Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 853: 8-pole evolution. 2-phase loop

Chapter 853: Eight-pole Evolution.

Chapter 853: Eight-pole Evolution.

At this critical juncture, in the gossip world, the teleportation circle finally brightened up, showing a glorious light, and a powerful figure emerged from it. . .

"The Emperor is back!" The monk screaming at the scene nearby, surprised.

Li Xing did return. As soon as he returned, he felt that the entire octopus tower had been suppressed and attacked by terrorist forces and was on the verge of destruction. At this moment, his heart burst into anger, and with a scream, the whole body suddenly disappeared.

The Eight-pole Tower has long been sacrifice by Li Xing. Facing the plane tools, Li Xing knows that he is very powerful, so he displays the highest "integration of human and artifacts" and instantly merges with the Eight-pole Tower. Suddenly, the entire octopus tower was full of light. Li Xing, with his energy and true strength, blessed the octopus tower.

The chaotic bursts of frenzied movements made the realm of the Eight-pole Tower go straight up. The two-phase avenue and gossip avenue complement each other. Under the deduction of the chaotic array, they finally realize the ultimate mystery of gossip.

The essence of gossip is that it is divided into two, divided into yin and yang, two in one life, two in four, eight in four, endless, infinitely divided, and the pursuit of the ultimate Tao.

After a moment, the eight-pole boy yelled excitedly and cried, "I've got it! I've got it! Eighty-eight return to the truth, the two phases are infinite!"


Li Xing immediately put 100,000 forged crystals into the eight-pole tower for his cultivation. Suddenly, the eight-hundred-and-sixth-order Xuan step was congenitally forbidden, two and two blended together, eight changed into four, four changed into two, and two changed into one.

In the end, the 84 bans became two innate bans. The quality of this law prohibition is beyond the mysterious level. Among the ten thousand methods, the ultimate law is sought, which is called Taoism.

In an instant of one billionth, the eight-pole tower was completely transformed, and actually broke away from the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth, reversed the rules, and opened up the two-phase boundary. In other words, the eight-pole boy inherited the Tao of the two-phase Great Celestial Master. At this moment, he also entered the first stage of the heaven and opened up his own two-phase world!

At the same time, Li Xing felt extremely weak and reunited his true form in the two-phase boundary. Only then did he help the eight-pole tower to break through, and the consumption was serious and almost collapsed.

However, at the moment, the eight-pole tower was alive and living. The tower shook, and two black and white Qimang shook out. The bright gods exploded in the sky. At the same time, the tower slumped around, cracking down on a bright pole saint.

At this moment, the Eight-pole Tower has already come to understand the principle not restricted by the laws of heaven and earth. Although this two-phase road was not created by him, it does not affect the fact that he has entered the state of heaven.

The same plane weapon, obviously, the eight-pole tower is more fierce, fierce one town, he gave the bright scepter to Zhen Fei, and then spread the sky, all six pole holy, countdown to suppress the tower.

The eight-pole boy was also extremely hated, and shouted, "All are dead!"

"Kacha!" Void produced electricity, and the six deities were all killed, none of them survived. Immediately, the octopus tower fired two brilliance and locked the bright scepter.

However, after all, it belongs to the plane weapon, and the scepter shook violently. It still broke through the blockade, broke through, and failed to leave it.

Since Li Xingzheng was weak, he felt that the rules after the eight-pole boy shattered the six sages continued to be instilled. He quickly took out the Yuanyuan Ding, refined the deduction, the law of absorption.

The Great World of Light and the Great World of Darkness have light and dark laws, respectively. Li Xing had contact with the law of light. At that time, he practiced the great light spell, which originated from the law of light.

The six sages are not trivial, they contain a huge amount of law power, and they all belong to the law of perfection.

After 7749 days, Li Xing completely absorbed two articles, leaving the marks of the law of light and the law of darkness in the Taoism. This time, Daozhong took a step towards success, and the quality of Zenith began to improve.

"Ka-cha! Ka-cha!" Live meridians were opened one after another, and continued to expand until the 55th live meridian was opened.

At fifty-five times, the true king of the real human meridian has immense power. Li Xing feels that the combat effectiveness has increased at least three times, and he is glad. What pleases him most is the upgrade of the eight-pole tower, becoming a plane weapon!

It can be said that now that he is facing the eight-pole tower, he is not the other party, and he can be suppressed easily. In fact, the eight-pole tower can be so smoothly upgraded, first, relying on Li Xing's chaotic array.

His chaotic array absorbed the two-phase chess game. The two-phase chess game was originally a plane weapon, and it is now used to raise the eight pole tower.

The second is the gossip method practiced by the Eight-pole Tower, which is the same as the two-phase method, and has the same reasoning. The true meaning of gossip is contained in the two-phase road. The two are the same. If the two-phase road is the trunk of a big tree, then the gossip is a branch of the big tree and traces its root.

The eight-pole tower showed its prestige at first, killed six extremely saints, and scared away the plane weapon. This is not to say, in the newly opened two-phase realm, the rules are changing, and those mixed Yuanjiao disciples who were killed by the quake actually turned around miraculously.

This is the means of the celestial series. Reversing the rule, let the dead live, let the living die, let the water become iron, and let the iron become oil. All kinds of means, subvert the rules, go against the sky, independent of the world.

At the same time, the shape of the eight-pole tower has gradually changed. It was an eight-story pagoda, but it is constantly changing at the moment, and finally condenses into two rings that are set together. As soon as this ring comes out, the entire two-phase boundary is basically shaped.

Baji saw Li Xing break through and walked in front of him. He smiled and said, "Thank you master."

Li Xing glanced at him and said with a smile: "You will change your name in the future. The eight-pole tower becomes a two-phase ring. You are a two-phase boy."

The two-phase boy said joyfully, "Yes."

At this time, people from the mixed religions came to see Li Xing. Seeing that these people have made rapid progress in recent years, Li Xing is very happy, saying: "In the future, the mixed Yuan religion stands in the two phases, and it will not fear the enemy!"

The six sages were killed by Baji Tower. This scene was shocked by many monks in the dragon elephant world. One after another went back to the reporter's door.

Three days later, the mixed Yuanjiao moved out of the two-phase realm and established a mountain gate in the land of Jiuzhou. For a time, the entire world of the dragon elephant was a sensation, and messengers were sent to fight it.

Li Xing called Prince Qian Ren from Jingtian, and the two stayed in the Dragon Elephant World for a few days.

On this day, he ordered everyone to practice with peace of mind, and then returned to the Sanqing Great World through teleportation. Li Xing's trip to the Sanqing Great World naturally has its purpose, but this trip is no longer to understand the Sanqing Law, but to use the Sanqing Great World as a springboard to travel across all major planes and complete the road.

Today, his practice is to cast the sword in the seventh heaven of Fatian, and the eighth sword of Fatian in the next step. After the completion of all kinds of disciplines, the sword of the law can be condensed before proceeding. He found that if you want to make the Tao complete, you must constantly leave the imprint of every rule on the road.

This is the nature of the mixed Yuan Taoism. The more rules you have, the more powerful you are and the more complete your state. As long as enough laws are condensed and imprinted, one day, this kind of path will reach great consummation.

By that time, it was the day Li Xingling cast the sword. Forge a sword of law, you can open up a world, build your own small world, and then step into the heavens and the sky.

It is conceivable that with Li Xing's horrific cultivation, the small world opened up is certainly no small matter, and it requires a lot of forged crystals to enhance energy. Therefore, he has another task, which is to accumulate a large amount of forged crystals for future use.

Of course, when Li Xing is successfully planted, his true power quality will continue to improve, opening more real person meridians, reaching the 72nd level, reaching the real state of true sacredness!

It didn't take long for him to leave, but the people around Li Xing were rather reluctant. But this is the way to practice, they can't stop it, they can only bless it in silence.

"There is a second-phase boy, if he is in danger, he can protect you, and I can walk with peace of mind." Li Xing couldn't help but sigh, "This tour, we know someone outside, there is a sky outside. Hugh said saint, That day, there are many. "

"You all have to cultivate with your heart, you can't be a god, you can't count on Taoism." After saying this, Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren stepped into the teleportation circle and returned to the Sanqing world.

When the two returned to the Sanqing Great World, Li Xing said, "Thousand forbearance, how do you know how to make a good spar? The 200,000 spar was borrowed by me.

Prince Chinen ’s eyes turned: “If there is a spar, there is only one place. However, it is extremely dangerous there. Generally, only the characters of the Celestial Order can enter it.”

Li Xingmei said, "Where?"

"Taiyi Ancient Mine." Qian Ren said, "Every time Heaven and Earth is destroyed, Tianzun will fall, and Tianzun's strength will condense into a synthetic crystal. Under the movement of heaven and earth, it will be pushed to a corner. That corner is Taiyi. Ancient mine. "

"However, although Tianzun has fallen, sometimes there are some terrible creatures. They have some of the power of the fallen Tianzun, so it is extremely scary. In particular, some great heavens that have fallen for special reasons, their souls condensed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even Tianzun can be beheaded and killed, it is extremely horrible. "

Li Xing frowned. Obviously, based on his current practice, it is simply not suitable to go to that kind of place, it is simply death.

"No other way?" He asked.

"Of course there is." Prince Qian Ren thought for a while, "want to get more natural crystals as soon as possible, that's the only black to eat the black."

"Black eats black?" Li Xing stared.

Prince Chinen smiled "Hey": "The vast world is boundless. Between the numerous planes, there are many homeless monks. Most of these monks are wild ones, most of them are in the holy realm, and there are even the ranks of heaven. These people are dedicated to robbing the walkers on the Star Road and destroying the corpses. You can take the initiative to find these people and kill them, so as to obtain a lot of natural crystals. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "So if you meet Tianzun, wouldn't eating" black "be eaten instead?"

Prince Chinen shrugged: "If you want to get 200,000 spar as soon as possible, this is the only way."


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