Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 865: The Great Finger

Chapter 865: The Great Extinction Finger

Chapter 865: Finger of Great Destruction

"Fingering fingers!" Li Xing uttered an extremely cold voice in his mouth, like the cold wind blowing from hell. A forefinger, carrying indescribable destructive power, kept zooming in front of the Xiaoba Thunder, pointing to the eyebrows.

Li Xing's heaven and earth body, communicating the laws of heaven and earth, and using the characteristics of the chaotic array and the little overlord, instantly created a spell. At this moment, he can create a powerful spell out in a flash of thought.

In addition, Li Xing's spells all have one characteristic, the combination of law and martial arts, powerful enough to be able to be sacrificed. Therefore, as soon as the big hit finger came out, the little overlord felt the threat of death, yelled loudly, blasted out eight punches, kicked out nine legs, and broke out the strongest combat power.

An extremely holy shot, the lethality is horrible. However, Li Xing simply pointed out that Xiao Bawang's hands and feet exploded, turning into a **** rain. He screamed, and the whole man was wrapped in the light and desperately repaired.

The saint's body is immortal, and even if it explodes into blood mist, he can still recover, but it will only consume energy.

Suddenly, the little bully recovered his form, stared at Li Xing with great fear, and said fiercely, "You dare to offend the saints. In this life and in this life, you will remember me and day until death! Above me, there are fifty Two saints, you cannot defeat them all! "

Li Xing showed a disdainful expression, and said lightly, "Does nothing depend on the strength of others?"

This taunt drove the Little Overlord almost crazy, as a saint who stood high above him, his position in the Sanqing world was aloof. What is a saint? The future candidate of Sanqing Datianzun, even Tianzun dare not hurt.

But Li Xing doesn't care about this, he doesn't care about the other party's identity, but only looks at the other party's strength and will. Like Xiao Bawang, he has lost sight of him, and is not worthy of being his enemy, at most it has become a stepping stone.

"Damn thing! Do you think the saints are really afraid of you?" The little bully clenched his fists, brewing an extremely terrifying breath.

"Not good! He is going to use Sanqing Quanhuaquan. We must never get closer, hurry up!" Some monks with eyesight fled away immediately, for fear of being affected.

"Sanqing created a fist, but that is a boxing skill created by Sanqing Datianzun. Tianzun can perform it. How can a little overlord?" Someone even flew, exclaiming.

"Do n’t forget, Xiaoba is the Sanqing sacred body, with the blood of Sanqing Datianzun in his body. The blood of Sanqing is extremely noble and contains some ancient memories. It should be his blood that has awakened. However, he must be extremely strenuous in performing this function. If he fails, he will explode to death, and he will be attacked by terror! "

Li Xing also noticed this. As soon as Xiao Bawang moved, he immediately approached him and punched him fiercely. Poor this little overlord, due to his limited strength, he can't instant Sanqing fortune, it takes a while to brew.

This period of time was fatal to him. Li Xing just seized this opportunity and attacked fiercely.


Xiao Bawang screamed, the whole head exploded, and Sanqing Quanhuaquan in the process of being brewed was also interrupted, and he could not continue to perform.

"Animal! Can you take me a punch?" He was so angry, thinking that as long as Sanqing made a fist, Li Xing would inevitably die.

Li Xing looked at him like an idiot, and said coldly, "You can't even make a punch, which is also considered boxing?" Then he hit another blow.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three fingers in a row, the whole body of Xiao Bawang turned into flesh. However, the meat slurry is still creeping and needs to be aggregated and recovered. Of course, Li Xing wouldn't give him a chance. Two true-shaped big hands, like two large golden grinding discs, took a hard shot to the center, and then ground them.

Among the big hands, the hidden Yuan Ding is hidden, and every time you grind, you have to grind the other side.

The bully screamed again and again, and his cry was full of fear: "I confess defeat, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

The immortal body is immortal and it is difficult to be killed. A sage immortal like Xiao Bawang is even more afraid of being killed unless he encounters Tianzun. However, Li Xing just had the means to restrain this immortal body, which immediately made him extremely fearful.

As a holy man, he has a long life and a high status. He hopes to live longer than ordinary people. When facing death, his fear is even stronger.

Li Xing's palms still slowly grind, and said coldly, "Yes? If you don't kill you, you can surrender your memory."

"What? You want to read the memory of this saint? Absolutely impossible!" To Li Xing's surprise, Xiaoba Wang refused without hesitation, it seems that his memory is more important than his life.

"Huh! It doesn't matter if you don't pay." Li Xing's mixed Yuan Ding packed the Xiaobawang whole and deduced it.

The more Xiao Bawang didn't say, the more Li Xing wanted to know. To read the memory, I want to know what means the Thundermaster Thunder just has to use, that is, to know the cultivation method of Sanqing Souhuaquan.

Although he didn't see the power of Sanqing's fortune fist, but just relying on the instantaneous induction, he judged that this method was no small matter. If it could be obtained, it would greatly improve the combat effectiveness.

But I did not expect that Thunder was so determined that he would not give up his memory when he died. Is there any secret?

The chaotic array can not only infer changes, but also infer others' memories. The so-called memory, for Shengxian, is nothing more than a change in the arrangement of rules and a complex combination of breath.

These changes are extremely complicated, and most people naturally cannot see through. Li Xing is different. His chaotic array can precisely calculate the mystery. In the face of the chaos, there are few secrets at all, and everything can be unlocked.

Of course, ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing is not really a little bully who wants to die. He must be a saint if he beheaded, but it was not his will. If you do n’t become a saint, it ’s not good to be ruthless, otherwise Han will be implicated and it will have a great impact on his future plans.

The chaotic array was really wonderful. After a few breaths, all the secrets of Xiao Bawang have been read by Li Xing. This little overlord belongs to the existence that has lived for hundreds of years, and has many memories, which are very complicated.

Li Xing only selected useful information and erased the rest. Such as the structure in the gate, how powerful the saints are, and so on. Of course, the thing he wanted most was Sanqing Shuanghuaquan, which he achieved.

Sanqing made the fist, created by the Sanqing Great Heavenly Master, which belongs to the level of exercises, which is of great help to Li Xing.

"Great! This is the true meaning of the three and three fortunes. No wonder the Sanqing world can become a first-level plane and it will last forever!" Li Xing secretly admired after reading the memory.

However, in comparison, another memory of Xiao Bawang is much more precious than Sanqing's creation. This memory involves a huge secret, which is related to the safety and security of the heavens and the world, and the existence of countless planes!


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