Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 869: 99 demon

Chapter 869: Jiu Jiu Ghost Calculation

Chapter 869: Ghost Calculation

The man walked past the main hall and entered a small hall. In that hall, there was a mass of ghost images, if there were none, it looked like a human figure. The man saw the shadow of human form, showing the color of awe, bowing to the ground, saying, "Lord!"

Xingying shook slightly, making a void voice: "Bring it?"

"Yes." The man stretched out his hands, holding a ball of phosgene in his palm. Li Xing can see that this phosgene is exactly the breath of Qiongzhou's extremely maiden son-in-law. With this breath, you can infer things about the caravan.

Xu Ying reached out and grabbed him, the phosgene was captured by him. Then, in the phosgene, strange light oscillated, like a lotus flower, and calculated in a strange way. Seeing this kind of calculation, Li Xing's heart jumped, and the chaotic array followed, and he wanted to pry into the mystery.


Suddenly Xingying condensed, he said to himself, "Why can't it be calculated? It seems to be blinded by humans."

The man raised his head in shock, and said, "The Lord can't figure it out? Who is blinded by heaven?"

Qiguang continued to tremble, and Xingying uttered a shock: "Who is this person? It scared my heart, heaven and earth, can anyone still see through the" nine nine ghost count "?"

When talking to himself, the ghost suddenly shook and seemed to disappear. At this point, Li Xing suddenly appeared, the real shape of the big hand cracked down fiercely, and then gave the ghost to capture, coldly: "Ghost count? Huh, but that's it!"

The ghost image became clear, showing a man. The man, who could not see his age, looked like an old man and a young man, showing an extremely weird breath. However, it is clear that he is nothing more than a clone, and this deity is not here.


Mr. Wang exploded, and he was going to shoot at Li Xing. Li Xing just waved his sleeves, there was a real force burst out, the general manager Wang exploded all at once, his soul fluttered.

In the distance, another group of monks rushed over to kill him. Li Xing shot a finger, and every finger of the wind could kill a saint. I saw a series of explosions, one after another monks exploded one after another, died dead.

Before and after, just three or five breaths, dozens of monks were killed.

Faced with Li Xing's **** methods, the captured person was not panicked, only stared at Li Xing and said, "It's you!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It's me, your method of calculation, it's a little interesting. The Holy Ghost King, it's been a long time."

This phantom is actually the original clone of the ghost king of the three holy kings that confronted Li Xing several times.

"How come you here? Great, how long did you actually have this kind of strength, you can just kill the saint with just one hit!" Ghost Holy said coldly.

"You're not bad, just looking at you as a Qi machine, at least half-respected, right?" Li Xing smiled, "What greedy wolf should be under your command."

Ghost Sheng closed his eyes and said, "Li Xing, there is no deep hatred between us. Why do you have to oppose me?"

"Opposite you?" Li Xing sneered, "You deserve it? I just get rid of you."

"Li Xing!" Ghost Sheng reprimanded, "Don't think that you can really surrender me and wait. The three of us crossed the void and entered the ancestral Proterozoic world, and gained the meaning of evolution, bitter diamond. If you combine three lives, you can give birth to supreme power. The three of me will eventually become the Supreme, this is destiny! "

Li Xing sneered: "Three lives? Huh! The Proterozoic world, saints like you three, must catch a lot, what do you have to be proud of?" He said more lazily, pinching his hands and throwing them away Into the mixed Yuanding, direct refining.

During the process of refining, Ghost Saint uttered a curse again and again, Li Xing only when he didn't hear, he tried to refine. Although this is an avatar of Ghost Saint, the ninety-nine ghost ghost calculation machine contained in it is captured by Li Xing, and it starts to calculate with a chaotic array.

"It seems that what he said is true. There are some ways to calculate the ghosts. However, this algorithm does not seem to be perfect. There should be two more algorithms." Li Xing frowned, he felt faintly, three The Holy King does not seem ordinary.

Unfortunately, there is not much memory left in this avatar, otherwise it would be readable. Even, Li Xing used the chaotic array to calculate, and found that the esoteric machine was blinded, and nothing could be calculated.

"Huh, with your air machine, I can find it no matter where I am!" He fluttered out of the small hall.

When people went outside, they found that this place is another ancient star, located in the vast sky. Obviously, this is not the old nest of the old greedy wolf, it is just a contact point.

"To fight the grass and scare the snake today, the ghost saints will definitely be prepared, and they should get the shot right." Li Xing said to himself, then returned to the main hall, returned to the outside through the teleportation circle.

Back in the Sanqing Great World, he immediately met Qiongzhou Sansheng and told what happened today. Then he said, "The three brothers, the head of the greedy wolf, should be three and a half deities, and very strong."

"What, half respect?"

Half-zun, although not as great as Tianzun, is far more powerful than Shengxian and can easily defeat the latter. Some powerful half deities, beheading saints, are as easy as mowing.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It's okay, I'll deal with these three people." He paused. "This trip, I will walk to a very far place. I don't know how long it will take. Several take care. "

He knew, however, that behind the three saints, there was a deity sitting. If something happens here, the two-phase boy is not good at shooting, but the backing behind the three holy saints can be relied on.

San Sheng quickly said: "Natural!"

Li Xing went to the Yuanyuan Gate again, and told the crowd that he immediately entered the teleportation circle, and used the breath of the ghost saint to chase him away.

Li Xing entered the wormhole with the help of the Xuanyuanmen's teleportation array. In fact, there is only one wormhole between the two teleportation arrays. However, this wormhole is often connected to many hidden wormholes.

Of course ~ www.readwn.com ~ God knows where those wormholes lead. Now, Li Xing wants to take advantage of these hidden wormholes, and then a ray of ghostly sage to find his position.

Of course, this approach is extremely energy-intensive. Suddenly, Li Xing burned 100,000 forged crystals and ran the chaotic madness frantically. That scent of breath, coupled with the chaotic array of responses to the ninety-nine ghost calculations, he soon discovered.

A hidden, faint wormhole revealed a similar atmosphere, and Li Xing entered it without hesitation.

This wormhole was extremely unstable, and Li Xing limped carefully. Only he was so bold, dare to walk alone in the strange wormhole. Generally, only Tianzun dares to do this. Even if half-zun enters it, he must die and die, leaving nothing.


Finally at the end of the wormhole, all of a sudden, Li Xing's eyes lighted up and he entered a strange world. A robber's will came to his face.

"Thief!" He said involuntarily.


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