberness, and he shot brilliant glory in his eyes, sweeping around. "Boom!" Feng Lingzhang exploded inside and out, and a demon saint was successively killed.

Then, in a short time, even Feng Lingyu exploded, and a good piece of treasure was lost. Li Xing's face changed greatly, and he cried, "Not good, retreat!" As soon as he pulled Prince Qian Ren, he turned and left.

Above the boy's head, a phantom rushed out, releasing supreme coercion, his eyes were cold, and Shen said: "Who hurt my child?" When he looked away in the direction of Li Xingyu, there was a light wave to kill past.

Li Xing had fallen into the void, but was still swept away by that gaze. When he felt his body sinking, he opened his mouth and spit out blood. Prince Qian Ren was even worse. Although he was under the protection of Li Xing, half of his body exploded and his flesh shot.


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