Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 850: Small breakthrough

Chapter 850: A Small Breakthrough

Chapter 850: Small Breakthrough

Han Gongzi was asked with such a drink, he stayed for a while, and said, "The child sent him to a person to enlighten him, and wanted to ban him with a chess game. Father, what happened?"

Frozen Tianzhuang said angrily: "Miscellaneous! The two-phase chess game is so precious, how can you easily show people? That person has already realized the second-phase road, the way of deduction is so upset, even the father does not know where he is ..."

"He was in the child's bamboo garden, and his father rushed to regain the second chess game!" Han Gongzi was startled, and called quickly, for fear that Li Xing would steal the chess game.

Frozen Tianzun was silent, and seemed to be trying to figure out what he wanted. For a long time, he "snapped" and said: "This man can't stand it. For his father's calculations, if he is not good for him, there will be great danger in the future. Can this person become Heaven? "

Han Gongzi was so frightened that he became a Celestial Master? He was about to talk about Li Xing's mixed Yuan Ding and easily suppressing the Holy Saint, one by one.

Frost Tianzun nodded: "No wonder, this child's fate is strange, as if he has been blinded by the heavens, and cannot be calculated at all. He must have a great secret. And don't move him first, and observe it for a period of time. "

"Father, what about the two-phase chess game? Are you going back?" Han Gongzi asked.

"The chess game has already been telepathic with him, and the avenue resonates with you. It is useless to go past. Put him in the first place, not afraid that he will run away." Hanbing Tianzun said, "You said that he is a person in the heavens. Go to the heavens and learn the laws of heaven.

Han Gong was ordered, his body disappeared, and he appeared again in the next moment. He hurried toward the Bamboo Garden, and when he arrived, he saw Li Xing suspended above his head, sitting cross-legged, and the whole man was shrouded in chaos and impossibility to observe.

"Brother Li?" Although he knew this, he was still furious. He pressed his heart and called out.

Li Xing opened his eyes, and the two rays flew as if they were substantive rays. They were cut to pieces and smashed in the void, and astonished in the heart of Han Gong's heart, he almost shot.

"Brother Han is here." Li Xing smiled slightly. "This two-phase chess game is really a good thing. It is indeed a magic weapon for Datianzun."

Mr. Han laughed dryly: "Since it is useful, Brother Li may wish to learn more for a while, but it is a waste to stay with me anyway."

Great opportunity, where would Li Xing be polite with him, arching his hand: "Thank you for your congratulations." But my heart said, "This person has a bad attitude towards me. I obviously wanted to trap me with this thing and control me, but I became a good person. What am I polite to you? "

When he thought about it, the two-phase chess game was directly absorbed into the eyebrows, entered the Tao, and turned into a chaotic array. Suddenly, Li Xing had a contented joy.

Han Gongzi had a pain in his body, and a plane weapon was just so free, and his heart was bleeding. However, he still had to put up with a smile, saying, "Brother Li really has a good way. Even this family of instruments can't even enlighten his father."

"Rewarded." Li Xing did not talk nonsense with him, and arched his hand. "I have to prepare for a few days later, and I will leave."

"No." Han Gong quickly arched his hands and watched Li Xing leave.

At the place of cultivation, Prince Qian Ren welcomed him. He noticed that the temperament of Li Xing had changed, which seemed even more mysterious, and said, "Is Brother Li broke through?"

Li Xing nodded, and said, "Brother Qian Ni, use your world to adjust your time and help me refine one thing."

Prince Nobunaga nodded. His practice is similar to the way of heaven and heaven, and he has to open up a world. Of course, the world opened up below Tianzun cannot be separated from the laws of heaven and earth.

Prince Chinen is practicing the laws of the territories and opening up a small world. In this small world, the laws of the territories are not perfect. Once perfected, Prince Ninja will reach the upper sage.

When the law of the small world reaches its peak, and there is a wonderful mellow escape, able to play a new way with one life and two, then it is considered to be a saint in the extreme.

After hearing the words, Qian Ren nodded and rolled a large sleeve, so he invited Li Xing into his own small world.

Li Xing was on a plain, and there were no boundless creatures, no one came to disturb him. This is not to say that there is no life in Prince Chien Ren's small world, but they are all moved by Prince Chien Ren to avoid interfering with Li Xing's cultivation.

As soon as he sat down, Li Xing immediately began to refine the two-phase chess game.

"Dare to count me, then use this two-phase chess game as compensation!" Li Xing sneered and began to fully refine.

The chaotic array was repeatedly deduced, and the two-phase chess game was filled with ups and downs, manifesting various mysteries. The computing power of the two-phase chess game is higher than that of the chaotic array. At this moment, the two are constantly merging.

Of course, this process is more complicated. The process of fusion is the process of chaotic imitation. In the end, it will have all the attributes of the two-phase chess game, which is more powerful than it.

Due to the lack of natural crystals on his body, Li Xing's practice was time consuming. He had been living for three hundred years.

Three hundred years later, the two-phase chess game finally exploded and completely melted into Li Xing's chaotic array. Suddenly, Li Xing's eyebrows were further advanced due to the quality of the chaotic array.

This also made Li Xing's real human meridians open up again and entered the 44th real human meridian.

The deeper he comprehends the avenue, the deeper the true power and the stronger the power, so as to open up more real human meridians and improve continuously. Nowadays, the factor that restricts his cultivation is the avenue, so every time his path is improved, the cultivation is also improved.

The two-phase law, which originated from the once-diminished two-phase world, also left a mark on the law in Li Xing's Tao in the process.

Suddenly, Li Xing's chaotic array evolved again, opened his eyes, looked at the golden light, and shot at the small world of Prince Ninja. Suddenly, Prince Chinen had a feeling of being wiped out and called out, "Brother Li, what are you doing?"

But he closed his mouth immediately, because he felt that Li Xing's gaze was everywhere, and the laws of the territories in his body gradually reached perfection.


As if the world is turning upside down, the small world is changing day by day. In the end, Prince Thousand Ninjas feels like something is broken and there is an unprecedented satisfaction, which is a feeling of completeness.

"I broke through!" He was ecstatic and "haha" laughed.

Using the chaotic array, Li Xing deduced the changes in the laws of his world, at this time, he said, "I ca n’t help you with the sacred understanding. It is up to you to realize it by yourself."

After all, he fluttered, walked out of the small world, and went to Prince Qian Ren. Prince Chinen stunned deeply: "Thank you, Brother Li!"

Today, however, he has obtained great benefits, and he has cultivated himself directly from the midst of the state to the upper state. Originally, he wanted to take this step, it would take a very long time, and it would never be completed without hundreds or thousands of years.

But Li Xing should break through with him in an instant, this is a kindness.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Now you are also a saint in the upper world. Then you will join in the scramble with me and go to Yuqing Tianzun to listen to the Fa."

Prince Ninja shook his head: "Just broke through, you must cultivate as soon as possible, and tired to go to Brother Li's small world to practice for a while."

Li Xingdao: "It's okay." The next time he beckoned, the Prince Ninja was put into Baiyang Jingtian.

This practice took four or five days. Once he came out, the time to participate in the competition for places was almost the same. Not long after, Han Gong came to invite, and brought eighteen monks such as Li Xing and three holy monks to the place of competition, Yuqing Temple of Heaven.

The Yuqing Temple of Heaven is a place where the saints of Yuqing Realm sacrificed to the Sanqing Great Celestial Master. Of course, what they sacrificed was the first Sanqing Emperor. The Sanqing Great World belongs to the first-level plane. The first Sanqing Great Celestial Master has died out after experiencing several times of world destruction.

Around the Temple of Heaven in Yuqing, there were already people full of people. Looking at the past, there was a black sage. And in the void above, there are hidden one after another, they also come to listen to the Fa.

San Qing Da Tian Zun and Exotic Tian Zun talked about something wonderful in the meantime. Di Tian Zun's help was great, and they would never miss such an opportunity. Of course, the Celestial Masters will not be manifested. It is not yet time to perform, just the juniors are vying for places.

"At the time of the competition, the elimination system will be implemented, and one round will sweep away half of it. You must be careful, you will not have a chance to lose once." Han Gongzi said. He is a sage in the extreme, and he is qualified to listen to the Fa and will not participate in it, but he hopes that his threshold can get such an opportunity, so he reminds him carefully.

Such a scramble for places, I don't know how many times, the monks in Yuqingjing were accustomed to and fully prepared, so it soon began.

Quotas for Li Xing and others have been collected long ago. A polar saint stood on top of the Temple of Heaven. This man's eyes were steady and his pace was slow. Li Xing glanced at him before seeing that the other was a turtle sanctified existence, and could not help laughing.

"Old man, in the order of the Supreme Master Yuqing, preside over this meeting ..." He talked ~ www.readwn.com ~ and jumped out word by word, slow, seeing that Li Xing was impatient, but no one could say what.

The names are read out one by one, and they are eliminated one-on-one. Only those who win will be eligible to enter the next round.

After talking for two hours, the tortoise Shengxian finished reading the name, and then released a glory. Above that Guanghua, a flash of 1,480 personal names flashed, and then Li Xing felt that his Qi machine was being pulled, and he was pulled into Guanghua involuntarily.

This Guanghua is actually a plane tool. Although it is only a three-level plane tool, it is still powerful!

In the glory, divided into one small space after another, Li Xing and another Shangjing Shengxian were sealed in one of the small spaces. The Holy Fairy opposite was a woman with a beautiful face.

There are no ugly women who can be sanctified. When she saw Li Xing, she stayed for a while, then pouted a smile, and said, "You are not even the immortal. What are you doing here?"

Li Xing stared at the other party and said, "Hit a woman." Suddenly he moved and punched out.


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