Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 851: 49th live meridian!

Chapter 851: Chapter ninety-nine Yang Xiejun The forty-ninth real meridian!

Chapter 851: Forty-ninth Live Meridians!

Now is not the time to be fragrant and cherish the jade, Li Xing must make a quick decision and defeat his opponents in order to get a chance to listen to Tianzun's performance. With one punch, the sky was falling apart and the power was unmatched. The female Shengjiao shouted and was blown away by Li Xing, and blasted out of the small space directly.

Poor before she had time to make a shot, she was convicted and was invited to a small space. In the meantime, she had only one time to scold: "Aunt Grandma can't spare you!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey" and stood still, waiting for the result. After a while, the small space fluctuated and merged with another small space. Of course, the Shengxian in another small space also confronted Li Xing. This is the second test.

It can be said that this plane tool is very delicate, and it is more convenient for comparison. The test can be completed without leaving the house, which is extremely efficient.

This time, Li Xing was still blown out, and the result is conceivable. It was difficult for Shangjing Shengxian to take his full blow and be blown out again. If so, after Li Xing won five games in a row, there is only one game left.

The last contest began. When the two small spaces merged, Li Xing saw a man. This man, with a sharp will to kill the whole body, is extremely overbearing.

Suddenly, Li Xing saw that the other party was a knife expert and a sword master!

In the world's cultivation, some people use weapons to enlighten, such as kendo, sword, gun, and so on. Sword, Emperor of a hundred soldiers; Gun, thief of a hundred soldiers; sword, king of a hundred soldiers.

All three types of weapons can enter the Tao, and once entering the Tao, their strength overwhelms their peers, killing the enemy retrogradely, and all are peerless figures. Among the immortals, those who enlighten with swords are called sword saints; those who enlighten with swords are called saints.

Regardless of Sword Saint, Sword Saint, are extremely dangerous characters, and can even kill the saints of the extreme.

The opponent's gaze, domineering and sharp, is like a peerless sword that cuts down from the sky, making people's spirits fly away. However, Li Xing didn't change his mind, stared at the other side, and praised: "Good spirit!"

Sword Saint: "Shoot." There is no unnecessary words, only boundless warfare, this is the Sword Saint.

Li Xing said with a smile: "I have no weapon with me, and I will fight you with my bare hands today." He had no sword or sword in his heart. He wants to show the sword path, he is the sword master; he wants to show the sword path, the sword is the sword master, everything is just a means.

"The arrogance will pay the price." Dao Shengran said, suddenly shot, a ray of knife light. It seemed as if the heavens and the earth were cut apart, the turbidity was separated, the light and darkness were cut, and it appeared like that. It has no speed, because the swordman is in this place; it has no shape, because the whole world is swordman, a sharp piece.

Covered by hundreds of millions of swords, Li Xing only waved his golden fist, inspired by the supreme power, and shocked this peerless sword with his flesh and blood. On the occasion of the boxing, he also revealed an overbearing and overwhelming trend. This is Li Xing's fist intention!

Either boxing or sword will be manifestations of martial arts will. The two wills of martial arts collided together, bursting out the most brilliant sparks.

With a sound, Daoguang converged, and the young man stood silently, staring at Li Xing. Li Xing stood up with his hand, and said lightly, "Your sword and flaws can be repaired according to my method, which can be perfected."

It turned out that Li Xingfang's blow not only suppressed the sword sage, but also pointed out the shortcomings in his sword intention and manifested it in the fist intention. These means make Daosheng admire very much.

Dao Sheng was stunned for a long time, and said, "Thank you for your guidance, Gu Hong will be a good report in the future."

Having said that, Dao Sheng Gu Hong automatically withdrew from the small space, and naturally, Li Xing won the game.

After six innings, all quotas have been decided, for a total of 148 people. Then Li Xing and other 148 people were sent out of the plane and returned to the Temple of Heaven.

When they came out, they found that all the monks near the Temple of Heaven were of the most holy level, and the following monks had retreated. Even closer to the Temple of Heaven, dozens of nihilistic figures appeared, and each of them was extremely powerful, making Li Xing afraid.

Mr. Han went to Li Xing's side and whispered, "You have been in the room for a few days. Now the performance is about to begin. Sit down and don't talk."

Li Xing looked around and found that everyone was sitting down and staring at the Temple of Heaven quietly, even those powerful figures.

A seemingly false person, looking young and old, with a calm expression. He was wearing a bright yellow robe, a jade crown on his head, fluttering large sleeves, and immortal wind bones. This man was Yuqing Tianzun.

Yuqing Tianzun smiled slightly to everyone, and said, "Today is the day of acting again, please." Without any extra words, the acting began directly.

Above the Temple of Heaven, a light and shadow were suddenly cast to form an image. The environment on the image is a vast universe, with giant stars floating in the air, emitting light and heat.

Of these superstars, Li Xing has never seen each one, and each one is huge and countless times larger than the dragon elephant world. Although far away, it still brings fierce power.

"What are these stars? How can they be so powerful? It should not be the scene of this era, but the world of which era is unknown before the Great Destruction." Li Xing made a judgment.

In a giant star, there are two characters who are hundreds of times taller than the giant star. They are standing in the void, looking down at the sky. One person, there are three magical halos behind him, and the Sanqing rule is the Sanqing Great Celestial Master.

The other, wearing a beast leather shirt, was full of the breath of famine, but the great famine of the famine.

There was no sound in the video, but everyone seemed to hear the conversation between the two great gods.

Sanqing Datianzun: "The evolution of the three and three, there is the magic of good fortune; the return to one after ninety-nine is the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

Hongzhuang Datianzun: "Just as if you are powerless, the broken void is 90,000 heavy!"

In simple words, it contains the Supreme Word, and suddenly the will of a great lord, slams down with profound truth. There are two kinds of Taoism, one belongs to the Sanqing Immortal Road that evolved from three to three, and the other one belongs to the flood-strengthening road that strengthens the body.

There were screams and screams at the scene, and sure enough, many Shangjing saints spurted blood on the spot and passed out. Someone even exploded and was about to explode, but was suppressed by Tianzun to avoid disaster.

Li Xing's feeling was the strongest, only that the whole chaotic array seemed to explode all at once. Then run crazy and calculate the truth.

The image of Da Tianzun's prestige released by the image is very strange. In the end, most of them actually converged towards Li Xing and plunged into a chaotic array.

Thanks to his absorption of the two-phase chessboard, his deduction ability has been greatly improved, otherwise he must explode and die. Even so, Li Xing was very strenuous, his skin cracked and his blood shot.

Seeing this scene, Han Gongzi was extremely surprised, and cried out in his heart, "Did he dare to absorb so much of the release of Da Tianzun, he doesn't want to live?"

Fortunately, the Celestial Masters fully realized that as long as Li Xing did not make a big noise, they would ignore him.

Since entering the Sanqing Great World, Li Xing has been comprehending the laws of the Sanqing Great World, but has not been successful. At this moment, he was blessed by the will of Sanqing Datianzun, and he made a breakthrough immediately.

As if a layer of puppet was broken, among the Li Xing's Taoist principles, the San Qing Law was finally fulfilled, leaving the imprint of the San Qing Law. Suddenly, the Taoism was much more powerful, and the quality of Zhenli was instantly improved, and the three real human meridians were successively opened up to one forty!

At the same time that the real human meridian was opened, Li Xing's doctrine of the great famine was also learned. The reckoning method left by the two-phase Datianzun is unparalleled in the world. After merging with Li Xing's chaotic array, he can deduct everything, all kinds of mysteries, and bring great benefits to Li Xing.

"The word Honghuang has the true meaning of being superb in form and spirit. In the form of God hiding, it is in the form of God ..." These words emerged in his mind, and they immediately condensed the imprint of the rules of Honghuang, deep in the Tao.

Suddenly, Zhenli condensed again, and opened up the four real human meridians in one fell swoop to the 49th. Li Xing felt that his strength had nearly doubled in a short period of time, and he was secretly happy.

What's even better is that his Da Luo Zhenshen, also supplemented by the flood and truth, finally broke through the tenth weight and suddenly entered the eleventh weight. Da Luo Zhenshen, each ascension, is a profound change that is turned upside down. It is a qualitative change.

A terrible flood of breath was radiated from Li Xing's body, but it was emitted less than three inches away, and all were sucked into him. Suddenly, the Great Tianzun on the image suddenly disappeared, and then the Sanqing Great Tianzun also disappeared.

"What? Did anyone realize it so quickly?" A demon exclaimed.

It turned out that the brand of truth left by Sanqing Datianzun disappeared once he found his destination. The disappearance of the image shows that the people present are aware of the supreme truth of the Supreme Emperor Honghuang, who will it be?

A series of arrogant divine thoughts, searching around, but none found Li Xing. Because at the moment of comprehension, Li Xing extremely converged, and imitated Xianjia Xiu with a chaotic array.

At this moment, he is a saint on the top, no different from those in the Sanqing Great World. This is the benefit of comprehending the Sanqing rule, and it can hide you well.

Tianzun search no fruit ~ www.readwn.com ~ are all wondering, don't you realize it, but Da Tianzun received the image in advance?

At this point, the long and short acting was over, Li Xing was in the crowd, and everyone left like nothing. This time, he got a huge benefit, not to mention the soaring strength, but also to complete the Tao.

His future practice is to complete the kind of Taoism, thereby improving the quality of true power, opening up more real meridians, and impacting the true saint. Of course, at the same time, you must practice the Fa until you enter it.

Basically, when Li Xing became a true sage, he became a Taoist and became a master of Taoist and Daojun series.

Leaving the Temple of Heaven in Yuqing, Li Xing suddenly disappeared, and quietly returned to the Tieshumen of the Nether, and saw Xiaoyu go. When his talent arrived, his face suddenly showed anger. It wasn't that something happened to Tieshumen. What made him angry was in the distant dragon elephant world.

At the same time, a group of uninvited guests came from the Dragon Elephant World. They were six angels of the most holy series. Three are from the light world, and three are from the dark world. After so long, the people in the chaotic world have finally moved.


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