Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 867: Extrapolate

Chapter 867: The Evil Monarch

Chapter 867: Calculation

Speaking of deduction, no one can get up to Li Xing, so he immediately thought of this aspect. Hearing that Qiongzhou Sansheng was shocked, one person asked: "Can it really be calculated? I am all Saints, can it be easily calculated?"

Li Xing glanced at the three of them: "You don't believe it?" Then, he reached out and grabbed San Sheng, and seemed to capture something intangible.

The three saints also somehow fought a cold war and looked at each other in shock. Although they didn't know what Li Xing had done, they felt vaguely not a good thing.

Li Xing grabbed a hand, actually captured the relevant information on the three saints, and then used this information to start the calculation with a chaotic array. With just a flick of a finger, he smiled slightly and said to one of them: "You have a son outside the Sanqing Great World. And this son is very uneasy and often in trouble. For this reason, you have already Offended a few exotic saints. "

The Shengxian was startled and shouted, "How do you know? Is he proficient in reckoning?"

Li Xing nodded: "With very little information, I can figure out what I want to know."

An extremely holy smile: "It's no wonder that our caravan's walking route is already in the calculations of others, who doesn't rob us?" He asked Li Xing, "Excuse me, what should we do Can we prevent this from happening again? "

"Easy, find out the channels of leaking information." Li Xing closed his eyes, deducing twice in a chaotic burst. Before long, he opened his eyes and looked at another extreme saint: "This matter is related to your son-in-law."

"What? He actually betrayed me?" Suddenly, this Saint was furious, seeing the killer, and was about to find Li Xing's son-in-law.

Li Xing waved his hand and stopped him, saying, "He didn't know, but there is a director with a surname of Wang on his house. That director will use your son-in-law to convey useful information to that. Behind the scenes for expert deductions. "

Speaking of the deduced person, Li Xing's eyes flashed a strange light. Through reckoning, he not only knew the reason, but also predicted one thing, the person who estimated was very important to him.

This importance is much more important than the two-phase chessboard he obtained at that time. However, at present he can only have a general sense, as for the details, it is not known.

"Brother, I'll just grab that person and ask the people behind the scenes!" The saint said quickly.

Li Xing still waved his hand: "I have promised you to deal with the greedy wolf. The strongest person in this greedy wolf should be the master who is good at inference. If I think about the inference, I am confident that I am not under anyone It's better to count and count them back. "

"How do you say this?" San Sheng quickly asked for advice. Only Li Xing tried a small knife and shocked them. At this moment, he was convinced that he would have a way.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "The first step is to disturb the natural world. I have a way to make greedy wolves fail to count you. In the second step, the person who estimates will definitely sense my existence and will definitely come to me. When that happens, I set up a killing board and beheaded. In the third step, I can go to the greedy wolf's nest and hit all the nets. "

"Wonderful!" The Three Saints praised and agreed.

At the moment, Li Xing played three golden lights and fell into the three extreme holy bodies. For a moment, the three saints felt their own Qi machine, a wonderful change took place. But if you look carefully, nothing has changed.

They even more admired Li Xing's methods, and decided to act in full accordance with his methods, so as to eliminate the greedy wolf.

However, it is said that such a small means is nothing to Li Xing, it is nothing more than a blindfold. Next, just wait and wait for the second step.

While waiting, Li Xing said goodbye to the Three Saints and returned to Junyuan Gate. The Xunyuan Gate, which belongs to a nest he built in the Sanqing Great World, must be cultivated.

Li Xing was absent, and Xiaoyuanmen respected Xiaoxiong. I haven't seen it for a while, Xiaoyi has broken through to the immortal immortal in the middle of the world. She is worthy of Sanqing immortal.

Arranged for a few days in the gate of Junyuan, Li Xing conveyed an idea through the teleportation. After a while, the dragon elephant world, the two-phase ring trembled slightly, and began to congregate the Yuanyuan congregation.

Three days later, the two-phase ring suddenly broke through the void and entered the teleportation circle. Before leaving, the two-phase boy left a Taoist class monk to lurk down and take care of the teleportation circle for the convenience of returning in the future.

The teleportation circle was hidden deep in the bottom of the South China Sea, hiding its breath. It would not have been possible if it had not been searched with great power.

The two-phase ring appeared at the gate of Yunyuan, and suddenly released the breath of Tianzun, shocking Leizhou, and dozens of continents nearby.

Suddenly, there was a white light, shot from under nine days. Among the white light, a deity manifested, but it was Taiqing deity. Tai Qing Tianzun has no sadness or joy in his face, and is quiet and quiet, and said lightly, "How can you teach Taoist friends when you come to Sanqing?"

It turned out that no matter which face it is, it is often not welcome to visit the ranks of the Celestial Master. The first level plane and the second level plane are okay. There is a big Tianzun sitting in the town. Even if Tianzun enters, he will be careful and not afraid to commit crimes.

After all, the means of the Great Celestial Master can suppress the general Celestial Master or even wipe it out. But the tertiary plane is hard to say. The master of the tertiary plane is often the rank of heaven.

On the side of the couch, do you not let others sleep? Especially for the third-level plane, once other Celestials enter, if the opponent does not retreat, there must be a fierce battle.

Of course, the Sanqing World is a powerful first-level plane and relatively open, so it is not so severe. But even so, it still shocked Taiqing Tianzun, one of Sanqing Tianzun.

The two-phase boy appeared Yuanling, both of which are Tianzun series, but the power gap is too large. Just like Li Xing, he is Fatian Yae, but ordinary Fatian Yae, where is his opponent?

Taiqing Tianzun belongs to Sanqing Datianzhuang's avatar. He has unparalleled power. Even if he is on the other side, he may not be afraid of the stage.

In comparison, ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two-phase boy is far worse. So he respectfully stepped forward to meet him and said, "The boy sees the deity, and this is the order of the master."

"Who is your master?" Taiqing Tianzun asked.

At this time, Li Xing and Xiao Yan appeared, and the two see Taiqing Tianzun. Li Xingdao: "Tianzun, below is the master of the two-phase ring."

Tai Qing Tianzun looked at Li Xing and said, "You understand the laws of heaven and earth, but you are a talented person. Would you like to join the gate and accept our cultivation?"

Li Xing had a long time to come, and said, "There are still many things left unsolved, and it is not appropriate to settle down at this time."

Taiqing Tianzun didn't say much, but only said: "Sanqing plane, Outland Tianzun can't get it. Offenders cut it."

The two-phase boy had a cold heart and quickly said, "Kids remember!"

Taiqing Tianzun also said to Xiao Yan: "While you have achieved great sacredness, go to Yuqing Sheng and his party to enter the holy gate to practice." He said, driving up the white light, rising into the sky, disappearing.


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