Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 847: Han Gongzi

Chapter 847: Prince Han

Chapter 847

At present, Han Gong led Li Xing to his residence. How dare you ask the two priests of the two inspections, and they did not raise their heads until the two went away. One of them said: "This person's strength is really strong. Han Gong asked him to go, and 80% of them wanted to win over this person."

"Yuqing's four sons are fighting happily. If Han son can get this help, he will be a powerful Han family." Another person said, "Behind the four sons, there are fathers who support him. Tianzun. We definitely won't take the shot easily, we will fight, and it will only be carried out among juniors. This person joins, and this is even more exciting. "

Li Xing didn't expect that the place where Han Gongzi lived was so vast. Looking at it at first glance, it was all a garden house. I don't know how wide. The two entered an elegant bamboo garden gazebo, and Han Gong asked Li Xing to sit opposite.

There are some pretty girls who send fairy tea and linguo. In the pavilion, there is a chessboard. Han Gong asked Li Xing to use tea, and laughed: "Tao friends come from heaven, have you seen the Great Celestial Master?"

Li Xingyi said: "Which Big Celestial Master?"

Han Gongzi laughed: "Natural is the Great Heavenly Supreme of Sanqing, the Great Heavenly Supreme is in the heavenly realm."

"What?" Li Xing was taken aback. He hadn't been to Heaven, why didn't he know that Big Supreme was on it?

Seeing Li Xing ’s expression, Han Gongzi suddenly thought of something. He patted a paper fan and laughed: "Yes, in the bureau, I don't see clearly. Heaven is the pole of heaven and earth, the hub of the laws of heaven and earth, extremely Important. The deities of many great deities are hidden in the heavens, for fear that even those in your heavens will not know. "

Li Xing was surprised. There was a place of "nine days" in the heavens. Could the Supreme Celestials hide in it? The deity of Da Tianzun, what a powerful existence that is. He remembered the dragon elephant, too, was he hiding in the realm?

"I have never seen the Sanqing Dazun. There are many dangerous and secret places in the heavens, and few people can enter." Li Xingdao said that this is not a fable.

Han Gongzi nodded: "This period is called the Yin-Yang period, and the law is divided into two, namely heaven and earth. So the ultimate mystery between heaven and earth can be in heaven, and Taoists are in heaven. The benefits are many! "

Li Xingdao: "I don't feel much benefit. It is the Sanqing Great World. Datianzun gasified Sanqing and evolved the Sanqing realm. It is a holy place for practitioners."

Han Gong laughed: "That's right. The Sanqing World is one of the three first-level planes that produces the most deities. Taking this period as an example, fifty-five deities have been produced. . "

Li Xing was taken aback again, 55 Tianzun! This number is really amazing! A Celestial Master will be able to create a three-level plane! He could not help asking, "Where are those deities now?"

"Fifty-five third-level planes are all built in the Sanqing Great World. Without the laws of the Sanqing Great World, no one can see through." Han Gongzi smiled, "My father is a Respect, establish the ice world. "

Li Xing arched his hand: "Fortunately."

Han Gongzi waved his hand: "No matter how high my father is, he ca n’t pass it on to me. He still has to improve by himself. I believe that Taoist friends are extraordinary in strength, and they suppress the first Holy Saint easily, and they seem to have the laws of heaven and earth. Isn't this a rule? "

Where would Li Xing admit it, and sighed: "The laws of heaven and earth are mutually exclusive. How can they become one? In the following, I just went to the earth boundary and learned some of the true meaning of the earth boundary laws."

Han Gongzi nodded: "I also heard my father said that the laws of heaven and earth in the yin and yang era will only merge with the yin and yang at the moment of the great destruction. But then, this era will be destroyed. Destruction is coming, all practices below the Great Heavenly Supreme will disappear. "

"Can't San Qing Datian Zun be able to shelter his people?" Li Xing asked.

Han Gongzi shook his head: "It was the destruction of the entire heaven and earth. Although Da Tianzun created his own avenue, he is still in heaven and earth, and of course it will also be affected. It is still difficult for Da Tianzun to survive the destruction of heaven and earth, not to mention their people. By that time, if you ca n’t become the Great Celestial Master, everything will turn into dust. "

His tone was a little dark, and he said, "It's just this big deity, how easy is it to reach?"

Li Xing sighed: "No wonder the dragon and the celestial body failed to find the laws of heaven and earth. When the heavens and earth broke down, the laws of heaven and earth would merge into one. Unfortunately, when the rules are complete, it is also the time of heaven and earth breaking down. Is it too late to understand?"

Han Gongzi suddenly thought of something, saying, "Dao brother, my father once said that before the realm of the earth, there was a dragon elephant, who wanted to learn the core laws of heaven and earth, but it didn't work out, you know?"

Li Xing's heart jumped and said: "It's a little heard, but I don't know anything. Please enlighten me."

Han Gongzi smiled: "Speaking of which, this dragon elephant is so great. The dragon elephant avenue he established is a avenue of harmony between yin and yang. Originally, if this period, he could If you comprehend the ultimate laws of heaven and earth, maybe you can make further breakthroughs and carry out ultimate fragmentation. Unfortunately, the ultimate laws of heaven and earth have their destinations, and the Great Heavenly Supreme can't take it. "

Li Xing's heart tightened, and he continued to ask, "How do you say this?"

"Regardless of the Sanqing Great World, the Proterozoic Great World, and the Chaos Great World, although the three first-level planes are all powerful, they cannot be compared with the heaven and earth plane. Historically, there have been countless first-level planes. , But eventually died out, only the main plane of heaven and earth can continue to be destroyed and rebuilt, and continues to this day. If the main plane is a vegetable garden, then these countless appearing and disappearing planes are grown in the vegetable garden Vegetables are planted for each crop. But the vegetable garden will never disappear. It is a place for growing vegetables. "

"And on the subject plane, heaven and earth dominate in every age." Han Gongzi continued, "The ultimate rule between heaven and earth should be mastered by the master, not the dragon elephant big heaven. Therefore, the dragon elephant big heaven may not succeed in the end. This is fate. "

Li Xing frowned. The so-called master is actually what the common people call "Goddess", the existence in that mediocrity, the omnipotence, the omnipotence of all heavens, and the control of all supreme supremacy.

"If it wasn't the master monk, what would be the ultimate rule?" Li Xing seemed to ask casually.

"It's hard to say." Han Gongzi thought slowly and thought slowly, "This is a life-threatening battle, how could it happen? As long as the life generated by the main plane, it is impossible to control his own destiny."

Li Xing's heart was another jump. Strictly speaking, he was not the existence born in the theme, but from another world. Although, he is just a crossing in the sense of soul.

Since it does not belong to this world, shouldn't it not be controlled by fate? Can go against the sky?

At this moment, Han Gongzi changed the subject and said, "Why do Taoists want to see Yuqing Tianzun?"

Li Xing went back to God and said, "When the younger brother was in the lower realm, he offended several figures of Yu Qingjing, and this time he pleaded guilty to Tianzun."

Han Gongzi was interested and asked in detail. When Li Xing talked about the process, he couldn't help laughing. Li Xing was confused, and said, "Why do the brothers laugh?"

Han Gongzi said, "What is it to kill the Holy Fairy? Are you as leisurely as Yuqing Tianzun, do you have time to take care of such small things?" He sneered, "Don't hide from my friends, the younger brother just cut three There is nothing in the middle-aged Saint, who has nothing to do with it. If you are here because of this, then you will do it all the more. The people of Yuqing Tian dare to move you, but if they are cut, Yuqing Tianzun will never decide for them. . "

Speaking of this, he again said: "The Yuqing Holy Fairy who was beheaded by you is actually a member of the Fu Family. The son of the Fu Family has always been inconsistent with the Father, and it is fine for you who beheaded him." He Looking at Li Xing, "Brother Li, how about staying here? In my cold garden this year, the area is vast and you can build a cultivation place."

Li Xingxin said: "This cold boy is bothering me. He has a contradiction with Fu Boy and can just let me do something for him. However, this is nothing, I am going to establish a foothold in the Sanqing world and leverage his relationship It's a trick. "

With this in mind, he arched his hand and said, "Thanks for looking down, and then bothering you. However, the Xuanyuan Gate below, please take care of it."

"Here you can rest assured, Father Fu is afraid to touch me." Han Gongzi saw Li Xing agreeing, feeling very good, and said, "You said that there is a friend in the holy realm, why not ask him to come with him?"

Li Xingdao: "He is the mysterious grandson of Ninja Tianzun.

Han Gong smiled, "Haha," and said, "Brother Li, in the future, you and my brother will be commensurate with each other. Just talk about anything, and don't need to go outside. If the people of Fu's family dare not be good for you, just kill the past. What are the consequences? I'll help you bear it. "

What Li Xing wanted was this sentence. He didn't want to cause trouble when he came to the Sanqing Great World, but if someone wants to deal with him, then he can't be soft-hearted, he will kill the other side and shed blood!

In this way, Li Xing got on the line of Han Gongzi, and returned to the lower bound that day, connecting Prince Ninja into it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Prince Qian Ren admired Li Xing's means very much. He made a friend of one of the four sons of Yuqing.

The Han son received Prince Qian Ren himself and treated him with courtesy. Later, Li Xing learned that the man-in-chief had a lot of visitors. In counting, he and Prince Qian Ren were one of his guests.

Under the door of Han Gongzi, there are three thousand visitors, all of whom are commensurate with their brothers. Among them, there are the first holy, middle holy, holy holy, and even three extremely holy. Of course, the stronger the strength, the higher the position among the guests.

Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren were relatively low-key. They chose a garden and went to practice there, so they wouldn't show up.

Few months in March, this day, a boy walked into the garden and yelled, "Han, please have two!"

Li Xing and Qian Ren both understood that sheltering in the door of Han Gongzi was not unpaid, and there were further studies to help him do something. Such as killing people, setting fire to fire, I am afraid to do it once every 30 minutes.

But there is no other way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. So both kept up with the boy and went to see Han Gong.


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