Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 848: Step on 3 times

Chapter 848: Step On Three Times

Chapter 848: Three Steps

The place where Han Gongzi meets the doormen every day is called the Ice Hall. In the Ice Hall, hundreds of people came from three thousand people. All of these hundreds of visitors were repaired by Shangjing Shengxian.

Shengxian in the lower realm can be said to be a relatively high-end existence, one hegemon, has a very high status. However, in Yuqingjing, the mainstream monks are holy immortals, and even the polar gods are nothing.

In Yuqingjing, everyone who can call the wind and rain has a very hard background. For example, the four sons of Yuqing, all of their fathers are the celestial beings who open up a world, so they can run side by side.

Of course, the four sons of Yuqing are not the only overlords in Yuqing. According to Li Xing's understanding in the past few months, all the Yuqing three immortals, the Yuqing six kings, the Yuqing twelve swords, etc. all have tough backstages.

In contrast, Han Gongzi is only one of the more famous characters, not an absolute strongman. It can be said that if you want to gain a foothold in Yuqing Realm, you basically have to fight for your father. Whoever has a dad who is powerful and has a strong backstage can walk sideways.

Of course, as Lao Tzu's Celestial Masters, it is easy not to shoot. Tianzun also has the magnificence of Tianzun. However, this is at least a kind of deterrence, making opponents extremely fearful.

Li Xing has been more arrogant since he became the true king, but at the moment he entered the Ice Hall, and he couldn't help feeling depressed. Looking at it all over the earth, all immortals are above him.

His meridian of the real person only got through to the forty-two, which was far from at least seventy-two for the true saint. Of course, once he becomes a true saint, there is absolutely an invincible existence among the saints, and it is not necessarily impossible to contend with the heavenly respect.

Prince Ninja's feeling is even more serious than Li Xing. He feels that his strength is definitely at the bottom of these people. Presumably, that Han Gongzi invited himself to come, mostly in Li Xing's face.

One of Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren is not even a holy place, and one is only a holy man. Moreover, the breath on the two of them is not like that of Sanqing World. Therefore, as soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of hundreds of Saints.

These holy immortals have their eyes higher than the top, and when they saw that Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren could also enter the Ice Hall, many people showed contempt.

"What? Little Zhongsheng, can you participate in today's events? And that person, even worse, is not even a saint!"

"Since the son asked them to come, it makes sense. I feel that the breath of that person is very strong, and it should belong to the physical and arrogant generation. Don't underestimate it."

"Huh! Unsanctified, and eventually an ant, how can he measure his physical power again? A garbage character!"

Many people talked directly and heard Prince Qian Ren frowning. He could n’t help but said to Li Xing: "Brother Li, some people are blind and do n’t know that you have beheaded even the most holy people, but you are not talking loudly here. I thought I was a great person. It's ridiculous to have a small vision, but I'm laughing at others here, it's ridiculous, ridiculous! "

That was the loudest talk, and Li Xing, who claimed that Li Xing was "garbage," stood up from his seat, suppressing Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren. Prince Ninja smiled coldly and did not move.

On the other hand, Li Xing released the true power silently, guarding the two, glaring at the Holy Saint, and said lightly: "A saint is nothing great, not a celestial being, nothing in my eyes."

This sentence is undoubtedly very arrogant, and the Holy Saint couldn't help laughing: "It's a big breath! Do you think you are the Celestial Master? The Celestial Master is invincible? Today I want to let you know what is the power of the saint!"

When this person spoke, he strode closer to Li Xing, and with each step, the coercion became stronger. Li Xing was able to resist his coercion. Although he was a little surprised, he was not worried. He had full confidence to kill Li Xing.

Seeing the other party "learn" himself, Li Xingsen smiled and greeted him. There were many visitors under the door of Han Gongzi, and no one thought of him. At this moment, he happened to stand up and improve his status.

Li Xing stepped out, and the coercion of the Holy Saint suddenly collapsed, and the monks in the whole hall felt that the heavens and the earth were spinning and standing unsteadily. There was a puppet under the holy body, and it almost fell to the ground.

Li Xing caught up and grabbed his neck with his left hand. The big hand stretched out, and under the radiance of Zhenli, the Saint was unable to operate a Saint at all, and was easily caught by Li Xing, and then his body was lifted lightly.

The surrounding saints, one by one, opened their eyes, what? The holy move was subdued?

Li Xing held this holy hand with his left hand, and asked coldly, "Where is the power of your saint?"

The Shangsheng felt great humiliation, and the whole face turned red, his mouth was speechless, speechless, and his complexion was blue.

"You think you're strong, you can bully me as a saint, don't you?" Li Xing showed a cold smile, raised his right palm, and slapped his hand as a slap. He slaps a sage in front of hundreds of saints!


Hitting people without beating his face, Li Xing's slap completely trampled on the other person's dignity. Here, the holy fury was mad, roaring, and his holy power was running wildly. He wanted to break free, but how could he escape Li Xing's palm?


It was another slap, and this slap was pulled down. In fact, the surrounding immortal was also trembling with heart. Finally, I understood why the son of Han invited this person. They really have such strength!

"You ..." Shang Sheng's eyes shot out, gritted his teeth and stared at Li Xing, "Let's die!"

"Don't die? Do you have this qualification?" Li Xing smiled, rolled his left palm, released the mixed Yuanding, "Booming" suppressed down, and began to refine on the spot.

"Ah ... the rules are beginning to fall apart, and the body is melting. What is going on? How dare you refine this saint? You are so brave and brave! Break the world boxing, break me!"

That Saint went crazy and hit it with all his strength. What is this mixed Yuanding tripod, formed by Li Xing's Mixed Yuan Avenue absorbing a large amount of dragon elephant power, where can he break open? There can only be bursts of misery.

"Brother Li has mercy on his men." At this time, Han Gongzi appeared in time, with a wry smile, and arched toward Li Xing.

Li Xing had expected that this person would appear, but he still had to give this long-seen saint some bitterness, and said lightly: "Brother Han, this man's temper needs to be ground. Refine his temper. "

Han Gong smiled "Hehe", "Brother Li, this man is a hot man, but he is upright and not so annoying."

Li Xing turned to Junyuan Ding and asked, "I let you out, do you remember to hate me?"

"Going out of this saint will surely make you a thousand swords!" The vicious voice of the saint came from Ding Zhong, and it seemed that he was afraid that he was afraid to kill him.

Han Gongchen's face sank, not knowing what to say. Li Xing smiled: "Brother Han, you heard it. What kind of stupid do you want to be?"

Suddenly, the mixed Yuan Ding suddenly burst into Guanghua, then shrank into Li Xing's palm and disappeared. He said lightly: "After three days, if he is still alive, I will spare him. He doesn't need to say more, I have my own actions. Rules, others can't control it. "

This move can be said to give very little face to Han Gongzi. In the eyes of Han Gongzi, there was a little anger, but he still put up and said, "Please Brother Brother to give me face." Then he made a sigh.

If the opponent uses strong, Li Xing will be tough to the end, but with such a low attitude, he can't hold it anymore. He shook his head and immediately waved his sleeves.

Suddenly the man jumped up again, pointing at Li Xing to scold. However, Li Xing suddenly kicked up, a huge phosgene, almost broke through the top of the temple, and then the true-shaped big foot fell from the sky, and was photographed fiercely.


At this moment, the saint was flattened, the flesh turned into **** mud, slowly wriggling, and finally recovered to its original shape.

Han Gongzi's face is even more ugly. This **** thing is really shameless. He is obviously not his opponent. Why is it hard? So he no longer speaks for him, just watching indifferently.

A saint can be reborn with blood, and he cannot easily die. So after the other party recovered his body, he jumped and scolded him again. This time, Li Xing stepped on again, and stepped him into meat again.

If again and again, when the person recovered his physical body for the third time, he would leave without saying a word, and escape the Ice Temple. The crow and sparrow in the temple were silent, and many holy immortals looked at Li Xing with strange eyes.

This person is too fierce and extremely powerful, I am afraid that the Holy Saint may not be able to suppress him! Among them, the expressions of the three sages who looked at Li Xing were somewhat daunting.

Li Xingfang showed the mixed Yuan Ding, which made them feel a great threat. Generally, after becoming a saint, it is difficult to be killed. It can be regenerated by dripping blood.

Even if an extremely saint, it is quite difficult to kill a first saint completely. It is often necessary to use some holy artifacts, and then slowly grind each other's cultivation after suppression to make it fall below the saint. Kill in one fell swoop.

But this person is good. I do n’t know what powerful method it is, and he can directly die and die. This is simply terrifying! It is a nightmare of a saint!

The holy ashes fled, and Han Gong couldn't help laughing, and said, "Brother Li, there is you!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "To deal with this kind of person ~ www.readwn.com ~ he will have to change him." Then he said, "Brother Han asked us to come, what is the command?"

Unconsciously, Li Xing has become the focus of all the posts, and the scenery of the three holy saints has been suppressed by him.

Han Gongzi glanced at the saints and said, "Today we are calling for you to announce a major event. Ten days later, Yuqing Tianzun has evolved the scenes of the Sanqing Great Tianzun and the exotic Great Tianzun. So we must fight! "

Li Xing jumped, Da Tianzun acted! This is indeed an extremely precious experience. You must go and listen to the Fa!

Han Gongzi said: "However, there are only three hundred people in this performance! Yuqing Tianzun promulgated the decree. Only some Tianzun and polar saints can participate in this performance. However, the entire Yuqingtian's heaven and polar situation There are only a hundred saints, so there are more than a hundred places left. "

"The more than one hundred places need to be competed by various forces. Whoever has the best strength will get more places, so this time, I will ask you to fight for as many places as possible!"


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