Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 864: Holy Gate

Chapter 864: Holy Gate

Chapter 864: Holy Door

Li Xing's eyelids jumped: "It is actually a candidate for Sanqing Datianzun, no wonder!"

He also understands that the reason why the Sanqing Great World can become a first-level plane and the constant birth of the Great Celestial Supreme is probably related to this mechanism. Doing your best to cultivate a group of potential monks and holy bodies is the product of this mechanism.

The Eucharist, the Sanqing Eucharist, has the bloodlines of the Sanqing Great Celestial Master in their body and is most likely to become the Great Celestial Master. Therefore, all Sanqing sacred bodies will be called together and cultivated together, so that they continue to grow and grow.

Like Xiao Yan, one day, sooner or later, it will be absorbed and become a Eucharist.

"The Sanqing Great World has one of the strongest and oldest forces, called the Sanqing Holy Gate. The Holy Communities we call are all disciples of the Holy Disciples." Even if they make a great mistake, no Tianzun dares to fight against them. Who will face the anger and revenge of Sanqing Tianzun? "

At this moment, Li Xing knew why the cold boy was so jealous. Behind the Eucharist, there was the Sanqing Datian supporter, and his strength was strong. This kind of person is the most difficult to provoke, if one is not good, it is possible to take Xiao Ming into it.

"Brother Han said, let me save you, how to say this?" Li Xing asked.

Han Gongzi said: "Although the Celestial Master can't move the Eucharist, monks below the Celestial Master can challenge the Eucharist. And once the challenge is successful, they can be replaced as a holy disciple."

"A small number of saints throughout the history are not holy bodies, but they have the power to kill the holy bodies. They are absorbed by the holy gate through challenges." Han Gongzi looked at Li Xing, begging, "Brother Li, The little bully is fierce and the most arrogant. His strength is very strong, he can cut and kill half respect, and he is also up to the sacred level. The coming of the little bully will certainly make it difficult for me. If Li Xiong can shoot, challenge With him, everything will be solved. "

Li Xing was silent and challenging the Eucharist, it was not a simple matter. Even if the challenge is successful, becoming a so-called saint will certainly be subject to various restrictions, which is not comparable to the current free body.

Besides, his path of practice is quite ordinary, not based on the Sanqing rule, and it is not suitable to become a saint.

After much thought, he said, "I will not be a saint."

Han Gongzi said suddenly, "The number of saints in the Sanqing Great World has always been kept at 300. Every saint will get the most cultivation resources and the best spiritual guidance. Brother Li is not willing?"

Li Xing smiled lightly: "I have my spiritual practice."

Han Gong did not reluctantly, nodded: "It doesn't matter if you don't become a saint, you just have to defeat the little overlord. However, if you give up the opportunity of saints, I am afraid there will be trouble in the future. The Three Hundred Eucharist has always been very united, You defeated Bully, they will definitely send stronger characters. "

"Three Saints, how strong is it?" Li Xing asked.

"In the three hundred saints, the eight strongest people have reached the rank of Heavenly Deity, known as the Eight Great Heavenly Deities. Almost all of the rest are extremely holy realms, and their combat power is high, and they can generally kill half deities." Han Gongzi wryly smiled. , "Sanqing Eucharist, which one is not terrifying?"

"Is Tianzun?" Li Xing narrowed his eyes. "That's fine. One day, I will become a figure against Tianzun."

Li Xing's words made Han Gong smirk. He sneered in his heart and contended against Heaven. Unless you become Celestial!

With this in mind, Han Gongzi's mouth was full of praise and smiled: "Brother Li can definitely do it! Well, we will go out now, and we will be a little overlord for a while!"

Xiaoba Thunder, who was impatiently waiting, was about to lose his temper and set off the cold house, and the boy came out with a person. Seeing this man, the bully looked scornfully, a monk who was not even in the holy realm, and deserved little attention from him.

Thunder stared at Han Gongzi, cursing: "Fuck Xiaohan, you dare to fight even my people, do you think you can protect you?"

Han Gongzi smiled bitterly, and he continued to make trouble, saying: "Brother Lei laughed and laughed, how dare you move your people? It must be a misunderstanding." Although it was decided to let Li Xing shoot, but he could not sin the saints. Everyone comes with care and humility.

I do n’t know, the Saint Thunder became more arrogant, and stared, "Misunderstanding? Put your mother's fart! Lao Tzu's man is on duty with Fu Gongzi, don't you know?"

When he stepped forward, he held up Han Gong with one hand, and he slaps his hand, making a loud slap, making a "snap".

Han Gong only felt that half of his head was buzzing, and his legs were angry with two angers. He shouted, "Thunder, don't you go too far!"

"Excessive?" Thunder sneered, "If you weren't yours, you would count a shit, wrong, not even a shit!"

Saint Thunder tightened his hands, strangled Han Gongzi, and then said fiercely: "Today, I will kill you, and then find the guy who dare to hurt me, and kill him!"

"No need." Li Xing saw that the father-in-law was worse, and none of the people outside Hanfu dared to step in and had to stand up and said, "I am that person."

The Saint Thunder gazed at two strange lights and shone towards Li Xing. The Sanqing Sacred Body has a special ability to send out Sanqing Sacred Eyes and see everything. Li Xingming is an existence who is not even a holy figure, and can actually kill extremely holy.

This makes the Thunder very strange, so when you come up, you must use the Sanqing Holy Light to check Li Xing's physique and see through his secrets.

However, Li Xing also shot two golden lights in his eyes. Among the golden light, the laws of heaven and earth are intertwined, which contains sharp swordsmanship. One forward, it cuts the Sanqing Holy Light all at once.

"What?" Thunder was shocked. His Sanqing sacred light is omnipresent, and sometimes he can take a child, even Tianzun can see through, let alone ordinary monks.

In front of this man, it was incredible to hit his Sanqing Holy Light with his eyes!

Thunder threw away Han Han and started to face Li Xing, he said in a deep voice: "Boy, you have a meaning, who is it?"

"I'm Li Xing," Li Xing said lightly, "from heaven."

"It turned out to be a person from heaven, no wonder there are extraordinary methods. But no matter where you come from, whoever dares to touch me, there is only a dead end. Now kneeling down and begging me for mercy, I can make you die happier." Thunder coldly said , The tone is full of self-confidence and the trend of life and death.

Li Xing smiled, his smile was cold: "Good breath, Tianzun can't let me bow my head, what are you? A sacred body. Today, if you can leave immediately, what should I have never happened. If you Continue to make things difficult, then I'm sorry, I have to kill you. "

"Crazy!" Thunder opened his eyes and looked at Li Xing like a lunatic. "You are going to kill me? Very good, very good! Sanqing World, below the Celestial Master, no one dares to speak to my bully!"

Xiaoba Thunder made a sharp and harsh laugh: "Among the three hundred saints, I am ranked 53rd, although not the top, but also the middle and upper. You dare to say that you want to kill me? I really do not know the heights and heights, childish ridiculous."

Li Xing sighed: "Is there so much nonsense of the saints? Want to know if it is true, then you should immediately take it. I will let you know that in this world, no holy body or **** body is important, what is important is Will and luck. "

The little bully was furious. In his eyes, a figure like a ant dared to speak to him like this. He roared and punched Li Xing.

The Xianjia method is similar to Li Xing's method. After being extremely holy, the physical body is immortal, and the gathering is formed, and the scattered is formed. A huge fist, carrying unparalleled strength, bombarded it all at once.

Li Xingxin was slightly surprised by the power contained in that fist. He has fought against half respect, and has seen the means of heaven respect. In comparison, the strength of the Xiaobawang is between half and sky.

Such strength is undoubtedly terrible. Below the Celestial Master, it is almost invincible. Of course, there must be a stronger presence among the saints. But outside of the Sanqing Eucharist, I'm afraid it's hard to find someone who can match him.

Facing the blow from the saints, Li Xing did not flinch, and the Fa body shook in succession, followed by a punch. The huge true-shaped giant fist hidden the word "collapse" and slammed away.


The huge sound and the horrible shock wave instantly lifted up the entire Hanfu. All the people, including Han Gongzi, were blown away all at once, with a grey face and a terrified look.

This punch also shocked the entire Yuqing Realm, and many monks rushed to wonder what happened.

"Is Tianzun doing this? The breath is so horrible!" Shouted a monk.

"It's a bully, who dares to do anything with him? This man has always been unreasonable, only talking about his fists. Is a person who can compete with the saints another saint?"

"Well? That person doesn't look like us in the Sanqing Great World. What kind of inexperienced talent is this? The chaotic gods of the Chaos Great World? Or the Proterotype of the Proterozoic World?"

"It doesn't seem to be his constitution ..." An old immortal who has lived for more than 100,000 years has wide experience and widened his eyes. "It seems that there is some momentum in the world!"

"What a joke? Have you ever seen the heaven and earth dominate?" Someone laughed at it. Www.readwn.com. The former's answer silenced everyone. "I was fortunate enough to watch the evolution path of Elysium, including the images of heaven and earth dominating the atmosphere of previous epochs, which seemed very similar. "

"It's like what it is." The people still didn't believe it. "It doesn't have to be. Keep watching, the saints will kill him."

However, he said that Li Xing was blown out, and the Saint Little Bully was taken back three steps directly, but he was still in place. The little overlord was so horrified that he could not have expected it. Li Xing actually took his full blow and gained the upper hand.

"Is the Sanqing Eucharist? Today I will let you know, there is a sky outside, there are people outside!" Li Xing has a long hair without wind, automatic, big sleeves fluttering, chaotic bursts of deductive pros and cons, suddenly Just point out.

It was pointed out that the heavens and the world were isolated, and a terrifying atmosphere of extermination and extermination of ten parties was revealed, which blocked the little overlord.

(Sorry, the two chapters didn't change yesterday. Can you see more today?)


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