Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 859: The Great King

Chapter 859: The Great King

Chapter 859: The Great King

The Miracle Chamber of Commerce was established by the Great Miracle of Heaven. Although the three are half-respects, they did not dare to offend. . . Therefore, the Miracle Chamber of Commerce only conveyed one voice, and they dared not take action against Li Xing.

Precisely, Li Xingheng was motionless and waited half an hour before the front. For half an hour, it was enough that Lao Tai escorted the guests safely and left, unable to catch up.

Each of the three and a half respected faces was blue, but they were helpless with Li Xing, only staring at him fiercely. If his eyes could kill people, Li Xing would have been scarred.

Feeling that time is almost up, Li Xing smiled, pointing at three and a half seniors: "Three old ghosts, don't you want to kill me? Good, I will give you this opportunity!"

After all, he fluttered into the teleportation circle. Only before hitting Banzun, he has found out the trio's foundation. In terms of strength, he is still a little behind, but if he says escape, he is still quite sure.

As soon as Li Xing entered the battlefield, the three and a half screamed and hurried to catch up. These three people are so resentful to Li Xing that they have lost the opportunity to seize the patrols in the heaven courts and cannot be forgiven at all.

"Boy, you can't escape! Tianya Haijiao, the deity will also kill you!" The half deity who had previously spelled a fight with Li Xing, roared again and again, the first to kill the past.

As soon as he entered the legal array, Li Xing entered the teleportation space. The teleportation process was not long, at this time he was in a space channel. This kind of space channel, called a wormhole, belongs to a space path formed by connecting another space after the space collapses.

In such wormholes, there are powerful storms of time and space, and the pressure is extremely strong. Only holy figures can bear it. Even so, Li Xing came into it and felt quite strong pressure, but he could not hurt him.

When you look around in the wormhole, you can see that there are smooth space-time barriers on all sides. This barrier is very tough, and as long as this barrier is broken, it will lead to stronger time and space.

He only entered the wormhole on his front feet, and the half-jumper on the hind feet chased him up, grinning fiercely, and suddenly split it with a palm. Li Xing didn't expect this person to dare to operate in the wormhole. This is very dangerous. Once the space barrier is broken, it may cause the strongest space-time storm. Even the people in the wormhole will be drawn into the inexplicable space.

The main plane of heaven and earth contains countless mysteries and secrets. The space is crisscrossed. In addition to countless sub-planes, there are many strange spaces. In some spaces, there are arrogant and terrible creatures. Once encountered, even Tianzun has a headache.

The half deity punched, Li Xing scalp numb, suddenly annoyed, and shouted: "Old thing, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Regardless of it, he also fisted out.

With a smashing attack, the power is infinite. Under the violent blow, it has hit six times the combat power. The fists collided, and a terrorist explosion broke out, which directly broke the space barrier. Then infinite darkness and tearing power came to the face, and the whole wormhole collapsed!

Instantly, Li Xing felt the threat of death and instantly responded best. Under the chaos of the chaotic array, the body of the Fa really shaped, and suddenly formed a sphere. Between heaven and earth, if the form with the strongest bearing capacity is the sphere.

The sphere was 10%, and the tearing force in all directions was expelled. Even, Li Xing exerted his clever "pulling by force" martial arts method to offset some terrible forces.

To be able to do this instantly, Li Xing relied on his martial arts and deduced a powerful chaotic array. On the other hand, the other three and a half lords had no such luck, one by one being blown apart by the storm of time and space.

"Damn! It's the core of the storm of time and space, and we can't bear it!" A half-zun yelled and began to curse at the half-zun who shot Li Xing within the wormhole.

In the chaos of time and space, time is chaotic, space is chaotic, Li Xing and the three and a half deities pass by from time to time. At this point, the three will attack the ball severely. However, the spheres are not afraid of even space-time storms, and naturally they are not afraid of their attacks.

After a moment, one of the half deities couldn't hold on, with a scream, his head exploded. Li Xing seized the opportunity, the sphere flew over, and wrapped it all at once.

At the same time, he ran the Yuanding Ding, refining it severely. This half respected was not injured lightly, his strength dropped greatly, he was restrained at once, and he could not move. This man's law belongs to an unknown proverbial plane, but his law is quite strong.

The power of the law continues to flow into the Taoist species. When this half deity is drained of the rule, there is also a brand of law left in the Taoist species.

The remaining two were also severely damaged by the storm of time and space. They were also taken advantage of by Li Xing. They were captured and refined one by one, and two rules were added to the Taoism, making the Taoism towards the perfection one step further.

On the three and a half deities, there were more than a dozen superb holy artifacts hidden in them, and the total number of forged crystals was more than 550,000, which made Li Xing a little happy.

With the improvement of Taoism, the quality of Zhenli has also improved. Li Xing has opened up the quadruple real meridians and has sixty-four real meridians in one fell swoop!

In the ancient and wild era of the Dragon Elephant World, the true king with sixty-four real human meridians is called the Great King! When Dacheng becomes the true king, he can pinch the ancestor, kill the king, and kill the saint. After the success of the King, the transition period between the King and the Holy Saint is also known as semi-holy.

At this moment, Li Xing only stepped into the saint level, and his strength also changed qualitatively. What is holy? Saints can be born again with blood, immortal flesh, immortal soul, and live for 100,000 years; Saints can blow ancient stars with one punch, collapse the sky with one foot, break the plane, and cross all realms.

Saint, is another state of life that can change the law. Moreover, if the saint has enough wisdom, he can change his life against the heavens, and be honored by the saint, establish his own plane, and counter the pressure of the main plane.

In Li Xing's life, he sacrificed countless saints. He knew the power of the saints. At this moment, although he is only half-sacred, he is powerful enough to kill half-respect!


Inside the sphere, earth-shaking changes occur. Achieving the semi-holy, directly led his Da Luozhen to rise to twelve! A qualitative leap in physical strength.

The sphere stretched out and Li Xing returned to true shape. Faced with such a terrifying storm of time and space, the twelve-fold Daluo Zhenshen took nothing seriously and went out with a big swing. Before long, he found another wormhole and entered it.

But he didn't even know where this wormhole would lead.

Li Xing was unlucky. When he stepped out of the wormhole, he found that he had entered an unfamiliar plane. As soon as he emerged from the circle, he was stopped by the two first saints, and sternly said, "Bold, you are actually good at breaking into the realm of virtual Phoenix. Are you tired and crooked?"

The two first saints conveyed a familiar atmosphere, and the plane laws of the entire virtual Phoenix world made Li Xing seem to have known each other. Suddenly, he thought of the young man who was in conflict with himself beyond the ancient miracle star.

That boy is the son of Xuhuang Tianzun. At that time, Li Xing wanted to kill him, but was repelled by the imprint of Xuhuang Tianzun on him. Feng Lingyu was destroyed and he was seriously injured.

He sighed unfortunately, but his expression on the face was very calm, and said, "Two, inadvertently break in below." Then took out ten forged crystals from his body, and said, "Please meet for the first time, please."

The appearance of greed on the faces of the two first saints. Forged crystals are more useful to them than sacred objects. As a result, the two unceremoniously accepted five spar stones each, and they were relieved.

"Where are you from? How did you come to our virtual world?" Asked Chu Sheng.

Li Xing: "Below from heaven, because of being involved in the storm of time and space, I was looking for a way out. After entering the wormhole, I actually reached the virtual phoenix. Two Taoists, where does this teleportation matrix lead?"

The two early sages looked at each other and exchanged a wink. One of them said, "This teleportation circle leads to the purple virtual realm, and you can't even go. However, if you want to leave this place, we can point to a clear way."

Li Xing saw that these two people were eager for more spar, and then arched his hand and said, "If you can help each other, you will have to thank you next."

The two immediately rejoiced, and the human said: "There is a Zixu city here 100,000 miles to the east. Within the Zixu city, there are teleportation magic squares leading to the Sanqing Great World. However, opening that magic square requires consumption. Three thousand forged crystals. "

Planes are not transmitted by anyone. Some relatively remote teleportation arrays consume tens or even hundreds of thousands of chemical crystals at once, how can ordinary people afford them?

Even if they are not far away, they will consume hundreds of thousands of spar. Xuanhuangjie and the Sanqing Great World are not far away, so it only consumes a few thousand spar.

Li Xing nodded: "Thank you." Twenty more spar were taken out, and each gave ten.

After taking over the spar, a flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of the two people. They all saw that Li Xing had only a semi-holy breath, and then he took out a lot of spar, and he must be a rich man.

Wouldn't it be great if such a person with a weak strength and wealth would kill him?

Suddenly, a murder was born in both hearts. The killing and overstocking of the two people were not done before, and the idea came out as soon as they were born, they immediately acted.

Who is Li Xing? The two of them killed together ~ www.readwn.com ~ he knew it, snorted coldly, flipped his hands, and directly suppressed. His strength can fight against or even slay Half-Zun. What's so good about Chuchu? Directly involved in the mixed Yuanding, began to refine.

"Don't! Da Sheng Rao Ming! Da Sheng Rao Ming!" The two first Saints screamed again and again, their voices were screaming.

Li Xing sneered: "You two, do you want to kill and robbery? It's so good!" As soon as he stirred up Yuan Ding, the two first saints were refined.

As soon as he killed the killer, a terror coercion was released, and it seemed that the power of the entire virtual horde was suppressed.

"Xuanhuang Tianzun!" Li Xing's face changed. Anything that happened in Xuanhuang could not be concealed. This person finally wanted to shoot!

"Let's go!" Li Xing shouted, and punched into the air with a punch, and "click" broke the plane barrier and crossed.

"Stay!" A majestic voice with supreme power exploded, and Sonic hit Li Xing with physical pain, and his heart was shocked.


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