Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 841: Enter 3 Qingda World

Chapter 841 Entering the Sanqing Great World

Chapter 841: Entering the Sanqing World

"Hold it up!" Li Xing directly absorbed Qian Ren into Jing Tian, ​​and then desperately flew. Fortunately, the illusion of the teenager did not come after him. The ghost, snorted heavily, then flashed a little, and disappeared with the teenager.

Li Xing returned to the miracle ancient star at the fastest speed, and then paid the price of a petrified crystal to be transmitted to the Sanqing World. He was injured, and he was seriously injured. That man is just a thought of Tianzun, and with only a glance, he can be seriously injured!

"Tianzun's strength is really unfathomable!" Li Xing was shocked for the first time, and he saw Tianzun's power for the first time.

Miracle's ancient teleportation circle directly sent him to a city in Sanqing World, Miracle City. Miracle City, belongs to a business opened by Miracle in Sanqing World.

Entering the Sanqing world, Li Xing immediately felt the powerful Sanqing rule. If we only talk about the laws of heaven and earth, it seems that they are not as powerful as the rules of Sanqing.

Of course, Li Xing is one with heaven and earth, and the rules he masters are even more sophisticated. After all, the laws of heaven and earth are the laws of the plane of the plane, the laws of supremacy.

Miracle City is three hundred miles in radius. Although it is not large, many monks come and go. However, not all monks who come here are saints. After all, saints are also a minority in a large world.

Due to the injury, after Li Xing came out of Miracle City, he flew towards the distant wilderness. He must recover the injury as soon as possible, and at the same time he must help Prince Qian Ren heal the injury.

The laws of heaven and earth belong to the laws of thematic planes, and govern all laws. Therefore, even though he was in the Sanqing Great World and faced with the Sanqing rules, Li Xing could still easily control the power of the rules and walk on land.

Finally entered a dense forest. In this forest, the trees are very tall, one by one, they are amazing, and they have a strong vitality. Li Xing originally wanted to find a place to heal the wound, but when he showed up, he felt a strong danger.

After receiving a blow from Tianzun, his Da Luozhen body was almost disintegrated, and he lost Feng Ling's strength. With only one half of his strength, only half of the remaining ten percent were in danger.

A faint shadow appeared in front of Li Xing, about a hundred feet away. The shadow, like a human figure, had sharp horns at first, apparently belonging to a demon. The demon locked up Li Xing's vitality and uttered a smirk.

Li Xingqiang tried his best to enter the sky, but found that the surrounding space was blocked, and he couldn't allow him to go away. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he stared at the ghostly shadow, only desperately.


The shadow suddenly moved and rushed towards Li Xing. Li Xing sighed and tried his best to hit a deadly blow. With a punch, the shadow screamed, and "Boom" burst into flesh.

Li Xing shook his body, his eyes were dark, and the whole man fell to the ground. Within the eyebrows, the chaotic array did not stop running, and continuously released chaotic phosgene to repair his heaven and earth body.

Even though he had become a true king, when he was seriously injured, he instinctively protected himself and went into a dormant state. In this state, you can better repair yourself. However, his consciousness has not disappeared. He can hear the sound and feel the surrounding air.

After lying for a few hours, Li Xing suddenly heard the sound of breaking through the space, and then a young woman's voice sounded: "Well, Brother Seven, Brother Six, come here! There is someone here!"

Then, there was a rumorous voice from a broken man: "This person is injured and extremely heavy. Well, the cultivation is not very good, it seems ... it doesn't seem to be the Sanqing Great World monk."

"Isn't it from the Sanqing Great World?" The woman was curious. "His cultivation seems not to be a saint. How did he come to the Sanqing Great World?"

"It's not necessary that only a saint can cross the wall of crystal walls. Maybe another saint brought him." Another slightly pointed male said, "Let's search him to see if there is anything worth collecting."

But listening to the woman stopped and said, "Seven Brothers, don't do it!"

Brother Seven snorted: "Why? A person who is dying is not high in cultivation, so why not search?"

Obviously the woman did not persuade him, Li Xing then felt that he had a pair of hands, searching lightly on himself. Fortunately, all his things were placed in Baiyang Jingtian, and the seven brothers found nothing.

"Hum! There is a poor ghost, let's go." Brother Seven said disappointed, not ready to rescue Li Xing.

Woman said: "Brother Six, let's save him."

Brother Six groaned: "This person's identity is unknown. Our Tieshumen is just a small martial art. In case of accidents, it is not easy to deal with it, and it is not easy to accept strangers."

The woman sighed and stopped saying anything. The three seemed to be leaving.

At this moment, Brother Seven suddenly made a "beep", pointed at the blue grass on the ground, shocked and said, "This is the blood of shadow charm! This person is charmed!"

Shadow charm, a terrible monster in the Sanqing world. Adult shadow charm can kill the saints in the middle of the land, even the saints in the upper world.

Sixth Brother doubted: "Obviously, Shadow Charm was killed. Is this the person?"

"How is it possible ..." Brother Seven said half of what he said, suddenly he said nothing and said solemnly, "Look at his skin!"

Then Li Xing heard the footsteps, apparently another seven older brothers and sisters also came over and observed Li Xing's skin together.

"This person's skin is shimmering with golden light, it seems that the body is very arrogant!" Said the Seventh Brother, "Hey," he took out his flying sword and slashed.


An excellent sword ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ broke off, which made the Seventh Brother extremely sad, but even more shocked. What kind of constitution this person is, can't even cut through the fairy sword! He just had that sword, even the most immortal, was killed.

In the Sanqing Great World, monks are divided into human immortals, earth immortals, extreme immortals, true immortals, mysterious immortals, and holy immortals. The human fairy and the earth fairy are similar to the division of the fairy gate of the dragon elephant world. To the immortal, about heaven and earth, Tianshi series; true immortal, about Tianwang series; Xuanxian, about Tianjun series; Shengxian, the heavenly series.

At this moment, the three monks studied by Li Xing were all the most immortal. Six of them are the highest, up to Xian Shangjing. The Seventh Brother is the center of the immortal. The sword was cut out and the power was extraordinary.

Seeing that Xian Jian's cutting did not hurt Li Xing, sister and six brothers were also surprised. Sixth brother was the highest, and he should take the idea. He pondered for a moment and Shen said: "This person must have a very strong origin.

So Brother Six and Brother Seven stayed behind to watch Li Xing, and the sister was ordered to return to the gate and report to the head of Tieshumen.

All that happened was felt by Li Xing, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, thinking that he would be reduced to today's situation!


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