Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 852: Something wrong with the dragon

Chapter 852: The Dragon Elephant Has Something

852 Dragon Elephant

The eight-pole boy responded extremely quickly. When he sensed that a master in the chaotic world had come down, he immediately summoned all the Yuanyuan congregations, put it into the whole, and protected it. There are eight fierce battles in the heavens and the earth, and the eight-pole tower is basically afraid of the attacks of the holy level.

Moreover, as soon as Li Xing had gone through the years, a large number of peerless masters emerged from mixed Yuanjiao. For example, the seven young Jinwu adopted by Li Xing, the latecomers took the lead, and they have recently made breakthroughs, one by one, entering the ranks of the First Saint, which is shocking.

The Jinwu tribe belongs to the ancient times. The first-class spirit beasts have noble blood. In addition, Li Xing has provided them with good cultivation conditions, so in this strength, they will not be able to catch up with others.

In addition, Wutong and Minmin also have long faces of Li Xing, followed by them, successively breaking through to the first sacred realm. In addition, the memory of Minmin's previous life was completely awakened. She was a polar saint in a certain plane. Because she offended her opponent very much, she escaped from Yuan Shen and tried to infuse the dragon world.

It won't take long for Minmin to be stable and able to resume the cultivation at the most holy level. Moreover, Wutong is also a character born in heaven and earth, and his future achievements may not be under Minmin.

At this moment, the mixed Yuanjiao had nine first saints, and its strength soared. Not to mention a group of masters such as Mayer, it can be said that the combat effectiveness is still relatively strong.

However, the eight-pole boy obeyed Li Xing's orders and put everyone away.

At this moment, six wise angels in the sacred realm, three from the world of light, and three from the world of darkness, surrounded the eight pole towers. The eight-pole tower shot a ray of light, showing the image of Jun Qianheng.

Jun Qianheng yelled, "Do you come to the door for no reason, do you explain why?"

A wise angel of the big dark world grinned cruelly: "The truth? Strength is the truth! Let's go through the starry sky, after passing through countless planes, entering the dragon elephant world is to destroy the mixed Yuan religion!"

Another wise angel of the bright world said ruthlessly: "You are bold and blasphemy, and do not forgive!"

Jun Qianheng laughed and laughed: "It's a joke! It's obviously your invasion of the dragon elephant world, what blasphemy, why do you say these shit! What light, what darkness, all dogs in Laozi's eyes Shit, hit and hit, **** your mother! "

The six wise angels vomited blood with anger. How could anyone dare to abuse them in the chaotic world? The six Supreme Masters gave a loud sigh and shot at the same time. Among them, a wise angel in the Bright World is holding a scepter, and the scepter releases a terrifying power.

A wave of bright power directly reversed the terrestrial rules of the Dragon Elephant World, locked the eight-pole tower, and could not even fight against the eight fierce battlefields.

"Not good! This magic weapon is very powerful, but it can't be beaten!" Baji kid screamed, and quickly turned to defend, guarding the world with eight fierce battles.

In the distance, many dragon monks have different views on the monks.

"Someone attacked the mixed Yuanjiao, what's the origin?"

"Don't you see how terrible the breath is on them? All come from the chaotic world, a legendary extremely powerful world!"

"Here is the teaching of Heiyuan, why can't he see the emperor of Heiyuan? Are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid it might not be the case. The Emperor Yuanyuan hasn't shown up for a long time. Maybe he has left the Dragon Elephant World and went out for a trip. However, the Yuanyuan religion has suffered so much. Should he return?"


With a bright force, the eight-pole boy was extremely depressed, and he could not fight back. The seven little Jinwus couldn't stand it anymore. If they didn't know the height and height of the sky, they would rush out and desperately be stopped by Chen Xue and others.

Jian Xingtiandao said: "The leader said that if we meet a strong enemy, we will all leave through the teleportation circle. Presumably, the leader will return soon."

Murong Jiaojiao worriedly said: "Even if the leader returns, he may not be able to fight against them. That weapon is too powerful, and we can't resist it at all."

At this moment, Li Xing was anxious, and he had to start the teleportation circle to go to the dragon elephant world to deal with the powerful enemy. Just now, the letter Yufu on him was broken. This jade symbol, no matter how many planes are separated, has a trace of air-machine connection.

A broken jade symbol indicates that something has happened to the dragon elephant world. As for the specific situation, he is not clear, so he must rush back to deal with it as soon as possible.

"Oops! The physical spar was exhausted. Where can I find it?" Li Xing shouted in his heart. He hurried to Xiaoyu and asked, "You know, where is the natural spar?"

Xiao Biao blinked: "In Qiongzhou, west of Leizhou, there is a broken crystal. However, the crystal mine belongs to a large force, and there are three extremely holy people sitting in the town. Moreover, the extremely holy background is said to be a deity."

Li Xing was ruthless in his heart, and said, "You take good care of the teleportation team and wait for me to come back." He couldn't say more. As soon as he was in shape, he hurried to the west.

After mastering the rules of Sanqing, his martial arts were extremely fast, and he crossed Leizhou and arrived in Qiongzhou in a moment. Immediately after the opening of Fa Nian, Shen Nian swept the entire Qiongzhou, and soon found the mineral crystal ore.

However, he swaggered the city like this, naturally shocked Qiongzhou's three sages, three arrogant thoughts, locked him at once, a majestic voice shouted: "You are so rude!"

Li Xing hummed and said, "Come here to borrow some forged spar!"

At this time, there is no way to reason, he must get the forged spar as soon as possible, then start the teleportation circle, and return to the dragon elephant world. Suffice it to say that you can only use rob.

After hearing the words, the three extremely holy and extremely angry smiled, and one extremely holy said: "You have eaten the spirit of God, dare to make trouble here, take him down!"

A sword of light, tens of millions of miles apart, came to kill. The sword light contains the laws of the world, so that Li Xing can see that the other party is a sword repairer!

In the face of the sacred blow, Li Xing's strength soared shortly without fear. He yelled, the true shape of the big hand ignored everything, and directly attacked the past. Da Luo's real body is eleven heavy, which makes his true body form overbearing.

That sharp sword light can cut through the sky, but under the giant palm of one hand, it breaks and disappears. The big hand is magnificent, breaking through a lot of space, and then pointing to one of them.

Li Xing's finger was hidden. His lifeless blow, with the improvement of his strength, his lethality has continued to increase. At this moment, it can completely hurt the essence of a sage.


Faced with a finger of inanimateness, the ultimate saint is unavoidable at all, yelling, three extreme saints shot at the same time, each issuing a sword light, a pen light, and a gunman, but they are three extreme holy weapons .

For a moment of confrontation, Li Xing took a real hand and Shen said: "I am afraid that the three of them will not be able to stop me, but they will borrow some forged crystals and return them in the future."

Without strength, there is no dignity. Li Xing has such arrogance. Although the Three Extreme Saints are annoyed, they dare not underestimate him. One of them said in a deep voice: "How much fortune spar does this Taoist need?"

"Twenty thousand, bother to borrow, and double pay back in the future." Li Xing is not a robber, but he also understands the reason for borrowing and repaying, but suddenly, he had to use extraordinary means to give first and then pay courtesy.

Upon hearing that, the sacred one felt that Li Xing didn't seem to be trying to rob him, and said, "This man is arrogant. He is still above me and it is not a bad thing to use 100,000 forged spar to make friends with him."

With this in mind, this Holy Word: "Taoist, I don't know what you are from, please speak up."

Li Xing was in front of the three sages in one step, and arched, "Lia Xing is from heaven."

"What? Your Excellency is from heaven, fortunately!"

Upon hearing of Li Xing ’s identity, the three sages respected each other, which made Li Xing doubtful, thinking: “It seems that the heaven is a sacred place in the hearts of the monks in all major planes. Could it be said that I have been there before? Is n’t the real heavenly core at all? ”

This thought flashed, and the Holy Fairy said: "Although there are more than 200,000 chemical crystals, I can still get them. Taoist urgently use them, just take them." After that, he directly delivered 200,000 chemical crystals. Li Xing looks very generous.

Li Xing suddenly felt fond of it, and arched his hand: "Thank you, there is an urgent matter coming down, goodbye!" Said, without waiting for the three to respond, the body broke away.

"Are all people in the heavens so arrogant? I don't think his realm is as good as the holy realm. How can there be such a combat power?" Said a very holy man, surprised.

"Heaven belongs to the poles of heaven and earth. It has always been the place where eternal characters were born. Just to say that the former Great Heavenly Deity, 78 out of ten heavenly gods came out. That world of heaven has also been born, I am afraid there will be more heavenly gods."

"This Li Xing may be a personal thing, and 200,000 spar is worth him."

Li Xing took the spar. It didn't take long before and after. He immediately rushed to the teleportation array to directly burn a large amount of natural crystals, opened it, and teleported to the dragon elephant world.

However, it is said that the dragon elephant world, the eight-pole tower was blocked in the air, unable to move, and even the eight fierce battles of the day could not compete with it. The immense power of light has condensed into countless bright weapons, and constantly hanged the octopus tower, making the octopus boy extremely depressed.

"If the master doesn't come back, he won't be able to confess the place today." The eight-pole boy hated him a lot, and Li Xing asked him to protect the mixed Yuanjiao. I'm afraid he would be remiss.

"Huh! Stupid! This is the third-level plane weapon ~ www.readwn.com ~ a heavenly refiner of the bright world, how can you resist? Quickly surrender, tell the damn, kill the wise angel sinner Lest you die! "

"Well! Avoid your mother!" Li Xuanbai scolded.

The Angel of Wisdom was furious, and he urged the plane implements with all his strength, and yelled, "Look for death!"

"Click! Click!‘

In the void, a **** of light descends, and he constantly wields various weapons to attack the eight pole tower. Looking at it, obvious cracks appeared on the octopus tower.

People in the tower have also been assisting in resistance, and have been shocked, and many of them have been weakened and exploded directly. Below the border, most were seriously injured and a few died.

Some characters in the state of affairs were also shocked, their mouths spit with blood, and their looks changed drastically.

"Stop it for me! Persist to the end!" Jun Qianheng knew that the matter was really big, and roared, the first one launched a ruthless and full support.


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