Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 862: 8 days of law

Chapter 862: Heaven and Earth, Eightfold

Chapter 862: Eight Heavens

The natural spar provides powerful deduction power. In a short time, Li Xing completely perfected the law of no phase, and the law of heaven and earth was more complete. Suddenly, he felt a slight vibration, a feeling that the young buds broke through the ground.

This feeling is very wonderful, it is the symptom when breaking through the heavens and heavens and entering the swords of heaven and earth. The law of heaven eight is to use the power of the law to cast the sword of the supreme law to open up the void and prepare for the heaven to build the cave sky.

Li Xing has previously incorporated the law of the void, and at this moment has incorporated the law of phaselessness, and instantly perfected his heaven and earth body. When this perfection reaches a certain level, you can cast swords on the Lingtai and break through to the next level.

The law was fulfilled. The monster attacked by the three plane instruments suddenly sensed with Li Xing, just like the two hearts of a life beating at the same time, breathing together and sharing fate.

For a moment, he realized that the hostility of the monster in the phaseless space had completely disappeared and replaced with a kind of recognition. Li Xing realized the law of phaselessness with the help of a powerful chaotic array.

In this way, he replaced the position of the phaseless monster and became the core of phaseless time and space.

The monster has ignored the attack from the outside. After releasing goodwill to Li Xing, the consciousness gradually dissipated. Immediately, an incongruent and unruly law suddenly rushed into his body.

The chaotic bursts swelled suddenly, Li Xing felt unprecedentedly powerful, and shot a sky-light in the eyebrows. This light, representing the supreme power of the laws of heaven and earth, suddenly cut through the phaseless space and time and shone up and down ten directions.

Even with it, the power of phaseless space-time is excited, and the power bursts more than ten times.

"What's that?" The three sages were shocked, only to feel that the plane tools could not be suppressed, and they vomited blood and receded. I saw a supreme light, broke through the darkness, and shot out like a lightsaber, cutting vertically and horizontally.

Jianguang only appeared for a tenth of an instant, then converged in an instant, condensed into a faint sword shadow in the heart of Li Xing's eyebrows. This means that Li Xing's sword was successfully cast, and he successfully entered the eight stages of the law.

The next practice is to continue to absorb the power of the laws of the world and use them to strengthen the sword. Until one day, the sword was powerful and sharp enough to cut through everything and open up his own world, thereby stepping into the heavens and the heavens.

Fa Tian was so heavy that Li Xing felt his strength and suddenly reached one, a state he couldn't even describe. At least one thing is certain, he doesn't have to be afraid of half respect.

It will no longer be chased and killed by three and a half deities as before, or it will be with the help of the storm of time and space that they will kill each other. At this time, he can destroy half respect only by his own strength.

The magic sword is 10%, and the phaseless time and space are also between Li Xing's thoughts, condensing phaseless spar, and absorbed by him.

Phaseless space and time have completely disappeared, and Li Xing appears in the vision of the three sages. Broken Hat Extreme Saint beckoned to retract the plane weapon, and raised his eyebrows, "Who are you? It's a bad thing!"

Li Xing glanced at the three of them, his gaze fell on the plane surface implement, and said lightly, "I'll be here first."

The second had Holy Wrath: "You're here first? This timeless space, I've waited for the three to find out."

Li Xing never flinched. Even if there were plane tools, he was not afraid. He replied: "The phaseless space-time is an ownerless thing, and it has been refined by me. It is too late to say anything. You have two choices, Shoot yourself, or choose to give up. "

On hearing Li Xing's tone so strong, all three sacred hearts were angry. However, they all resisted, and the broken hat was sacred for a moment, and actually "haha" laughed and said, "In the end, it's so funny."

The other two sages looked at each other. Under the telepathy of the three of them, they all felt something, and they all laughed, and said in unison: "If success is empty, failure is also empty. The photo was in my heart. "

As a matter of fact, Li Xing felt that the breath of the three extreme saints all changed suddenly, adding a little bit of prestige. These three people, even the effort of talking, became half respect!

The three-pole saint stepped into the half respect and worshipped Li Xing at the same time, and said loudly, "Thank you." Then she smiled slightly and flew away without saying much.

Li Xing stayed in place for a while, and said to himself, "All three of them have a state of mindlessness, and they all have the hope of becoming heavenly respects. Amazing!" Thinking of this, suddenly some regrets, without asking the three names , And where it comes from.

"No more, I have reached the eighth level of the law and heaven, and the sword was successfully cast by Lingtai. The next step is to open up the holes. I practice the laws of heaven and earth. The open sky is no small matter. I will definitely need a lot of magic spar, and I must accumulate more! As soon as Li Xing was thinking, he wrapped his body around Jianguang, limping in the air, and preparing to return to the dart game.

If you want to obtain a large number of natural crystals, you have to follow the old path originally envisioned, which is the so-called "black eat black". After all, void space-time and phaseless space-time are not so easy to find.

Returning to the dart was not easy. Li Xingxing spent several months to find an ancient star with a teleportation circle, but it was a stronghold established by the Chamber of Miracles.

On the ancient star, he sold some phaseless crystals in exchange for chemical crystals, which enabled him to open the magic circle, and then experienced dozens of time and space jumps, which consumed hundreds of thousands of chemical crystals before and after he finally returned. Dart.

When Li Xing appeared outside the dartboard, there were suddenly six brilliances. The six and a half darts of the dartboard came out to greet at the same time. Lao Tai laughed: "You're back, good."

Last time, Li Xing voluntarily broke off and was able to come back alive, which made the dartboard give him a high look.

Li Xing nodded slightly and said, "This time, I have died for nine lives, but fortunately I have turned to danger."

Everyone returned to the hall ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing talked about his experience of the trip. Of course, he didn't say something that should be concealed, such as the experience of phaseless spacetime.

After listening to the narration, Lao Tai sighed: "It's actually three and a half deities. It's a miracle that you can come back alive." Then looked at Li Xing, "Your realm seems to have improved again."

Li Xing nodded: "Some small improvements are nothing." Then he said, "What did you say then?"

At that time, Lao Tai said before leaving that if Li Xing came back alive, let him be a dart master.

Lao Tai smiled and said, "Escape under the hands of three and a half lords, of course you are qualified to become a dart master. After today, you are the seventh dart master in this dart board!"

In this way, Li Xing officially became a dart division. However, before preparing for an adventure, he decided to return to Sanqing World, where there are still a few things to be resolved.

(Although busy, I feel that one chapter a day is too unpleasant. Updates from the 19th of this month, one chapter before ten o'clock; then one chapter before twenty-one. Two chapters must be written every day,


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