Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 866: Bone Road World

Chapter 866: The Bone Dao World

Chapter 866: Bone Dao World

The memory of Xiao Bawang told Li Xing that at the deepest of the distant starry sky, there is a broken world, the bone world. The Bone Road World once belonged to the First Level Plane, but was destroyed in a melee of the Great Celestial Order.

At the moment when the last Blessing Da Tianzun was about to achieve supreme success, he was attacked by six Da Tianzun jointly, causing his breakthrough to fail, and he completely lost his last chance for breakthrough, and he hated his life forever. Later, the venerable Da Tianzun retaliated madly, and died with six Da Tianzun who besieged him.

This is far from over. The reason why the Great Bone God can break through is a treasure from outside the main plane. The six celestial beings did not hesitate to rob, but also for that treasure.

Although this little treasure knows nothing about me, Li Xing has let Li Xing know the general situation.

"There are such treasures in the world that can make Dayzun break through? What will it be?" Li Xing was shocked.

He knew very well about the bones. Above the dragon elephant world, bones spread. Above the heavens and above, there are also bones. Moreover, the Da Luo Zhen Shen he cultivated can be regarded as the ultimate method of bone practice.

Few people know this secret, and Xiao Bawang still learns from an ancient note by chance. This person has great ambitions, and wants to go to the world of bones to find that treasure after becoming the Supreme.

According to the notes, the treasure was buried in the bone world. Although it was damaged, it was still no small matter. If you can get the treasure, maybe you can have the chance to impact the Supreme Fragment and break away from the **** of the main plane, just like the original Bone God.

Li Xing learned this secret and kept it down calmly. There, Han Gongzi ran over to intercede and said, "Brother Li, Brother Lei is just a joke, everything is a misunderstanding."

Father Han came out to sing a white face, Li Xing sneered, and said, "Misunderstanding? This man is very arrogant. If he doesn't teach him a bit, he doesn't know how high the earth is."

The little tyrant who is trapped in the mixed Yuanding Ding already feels a little fuzzy, and knows that if he continues like this, he must die here. He knew it was not a hard time, so he said loudly: "Today's thing is that I'm not right, and I apologize to you. Please raise your hand and spare me."

In the face of death, nothing is important to dignity. The little bully bit his teeth and said these words.

Li Xing shook his hand, and Yuanyuan Ding trembled, and then the little overlord bounced out. The little overlord was still a flesh and blood at this moment, and it took him a long time to recover his form. He glanced at Li Xing with great jealousy, and then stomped hard and turned away.

Li Xing did not force him to stay, and when he went further, he said to Han Gongzi, "In a short time, he should not come again."

Han Gong laughed, "Haha," and said, "Brother Li, you didn't disappoint me. You suppressed the little overlord so easily. He is a saint!"

After retreating from Xiaoba Wang, Li Xing exchanged 10,000 empty crystals for 600,000 forged crystals from Han Gongzi. One void spar can be exchanged for sixty fortune spar. The price is high and Li Xing can accept it.

After obtaining the spar, Li Xing went back to the Xunyuan Gate of the Nether and returned the borrowed 200,000 spar. The three sages had lent Li Xing 200,000 forged spar for emergency treatment, but he did not expect that he would return it so soon, so he received him warmly.

Li Xing kept its promise and doubled it back, with a total of 400,000 pieces of forged crystals. The three holy saints, located above Qiongzhou, are known as the three holy saints in Qiongzhou, and rely on a celestial deity of the Sanqing World.

Qiongzhou Sansheng was very pleased with Li Xing's repayment of the spar, and warmly invited him to be a guest for a while. Li Xing didn't quit, and stayed to talk with the three sages.

In the meantime, he learned that the deity behind the three holy saints, named Mingyue Tianzun, was a female deity.

When Sanqing Datianzun was young, he was surrounded by two Taoists, Taoist breeze and bright moon. Mingyue is a woman and Qingfeng is a man. Later, Sanqing Datian Zun won the Tao, and the breeze and the bright moon also achieved Tianzun, becoming the master of the plane.

The three holy saints also greatly appreciated Li Xing's combat effectiveness. The two sides discussed several times in the past few days. The three were not opponents at all, and even more admired Li Xing.

On this day, Li Xing is about to leave. Li Xing looked at his expression and said, "Brother Tao, please speak up."

That extremely holy smiled and said, "I didn't want to trouble my brother, but I didn't want to shock Tianzun when I met a strong enemy, so I wanted to ask my brother to help."

"What's the origin of that strong enemy? How dare you mess with you?" Li Xing asked. He didn't immediately promise to go down, but first asked about the situation.

"We mine mineral crystals here, and we can mine about 100,000 a year. Most of these 100,000 mineral crystals are shipped outside for commerce and trade. To this end, the three of us established a caravan. Crossing the void exclusively. "

"My brethren also know that although it is convenient to pass through the law formation, it is not cost-effective to consume a lot of crystals. Therefore, our caravans are flying across the sky. In the process, there will be many unknown dangers. Such as the storm of time and space, such as robbery. Among them, robbers are the most headache. "

"Some time ago, our caravan was annihilated and lost about three million forged spar. One of the caravan came back alive and told us who we started." A holy hate said, "They It is a notorious gang of thieves, code-named 'greedy wolf.'

"The greedy wolf organization, and countless other bandit gangs, are all under the control of Pirate Zun. Pirate Zun is a strong class of Tianzun, who opened up the world of thieves. All the thieves are from the thieves."

After hearing, Li Xing didn't take it for granted ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "Since it is a robber, it is inevitable to **** the caravan, must we find revenge on them?"

"My brother didn't know, for some reason, the greedy wolf has specifically troubled our caravan recently. Since the last loss of 3 million forged crystals, the same thing has happened again. We lost a total of More than 13 million spar. If not, who would see life and death with them? "

Li Xing frowned: "It stands to reason that a robber should not target a certain force unless ..." His eyes flashed, "unless you have a traitor."

The world is vast and immensely huge. No matter how powerful the greedy wolf is, it is impossible to know where a caravan passes. Unless, they get the news in advance and wait for the prey to be delivered in advance.

As soon as this statement was made, the three sages changed their colors and said, "This is possible, we haven't thought about it. But how is this possible? I waited for the three of them, and they were all one and the same person. Only three of me know the route of travel. "

Li Xing sneered: "It may not be that there are some people in this world who are good at inference. As long as someone provides him with clues, he can infer the route and direction of the caravan."


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