Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 857: Reproduce the King

Chapter 857 Reappearance of the King Sutra

Chapter 857: Reappearing of the King

At this moment, Li Xing was taken aback by surprise, but the ancestor of Ji Fa was so powerful? Of the six Dharma bodies, two are extremely holy, two are half-respect, and two are heaven-respect! In this sense, when the ancestor of the polar law entered the dragon elephant world at first, it should be only one of its legal body, and the legal body of the most holy realm. . .

"Tian Wai Tian, ​​there is such a character." Li Xing lamented, and at the same time, he was a little puzzled. Since the ancestor of the extreme law was so powerful, how could he have established a connection with him as a "little person"?

"Are you a weak plane on the day?" The guest said, "Imagine that an amazing figure emerged from the Dragon Elephant World. After becoming the Celestial Master, the heaven and earth plane was established on the basis of the laws of earth."

"The law of planes outside the sky, communicating with the realm, is actually similar to the dragon elephant world, but it is not directly integrated into the world like the dragon elephant world. The earth boundary is destined to become stronger, and the law is gradually perfected. Strong, yin and yang will reach balance. Look at the heavens of today, the heavens are gathered, and the earth of the future will surely be the same. "

"His Excellency said, in Heaven, Zunzun gathered? I have been to Heaven, why haven't I seen him?" Li Xing frowned, which was his biggest question.

The guest laughed and said, "There are thousands of fishes and shrimps in the rivers and lakes. A fish said that it has never seen mountains and rivers, is there no mountain in the world?"

Li Xing was shocked and nodded hard: "Teached."

"Heaven is the pole of heaven and earth. Its greatness is naturally no small matter. It contains infinite mysteries. Have you heard the rumor of 'nine heavens and ten earths'?" The other party came to Tan Xing and continued.

"I have heard by chance that the most mysterious place above the heavens is called Jiutian." Li Xingdao said, "The land is the most mysterious place, called Ten."

"Nine heavens and ten places belong to this world. At the core of it, there are celestial beings sitting inside. You see, there are countless planes between this heaven and earth, but every celestial deity opening up to heaven and earth must return to the world of heaven and earth. , Do you know why? "The guest asked.

Li Xing thought about it: "I heard people say that the main plane of heaven and earth is extremely powerful. Only by establishing a rule that transcends the laws of heaven and earth can we get rid of the constraints. Presumably, the deities are doing this in the laws of heaven and earth. Cultivation? "

The guest nodded in appreciation: "Yes, the Celestial beings exist in the nine days to establish the heavenly court. As for the realm, due to the new opening, the number of Celestial Beings is not large, but a large institution will be formed in the future, that is, Hell."

"Heaven and earth government are the two core forces in this world. In the heaven court, the emperor is in charge, and in the earth government, there is also the emperor sitting. However, the land boundary must eventually be returned to the heaven court, which is of the yin and yang era. Ultimately. "

"The emperor and the emperor are the masters of the yin and yang era. They control the core laws of yin and yang separately, and they control all kinds of categories. The heavenly respect and grand respect of all parties must obey the order."

"The master of the dragon elephant world needs to establish heaven and earth above the earth boundary, that is, he will calculate the birth of the emperor sooner or later, and truly become the other pole of the heaven and earth. That is why this is the case. As soon as the emperor comes out, the status quo will definitely change. By then, a large number of heavenly lords will be born in the ten places, and they will compete for nine days with their hearts. "

The other party finally talked about the master, and Li Xing was very concerned about this, and asked, "Is it only the master who can understand the ultimate rule, and the rest?"

"Naturally." The other party replied without hesitation. "If heaven and earth are a treasure chest, then the ultimate rule is the only key to open the treasure chest. Otherwise, why do you deceive the emperor from the heavens to the emperor because they are all Closed in the treasure chest, I ca n’t get the outside key at all. Which one of you, me, and heaven and earth is not born in heaven and earth? Because of this, we can never get the ultimate mystery of heaven and earth, and not get that 'key. 'This is a confinement.'

At this moment, Li Xing's heart was undulating, and he cried, "How can I understand the ultimate law? Yes! I am different from everyone else, they are all locked in a 'treasure chest' and can't see the outside world, I ca n’t get the 'key' to open the treasure chest. And I'm different! My soul is from another world, eligible to get the key? "

With this idea in mind, Li Xing's heart was beating fiercely, and he realized that this reason that had made it difficult for him to practice was now the basis for his realization of Supreme Masterpiece!

"The ultimate rule of heaven and earth! Only the emperor and emperor who are masters can enlighten, and so can I! So, I am the third being able to enlighten the ultimate law?" Li Xing took a breath and calmed down. mood.

And that guest, at this moment, finally talked about the real power of Tianwaitian: "After the Emperor was born, Tianwaitian will become a direct subject of the Emperor, flying Huang Tengda, and even then the three first-level planes will not be able to compare to."

Let's talk about it. Finally, the ancient star who had the teleportation circle was reached. After the teleportation, six people entered another ancient star. This ancient star is very huge. It is a miracle ancient star that Li Xing has visited once.

Last time, Li Xing, on top of the ancient miracle star, bought a chaotic sword imitation with three hundred fossils. It also offended a descendant of Xunhuang Tianzun. When the two sides clashed, Li Xing beheaded him and seized 50,000 forged crystals.

Once at the Miracle Ancient Star for the second time, the six went directly to the Miracle Hall and participated in the auction. Miracle ancient stars, every several years, irregular auction meetings are held, and the things on auction are strange.

When six people entered the hall, they were packed into a separate space, like a small private room. Through the private rooms, they can see the scene below, everything that happened on the auction floor, and hear the sounds from outside.

In the hall of miracles, I don't know how many hidden small spaces. In each small space, there are bidders. They can directly trade with the miracle chamber of commerce through the small space to compete for various auctioned goods.

Entering the small space, the auction has not yet begun, Li Xing asked the guests for advice: "What kind of position is the patrol ambassador of heaven?"

The guest talked quite well and said, "The heavenly courts are vast and dominate the major planes. The status of the Celestial Master is very high in the heavenly courts, as in the following vassals. And the major planes are the vassal states. After all, it ’s limited, so the heavenly soldiers under the emperor ’s sky will wait, most of them are semi-respects, or the existence of sages. ”

"There are many official positions in the court, and the inspectors from all walks of life are nothing more than Jiupin's official position." The guest laughed. "But I am satisfied to get such a position. With this official position, I can enter the nine days. Doing things while in contact with the Celestial Masters. Moreover, it is also an extremely beautiful thing to inspect all walks of life, and the Celestial Masters cannot be ignored. "

Li Xing nodded and smiled: "It seems that I will also take an official job in the future."

The guest shook his head: "The official office in Tianting is not for auction. Today's post of inspection by various circles is just a special case. Generally speaking, if you want to be an official in Tianting, you must have the recommendation of Tianzun."

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "It's not easy to be an official."

"Naturally, heaven court officials are divided into nine grades and eighteen grades. Like one of the first grade members, which one is not the Great Heavenly Order? The second grade master must also be the Heavenly Order." The guest said, "So I want to do Officials, you have to be strong first, and then you'll talk about it when you become Tianzun. "

At this time, of the four and a half respects who had been silent, Lao Tai said: "This bidding must be very fierce. If the guest wins, someone must find a way to compete below. We must be prepared."

Then his eyes fell on Li Xing: "Your strength can't protect the guests, you can protect yourself then."

Li Xing wasn't angry, and didn't think other people looked down on him. He nodded, "I understand."

The guest was more relaxed, and laughed: "Please your dart, just in case, maybe we will be safe all the way."

The auction has finally started. On the auction floor, a strong man with a semi-respective rank came out. He was surrounded by clouds and mists, making people indistinguishable, and only issued an old and old-fashioned voice: "The miracle auction, now."

There was silence in the quadrilateral compartment, all quietly waiting for the auction to take place. Immediately, scattered pages appeared on the stage, counted, there were 806 pages. The appearance of these pages did not cause much response.

However, Li Xing's eyes suddenly widened, and he cried out, "Da Luo is amazing! Wang Wu Jing!"

At the same time, the half-zun who presided over the auction said: "In the realm, there is a plane called the dragon elephant world, but it is left by the dragon elephant heaven. In the dragon elephant world, there has been a breakthrough **** and achievement The character of Tianzun. The big man, who later established the Wu world, created his own style. Although Wu Tianzun has fallen, his heritage is on top of it. "

"This object is called the King of Thousands of Martial Arts. It contains an extremely powerful method, called Da Luo Jingtian Gong ~ www.readwn.com ~ Miracle Chamber of Commerce. It took many years to collect it completely. Only a pity , The King's Book is still three pages behind, and it has never been found. "

"What? The King of Martial Arts? In the legend, have 36 beasts of the Celestial Sect of the Supreme Court been defeated, and then they have both lost to Jian Tianzun?" Someone in the audience immediately exclaimed.

"It's a pity! There are three pages missing, and without those three pages, the value of this Scripture is lost." Someone sighed.

At this time, the host said: "The King of Martial Arts, the starting price is 10,000 forged crystals, and each time the price increases, not less than one thousand crystals."

"Ten thousand fortune spar, you can buy a plane weapon!" Some people who want to buy but are too expensive, have complained. Li Xing, however, didn't want to, he called out, "Ten thousand!"

The Da Luo Jing Tian Gong recorded on the Wanwu King's Scripture fits well with his Luyuan Avenue. If he can get all the Da Luo Jing Tian Gong, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance his Luyuan Avenue and make it more complete!

"One thousand and one thousand." Suddenly, a woman's voice sounded. The voice was arrogant and ruthless, and seemed to be high above, looking down at the world.


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