Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 844: Holy fairy

Chapter 844: Saint Immortal

Chapter 844: Immortal

There is no one in the sky or underground that can emit such magical power as Li Xingzhenli. The impurities in Xiaoyan's body were washed away instantly, at the same time, the meridians were toughened and expanded, and even the perception was improved.

But these are just incidental effects. The real change comes from Xiaoyan's consciousness. As if a door was suddenly opened by Li Xing, ancient memories, powerful forces, all burst out from a mysterious point.

Three clear breaths surrounded Xiaoyao, making her whole person mysterious and her temperament changed greatly. This Qing Qi, called San Qing Xian Qi, is very pure and mysterious. It originates from the blood of the San Qing Da Tian Zun.

After a short breath of a dozen breaths, Xiao Yan opened her eyes, and the breath outside her body was also put away. She looked at Li Xing, smiled slightly, and said, "Master, I know."

Li Xing: "What do you know?"

"In my body, there is the blood of the Sanqing Great Celestial Master. This constitution is called the Sanqing Eucharist." Xiao Yan said, "Master is so powerful, I saw it before, even I don't know."

Li Xing nodded: "As a teacher, I don't know what kind of physique you are, only knowing that you are insignificant. Now it seems that I said that there is nothing wrong with the Sanqing Holy Body, which should be the strongest physique in your Sanqing world."

At that time, Li Xing took Xiaoyu out of the sky. As soon as Xiaoyan went out, the fairy spirit between heaven and earth suddenly gathered violently towards her, forming a vortex of aura above Xiaoyan's head.

At the same time, a magical Sanqing gas machine rushed out in all directions, penetrated the Xiaoqing jade cave, and conveyed to all directions. For a time, all the seniors in Leizhou felt it. Even some powers outside Leizhou were aware of them and rushed to them.


Sandao Sanqing Xianlei fell from the sky and hit Xiaoyu. When she actually came out, she would break through the earth fairy and hit the fairy realm! The horrible thunder made Xiaoyu a bit strenuous, after all, her ascension was too sudden.

Li Xing shot in the air with his big hand, all the Thunders were transformed by him and became very gentle, but the beneficial effects were not diminished. This time, Xiao Yan's breakthrough is much easier.

However, just after the thunder, she actually broke through again and broke through to the true fairy. This is also her physical condition has been suppressed, released at the moment, immediately shocked the world, continuous breakthrough.

Just when Xiaoxuan Duzhenxianjie was attacked, the entire Xiaoqing Yudongtian suddenly clicked and was torn open by a giant palm. At the same time, the giant palm grabbed Xiaoyan, and a rough voice sounded all over the world: "It is the Sanqing Eucharist! Give it to me!"

The Sanqing sacred body is extremely noble. If it can be obtained, the Sanqing blood can be extracted from it and used to improve itself. Therefore, the Sanqing Eucharist is more attractive than any panacea, and someone immediately shot it.

As soon as the big hand appeared, Li Xing's huge palm greeted him and said coldly, "Look for death."

"Booming!" Supreme Truth, boundless force, smashed the palm of his hand, and a scream came from outside the sky. A master of the Xuanxian series was shocked to death by Li Xing, and the flesh turned into a mist of blood.

Li Xing's strength, but the Shangjing Shengxian series, how can Xiaoxuanxian fight against him? His shot, Mr. Tie Shu in the Xiaoqing Yudong sky, and the monks gathered outside the cave sky all saw, and his face was pale and sweaty.

"Too powerful! This man really is the power of the Holy Fairy Series, but fortunately he did not offend him!" Shouted in Mr. Tieshu's heart.

"Xiaozhen is actually the Sanqing sacred body, which is really amazing." Sixth Brother said with shock, his face was incredible.

With the palm of his hand, Xuanxian, who was thinking of Xiaoping, was swiped lightly by his big hand. The whole Xiaoqing Jade Cave was cut open like a watermelon, and the scenery inside was presented. People had a feeling of seeing the sun again.

Dongtian was cut open, and everyone saw that in the sky, there were monks standing far and near. Among these monks, most are Xuanxian, no less than dozens. In the nearest place, there are six saints.

A quick look at Li Xing revealed that of the six saints, two were in the early stage, three were in the middle stage, and one was in the upper stage. There is no pressure in his heart. Below the most holy, he can be killed.

The Xuanxian who was killed by the shock was not cold, and there were four Xuanxian, each holding a fairy sword, woven into a sword array to cover Li Xing. How do these people know how powerful Li Xing is, only when the other party is nothing more than physical arrogance?

In fact, regardless of Fa Dao and Xian Dao, the cultivation process is quite similar, and they can generally see Li Xing's realm. Fatian is sevenfold, roughly equivalent to the realm of earth fairy. A land fairy, no matter how strong it is, why fear it?

"The Leizhou Siba is out!" Many people exclaimed from the true point of view of the outside world. Obviously, the Leizhou Siba has a very high reputation.

"The four Leizhou tyrants, but all of them are Xuanxian's great accomplishments. They formed this sword array and called it a four-phase killing array. It is very powerful. It is said that they can resist the first holy! It's up! "

Just now, although Li Xing killed an Xuanxian. But the Xuanxian who shot was far less powerful than Leizhou's four tyrants. At this moment, the four tyrants formed a first-class sword array, and the power was many times stronger.

I saw, the sky was covered by the forest of swords, as if a rolling cloud of gold fell, and the monks of Tieshumen had their hairs broken, but they were irritated by the sword.

Li Xing didn't look at it either. He laid his hands on it again and yelled, "Break!"

The big hand was golden and glittering. After the sword light was cut, it was unscathed and only fired a small spark of light. The big hand trembled and grasped, and Jianguang's "wave" exploded. Four Xuanxian murmured and almost fell.

The big hand broke the sword light, rising like a phantom into the sky, covering the Leizhou four tyrants fiercely. At this moment, a Zhongsheng shot and said, "Bold!"

Li Xing's attention has always been on the six saints. No matter how strong Xuanxian is, it is not worth his all efforts. It was just that he was shooting a fly show, and it was just a hit. He really had to wait for several saints.

Zhongsheng stretched out a large hand of immortality and stepped forward to block Li Xing. Li Xing's true shape of the big hand, the momentum soared a hundredfold instantly, turned into a giant fist, severely bombarded.


Immortal smashed his hands, and the middle man snorted, and his body collapsed. At the same time, the other two Zhongsheng were shocked and also shot, sending a sword light on each side to kill Li Xing.

Li Xing raised his eyebrows. He didn't kill him. The two Zhongsheng actually had a killer, so he doesn't need kindness. At that moment, the Shangsheng yelled, "Stop!"

The two Saints who took the shot put away Jianguang, depending on what the Shang Saint said.

The holy stride stepped down and glanced at the small uncle who was still robbing, Shen said: "How do you call this Daoist? You don't seem to be a person in the Sanqing Great World? Could it be the high of Wang Gu Great World? people?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Where I come from, you don't need to know, you just need to understand that the person who is robbing is my apprentice. If you want to move my apprentice, you will kill all."

His tone was so strong, his face was slightly cold, and he sank: "The Sanqing Eucharist is the most powerful and noble constitution in the Sanqing Grand World. As a member of the Sanqing Grand World, I have the obligation to protect the Sanqing Eucharist. Growth, and sent them to the three great realms of cultivation. "

Li Xing sneered: "It's so eloquent, it's nothing more than to seize the Eucharist and extract the blood of Sanqing."

The people at Tieshumen were stunned. I didn't expect that there would be so many masters at once. What's more, this mighty character is actually Xiaojun's master.

Mr. Tieshu approached and said, "See Da Sheng." Then he pointed at Xiaoyan, "Although Xiaoyan is the person of our Iron Tree Gate, how to deal with it depends on the rulings of seniors, and Iron Tree Gate will not ask questions. He said so that he wanted to clarify the relationship with Xiao Yan, so as not to ignite himself.

The Shangsheng didn't even look at Mr. Tieshu directly, didn't answer his words, just stared at Li Xing, and said in a deep voice, "So, are you trying to stop us from embracing the Eucharist?"

"Nonsense, you are not an idiot. You naturally understand my position." Li Xing took out the Five Elements Town Tianyin and smiled faintly. "You can think of yourself as an immortal, and you can crush me. Who dares to beat my apprentice's idea and kill him Stay! "

"Presumptuous! You, an outside monk, dare to be so rude to the immortals of the Sanqing Great World!" A first saint spoke, pointing at Li Xing, "This upper saint is Yuqing Jing, Yuqing Tianzun A named disciple has a high status, do you dare to violate it? "

Li Xing snorted: "Less nonsense, either shot or get away!"

The six saints were furious, and the saint shouted, "I don't know what to do, can you fight against the immortal if you think your body is more powerful? Yuqing sword, chop me!"

A sword of light, born from the void, cut Li Xing's head at an incredible speed. Jian Guang's body and fire light sputtered, Li Xing's head was intact, but the Jian Guang was burst open, showing a cold-light and compelling long sword.

As soon as Li Xing opened his eyes, Sen Ran laughed, "It's yours to start, so you shouldn't blame yourself for being hot." Shaking his body, he punched the six holy immortals.

"What? He's going to be one enemy six?" The monks yelled.

The six saints were also furious, and the first saint shouted, "Look for death ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone join forces to kill this person!"

Suddenly, six immortals played at the same time, cooperating with Li Xing.

Li Xing's laws of the Three Great Worlds did not work as intended, so at this moment he confronted the enemy, relying mainly on his incomparable physical body.


The flesh broke through the space and went directly behind the first Saint. Jin Guang's fist blasted out, centering his back. There was a big explosion, and the first saint was beaten into blood mist. At the same time, a mixed Yuanding was suppressed and thoroughly absorbed the Sanqing rules.

Shengxian's flesh, but a big tonic, contains a large number of fragments of laws, which helps Li Xing understand Sanqingxian Tao. As a matter of fact, in his mixed-yuan avenue, there was already the flavor of Xiandao, which was absorbed smoothly at this moment.

The Yuanyuan Ding shuddered and closed it up.

At this moment, the faces of the other five saints changed greatly, and then Sheng Li said: "Be careful! This person is extremely dangerous and has a monster on his body! Everyone works together to cut him!"


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