Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 858: 60 heavy!

Chapter 858 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 858 Sixty!

Chapter 858: Sixty!

Li Xing frowned. On his body, there weren't many natural crystal stones left. In case the price of the other party was too high, he couldn't afford it. . . Therefore, as soon as the other party made an offer, he hesitated for a moment before he offered the second price: "20,000!"

Suddenly added nine thousand made fossils, he wanted to use this to retreat the other side, so that he no longer entangled. However, he obviously did not have any effect in doing so. The cold and proud female voice still said, "21,000."

Li Xing gave a cold hum and turned to Lao Tai and others: "Some, can you borrow some forged crystals?"

Lao Tai and others have no good or bad impression of Li Xing as a "newcomer". However, after all working together, it's OK to borrow some spar.

After thinking about it, Lao Tai and others put together a bit and could lend it to Li Xing to make 100,000 crystals. In addition to the original 140,000 forged crystals on his body, a total of 240,000 can be taken out.

Two hundred and forty thousand pieces were enough for him to fight, so he immediately quoted: "three thousand."

"Three thousand and one thousand."

The other bite to death, Li Xing followed, "50 thousand!"

"Five thousand and one thousand."

"One hundred thousand!" Li Xing, at the moment, was in a calm mood, suppressing the gains and disappointing the price mechanically.

This time, the woman finally hesitated. If you say the complete Wanwu King Scriptures, the price is still low. But if it is the incomplete Wanwu King Scripture, it is absolutely worthless. Even if you have a lot of money, you can't waste it so much, and spend a lot of money to buy something that has little value.

The guest who was in a small space with Li Xing laughed: "It seems strange that the brothers are determined to win the King of Martial Arts."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "This King Scripture is of great help to the following exercises."

"Oh? In this case, if the spar is not enough, I can also lend you 100,000 forged spar." The other side smiled brightly and actually offered help.

Li Xing was relieved and nodded gratefully.

After hesitation, the female voice still quoted: "One thousand and ten thousand."

"150,000." Li Xingdan said indifferently. His quotation made Lao Tai and others breathe air-conditioning. He said that this boy was too generous. How can there be such an auction for 55,000 plus?

Li Xing is definitely not rich, but in order to get Wanwu once, he can ignore the cost, so the woman was also deterred by his momentum, hesitated again and again, and finally did not offer again.

The guests in each small space were also very surprised.

"This man is willing to spend 150,000 to buy the King of Kings, and there must be a reason for it. Does he have a missing three pages of Kings?" Someone directly guessed the reason.

"It may not be so. This King Scripture is extremely helpful to the martial arts people, even if it is incomplete, it is equally precious."

After three consecutive sounds, no one continued to compete, and Li Xing bought the King of Martial Arts at the price of 150,000 forged crystals. Immediately, a boy appeared in the small space, nodded to Li Xing, and said, "Please ask the guests to go to the treasure."

Li Xing counted the spar early, and immediately walked out of the small space with the boy, entered another trading place, and concluded a transaction. He produced one hundred and fifty thousand forged spar, and bought the King of Martial Arts.

The ten thousand kings of war, scattered into one piece, superimposed page by page, revealed the domineering atmosphere of martial arts, and the amazing changes of Da Luo's heavenly power, giving Li Xing a sense of closeness.

He grabbed it with a big hand and absorbed all the pages of the King's Book into the chaotic array. The person in charge of the transaction counted the spar, handed it to Li Xing, and said with a smile, "Guest, this is the VIP sign of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. With this sign, you can trade for more than 100,000 spar in the future. You can get a nine-shot discount. . "

Li Xing accepted the sign and returned to the small space. When people returned, they found that the auction had begun again. However, he has no interest in this, running a chaotic array secretly, and reckoning the King of Kings.

Those three pages of the king's scripture were also thrown into chaos. Suddenly, the large array issued a "bang" bang, a whole copy of the King of Warlords was formed, of which Da Luo's shocking achievements, fully manifested.

Da Luo is shocking, with a total of nine weights. Li Xing has cultivated the first three. However, at this moment, he calculated with a chaotic array, only to find that Da Luo's shocking achievements were not perfect.

Immediately deduced a large array, the success of Da Luo shocking. You know, Li Xing's chaotic array evolved from chaotic martial arts, and the martial arts atmosphere is still strong. For a moment, all the 800 martial arts recorded in the King of Kings Martial Arts were absorbed by the chaotic array.

At the same time, Da Luo's shocking power has been continuously fulfilled, and the shortcomings have been supplemented. A very complicated, glittering rune was formed in the chaotic array. After the formation of this rune, it suddenly exploded and completely melted into the chaotic array.

All of a sudden, the chaotic array was further completed, and the Taoism was one point stronger, which made Li Xing's true strength go up to the next level and get through one after another. Fifty-seven heavy! Break through all the way until the sixty heavy live meridians.

The four half-respects and the guests felt that Li Xing suddenly exuded a strong breath. And every once in a while, this very convergent breath will strengthen a little.

This weird change occurred a total of five times. By the fifth time, it represented Li Xing's strength and soared several times. This is the strength of the real way. Every time you open a meridian, your strength will soar.

Five people all showed shocked expressions, and the guest couldn't help but said: "It seems that the brothers have benefited greatly from the King of Kings."

Li Xing opened his eyes, the breath in his body had been calmed down, the overbearing true power was running in the meridians, he smiled slightly: "It did improve." Then he nodded to Lao Tai, "Thank you a lot."

This time Lao Tai didn't dare to despise Li Xing, saying: "It seems that you will soon be qualified for bodyguards." The implication is that it won't be long before Li Xing can fight half-zun.

At this time, the guest suddenly said: "The heavenly inspections will start the auction of the quota."

The eyes of the six turned to the field. Sure enough, I saw the host, held up a yellow book with both hands respectfully, and said loudly: "This round, the auction of the courts of the heavens will make one place, the starting price will be 100,000 forged spar, and each time the price increases, not less than 100,000. ! "

Suddenly, a fierce auction started, and the price soared to 500,000 from 100,000. The guest was really prepared for it, and finally won the spar with 510 thousand fossils.

In the end, he also burst into a sweat and smiled bitterly: "Five hundred thousand, too expensive!"

The auction was successful, Lao Tai immediately said: "We should go, it is safer before the auction ends."

The guest nodded: "Okay, I just want to get a place here, the rest doesn't care."

After paying the spar and obtaining the quota, the six people left the small space directly to travel to the Temple of Miracles, and then went to the teleportation circle. There are teleportation matrices available on the way, so this trip is still safe.

However, when several people reached the teleportation circle, they discovered that the circle was damaged. Suddenly, a few old Thais became nervous. They were experienced and immediately knew that someone was doing something.

The guest was so angry, he said, "How many, what should I do?"

Lao Tai groaned: "There is no law formation, we have two ways. One is to wait here to prepare a new law formation, but this will take a lot of time. The other way is to go through other law formations, go elsewhere and find Available legal array. "

The guest thought for a while and said, "It is impossible to build a legal circle. I don't have that much time. I think we will go to other legal circles and leave here."

The guest spoke, Lao Tai and other places where they did not agree, the guest's opinion was an order, and it was precisely because the dart board had always acted in this way that it could create a good reputation.

Soon, the six arrived at the second teleportation circle. At this time, Li Xing said: "Lao Tai, you take the guests first, I will wait here for a while."

The old Thai couple were surprised. They understood what Li Xing meant. Since someone destroys the teleportation circle, the purpose is naturally to prevent them from returning directly to their destination, so that they have the opportunity to rob.

If Li Xing is here, let them go first, so that they can get time and easily send the guests away. However, in this way, Li Xing is very dangerous.

Seeing the expressions of everyone, Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Since I choose to do this, it naturally makes sense, how many of them have not set out yet?"

Lao Tai took a deep look at Li Xing and said, "Very well, if you can go back alive, you will become the seventh dart master." By the way, the five of them entered the French array first, and Li Xing stayed in the French array. outer.

Sure enough, as soon as the five of them left, three figures fell from the sky and entered the teleportation circle. These three people, all of them are half-level masters, do not conceal the rich murderous body.

They didn't look at Li Xing, such a figure, and approached it. Before Li Xingheng, Li Xingheng said coldly: "No one is allowed to enter the law."

"Huh! Find something dead!" One of them pointed out to Li Xing. This finger issued a terrifying killer and locked Li Xing in shape.

Li Xing, however, moved slightly, breaking the opponent's blockade with a click, and blasted out without fancy. He has just merged the Wanwu King Scriptures, and his strength has soared several times without fear of half respect.


Li Xing was pointed to fly ~ www.readwn.com ~ I felt a severe pain in my fist, and was surprised, and my heart trembled: "Half respect is really amazing!"

The half-zun stepped back, looking annoyed, and shouted, "Damn!"

Just then, a majestic voice said: "Who is so bold to dare to do something in Miracle Ancient Star?"

Suddenly, the three half-zuns looked stunned. The half-zun who was about to take a shot stopped and hugged his fist in the air, accompanied by a laugh: "Misunderstanding, we just try our hand."

"Hum! If there is no more shots, kill no amnesty!" The voice's master said coldly, then disappeared.

The three and a half respectful faces were ugly, staring at Li Xing. One person said, "Son, you are not afraid of death, as long as you leave the ancient star, you will die!"

"Really?" Li Xing wasn't afraid, sneer again and again, "You three old things, want to kill me, not qualified yet!


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