Chapter 856: Big Dart Master

Chapter 856: Master Archer

Li Xing took the initiative to ask for bodyguards. Han Gongzi was pleased and laughed: "Where is Brother Li, you can stay in Hanfu? It is my pleasure. How can I say nothing?" If you can assist the ice dart board, it will be a great blessing ... "

Seeing that Han Gongzi had agreed, Li Xing immediately said that he would go to the dart board and be familiar with the affairs of the dart board.

The place where the ice dart board was opened was not in Yuqing, but on an ancient star outside the Sanqing World. Outside of the planes, the world is vast and the territory is vast, and it is extremely dangerous to directly shuttle between the planes.

As a result, the industry of dartboards has emerged, providing protection for people and property to the vast number of monks who shuttle through the sky. Or, because some monks are not very powerful, but they have strong financial resources, they also need the protection of darts.

For example, some monks accidentally obtained a large amount of crystals, so they got a treasure at an auction somewhere, which caused the puppet of other powerful monks. In order to protect themselves, they could find a dart and seek security.

In this process, the darts must keep their promises and do what they say, so that they can gain the trust of the world and earn a good reputation. Like the ice dart board, it has been innumerable years. The previous master of the dart board is Hanbing Tianzun.

The long years and good reputation have made the Ice Dart Board's business very popular, and all major planes, and even some Tianzun who are inconvenient to get out of the mountain, will entrust the Ice Dart Board to work.

Of course, there are many powerful masters in the ice dart board. These masters have to respect even the cold boy. They are all elderly people who have followed Han Bingtian for a lifetime. They are superior in strength and have fought countless times. They belong to the foundation of darts.

Han Gongzi and Li Xing directly reached the ancient ice star through the teleportation circle, where the ice dart board was built. Their arrival did not attract the attention of the darts, but wherever they went, the darts were more polite.

When Li Xing entered the ancient star, he felt eight powerful momentums. This momentum was shocking. Although it was not Tianzun, there was a trace of Tianzun's weather. He was startled and could n’t help asking: "What a great power they are. ? "

Han Gongzi was complacent and said, "They are all the core masters of the Frozen Dart Board, and eight of them are half masters."

Half respect, almost the same as half holy. If Ji Sheng starts to realize his own way and finds the way, then he is half-respect. The power of Half-Zun is naturally far from that of Tianzun, but it can definitely kill ordinary holy monks.

Li Xing nodded: "The ice dart board is really strong."

Father Hanbing said, "It is not me who is the family member of this dartboard, but he is still my father. So Brother Li wants to enter the dartboard and must pass the approval of eight master dartists."

The eight dartmasters he mentioned were the eight and a half darts in the dartboard, with extraordinary strength. Immediately, the two entered a huge house with two strange beast sculptures standing outside the door.

Entering the house, a thunderous laugh came: "My son is here, why don't you say hello to me in advance?"

Immediately, a middle-aged monk strode out of the hall of the house. This popular Yuxuan Ang, walked with a big laugh, walked in front of Han Gongzi, greeted him with a bow, and then leaned over Li Xingdao: "Gongzi, what character do you recommend to the dart?"

It turns out that Han Gongzi has taken people to the dart board more than once. Unfortunately, three times in a row, the people he recommended died under the bodyguard battle, and the combat effectiveness was simply incompetent.

The task of the bodyguard is extremely dangerous. At every turn, you will encounter extremely holy, even half-level characters. Of course, Tianzun will not easily shoot, unless it is a treasure that shocks all circles, otherwise it will not arouse Tianzun's interest.

Listening to the other party ’s words, Father Han smiled awkwardly, and said, "Lao Tai, the person brought by this boy will never let you down, but he can suppress the extremely holy master."

"Really?" The half-respected man named Lao Tai shot it without saying a word, flipped his hands, and suppressed Li Xing.

How strong is half-strength? A half-respect, who can easily shoot, can play more than ten times the Holy Spirit's combat power, erupt, and even play dozens or hundreds of times.

Therefore, half-respect is horrible, and it is not at all an ordinary monk who can resist it. Although Lao Tai was only tentative, he also fought nearly ten times as hard as a holy strike.


It seemed as if the entire sky had fallen and hit the top of his head, with great force.

Li Xing raised his eyebrows, even if he was half respected, he couldn't despise him so much. Suddenly, he punched into the sky with a punch, killed with a blow, and tripled his combat power.

A loud noise, a golden fist, collided with a huge palm. The violent air blows Han Gongzi away at once, the whole house yard shakes, and even the entire ancient star trembles slightly.

Suddenly, the other seven figures appeared at the scene, staring at Li Xing, all with unexpected expressions in their eyes.

There was a flash of light in Lao Tai's eyes. He folded his palms, nodded to Li Xing, and smiled at Han Han, "Master, this time you really sent a master, yes, he can participate in bodyguards, at least Guaranteed. "

Li Xing also knew that the opponent's blow did not make every effort at all, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried. I wanted to participate in the darts game, so that I could "black eat black", and make more crystals.

But now, it seems that this industry is not easy to do, you have to leave your life.

"It seems that in order to speed up the improvement of strength, it is necessary to break through the sevenfold of the law and heaven in a short period of time, and to complete the kind of path, so as to consolidate the rules and cast the sword with the spirit." Li Xing had a deep sense of crisis.

Han Gongzi was overjoyed and said, "Okay, Brother Li will be doing things with eight old dart masters."

After sending Li Xing, Han Gong left and seemed unwilling to stay here more. Lao Tai took Li Xing to a humble stone house and said, "You live here, practice more when you are okay, and strengthen your strength. When you play a dart, someone will notify you."

Obviously, although they accepted Li Xing, they have not yet established trust. Li Xing didn't care about this, nodded, entered the stone house, and went to practice by himself.

The ice darts are very different from the mundane darts in Li Xing's impression. In the ice dart board, in addition to the eight old dart divisions, there are only twelve dart divisions. Twelve dart divisions, all of which have amazing combat power, and can form a twelve serial killing array, which can instantly increase the combat power to half-respect level.

Therefore, Li Xing's participation is actually a bit redundant. Eight and a half deities, plus twelve sacred arrays, are sufficient for everything. Lao Tai tried Li Xing and just wanted to determine if he could protect himself.

If they can protect themselves, they don't need to take care of him during the battle, they can accept it. But even so, in Lao Tai's mind, Li Xing is still a superfluous person. He just takes it with him and does not really reuse it.

Li Xing naturally felt this, but he didn't care. Entering the dartboard is nothing more than trying to get more spar. The attitude of others is not important to him.

Unconsciously, three days passed. In this vast interstellar space, there is almost no day or night, and most of the time it is dark. Li Xing only set his own clock based on his chaotic array.

On this day, Lao Tai appeared, and his first sentence was: "Li Xing, do you really want to participate in bodyguards?"

Li Xing looked directly at each other: "Yes."

Lao Tai sneered: "Then get ready, we'll start right away."

"What is the mission?" Li Xing asked.

"Escort a guest to participate in the auction of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce." Lao Tai only explained a word and turned away. Li Xing had to follow and he was going to participate in the bodyguard.

Miracle Chamber of Commerce, he naturally knew that the last time he entered Sanqing World from the ancient miracle star. A miracle belongs to a huge force. The founder is a master of the heavenly respect series. No one can despise it.

In the hall of the dart board, a monk in yellow was standing there, talking to several other dart masters.

"This time, the thing I'm bidding for is a messenger in heaven and a patrol officer from all walks of life. There are many people who want to get this messenger, and there are some descendants of the Celestial Master. So I would like to ask you all for help. "Said the guest.

Hearing the word "Heaven", Li Xing froze. Heaven? He has n’t been to Heaven, where is there any heaven?

Lao Tai said: "Please rest assured that we have never missed our ice dart game."

The guest was obviously relieved, and nodded: "There is work." Then his eyes fell on Li Xing, with a strange expression, and asked, "Aren't you a holy monk?"

Among the darts, all of them are holy immortals. Only Li Xing's self-cultivation does not seem to be high, which immediately attracted this person's attention and made inquiries.

Lao Tai didn't look at Li Xing and said, "He just joined, and his strength is really not good."

The guest said, "When I was bidding, I lacked an intermediary manager, which was him." Then he laughed at Li Xing, "Can you?"

The eyes of Lao Tai and others fell on Li Xing.

Li Xing said lightly: "Of course it can."

Things were settled like this, with a little preparation, the people set off. Li Xing followed the guests, and under the **** of four and a half deities, flew to a nearby ancient star with a teleportation circle ~ ~ The telestar on the ancient star will send them Go to the place where the Chamber of Commerce will hold the auction.

During the flight, there was nothing to do, so the guest asked Li Xing some questions.

"You should not be a person in the Sanqing Great World. You don't practice Xiandao, you just have a hint of Xiandao." The customer's vision was extremely accurate, he said.

"Yes, I practice the Fa." Li Xing also did not hide it. "This is not obvious, presumably you have never heard of it."

"Dharma? No, I've heard it." The guest was astonished. "In the heavens and outside, many monks practice this path, and there is already a very powerful person who established the legal realm not long ago."

Legal world? Li Xing froze. Did the ancestor break through and become the Dharma? He listened intently.

"The dharma gurus who created the Fa. On the day of sanctification, six dharma bodies were condensed. The remaining two dharma bodies have entered the level of heavenly respect, and the two dharma bodies have become half-respected. Out of heaven. "


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