Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 849: 2 phase chess game

Chapter 849: Two Phase Chess Game

Chapter 849: Two Phase Chess Game

A very holy man stood up and said, "My son, this time, the performance is the same as it was three thousand years ago? The saints are sent by the major forces to determine the final quota?"

Han Gongzi nodded: "This should be the case, the immortals participating in the competition must not be more than the upper world immortal ... but there are more than one hundred places, and there are thousands of upper immortals in Yuqingjing. Competition must be fierce. "

Li Xingfeiyu, a local monk in Qingjing, didn't know much, and asked, "Why don't all monks listen to Tianzun, and you must name them to 300?"

Han Gongzi: "Tianzun's performance is not trivial. Most Shangjing immortals are unable to comprehend it. It is also a waste of opportunity. And when Tianzun talked about it, some of the immortals could not withstand the shock of deep truth and died of explosion. It has never happened. Therefore, if the immortals below the poles participate, it must be supervised by an expert to prevent them from exploding and hurting themselves. "

Li Xing was taken aback. The impact of a single reason can cause people to die. What kind of avenue is that? Da Tianzun really is extraordinary!

"So, the number of acting places has been 300 since ancient times. There are no more than 300 people. If there is an immortal in the middle of it, the deity of listening to the law can also help in time without hurting them." Han Gongzi He said, "So going to listen to the deities may be good or bad."

Having said that, Han Gongzi said to Li Xing, "Brother Li, you are very strong, but you are not in the realm after all. As for whether you want to listen to the deities of heaven, you still have to decide."

Li Xing was not afraid of this. His chaotic array is good at deducing change, and even the sage's comprehension cannot be compared with it. So he smiled slightly: "Why not miss this opportunity, count me as one."

Han Gongzi was very happy and said, "Okay, with Brother Li's shot, we can get another place."

In the entire Frost Hall, there are 17 sacred gods on the border, including Li Xing, and 18 people will participate in the competition for the quota of listening to the law. The father-in-law explained the process to the saints, and finally said: "This time, there are thousands of people in the major forces fighting. In the process, it is inevitable that some people will be in danger. Therefore, the son-in-law and the three polar saints will press the field. Keep everyone safe. This competition will be held in the Yuqing Palace, and there are still seven days left, and you are ready for it. At the same time, the brothers who are not involved in the competition, please sit in the Hanbing Palace to prevent foreign invasion . "

The crowd should respond, and then Han Gongzi ordered his own preparations. He asked Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren to say something else.

This is the place where Han Gongzi met Li Xing last time, a small pavilion in the bamboo garden. Li Xing and Han Gongzi sat face to face, while Prince Qian Ren stood behind Li Xing. In the heart of Prince Ninja, with Li Xing as his teacher, you must know that if he wants to cultivate the hybrid road, he must be taught by Li Xing.

"I did not expect that Li Xing's method was so high and strong that suppressing the sacred Yi is a slap in the palm. I see that sacred artifact is no small matter, I wonder if I can come up with a view?" Han Gongzi smiled slightly and made a request.

Li Xing smiled lightly: "It's not a magic weapon, but something condensed by the principles of the road, calling it a mixed Yuanding."

Han Gongzi was very curious and asked, "Hunyuan Ding? Hunyuan two words, why?"

For this cold boy, Li Xing doesn't think he is a person who can care for each other. Naturally, he won't show up together. He simply said that this is a kind of exercise method that can kill the enemy.

Even so, Han Gongzi was so surprised, he even said, "Brother Li's mixed Yuanding is really a saint fairy. As soon as he is caught, he will die sooner or later. It is awesome." When he praised, there was a flash of light in his heart. fear.

His son is also the Holy Fairy. If he enters the Yuanyuan Ding, would he not be condemned to death? Beware of everything that can pose a threat to himself. At this moment, he has a little dissatisfaction with Li Xing.

Just like two people, one of them holding a sharp knife can kill the other. Even if the person didn't do it, or he would never do it, the former still lived in unsteady heart.

However, Mr. Han hid this emotion in his heart and said with a smile, "Brother Li is extraordinary in his means, and he can certainly take this opportunity to listen to Tianzun's performance. However, strength is one thing, and realm is another."

Li Xing looked at each other: "Is Brother Han worried about my body exploding?"

Han Gong smiled "haha": "Brother Li naturally won't be so bad, but it's better to be careful." He stretched out his right palm with a chessboard in his palm.

On this chessboard, there are 19 lines of warp and weft, each giving a mysterious atmosphere. On top of that, the black and white characters are unpredictable, making people feel dizzy at first glance.

The Prince Ninja watched it for a moment, then "snapped", and then he felt that the sky was spinning, then his head sank, and he suddenly fell to the ground, his face stunned.

Li Xing's pupils shrank, and he quickly reached out and took a picture on his head, and drank, "You go back first!"

Prince Qian Ren, a spirit, turned back and showed a shocked expression, afraid to look at the chessboard again, arched his hand to Han Gongzi, and immediately retreated.

Li Xing's eyes did not leave the chessboard, and the chaotic array quickly deduced the mysterious changes. Looking at it, he said: "Brother, what's the origin of this thing?"

Han Gongzi was extremely shocked. He originally thought that as soon as the chessboard came out, Li Xing's spirit would be absorbed into it and controlled by the chessboard.

This cold boy, there is no good intention. In the Ice Palace before, Li Xing didn't give him much face, which made him unhappy. In addition, the mixed Yuan Ding on Li Xing is a threat to him, and if he cannot control it, he will not be at ease.

Upon hearing this, he was shocked and said lightly: "This is the" two-phase chess game ", but it was a magical instrument found by my father Han Bingtian while traveling abroad. According to research, this object belongs to the first few heavens and earth. Before the Great Destruction, the two heavenly enlightenments were enlightened. "

Li Xing was shocked, if Da Tianzun could not finally break, he would fall. After the death of Da Tianzun, all his strength will be transformed into the law of the avenue and integrated into the big world he created. For example, in the Dragon Elephant World, the power of Dragon Elephant is directly related to Dragon Elephant.

Under some special circumstances, the Great Heavenly Deity will condense itself into a magic weapon after the fall, such as this two-phase chess game. This type of instrument condensed by the celestial dharma is called a plane instrument.

Planar implements are also distinguished, including first-level plane implements, second-level plane implements, and third-level plane implements. Their grades are directly related to the planes they were born from.

Li Xing did not expect that this cold boy would have a plane weapon! Obviously, this instrument also belongs to the second-level plane instrument at least, because it is made by Da Tianzun.

"So it ’s true, Brother Han is so lucky, can I borrow this thing for a few days?" Li Xing kept his eyes on the chess game and seemed to be stuck in it, unable to extricate himself.

Han Gongzi supported the chessboard with both hands and saw that Li Xing was already in the game. He sneered in the heart and secretly sneered, "It's not my own power! This is a plane weapon, even my father can't fully understand it. This person actually wants to get through? Get lost and control for me! "

This idea cooled down, and once he lost the chessboard, there was a imaginary chessboard floating in front of Li Xing.

Han Gongzi laughed: "Brother Li wants to play, and he can't help it. That guy left first." He smiled slightly and turned to leave, leaving only the two-phase chess game and Li Xing.

The chaotic array in Li Xing's body has never run like crazy today. From the two-phase chess game, he saw a unique avenue rule, the two-phase rule! Such crazy calculations will consume a lot of energy.

Each piece of forged crystal was put into a chaotic array for deduction. In the two-phase chess game, the black and white sons are constantly changing, and their magical use is similar to the chaotic array, and has its unique features.

In Li Xing's eyes, he shot two rays of golden light, interweaving the principle of the avenue, shining on the two-phase chess game, and observing the subtle changes in it. At this moment, he was like a swordsman, seeing a peerless swordsman book, his inner joy was beyond description.

"Wonderful! Really wonderful!" Li Xing's mind suddenly thought of the previous life. Although the people in that life did not practice, they had a scientific and technological civilization. The emergence of computers has caused a technological revolution in the world in which he exists, greatly improving the degree of civilization of society.

The two-phase way contained in the two-phase chess game is very similar to the binary of computer civilization. The two phases represent the meanings of positive and negative, yin and yang, up and down, left and right, and so on.

This two-phase chess game is an extremely precise and huge transcendence calculator that can deduct and simulate all changes, and can perform countless trillions of calculations every moment.

In contrast, Li Xing's chaotic array is also inferior, and the deduction is extremely difficult.

The more you look at the chaos, the more stressful it becomes. Later, Li Xing shrouded a layer of chaos phosgene throughout his body, and consumed the crystals faster. In the chaotic array, a two-phase chess game was also simulated, with black and white characters inside, which intersect with each other and deduced the two phases.


In the chaotic array ~ www.readwn.com ~ lightning flashes and thunders, and a sudden earth-shaking change occurred. At the same time, all of the more than 50,000 forged crystals were thrown into the battle all at once.

With a muffled sound, Li Xing's real meridian broke through forty-two and reached forty-three. His strength soared and he took another small step toward the true pilgrimage.

At the same time, Li Xing felt that there was a mysterious connection between him and the two-phase chess game. It seems that this plane weapon has been sacrificed by him! As soon as this induction was established, one of the planes in the Sanqing Great World suddenly opened his eyes.

The deity, a middle-aged man, looked pale and cold, his eyes froze, and he said to himself, "Is the two-phase chess game being sacrificed?" Caught in front.

This arrested man was Han Gongzi, who was discussing matters with others, and was suddenly caught by his father. He couldn't help wondering, "Master, what's the matter?"

This middle-aged man is Hanbing Tianzun. He screamed, "Where is the chess game?"


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