Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 860: Nether Seal

Chapter 860: Great Seal of the Void

Chapter 860: Void Seal

The entire virtual phoenix world belongs to the virtual phoenix. . . Li Xing broke into the realm of virtual phoenix, he was simply throwing himself into the net, giving people a handle. In the realm of virtual phoenix, the virtual phoenix belongs to the supreme existence and controls everything, which is by no means what he can contend with.

Xuhuang Tianzun yelled, and Li Xing's twelve major Luo Zhen was almost injured. However, the monk in the holy realm had the right to cross the plane. He punched out, tore the barrier, and rushed out.

At the same time, a large golden hand came flying. The power of this big hand made Li Xing also tight-hearted, with a long whistle, flying desperately, breaking through the barrier with the fastest speed, and entering the world.

The vastness of the world, one after another, is included, and the phoenix world belongs to one of them. Compared to the Sanqing Great World isotope, the virtual Phoenix world itself is a third-level plane, and the barrier is not so powerful, so Li Xing can easily tear it apart and rush out of it.

The moment he rushed out of the virtual phoenix realm, Li Xing had a feeling of being shrouded in death. The golden light hand forced out from the virtual phoenix realm and still wanted to obliterate Li Xing.

Breaking through again and again, Zhenwang Dacheng, Da Luo Zhenshen also reached twelve. However, Li Xing is still not the enemy of the Celestial Master. He screamed and began to rush with the power of the law.

His law body, which belongs to the heaven and earth body, contains two kinds of laws. The laws of heaven and earth are the ultimate laws of the main plane and the core laws. Therefore, if we control the laws of heaven and earth, heaven may not be able to reach him.

I saw that Li Xing's body flickered and disappeared without a trace, and Jin Guang grabbed it with a big hand. A cold voice conveyed the heavens and the world: "Huh! You can't escape!"

Immediately, the big hand trembled, countless ancient stars exploded, and one after another the parallel space was shaken out. Each of the sky tracks, sky marks, and ten-square waves that represent the power of the law are transformed into dust.

But saying that Li Xing was walking, he felt that the horrible force behind him was really chasing after him, and killed him in a large-scale undifferentiated attack.

"Xunhuang Tianzun, your generation of Tianzun, actually shot at people below Tianzun, don't you blush and beat your heart?" Li Xing sighed, and using the laws of heaven and earth, passed this voice to many planes, so that many powers could listen get.

"Junior, the old man remembers your breath, because you hurt the old man's descendants, and today you ran into the old man's plane and killed for no reason, how can you spare you?" Xuhuang Tianzun sternly said, her voice was cold.


Golden hands squeezed a trick, Li Xing felt that the laws of heaven and earth were disturbed, and his limp speed became extremely slow. Jin Guang's big hand caught up all of a sudden and suppressed it severely.

The horror of coercion made Li Xing unable to even fly. He was desperate in his heart. Is this the power of Tianzun? Sure enough, it is a powerful existence out of the bounds of the laws of heaven and earth.

Time seemed to stand still, with only one big hand, cracking down fiercely, and the surrounding space collapsed. Nearby, a time and space with a strong killing atmosphere was also disturbed and exploded.

And at this moment, a sword full of killing scent was cut out horizontally, and Jin Guang's big hand was cut off with a finger, sending out a series of violent explosions. The shock of the horrible explosion suddenly blasted Li Xing.


He spit out blood and stood away, widening his eyes to the void. I saw a dark golden gourd floating in the void, and hundreds of millions of sword qi slowly moved around this gourd.

At the sight of this gourd, Li Xing blurted out and shouted, "Slay the gourd!"

This thing is exactly a gourd, but it is much more powerful than the original gourd. The murderous power is extremely powerful, and even Tianzun can repel it.

"Damn!" Xuhuang Tianzun was furious, and Jin Guang turned his hand to chop and kill the gourd, and made a thunderous thunder. "Kill Zun, do you dare to ask about my husband?"

"Hmm! It ’s not easy to find the killing time and space, and capture a young respectable killer in it, but you suddenly broke in and let the killer escape, bad for me!" The beheaded gourd should belong to a person called 'killing respect' He said at this time.

"Killing Zun, if you and I do it, no one is better than you. You will give in to what is happening today and allow me to return to you in the future." Xuhuang Tianzun obviously does not want to provoke Killing Zun, his tone is relatively warm.

"The value of that killing beast is inestimable. If you can get it, the deity may break through once. Can you afford it?" In the tone of the killer, he was full of anger, screamed, shot suddenly, and issued billions of kills. Light.

Killing Zun was very angry, and Man Tian Jianguang attacked indiscriminately, even Li Xing was included.

Fortunately, Li Xing stood far away, and plunged into space the first time. That killing Zun did not expect that Li Xing, a person who is not even a holy order, could walk freely in the heavens and the earth.

Because he had to deal with Xuhuang Tianzun, he couldn't catch up, so Li Xing seized the opportunity and left.

There was a loud noise behind him, a series of explosions, he ignored this, and seized the opportunity to plunge into another time and space. However, even in countless time and space, the coercion of Tianzun still conveyed continuously.

I don't know how long he was limping, before Li Xing gradually felt the pressure. At this moment, he was already in a void of time and space, there was nothing around him, only a void.

In such an environment, it is a good place to recover from his injuries. He plunged into the heaven of Jiuyang and began to cultivate.

Although he was not hit by Xunhuang Tianzun before, the impact was very horrible and he was seriously injured. Now he must hurry up and recover as soon as possible.

In the nine days of the sun, Li Xing practiced for seven full days before his injuries were fully recovered. After the restoration of the true form, he felt that Da Luo really had a slight improvement. Every injury and every recovery can be promoted to repair. This is one of the most amazing characteristics of Da Luozhen.

When Li Xing emerged from the heaven of Jiuyang, he felt that the surrounding void power had undergone major changes compared to when he first came. The void became very sticky, and it became more difficult for him to limp.

"Huh? Good pure power of the void. This place should belong to a special place. If I didn't master the laws of heaven and earth, if I could see through the nature of the void, I would be lost in it and be trapped here forever." Li Xing thought about it, using his mind to sweep around.

Jiuyin and Jiuyang are the ultimate laws, but the general outline of all the laws of heaven and earth, the respect of all laws. Wherever Li Xing's Dharma idea goes, he can see everything instantly and understand what the nature of the void is.

"There is also a law in the void. Most of it is contained in the laws of the earth's borders, and a small part is included in the laws of the heavens!" Li Xing thoughtfully, the whole man stood in the void without any movement, and realized the void. secret.

The vastness of the world contains countless mysteries, and the law of the void is just one of them. This rule is nothing and difficult to detect, even Tianzun is not easy to see through, let alone say enlightenment.

Li Xing is different. His heaven and earth body can resonate with the laws of heaven and earth. He is the ancestor of all law and the respect of all law. Although the realm is not so clever, you can learn all the ways.

In the void, a huge, heart-like thing manifested. As soon as this thing came out, Li Xing opened his eyes and called: "Void Heart!"

Void Heart is born in the Void. If it can continue to grow, it may become a Void Monster and become a terrible existence. This thing was precious, and Li Xing thought of it, and Hun Yuan Ding swallowed it and began to refine it.

The heart of the void contains the pure power of the void, which helps him understand the laws of the void.

I do not know how long it has passed, the heart of the void exploded, turned into a rolling mana, absorbed by it. Li Xing also fully comprehended the laws of the void, and brewed an extremely powerful ultimate spell, the Great Seal of the Void. Once this ultimate spell comes out, you can directly seal the half deity, trap it in the void, and never leave it.

With a long howl, the void shook, and the forces of the void gathered in all directions, crystallizing into one void spar.

Today, Li Xing knows the precious things between heaven and earth. This nether spar can be used for refining plane tools, and its value is far above the chemical spar. A void crystal can be exchanged for dozens or hundreds of forged crystals.

The power of the void, which is not even elusive for Tianzun, actually obeyed Li Xing's orders and crystallized into void crystals. Sky is full of spar, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand.

In the end, all the power of the Nether condensed into three hundred thirty thousand Nether spar and was collected by Li Xing. It was an amazing wealth that made him quite happy.

The surrounding void has disappeared, manifesting ancient stars.

Facing the vast starry sky, Li Xing exhaled and said, "Today's understanding of the law of the void is very helpful to the fulfillment of Taoism. It is better to start traveling through the countless time and space in the heavens and earth and fulfill yourself."

With this in mind ~ www.readwn.com ~, he decided not to return to the Sanqing Great World for the time being, but to travel through thousands of worlds, countless time and space, like understanding the laws of the void, and understanding many laws.

In some time and space, not only contains the power of laws, but also some special beings. For example, the killing beast that Zun Zun wanted to capture was something that was born in the time of killing, which is very powerful.

After limping for several days, he felt a haze in front of him, giving Li Xing a familiar feeling. When he reached the edge of time and space, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and said, "It turns out to be phaseless time and space!"

No phase is also a kind of law. As early as when he practiced blood, he began to practice slashlessness. Of course, the swashplateless power of that time was certainly not as pure and powerful as the stanceless spacetime.

The original power of phaselessness originated from a phaseless star above heaven. The starless star is left after the death of the starless star. And that sageless saint, was aware of the fur ’s sagelessness rule, and condensed a sageless world into a generation of sage saints.

Li Xing stood outside the phaseless space-time, carefully sensing for a while, his expression gradually dignified. He glanced at his mind, feeling that there are some very dangerous beings in this timeless space. Once he enters, he may face great danger.


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