Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 861: Phaseless space-time

Chapter 861: Phaseless Space-Time

Chapter 861: Phaseless Time

There are many mysterious time and space in the heavens and the earth, which contain strange laws, and the law of non-phase is one of them. This kind of law, although not as self-contained as a plane, is independent of the laws of heaven and earth, but it also has extraordinary characteristics.

Outside of phaseless time and space, Li Xingyu toured for a long time, and finally made a decision. He entered phaseless spacetime and learned about phaselessness, thus fulfilling the law. In this phaseless spacetime, there must be something more precious than the spar of emptiness and the heart of emptiness, and he did not want to miss it.

With a flicker of the true form of the Dharma body, it broke through the barrier and entered into phaseless spacetime. Once in, Li Xing had a feeling of swimming in the water. After all, his realm of phaselessness was also very clever at first, not even weaker than that of phaseless heaven.

However, he feels that the rule of phaselessness is countless times better than what he had realized before. The chaotic array immediately began deduction, and gradually perfected the way of non-phase. At the same time, he keeps going deep into phaseless time and space.

Just when Li Xing entered the world of phaselessness, exploring the secrets of phaselessness. Beyond phaseless time and space, the three sages come to reveal three sages, each of whom has reached the extreme. And they all have the breath of the plane weapon.

In the breath of the three saints, there is a sense of Zen. They all come from a third-level plane, in the Zen world. The Zen world, which belongs to a plane in the bliss world, was established by a deity and has a lot of status.

A saint, with a hat on his head and a dirty cloak, must be thick and cluttered, almost like a beggar. However, he has a good temperament, as if he were the leader of the Three Saints.

The sage-broken saint stared at phaseless time and space, saying: "Two brethren, success or failure is in one fell swoop. If you can successfully refine phaseless spacetime, I can build a third-level plane in that bliss world. Realm. And it won't be long before all three of me can become celestial beings and sit among them! "

The second saint was kind, with a bald monk's clothes, holding a crutch, wearing a yellow and white Buddha's clothing, and laughed: "No phase, time and space, unfathomable, is between heaven and earth, beyond the two poles of heaven and earth. One. If we can refine time and space, all three of us will have a great chance to become respected. "

The third saint, his face was thin and thin, as if the wind blew down. He was dressed in sackcloth and said coldly: "The three of us have borrowed a diamond bowl from the rooftop world, a picture of Buddha and magic in the realm of law, and the dense realm. Heart seal. The combined forces of the three major planes have 80% certainty that refining has no phase. "

The broken hat saint nodded: "Bacheng, enough for us to try, ready to start."

Li Xing did not know that someone outside was going to refine the entire phaseless space-time and establish a phaseless boundary. At this moment, he continued to go deep, carefully not to disturb the terrible beings in the phaseless space.

Just like the virtual phoenix realm in the virtual phoenix heaven, Wuxiang also has its master, a very scary creature. Li Xing began to have the feeling of being monitored, but when he looked around, he could not find anything.

It wasn't until he found a huge phaseless spar that this feeling suddenly became strong. With a phaseless force, Li Xing was blocked off at once. A blurry brilliance, like nothing, appeared in front of him.

In the brilliance, a thought that seemed mechanical and agile was conveyed. The idea expressed by this idea is very simple. Li Xing broke into its territory, so he was going to die.

Li Xing quickly said: "Unintentionally offend, just want to understand the law of non-phase."

However, the other party did not respond. Instead, it continued to increase the power of terror, apparently trying to kill Li Xing. With a loud roar, Li Xing was running his true strength with all his strength, barely supporting the power of phaselessness.

However, he also understands that the opponent is very strong, and the horror is the same as the "killing respect" in the killing world. The monster belonging to the rank of heaven respect is not easy to deal with. With a sigh in his heart, he couldn't think of a specific solution for a short time, but he could only run the chaotic array with full force and realized nothing.

At this moment, outside of the phaseless space-time, the three sages finally shot. Vajra bowl, Buddha and magic figure, heart seal, the three plane tools turned into glory, shrouded in phaseless time and space, actually cooperated with tacit understanding, issued the power of refining.

Suddenly, the monster who locked Li Xing was shocked, and Li Xing was ignored, and he began to fight against the external refinement. The three plane tools are very powerful. Their combined power is equivalent to a very powerful Celestial shot.


The law in the phaseless space-time was squeezed and oscillated, and condensed into phaseless spar. When the rules are loose, it is a good time for refining and enlightenment. Regardless of what happened, Li Xing immediately seized the opportunity and fully enlightened.

Phaseless crystals were ingested by him. At the same time, the chaotic array began to degenerate the law of phaselessness and complete his laws of heaven and earth. This phaseless spar is the same as the void spar, and it is very precious. One can exchange hundreds of forged crystals.


Under the great pressure of the outside world, all phaseless lightnings blew, and the phantom of the phaseless **** began to appear. However, every time a ghost image appeared, Li Xing received one and refined it at any time.

The pricelessness of this **** is equivalent to the heart of the void refined before Li Xing.

Every time one is absorbed, the rule is completed. But the attacks from outside were more intense. The respectless monsters in phaseless time and space did not care about Li Xing and resisted with all their strength. However, due to the nature of the non-phase law, the creatures born here are between living and non-living, and the consciousness is not very strong. Therefore, I will not fight back with all my strength, but just instinctively fight back.

This allowed the three sages outside to take advantage, gradually gaining the upper hand, and began to gather strength and gradually refine the phaseless time and space. Phaseless time and space, one of the most important 3,000 time and space outside the world of heaven and earth, is very small ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing, phaseless time and space gradually shrink, eventually turning into a mass of innocence, echoing into the universe, The broken-hat saint laughed: "This phaseless space-time has always been very secretive. After the Yin-Yang period opened, it still appeared for the first time. I didn't want to be discovered by me at that time. It's God!"

The sacred sage: "Three thousand time and space will be generated in every period and beyond the poles. It is said that the three thousand time and space will evolve the three thousand avenues when the world and the world are approaching. This phaseless space and time will definitely evolve Exit Wuxi Avenue. "

"Three thousand avenues were conceived in the laws of heaven and earth. At this moment, the three thousand time and space are like one kind of Tao, and they will definitely create three thousand heavens." And the third saint, "And the three thousand heavens, absolutely All of them can have extraordinary combat power, and the realm is above the ordinary deities. "

During the conversation between the three, Li Xing felt that the pressure was getting stronger. He was worried that he would not be fully enlightened, and he was going to hang him. So he gritted his teeth and suddenly hurled hundreds of thousands of forged crystals on his body. And started crazy deduction.

"Give me your full calculations!" He shouted, in the chaos, there was a violent explosion, and the speed of the deduction was increased ten million times at once!


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