Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 842: Iron Tree Gate

Chapter 842: The Iron Tree Gate

Chapter 842: Iron Tree Door

I secretly sensed that my body had recovered slightly and was ready to move. . . However, he still pretended to be motionless and seriously injured, depending on the so-called iron tree door, how to deal with him.

Waiting for the arrival of Tieshu's head, Brother Six groaned: "Seventh brother, Sanqing Great World often has extraterritorial monks. This person's physical nature is definitely a great power. Even Xuanxian may not have Such a body! "

Seventh Brother laughed: "Sixth Brother, no matter how arrogant he is, he is seriously injured at this time. When the head arrives, you can study it carefully, maybe you can force the Supreme Master of Forming."

Brother Six thought deeply: "Yes, if our Tieshumen can also be such a physical figure, we will certainly become the No. 1 faction in the yong state."

Li Xing laughed in his heart when he heard the two talking, and I understand that this so-called iron tree gate is probably not a martial art. He stopped paying attention and secretly adjusted his breath.

It didn't take long for him to feel the immortal pressure from Xiandao. The law of the Sanqing Great World is the law of immortality. The monks in it all have the power to retrograde into immortals. This is the characteristic of immortality.

Li Xing felt that the people who appeared at this moment were at least up to the rank of Heavenly King, which is the so-called true immortal of Sanqing World.

"Master!" Brother Six and Brother Seven paid homage to respectful worshippers, carefully.

"When did you find this person?" A thick and powerful voice sounded, Li Xing guessed that he was the head of Tieshu.

"Not long ago, there were blood stains left by Shadow Charm nearby. I suspect that this person was hurt by Shadow Charm." The Seventh Brother spoke well, and then released the fairy sword to chop Li Xing.

"This person must be a very original person, most likely from the world of Wang Gu." The master with a thick voice said, "Today's affairs must not be disclosed to outsiders!"

Next, Li Xing felt light and was taken into a small space. It was estimated that the head of the iron tree had shot it and he was to be taken to the iron tree door.

Before long, Li Xing felt that he had been placed on a hard ground, surrounded by three breaths that could only be issued by the monk-class monks.

"Brother, this person is not like the Wanggu people." A calm, low-pitched voice sounded, "The breath on this person is erratic and complicated."

Another voice was sharp, as if the metal was rubbing humanely: "No matter who you are, you must be careful to prevent him from waking up. Brother, it is better to perform 'mystery', temporarily block his five senses and six senses, and then slow down Think about it? "

Tie Shu headed: "It can only be so. This man is too dangerous and must be carefully guarded." Immediately, Li Xing felt three strange powers flowing into his body.

However, these three immortal forces are too weak compared to Li Xing's Zhenli, and they were instantly dissipated, and then absorbed and refined by the mixed Yuanding to replenish physical strength.

"Oh?" The three people were surprised when they felt that the sentiment was like a mud ox entering the sea and suddenly disappeared.

"In this person's body, there seems to be a vast and powerful mana. It is impossible for you and us to block his power." The head of Tieshu worriedly said, "This kind of power seems to ... it only seems to have the Holy Spirit."

"Is he a holy monk?" The sharp voice master suddenly became tense. "If that is the case, it is better not to touch him, or to wait for him to wake up, let's have a good relationship?"

The strength of the sage is not at all counteracted by the true immortals. Once the three true immortals have determined this, they will not dare to do anything to Li Xing, and the only thing in their minds is how to stick together.

The head of Tieshu said: "It can only be the case. I hope this senior can wake up and feel good about us." It sounded that even the tone of his name changed, and Li Xing was promoted to become a "senior".

Li Xing's deaf ears were in the conversation between the three of them, and he was fully recovering from his injuries. After another moment, the three true immortals of Tieshumen walked away.

In this way, Li Xing was able to practice quietly for three days. On the fourth day, a woman entered here and said to herself, "Well, why is the head saying that you are a senior? It seems that Xiuwei is not very high."

The voice of this woman, young and full of sunshine and vitality, reminded Li Xing that the other party must be a young and outgoing girl, and it was quite noisy.

Sure enough, even if she was alone, Li Xing kept hearing that she was talking to herself. She obviously thought that Li Xing was in a coma, so she spoke a lot of "hearts."

For example, she likes big brothers very much, but the big brothers are indifferent and only focus on Xiuwei. And its human eyes are higher than the top, and the idle woman can't even look down on her. For another example, Jiu Shimei has very high qualifications and beautiful people, which seems to be interesting to the big brother.

In the process, Li Xing actually knew the situation of the woman and some of the situation of Tieshumen. This woman, named Xiao Yan, is the fifth disciple of Tieshu.

The head of Tieshu, Mr. Daohao Tieshu, founded Tieshumen with two Shi brothers five hundred years ago. There are nine disciples, three women and six men, all with good qualifications, and seven have reached the fairyland. The remaining two, one is a big brother, has reached the real wonderland, repaired only after the head. The other is this little cricket in front of me.

According to Xiao Yan, her qualifications are not good. She is the only one of the nine disciples who is still in the realm of the earth fairy, and is a weaker level in the earth fairy. In general, it is equivalent to the dragon elephant world. Immortal Jun in the gate, or Tao Jun in the Fa.

In this way, Li Xing reluctantly listened to this little girl for three days, and the injury was almost healed, so he opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw what the woman looked like. The facial features are beautiful, the skin is clear, and there is a spirit of temperament.

"Ah, are you awake?" The woman looked like she was in her twenties, but she was startled.

"Can I not wake up? If you do n’t wake up, you will be noisy. You just said that your" good friend "was here seven days early, which is really worrying. The" good friend "is irregular, indicating that there is a problem in your cultivation . "Li Xingzheng her.

"You ..." Xiaoyan blushed suddenly. She did say it before, but at that time, she thought that Li Xing couldn't hear anything. She was just a comatose "senior". When she was distressed, she talked about her "good friend" coming in advance.

"You are not a good person!" After a long stun, Xiao Yan said to Li Xing angrily, and had forgotten that Li Xing was the "very important" person at the head of the gate.

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "I wasn't a good person." Then he narrowed his eyes and stared at her, "Do you like 'Master', do you like him?"

Xiao Yan's eyes flickered, and he bit his lip and said, "You ... they have a way?"

"Of course." Li Xing was serious. "However, you have to answer a few questions before helping you."

Li Xing's move is to understand the situation here and make plans for the next decision. His purpose of coming to Sanqing with Prince Qian Ren was to worship the three heavenly masters.

Xiaoxiong was completely bound by Li Xing's phrase "Let the big brother like her", and nodded even before thinking: "Okay, I answer everything."

So, with the helpless mouth, Li Xing had a little understanding of the surroundings.

There are three great realms in the Sanqing Great World. However, the three great heavens are all places where Xuanxian Shengxian stays, and most of the monks are scattered all over the world.

The Sanqing Great World is a continent in the center and surrounded by the ocean. On the continent, there are countless continents, and the specific number is not even clear to Xiaoyan. But one thing is certain, there are at least tens of thousands.

On each continent, there are several countries. Among them, there is a place called Leizhou, which is medium in size. Among the many countries in Leizhou, Yong is a relatively small one, and Tieshumen was established in Yong.

Lei Zhouxiu is the tallest person. He is a descendant of Xuanxian, which is roughly equivalent to the weaker monk class. The monks in the yong state are even less worth mentioning. The highest level is the true immortal.

The Tieshumen belongs to the relatively large martial arts of the Yong State. In addition, there is a gold and silver gate comparable to it.

Xiaoyi fiercely told Li Xing everything he knew. Li Xing was very satisfied, nodded, and said, "I will practice in Dongtian, and I will talk to you tomorrow."

Xiao Yan nodded: "The seniors go when the younger ones wait outside."

Li Xing then entered Baiyang Jingtian to see Prince Chinen's injuries. Prince Chinen was not badly injured, and his body was completely blown up. However, he is anyway a saint in the middle ground.

The greatest feature of the saint is "rebirth with blood" and "immortal body". Therefore, even if a saint is plagued with swords, he can still be resurrected. However, after resurrection, the strength will be weakened.

Moreover, the saint's physical body is also very tyrannical, and ordinary attacks cannot cause damage. Therefore, at this time Prince Chinen had repaired his physical body, but his vitality was badly hurt.

"Damn! The idea of ​​Xuhuang Tianzun on that person almost made me fall!" Prince Chinen had a lingering anger ~ www.readwn.com ~ growled angrily.

Li Xing also sighed and said, "Hundreds of demon saints were killed in Feng Lingjun, Feng Lingjun was scrapped, and the loss was heavy. But nothing, as long as I don't die, there is always a chance to get revenge. When I get paired in the future, , The first thing to cut is Xuhuang Tianzun. "

"Are you smashing Heaven?" Prince Qian Ren smiled bitterly. "That is quite difficult. There is no level of life between respect and sage."

With a smile, Li Xing didn't explain much. He just said, "You cultivate well here. I slowly inquire about the situation outside and see if I can see the three deities."

Prince Chinen nodded: "Okay, you are careful, I can recover in a few months, and I will help you again."

Li Xing came out of the realm and found Xiaoyu still alive, then he smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, go and meet your master."

Xiaoyan's heart was beating, blushing, "Senior, do you really want to meet?"

"That's still fake." Li Xingdao, "The mountain people have their own means."


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