Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 855: Great War

Chapter 855 Jiu Yang Xie Jun

Chapter 855: Extreme War

The opponent did not expect that Li Xing had found the trick so quickly, using a gentle method to break through the tyrant armor and launch an attack. The palm of the hand penetrated the light armor, and he pinched Ji Sheng's neck. The other party felt that his strength was locked and his heart was afraid.

"Er dare!" Fearing this extreme Saint, he was desperately struggling, hitting ten million punches in an instant, and each punch hit Li Xing's body. Even if it is extremely holy, it can't bear the body after being subjected to such terrible bombardment.

However, Li Guang, who has eleven major Luo Zhenshens, only felt a slight tingling, and then he stumbled on. At the same time, he drew with five fingers and said, "Go to death!"


His magnificent and sacred head was smashed down by him with blood spurting. However, the immortal can be immortal in physical form, and although it is broken, it is still not dead, but it is the force that runs the world to compete with Li Xing.

Due to the bajia charm, Li Xing was temporarily unable to use the hybrid Yuan Ding, so the true shape of the hands changed constantly, and suddenly he went in, directly into the opponent ’s small world of the immortal, and destroyed it.

This is a small world, there are mountains and waters, and living people. Suddenly, a huge palm appeared in the air. This palm had incredible power. Everywhere it went, everything turned gray. The landslide, the moon and the moon shattered, the end of the world is almost over.

The small world developed by Shengxian, although the rule of the world is still the Sanqing rule, has given birth to civilization. In the future, if this extreme saint can break through and realize his own avenue, he will become a deity, and this small world will also become a big one.

Li Xing's real shape and destruction caused serious damage to Shengxian. He roared and screamed loudly, and shocked the rest of the surrounding Shengxian. People cast their eyes in astonishment.

After looking at it, can't help but wonder, are these two idiots really desperate? In addition, one was beaten badly, and his hometown was touched. The repair must have fallen a lot, and the losses were heavy.

This is not to be counted. When Li Xing was devastating, he suddenly released the demon heads such as ferocity, fascination, invisibleness, etc., and shuttled the small world. None of these demons are good.

It can be said that the devil is the nemesis of the monks of all classes. No matter which monk you are, you will encounter "magic". Demons are everywhere, with the land boundary as the most important place. There is a place for gathering demons and pregnant demons.

Therefore, as soon as the head of the demon came out, it greatly interfered with this polar immortal. Even, Li Xing, with the help of the inspiration devil, quietly obtained the information about the Bajiafu in the process of destroying the small world.

This small world is the same as the Lingtai of this Holy Fairy. The mountains, forests, and grasses all represent a meaning that cannot be hidden. After getting the sacrifice method to sacrifice tyrants, Li Xing suddenly vomited a spell.

This spell needs to be cast in conjunction with the San Qing rule. Fortunately, he has already comprehended the San Qing rule and it can work at that time. After a while, Naba Jiafu shook, and suddenly turned into a runelight, and fell into Li Xing's hands.

At this moment, this extremely saint lost his dependence and suddenly felt very dangerous. He roared, forcibly operated the small world, and shook Li Xingzhen's big hand away, ready to escape the scene.

How did Li Xing let him go? The true shape of the big hand repressed twice, this time the Yuanyuan Ding finally appeared, releasing the light of the Yuanyuan, covering it all at once, and locking it severely.


The extremely holy scream was repeated, and he was wounded. At the moment, he was dressed up by Yuan Ding. He suddenly felt that Yuan Yuan was lost. He was really scared.

"Are you going to refine the holy sacred? Good dog courage!" He yelled, trying to turn his destiny into holy art, but it had no effect.

This scene, naturally, was also seen by the rest of the immortals of the Fu family, one by one in shock. Do n’t bring it so much! Fighting often hurts the muscles and bones, and there is rarely a fall of the Holy Fairy. But this Lord is really fierce, and he is going to die the Holy Immortal!

Many of the immortals in the fighting stopped their movements and looked over at them.

Han Gong laughed loudly: "Good practice!"

Fu Gongzi was so angry that he was one of his most loyal subordinates. The sacred armor amulet was made by Fu Tianzun, how could he be caught by him?

Immediately, he shook Kaihan and rushed towards Li Xing, yelling, "Junk! Let go of him!"

Han Gong yelled, but forcibly blocked the road and laughed: "We are not over yet, where are you going?"

Fu Gongzi is helpless. He is not better than Han Gongzi. He can only deal with this side with all his strength. For the suppressed Holy Saint, he can't help for a while.

Li Xing did not take any action. One shot was fierce, which added a cold atmosphere to the battlefield. When the immortals fought, they were not so relaxed. What is Holy Fairy? The immortality of the flesh, mastering the power of the small world, even if the strength is not as good as the opponent, and the body is seriously injured, that can escape.

But now it's different, there is a monster that is obviously not high, but it can suppress the most holy. It seems that the most holy man is afraid that he is too fierce, and 80% will be refined.

Li Xing exerted his best, finally suppressing an extremely holy man, and received a super armor rune, a plane rune, very precious. He was in a good mood, screamed, and killed several other immortals.

It can be called Fu Gongzi's faithful holy immortal, a total of four. One of them was suppressed by Li Xing, and the remaining three were enemies. Without saying a word, they attacked Li Xing at the same time.

These three sages, like the one just before, all have Fuyu under Futianzun's reward. The difference is that the runes on the three extreme saints are weak sign, boost sign, and chain sign.

The sacred amulets made by the Celestial Master are not trivial. Once cast, the saint is not easy to stop unless there is a weapon of the same order to counteract it.

With a sigh, a holy mammoth threw a blue light and suddenly locked Li Xing. The blue light turned into a thick blue iron chain, which tightly locked Li Xing and set it in the void.

The blue light was too fast, as if it had been entangled in the body, Li Xing could not escape, and was shocked. Just to find a way to break free, there was another sage, who called the second rune of light.

Suddenly, he felt his physique began to weaken. Da Luozhen fell directly from the eleventh to tenth, and was hit by a realm! This time, he was really surprised and understood that the situation was critical and must be dealt with as soon as possible.

He suddenly put all the remaining crystals in his body into a chaotic array and forcibly calculated the response. This chaotic array can play everything, and naturally can also figure out what the essence of this weak symbol is, how to crack it, and so on.

All at once, all the crystals of chemistry were burned, and the results were obtained in a chaotic burst. Li Xing went the other way, and the chaotic array condensed into a puppet ghost.

The effect of this rune, contrary to the weak rune, can enhance its own strength and neutralize the adverse effects. Suddenly, he was trained to recover as before, Da Luo Zhenshen, returned to the eleventh.

At this time, the third Shengxian also shot. This polar immortal sacrificed a booster talisman, all over the body, and slammed into Li Xing's chest. I thought that under the combined force of the weak sign and the chain sign, he would be able to kill the enemy.

This boost is not a trivial matter, and instantly boosted the strength of this Holy Fairy to more than ten times, and made a shock. This punch can directly kill the same order of Shengxian. How can Li Xing stop?

"God strike!"

However, Li Xing is not a vegetarian. Under the chaos of the chaos, he also made the most reasonable and effective punch, using the natural killing blow, and tripled his combat power!


The fists of both sides were bombarded, and Fu Guang was shocked. Li Xing's fist was stinging, half of his arms were numb, and the bones of his arms appeared cracked and slightly injured. The Shengxian was also uncomfortable, yelling, and bounced off with a rune light, vomiting blood.

With a punch, the opponent flicked, Li Xingzhen grabbed his hand, and grabbed the cracked weak symbol. For him, there was no secret for him, and he was thrown into a chaotic array.

At the same time, how can he run Jiuyang Jingtian and his personal chain link can withstand the power of Jiyang Jingtian? After struggling for a while, it was also ingested.

In this way, there is only one booster that can threaten him. Li Xing took advantage of the chase and stepped out, and Lu Ding smashed, opened and closed, and had great strength.

Mixed Yuan Ding is a combination of the power of the dragon elephant. It is extremely hard and cooperates with Li Xing's incomparable combat power to hit it all at once.

The polar immortal shouted, shook his spirits, continued to run Fu Li, and fought fiercely with Li Xing. The big tripod smashed down and made a loud noise, and Fu Guang shuddered, showing signs of disintegration.

The other two Jisheng looked straight, only felt that the other side was too fierce, and their strength changed. In particular, the physical body is almost invaded by fire and water, the sword cannot be penetrated, and the Holy Art hits it, and the fire cannot be splashed.

"Come and help me!" The extremely holy man who displayed the booster charm, thinking of Li Xing's use of mixed Yuan Ding to refine the holy, screamed and asked for support.

The other two sages couldn't watch it, and yelled, fighting side by side with the opponent Li Xing.

In fact, Li Xing's appearance was fiercely fierce, leaving the three sages with no fighting power. In fact, he was severely wounded, and even if he used the hybrid Yuan Ding, it would be difficult to suppress the second saint.

Fortunately, Fu Gongzi was shocked when he saw this scene. He said that if he continued to fight like this, the three saints would be suppressed. By then, wouldn't he be dangerous?

He was a man of opportunity, and acted decisively, yelling, "Back!"

Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fu Gongzi's people receded. Han Gong didn't chase, but laughed aloud in the back: "Fu Family boy, you run slowly, don't flash your waist."

"We're not finished!" Fu Gongzi could only yell fiercely, far away.

The enemy retreated, Han Gongzi looked at Li Xing differently, gave him a thumbs up, and said, "Brother Li, amazing!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Brother Han passed the prize. Today's incidents are caused by me, so we must do our best." Then he said, "I heard Brother Han started a dart?"

Han Gongzi's eyes narrowed: "Brother Li, is there something wrong?"

Li Xingdao: "As a guest, I can't afford to live in vain. I decided to help Brother Han to go to the darts and express gratitude."

(Classmates, this month, the little demon has been forced hard, collecting money, decorating the wedding room, getting engaged, a lot of things. There is not much time originally, which is quite nervous. Anyway, this month's guarantee is constantly changing, and how much is updated daily I can't guarantee it. Forgive me.)


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