Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 846: Yuqing border

Chapter 846: Jade Clear Realm

Chapter 846 Jade Qing Realm

When Xiao Yan's robbery was over, Li Xing's eyes shot into the void, and he felt a grand coercion. The space is separated, and a tall portal is exposed. Among the portals, it seems to lead to another world, flying out of a golden light, paving the avenue until it reaches Xiaoyan.

On the Cotai Strip, two young boys walked down. A boy held the jade Jane and exclaimed: "Pass on the decree of the Heavenly Respect of the Jade Emperor, call the Leizhou Tieshumen Sanqing sacred body, enter the Yuqing Realm and practice without delay."

After reading the scriptures of Tianzun, another boy yelled, "Sanqing Holy Body, don't leave yet?"

Xiao Yan looked at Li Xing and looked for help. Sanqingjingtian is undoubtedly a sacred place for the local monks in the Sanqing big world. Yuqing Tianzun is the supreme existence and must not be disobeyed.

Li Xing took a step forward and said, "Two messengers, Xiaoyi is my apprentice. After she becomes extremely holy, it is not too late to go to Yuqing."

"Presumptuous!" The princes' eyes were fierce. "You, a foreign monk, dare to wait for me? Kill!"

The other said that he would do it by hand. He made a circle in the air with his right hand, and then pressed it toward Li Xing. A clear light hand, entirely composed of intertwined Fu Run, contains the supreme rule of the San Qing world, carrying the trend.

This time, he can directly suppress or even hurt Chu Sheng, this boy's strength is actually so strong! However, Li Xing has already seen that both boys have the practice of Chu Sheng, and he does not evade. When the big hand approaches, the sky is a punch.

When the punch came out, Zhenli exploded, and suddenly burst Fu Fu's huge palm. The boy's body shook slightly, and he took a step back, his expression full of surprise.

Another boy sneered: "Sure enough, I ca n’t wonder if I could kill my named disciple of Yuqingjing. However, you are not enough to kill Yuqingjing by this means!" He raised his hand in a ring, and said, "Take under!"

The aperture, not big or small, unhappy or slow, fell steadily on Li Xing, and suddenly turned into a sky beam, restraining him at once. Li Xing felt that the tremendous power directly suppressed him and couldn't move.

He now understood that 80% of the two boys had heard of the killing of six saints in the town. At this time, half of them came to get revenge, and the other half wanted to take Xiaoyu away.

However, Xiaoyan is an important part of his Sanqing Great World Plan. How can he be taken away? And he knew that Yuqing Tianzun would never shoot. Yuqing Tianzun, in fact, belongs to the idea of ​​Sanqing Datianzun, and will never ask such trivial matters.

Except for Tianzun, Li Xing will not be afraid of other monks, and the Holy Saint cannot suppress him.

The aperture is getting tighter and tighter, and Li Xing will be physically destroyed. At this moment, he screamed loudly, "Ignorant child, just a holy holy weapon in the middle of the world, want to kill me? Explode me!"

Suddenly, the real human meridians in Li Xing's body ran like crazy, and the body quickly shook countless times in a short period of time. With each shock, a horrible real force shock was issued.


The halo finally couldn't be restrained, and it suddenly exploded. Li Xing stepped forward and stared coldly at the two boys. The two boys changed their expressions, and shouted arrogantly: "Are you brave, should you fight against Yu Qingjing?"

Li Xing sneered: "Let's scare people with the decree of Tianzun, and want to take Xiaozhang, let your masters come down and get off!" He congested, yelled, and retreated directly into the portal.

Two angry boys growled inside: "Exotic, you are dead!"

Li Xing raised his eyebrows, and punched the portal that had not disappeared. Just hearing a loud noise, the portal shook, and two screams came from within, and then disappeared. Apparently, his punch hurt the two boys.

The monks peeping in secret saw the scene, could not help getting chills on their backs, and their eyes were straight. Is this person crazy? Even Yuqingjing dare to offend!

Driving the boy away, Li Xing brought Xiaozhang back to the Tieshumen Hall. He called Mr. Tieshu and other high-level officials, and said lightly: "Xiaozhang has been sanctified and has great strength. He should ask more things."

Mr. Tie Shu was old and mature, and immediately understood what Li Xing meant, and quickly said: "Xiao Xiu is strong, and it is most suitable to be in charge. The old man is willing to give up the position of the iron tree gate master, and be an elder."

Li Xing nodded with satisfaction, and said to the dazed little sister: "Sister Xiao, you will be the gatekeeper in the future, but not the Iron Tree Gate, but the Yuanyuan Gate." He looked at the three elders, "What's your opinion?"

What are their opinions? They all agreed, and changing the name was not a big deal. Besides, what if you are not satisfied?

In this way, Xiao Yan became the head of the Hunyuan Gate. The next things are much easier to handle. Li Xing and Xiaoxun worked together inside the Yuanyuan Gate to build a teleportation circle. It took seven days to formally complete the Teleportation Array.

After the completion of Fa Cheng, Li Xing ordered Xiaoyu and Prince Qian Ren to stay, and he decided to go to Yuqing Tian and his party.

Only when he arrived at the Sanqing Great World did he offend Yu Qingtian's people. Li Xing is not a passive person. Since it can be concluded that Yuqing Tianzun will not intervene, then it may be better to come to the door, and the other party will reason, and he will fist.

Regarding Li Xing's visit, Prince Qian Ren admired and worried, and said, "Brother Li, there is no shortage of polar immortals in Yuqing Realm. If you don't have Feng Lingyu, you still have to be careful.

Li Xing smiled: "That's natural, always give Datian respect."

Yu Qingjing, built in the void, is a place where the Sanqing Datian Zun Lingtai evolved, similar to Dongtian. Li Xing asked people how to enter Yuqing Realm. In fact, it was very simple. They searched directly using concepts. The three most obvious spatial faults in the Sanqing World are Sanqing Realm.

Li Xing's concept of law was very arrogant. After sweeping the gun, he found the position of Yu Qingtian. His body emptied, and he slammed into the space with a fierce collision. The strange image flashed in front of him, and his body was light and heavy, and he entered Yuqing Realm.

Sanqing Jingtian is the three places where the Sanqing Great Heavenly Emperor developed a three-Qiqi method of one gasification and evolved. Taiqingtian, also known as Humane Ascension. In the Sanqing Great World, if someone breaks through his practice, he will become an immortal, that is, he will become an immortal, and then he can enter Taiqing Heaven to continue his cultivation.

On the clear sky, Xiandao rose to the real world. After reaching immortality, if you can continue to make breakthroughs and achieve true immortals and xuan immortals, you can enter the Shangqing Realm.

Yu Qingtian, the truth is sanctified. If the true immortal or the mysterious immortal breaks further and becomes a sanctuary, they can enter Yuqing Heaven. Among the three realms, there are Taiqing Tianzun, Shangqing Tianzun, and Yuqing Tianzun. They are true to all the immortals. They are really a wonderful place for spiritual practice and a sanctuary for performance.

In Yuqing heaven, most of them are holy immortals, and each one is extraordinary. How many holy immortals are there in the Sanqing Great World? Li Xing was also unclear, and the monks in the San Qing Great World didn't know much.

However, when he entered Yuqingtian, he immediately felt the breath of thousands of Taoist immortals, strong and weak, which made him regretful. At the beginning, when he was an airman, he felt that the mage was an extraordinary existence. Sage, that is the high end to look to.

But now, there are holy immortals all over Yuqing, which is really embarrassing. Think about self-cultivation, but the true realm is not sanctified.

"What kind of person is good at breaking into Jade Qingjing!" With a whistle of a drink, two inspecting sages appeared in front of Li Xing, interrupting his way.

Li Xing was neither humble nor humble, and Shen said, "Monk from the Nether World, practice in Yuqing."

The two inspections were both the first saints, and the immortals also had four realms. First, middle, upper, and extreme. Among the immortals, there are many wars in the first stage and the middle stage, and a few can reach the upper stage. As for the extreme saints, the number is very small, even if the Sanqing Great World is not too many.

An inspector glanced at Li Xing and sneered, "You are a monk from a different world, so brave, you dare to go wild in Yuqing!"

Li Xingzhengzheng said: "This Taoist, it ’s not right to speak like this! The Sanqing Da Tianzun is broad-minded and educates the heavens and the earth, and I am a spiritual person. How can I not come to listen to the Fa? His old man is a teacher! "

"Joke, you heresy, how could Tianzun accept you? Get away quickly, or you're welcome!" Another inspector threatened with a halberd in his hand.

Li Xing sneered: "You're welcome? I have to be able to do that. I must see Yuqing Tianzun today, and no one can stop it!"

"Look for death!" One Chu Sheng could not help but shot, slamming his sword.

Li Xing stood still, Ren Euphorbia cut his head, and a "ding" splattered with sparks. The halberd broke, and the mouth of the holy tiger cracked at the beginning, and his face was shocked. Quickly played a holy light to settle Li Xing.

Li Xing's body shook slightly, and Guanghua shattered, and said lightly, "You can't stop me, back away, or ask for help."

"What kind of noise is here?" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

The two first saints were startled, and turned quickly to martyr: "See Father Han."

Come, wearing a bright yellow robe, holding a white paper fan, personable and extraordinary temperament. He ignored the two inspections and stared at Li Xing, asking, "You have the courage to dare to act against the saints in Yuqingjing."

Li Xing saw that the other party ’s cultivation was probably at the extreme level, and he was a difficult character. He said, “This Taoist, I just want to see Yuqing Tianzun, and ask Xiandao ~ www.readwn.com ~ Gongzi's gaze shot seemed to penetrate Li Xing's body and see everything clearly. However, Li Xing's Da Luo Zhen Shen was not so easy to see. He could only see that there was a vague law of heaven and earth on Li Xing's body. Breath, and thus judged a monk in a different world.

"You are from heaven?" Han Gongzi suddenly said, his face was shocked.

Li Xingdao: "You can say this." The land boundary and the heaven boundary are not far away, and he has not been there.

Han Gongzi smiled and arched his hand: "It turned out to be a Taoist in Heaven. You want to see Tianzun. I'm afraid it was a coincidence. Tianzun went out to travel a while ago. He hasn't returned yet. He has to wait for a while."

Li Xingdao: "It doesn't matter."

"Well, ask Dao You to sit in my house for a while. You have to ask Dao You for some things." Han Gongzi issued an invitation.

Li Xing could feel that the cold boy was not hostile, so he nodded and said, "Okay, thank you." When he first came to Yuqingtian, he was able to get to know someone who was not bad.


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