Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 854: Fu Gongzi

Chapter 854: Prince Fu

Chapter 854 Prince Fu

Li Xing gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "It seems that is the case, but where do I go to find the robber monk?"

"It's not easy." Prince Chinen smiled. "You and I are now under the door of Han Gongzi. That Han Gong often sends people under the door to dart and cross all the major planes. At that time, as long as you participate, don't be afraid No powerful robbers were encountered on the road. "

Having said that, Prince Qian Ren stared at Li Xing and sighed: "Brother Li, I don't know how old you are before you can enter the holy?"

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "How do you ask this? I'm holy, how can it help you?"

"That's natural." Prince Qian Ren sighed again. "You know, why should I enter the dragon elephant world?"

"You want to practice with the help of the laws of the territories, and the laws of the territories must be more promising than the laws of the forbearance." Li Xing thought for a while.

"This is just one of the reasons. The other main reason is that I am crowded out in the tolerance circle and I ca n’t get mixed up. Otherwise, why would I come out?" Prince Qian Ren said fiercely, "I have more than one forbearance. And my strength is among them, not very outstanding. My father was killed by them! "

Li Xing frowned: "You, all of you, are people of the same race. How can you kill each other like this?"

Prince Qian Ren self-deprecatedly said: "The same race? The same race is the enemy! Because we inherit the blood of forbearance, so at birth, most of them are the cultivation of the first saint. In cruel practice, the loser often has a dead end. "

"My father died in that cruel environment. Those of them, cold-blooded and ruthless, deliberately made my father difficult and killed him. In fact, my father is better among them. Yes, but no matter how good one is, how can it stand up to dozens of people under siege? "Prince Chinen clenched his fists, his face full of hatred," I must get justice! "

"There is no justice," Li Xingdan said indifferently. "You only have to get stronger, and then kill the killer and pinch them all to death."

Prince Qian Ren nodded strongly and looked at Li Xing: "Brother Li, I feel that if you are sanctified, you may be able to compete against the strongest of the heavenly respect series. At that time, what am I afraid of? With brother Li backing up, old ancestors He won't say anything. "

Li Xing patted him on the shoulder: "You can rest assured that with me, you can keep you safe. However, you must rely on your own efforts for your cultivation. You are now a saint, with a good foundation and a chance to become a deity."

Prince Chinen grinned, "How difficult is Heaven to be, and it would be great to be a holy saint." Then he blinked suddenly, "But if you practice Brother Li's assault, you may have a chance."

Speaking, he suddenly bowed down to Li Xing: "See forever Master Qian!"

He made this surprise to Li Xing, and laughed, "What? You really want to worship me as a teacher? Even if you don't worship, I will pass you on Yuanyuan Avenue."

Qian Ren Zhengzheng said: "If you do n’t worship the teacher, your name will not be upright. In addition, in the future, the master will be sanctified and sacred, and he will cross the world. At that time, the apprentice can also have a prestige. Why not?

Li Xing snorted: "Originally, let's get up."

"Master can you agree?" Asked Prince Ninja with a smile.

"You apprentice, it's not bad to practice. Since you have worshiped the Master, give me a good practice now, without breaking the holiness, you can't come out." Li Xing immediately took out the majesty of being a master.

Prince Qian Ren suddenly faced: "Very Holy? Master, isn't the demand too high?"

Where did Li Xing talk nonsense with him, he directly rolled up a roll and sent it to Jiuyang Jingtian for cultivation.

The big man Li Xing came back, and all the people in Xunyuanmen met. Xiao Yan laughed: "Master, has everything been resolved over there? What if the apprentice helped in the past?"

"I don't need you, give me good practice." Li Xing refused directly. "In the land of Leizhou, there are not many strong people. You must hurry up and practice with peace of mind."

He specifically said to Xiao Yan: "The Sanqing Eucharist is not a trivial matter. If it were not for your blood blockage, it would have been a saint once born. However, it is not too late now, as long as you work hard, you have a great chance to become a deity."

Xiaoyan nodded vigorously: "The Sanqing Great World has produced a lot of deities. Xiaohuan will work hard! After becoming a deity, you can follow the master and fight alongside him!"

Li Xing smiled slightly. The apprentice had filial piety and said, "Okay, just wait for the teacher for this day." After thinking about it, "You can go there and see if you can. When will you become a polar saint and immortal? Ten thousand fossils, you can go there. "

Xiaoxi was overjoyed and nodded forcefully: "Tuer understands!"

Li Xing didn't stay for a long time in Luanyuanmen, so he went to Han Gongzi Mansion the next day. As soon as he walked for a few days, Han Gong was about to see him and was very happy to see him return. You know, Li Xing has his second phase chess game. If he walks away, he will lose a lot.

"Where did Brother Li go these days?" Han Gongzi asked with a smile, his tone more and more polite. On the same day, he saw with his own eyes that Li Xing seemed to comprehend deeply at the acting conference, and felt that he was even more unpredictable.

"When I went back to Heaven, I had to deal with some things. I didn't have time to resign from my son. Don't blame it." Li Xingdao said.

"Where, Brother Li doesn't have to tell me if he has something to do." Then he was annoyed. "In the past few days, Brother Fu's people have come to challenge and rushed through several conflicts."

At the time of the concubine's death, Li Xing beheaded and killed six saints, and later taught two boys, all of whom were Fu family members. Fu Gongzi, like Han Gongzi, belongs to the "respect for the second generation", Lao Tzu is the Lord of the Realm.

Fu Gongzi's father, Fu Tianzun established the world of Fu Run, with his hands and eyes open, and valued this son. Fu Gongzi and Han Gongzi, both belong to the four sons of Yuqing, have not been very close to each other, and the contradiction is very deep.

Somehow, the son-in-law knew Li Xing's hiding place, so he came to harass and asked the son to hand over Li Xing, and Fang Ken stopped.

Hearing, Li Xing thought for a moment, and asked: "Brother, the dispute below, is Tianzun asking questions?"

"As long as you don't kill Fu Gongzi, Fu Tianzun will not question him." Han Gongzi said affirmatively, "Tianzun has a very high status, how can he easily shoot?"

Li Xing nodded: "It's so easy, as long as Brother Han can take over the son of Fu, the rest will be handed to me."

Father Han thought of Li Xing's distilling sacred dipper, and he was ecstatic, and said secretly, "Okay! Let him kill the power of Run Fu, and help me do a few things!"

Coincidentally, when talking here, there is a Shengxian coming quickly to report: "My son, the family of the Fu family is here again, threatening to attack Hanfu!"

Father Han was furious: "He Fu Minghui is so tired and crooked that he must summon people for this son!"

Soon, Han Gongzi's guests were gathered, and hundreds of people were all masters, following Han Gongzi. Han Gong nodded to Li Xing and said, "Brother Li, this matter is related to you. You don't have to worry about it at that time. Just kill it. The more you kill, the better!"

When speaking, Han Gongzi's tone was full of murderous spirit. Obviously, this kind of thing happened more than once, and he had great confidence and experience, so he didn't need to make trouble.

Li Xing nodded: "Brother Han just go and see."

Outside the cold house, a young man stood upright and proud, and it was Fu Gongzi. Hundreds of holy immortals were also standing behind them, all of them were extraordinary. Only when Han Gongzi came out, the two sides confronted each other.

Fu Gongzi saw Han Gongzi and sneered: "Do you dare to come out?"

"Joke! What is your surname Fu qualified to frighten my son?" Han Gongxiao sneered, "The person you want is indeed under my father's hands, but you want to move him, but you are not thinking about it!"

Fu Gongzi smiled yin and yin: "The surname is cold. Toasting without eating and drinking, you will die very hard!"

"Is that so? I know your combat power very well. You are not afraid to flash your tongue when talking about big things, but you don't want to talk nonsense. If you want to fight, my son will stay in the end!"

The two sides only spoke a few words, and they both sang loudly. The monks behind them all shot and became confused. However, Li Xing took a look and couldn't help laughing. It turned out that these holy immortals were using magical tricks and magical methods one by one, but not many were really desperate.

After all, it's just a guest, and it's not a brother-in-law, it's not worth it. Therefore, they are obviously just coping with it. You don't exert much force at once, and I do not exert much force at all.

Even, Li Xing saw a Zhongsheng and a Extreme Saint playing well. That sage did not even exert one percent of his power, and the sage also cast some small spells with interest.

The scene was lively. In fact, it was not easy to die. After all, it was not easy to get out. Who couldn't get along with who?

However, there were also some faithful holy immortals at the scene. Li Xing soon saw a few of them. He flashed and went to a holy man.

"Take me a punch!" Li Xing drank and punched. After Da Luo Zhen was eleventh, his combat power soared. This punch can definitely threaten the life of the Holy Saint and make the other person's color change.

"Bajia Rune!"

The sacred shouted, and a rune of light emerged, turning into a layer of light armor, protecting his form. Li Xing's fist exploded above the light armor, and he felt that he hit the hardest thing in the world, and his fist hurt.


Light Armor Shock ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing was bounced open, and my heart was a little surprised. What was this sign?

That extremely holy man laughed and said, "Ba Jia Amu is Fu Tianzun's refined amulet of the plane. How can you break it? Go to death!" He walked, patting with both palms. With each hit, an axe-shaped light fell down and hit Li Xing's head.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

For three consecutive times, Li Xing was beaten into a stunned head, and when he was angry, he raised his eyebrows and drew back behind Jisheng, suddenly a bear hugged him tightly.

He hugged it with enthusiasm.

This tyrant has a characteristic, the stronger the attack, the stronger its rebound. Attack is weak, counterattack is naturally weak. Therefore, Li Xing tangled up like silk, but felt no counterattack.

He hugged Guang Jia, his right palm seemed to be soft water, and fluttered through Guang Jia gently, holding the opponent's neck. This is the shortcoming of Bajia Rune, which can resist attacks, but cannot be approached "gently".


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