Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 868: Move into 3 Qing

Chapter 868: Moved Into Sanqing

Chapter 868: Moving Into Sanqing

As soon as Taiqing Tianzun left, Xiaoxuan looked at Li Xing. She didn't want to go to any holy gate, she just wanted to stay and practice with peace of mind. Li Xing saw her thoughts and laughed: "You are a person in the Sanqing Great World, and you have the blood of the Sanqing Supreme Celestial Body, and the Holy Gate must go. Do n’t worry, entering the Holy Gate is good for your practice. "

At this time, the two-phase tower was suspended above the gate of Xunyuan, and the glory flashed on it, and some monks fell down. Nine women of Jun Qianheng, Li Xuanbai, Li Yingxiong, Nangong Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaobao, Jian Xingtian, and Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, and other Li Xing, seven small Jinwu, Minmin, Wutong, and some assassins Teach the core characters, one after another.

To this day, the strength of mixed Yuanjiao has been very strong. These characters have already entered the Heavenly King series, or have achieved the first holy. Some of the older generation characters, the first, the most kind, the most sincere, and the heavenly operators, have also stepped into the first holy level.

After careful calculation, in the mixed Yuan religion, in addition to Li Xing, there are as many as twenty-four people at the level of the first sage, as many as hundreds of Tianjun levels, and the number of Tianwang levels exceeds five hundred. Such a result, of course, because Li Xing provides a good and excellent cultivation environment, teaching Yuanyuan Avenue is more related to their qualifications.

Everyone met with Li Xing and felt the power of the extraordinary rules in the Sanqing world. There was no discomfort. Each one started to run the Yuanyuan Avenue, and they were able to easily comprehend the Sanqing rules.

The mixed Yuan Avenue created by Li Xing can mix everything, which makes the disciples of Mixed Yuan religion can be mixed with feng shui no matter which plane they go to, and will not be rejected by the laws of other places.

Li Xing has seen everyone and said, "In the future, people will settle in the Yuanyuan Gate temporarily. You don't need to ask questions about the outside, just give me one heart to cultivate." Then he introduced everyone to him and called him his great disciple.

When Li Xing accepted his disciples, seven little Jinwu jumped out one by one. Seven small Jinwus have already reached the level of the early sacredness, but now they are faintly about to break through and become Zhongsheng.

They frowned and looked at each other, very unconvinced. Boss Li Huojin shouted, "Master, we are the big disciples. She can only rank Lao Ji."

Li Huoyin said: "Yes, Master, there is a sequence of entry, we will call him Nine Masters."

Xiao Yan was surprised when she saw the seven young Jinwu earlier. She felt that the strength of the other party was not under her. At this moment, when they heard that they were all Li Xing disciples, Li Xing said nothing with a smile, and said, "Master must let us rank ourselves to see who can suppress who. But seven of them did get started first. Why do I have to be commensurate? Being a nine sister, I can get help from seven brothers if something happens in the future. "

Just when the seven young Jinwu were indignant and protested to Li Xing, Xiaoyu paid a tribute to seven people: "Xiaoyu see the seven brothers."

This statement undoubtedly indicates that she acknowledged the status of the Jinwu Seven brothers. Immediately, the seven brothers of Jinwu were overjoyed, Li Huojin smiled "Haha", raised Xiaozhu, and said, "What's your family polite?" Then he led Xiaozhu to see the Yuanren people.

Li Xing was quite satisfied with this, first accompany the nine ladies into the second phase ring and asked them about their recent practice. Nine women ’s cultivation practices are based on the laws of heaven and earth. Yin and Yang are interdependent. The cultivation speed is the fastest.

After practicing Fa-Dao, after becoming a Taoist, he entered the cave-level series. This level is divided into three realms, nine small steps, which are equivalent to the three realms of Taoist, Daojun, and Daozun. ; Cave Heaven series, continue to improve, is the God series, this level is also divided into the equivalent of the three phases of the King, the third period of the King; if God can progress, he becomes the Holy Lord, the Holy Lord is divided into the first holy, middle holy, upper Holy, extremely holy four realms.

Therefore, the nine women are now in the first state of the Lord, the first Holy. Li Xing was very satisfied with this, saying: "You also cultivate the Mixed Yuan Avenue. Although the quality is not like me, it is far superior to other congregations. According to my calculations, you can be half-respected in 300 years, 300 years. Inside, there is a chance to open up a plane and become a respected party. "

Murong Jiao smiled slightly: "Xing brother, your cultivation is still alive today, I wonder when I can break through?"

After waiting for Li Xing to answer, Chen Shuang said: "The root of Xing's practice lies in the way of real people. He is now the Dacheng true king. This realm is equivalent to God's second realm. It will not take long before he breaks through."

Yan Zhenzhen said with a smile: "The two cultivating systems can be perfectly integrated, I am afraid that only Xingge can do it. The core of this real way is self-dominance, and there is no need to practice magic. Faith is a kind of The enlightenment of the law relies on the power of the heavens and the earth. One inside and one outside, on the one hand, the law can promote the body of the real person, the body of the real person, and can stabilize the realm of the law and complement each other. "

Li Xing had to admire Yan Zhenzhen's true eyesight and nodded: "Okay, when I set up the cave sky, I will step into the cave sky series, and it will soon become a true sacred. Once sanctified, this heaven and earth can go." In the tone, full of lofty aspirations.

The emergence of the two-phase ring suddenly made the mixed Yuanmen as solid as a golden soup, no one dared to commit it, who dared to offend a strong man of the Tianzun series? Although the two-phase boy will not do anything in the Sanqing Great World, if others dare to move it, it will not be good.

Li Xing stayed for a few days, and there was news from Qiongzhou. The director Wang, who was a spy, really secretly left with the help of the teleportation circle. The three sages followed quietly and sent a message to Li Xing.

When he got the news, he went immediately. It didn't take long to arrive in a star field, where Sansheng was waiting. Seeing Li Xing, a saint immortal said, "Dao Brother, that magpie is flying in front of you and is heading for an ancient star."

Li Xingdao: "Leave this matter to me ~ www.readwn.com ~ The three will return first."

"There is labor." The three holy archers returned their hands one after another. They knew that Li Xing's plan could only be performed, and outsiders could not help.

A middle-aged man, repaired at about the first holy realm, landed on an ancient star. The man expertly rolled his sleeves and rolled a large stone, revealing a large hole deep into the ground, he hurried in.

Li Xing had already arrived. He converged and turned into a dust, following this man. I saw the other party turned around for a long time and went into an empty cave house.

In this cave, a teleportation circle was established. The man took out the forged crystal and opened the magic circle. Li Xing's changing dust fell on him and was teleported together.

It didn't take long before his eyes lighted, and the man entered a quaint hall. Around the circle, there were several guards of the Tianjun series. They saw the men and smiled slightly. They said, "The Lord is inside."

The man nodded and strode forward. Li Xing followed closely and no one found him.


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