Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 845: Break through

Chapter 845: Breakthrough Consecutively

Chapter 845: Breakthroughs

The five saints shot with all their strength, and the holy saint had an extra holy weapon. The heavenly light spreads over the sky. In the face of such offensives, Li Xing screamed, and the real hand flew up. Guanghua exploded, and the lights were brilliant. The three saints were directly shaken to vomit blood, and the one saint was burst apart.

Li Xing was unreasonable, striding forward and forcing each step to let the sky shake, and the stars in the sky lost their brightness and were covered by his light. He mingled with Yuan Ding, and covered it.


A Zhongsheng was put into the tripod, and he directly refined and made a scream. The other four saints were shocked, and dodged again and again. Unfortunately, in a split second, Li Xing's figure was transformed into three ways, and he exhibited the supreme magical method of one gas and three Qings.

Each figure has an immediate suppression against the previous one, and then returns immediately to return to its own. This time, Shang Sheng's face was pale, he said nothing, and turned away.

He ripped open the space and flew with all his strength. Unfortunately, Li Xing didn't give him a chance and yelled, "Are you still able to go?" His right foot slammed into the air, suddenly centered on him, and a wave of shrines issued.

Wherever the wave went, the void was blocked, and the Holy Saint, who had plunged into space, was popped up again and again, very embarrassed. Li Xing walked in the air, mingling Yuan Ding in his hand and slamming: "Receive!"

In Yuanyuan Ding, hundreds of millions of strong lights were shot, covering the wild. The Holy Saint snarled again and again, his holy light trembled, and he performed various holy arts to evolve various martial arts skills. Unfortunately, they can't break the **** of the mixed Yuan Ding, his body is tight, and the whole enters the Ding.

"This Saint is a disciple of Tianzun. You dare to start, and you must not die!" The scream of the Saint, the terrifying atmosphere in Yuanding Ding, made him feel the threat of life.

Li Xing ignored his yelling and scolding, staring at Jin Guang, sweeping around, countless monks were frightened and frightened, and none of them dared to stay.

The monks at Tieshumen were in a mixed mood. This little cricket was originally not very qualified. He belonged to the nine disciples and was relatively weak. I didn't expect it to be the Sanqing Eucharist, and even the saints came to compete.

Moreover, the exotic strong man actually accepted Xiaoyu as an apprentice, which made them feel quite complicated.

Li Xing suppressed Liu Sheng and swallowed the river and mountains, and Xiao Yan over there also succeeded in the calamity and was upgraded to true immortal. Seeing her, Sanqing's light flow turned, and she began to devour a lot of fairy spirits. Li Xing quickly said: "Xiao Xun, this practice is urgent, you must go step by step. It will not be too late to impact Xuanxian in a few days."

It turned out that Xiaoxuan felt that he could continue to shock, at least there was no problem in becoming a fairy. Li Xing was afraid that his practice would be unstable, and he stopped speaking.

In the scene just now, Xiaoxiong saw that his master had the power to suppress the Eight Desolations, and he was very happy. He immediately suppressed the airlessness in his body and walked to Li Xing.

"Master, why do those people catch disciples?" Xiao Yan asked.

"Of course it is unsettling." Li Xing sneered, "Xiao Xie, protect you for a while and make you a saint. By then, you can protect yourself."

Hearing this sentence, the people in Tieshumen are cold, my God! Become a Holy Fairy for a while? Does this still make sense? They have been hardworking all their lives and are extremely proud to be true immortals, but they have to become holy immortals in a short time! This is the gap! It is indeed the Sanqing Eucharist!

Li Xing and Xiaozhang returned to Xiaoqing Yudongtian and continued to practice, nobody dared to bother. In the palace of spiritual practice, Li Xing is on one side and Xiaoyu is on the other. Xiaoxiong didn't know that the cultivation on Yuxian Dao was not as good as her master Li Xing, and she was working hard at the moment.

Yuanyuan Ding, refining the rules of the six saints. At the same time, he also used heaven and earth to understand the immortal laws of the Sanqing world. At first, he used the chaotic array to deduct Xiandao, but only got the fur.

In other words, the immortality he understood at that time was just the true meaning of the immortals at the level of the earth. At this moment, the immortal road he saw was deeper and far beyond what he had seen that day.

At that time, Sheng couldn't hold it first, dozens of breaths were refined, the law was drained, and a spare stinky skin was discarded by Li Xing. The three saints did not last too long. After more than ten days, they also lost their consciousness and the rules were extracted.

It was the Shangsheng who persisted for a long time, and Li Xingsheng practiced him for two months before finally dying him. Absorbing so many immortal principles, coupled with several months of enlightenment, Li Xing feels that the three clear rules are full.

In three months, Xiaoyan's progress was much better than Li Xing. In the meantime, she finally couldn't hold back, robbed her three times, and entered the fairyland. But now, his cultivation, and there are faint signs of breakthrough, is about to become a holy fairy!

Li Xing now understands the horror of the Sanqing Eucharist. It can be sanctified in a short time. However, he still suppressed Xiao Xiu's cultivation forcibly, so that she could lay a good foundation.

Master Li Xing is very generous, and he passed on the reduced version of Da Luo Zhenshen to Xiao Yan. Of course, this Daluo Zhenshenshu is far worse than Li Xing Extreme Edition, but it is also a first-class practice.

The core of Xiaoxun's practice of the reduced version of Daluo Zhenshen is Tian Silk Gong, which transforms time and time again, thus accumulating strength and laying a solid foundation. Therefore, when Xiaoyi decided to impact the sacred realm, Li Xing threw him into Baiyang Jingtian and adjusted the time so that one day outside, Baiyang Jingtian would go through a hundred years.

Prince Chinen's injuries were almost the same, and he left the country the same day. When he learned that Li Xing had received a Sanqing Eucharist, he was envious and sighed, and said, "The Sanqing Eucharist is the first constitution of the Sanqing Great World. Sanqing Eucharist choice! "

The Sanqing Great World belongs to the first-level plane. It has existed for many times in ancient times, and has gone through many destructions of the heavens and the earth.

Li Xing smiled and said, "Brother Qian Ren, how do you know those acquaintances you know?"

Prince Qian Ren looked at Li Xing: "Brother Li, those people I know don't have much status, it's just to give you an identity. Doesn't Brother Li think this iron tree door is very suitable?"

Li Xing said with a smile, "The original Brother Ninja has seen it." In fact, he had already decided to take root in Tieshumen first, which is why he fully trained Xiaoyu. When Xiaoxi became sanctified, she was asked to sit in the iron tree gate of the town and slowly become strong.

In the dragon elephant world, he beheaded the four saints in the chaotic world. He was quite worried that a strong existence would come to suppress him. Therefore, there are two ways to prepare for the Sanqing World.

On the one hand, establishing a connection with the Sanqing Great World makes the chaotic Great World frightened and dares not to take the shot easily. This step is more difficult unless he worships the Sanqing Three Masters as a teacher, or even worships the Sanqing Grand Heavenly Master as a teacher.

On the other hand, he wants to stay retreat. When I arrived, I prepared a set of magic arrays, a set of teleportation magic arrays that can shuttle through the major planes.

This teleportation matrix was also obtained when Li Xing beheaded the Angel of Light. A teleportation matrix, Li Xing was originally improper, and the law of light running on this matrix was not easy to control.

However, he later deduced this method with a chaotic array, and then sacrifice it again with the laws of heaven and earth, turning it into a teleportation method that can be operated by itself. Of course, opening this method requires a lot of energy.

A conservative estimate is that at least 10,000 forged crystals were also burned at a time. Forged spar, the necessary thing for space transmission, was a loss to Li Xing from Master Xuhuang.

The other end of the teleportation matrix has been set in the Dragon Elephant World. Once there is danger, the eight-pole boy will install the mixed Yuan religion and move to the Sanqing World as a whole. Of course, this is the worst plan and may not come to this point.

The Dragon Elephant World set up a teleportation array, and the Sanqing World also wanted to build one. However, this teleportation array is fragile and must be guarded, otherwise it will be easily damaged. Therefore, Li Xingcai decided to cultivate a force to take care of him and transmit the law circle.

Iron Tree Gate is a good choice. This martial art is small and weak, and he can easily control it. Of course, there is another variable, that is, Xiao Yan, even the achievements of the Sanqing Eucharist cannot be estimated.

However, in the end, he also accepted Xiaozhang as a disciple and took the change into his hands as much as possible. In this way, Iron Tree Gate is more suitable for him to build the teleportation array.

What I have to do now is to wait for Xiaoxi to become the Holy Fairy.

However, he said, Xiao Xing was adjusted by Li Xing, and he was practicing hard in it, and he transformed and became stronger again and again. The practice of the Sanqing Eucharist is incredibly fast, and it transforms almost every three days.

Outside, Li Xing waited for 27 days. The small crickets of the present time practiced for 2,700 years! In 2700 years, there were a total of 330,000 magical transformations. Although each transformation had limited improvement, but 330,000 times, it was enough to reborn and reach a horrible level.

So, on the twenty-seventh day, as soon as Xiaoxi came out, it was all over the sky, and the calamity was about to start again!

For the first time, Li Xing saw the saints robbing them ~ www.readwn.com ~ I felt that the robbery was terrifying. Especially Xiaoyan's, let him burst into shock. I saw that the sky was full of Ray-Ray movies, with all kinds of visions presented.

When Xuanxian entered it, it would soon disappear. Ordinary saints will also be harmed, but Xiaozhang is okay, just like everyone else.

Tieshumen is destined to be calm this time, because the Sanqing Eucharist is about to be robbed again.

Although Li Xing slayed the six saints the last time, this time there are still many strong men who watch the robbers from a distance. Li Xing could feel that a trace of negligent killings would occasionally pass over him.

He sneered in his heart, ready to shoot at any time, and beheaded to commit a monk.

However, until Xiaoxuan Dujie succeeded, no one did not fear death. Xiao Yan successfully upgraded, her whole body, San Qingxian halo body, every move, can affect the laws of the world.

Li Xingchang breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that Xiaoyan's strength was definitely not weaker than Zhongsheng, although she was only a first-priest. Just build another holy soldier for her, even if you encounter the holy, you don't have to be afraid.


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