Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 870: Yuan yuan array

Chapter 870: Yuan Yuan Formation

Chapter 870: Yuan Yuan Formation

The greedy wolf belongs to a robber organization under the jurisdiction of Pirates. The three holy kings are all hiding in the pirate world. In the world of stealing, the law gives a strong and overbearing feeling, very arrogant.

Where Li Xing appeared, there was no figure, but a desert. In fact, there is very little vitality in the whole world of stealing. In addition to the desert is Gobi, or endless swamps, the sea.

Among the stolen realms, resources are scarce. All living beings must survive by plunder if they want to survive. Here, parents can eat their parents and their children, and their flesh and bones can be crippled. Anything that is conducive to survival can happen.

Therefore, all the people who steal the world are ruthless and inhuman, all of them are robbers thinking and killing nature.

Soon, Li Xing realized this and a group of robbers appeared. More than a hundred robbers appeared, as if emerging from the ground, surrounded Li Xing.

Their eyes were cruel, and they were wary. You know, the cultivation of these people is mostly below the Tianjun level. The gas field revealed by Li Xing is the Tianjun series.

Dacheng Zhenwang, the Qi field is higher than Tianjun, which cannot be hidden.


Hundreds of people apparently have a wealth of experience in grid killing, forming a large array, and at the same time, they are moving towards Li Xing. For a time, many methods were applied, storms, lightning, swords and swords, and Li Xing swept from all directions.

If you change any monk in the heavenly rank, it is very likely that you will account for your small life here. But for Li Xing, such an attack is no different from tickling. He indifferently endured a series of attacks, and then Feihong, the real figure, became large, turning into a golden light, sweeping the audience.

Just then, all the people were taken by him and put into refining and refining. Suddenly hundreds of people were killed, and he had no mercy in his heart. These people are extremely cruel, and their nature is full of plundering instincts, and it is a scourge to stay.

Suddenly, a large number of theft laws flowed out and accepted by Li Xing. This rule is very special, which surprised Li Xing a little.

"No wonder the many thieves are all controlled by the robbers, presumably they are all from the burglar world, all are born robbers." Li Xing heart trembled.

Killing a few robbers did not attract much attention from the robbers. Between the faces, it is not that people from different planes are not allowed to enter, Tianzun has a kind of courage.

Along the way, Li Xing kept encountering robbers one after another, and their strength became stronger and stronger. Later, some robbers began to take action. Of course, without any suspense, they were all killed by Li Xinglian.

Later, Li Xing's laws of absorptiveness were fulfilled. Among the Taoist species, he left the mark of the law of stealing, which made the quality of authenticity rise again. However, this improvement is not enough to open up higher levels of real human meridians.

While dealing with the robbers coming in bee, while pursuing the breath of the three holy kings, it didn't take long for them to become eyebrows.

This is a desolate mountain, and each hill is bare and lifeless. In one of the hills, there was a familiar atmosphere of Li Xing, and he did not say hello. He suddenly flew out of his real hand, covering the sky, and suppressing it all at once.

This repression has closed the sky and blocked all retreats. Suddenly, the mountain peak exploded and three rays of light popped out of it. In the brilliance, the Three Saints of the ancient clan were manifested, one after another.

"Li Xing, you actually chased here!" The ghost saint was furious, and the prophet and the undead two saints behind him evolved a strange light above his head. These two pieces of magical light are very similar to the ghosts of Jiu Jiu.

The three holy kings, in fact, have reached the half-respect level, but Li Xing's means are overbearing. This repression makes them unable to move. The three abacus arrays are running frantically, looking for breakthrough opportunities.

Li Xing felt that with each hit of the Three Saints, he would hit the key points and find weaknesses. This surprised him, and he also ran chaotically to make up for the shortcomings.

"Ninety-nine ghost count! Do the future!"

"Three or three before you know! Know the cause before!"

"Immortal! Take control now!"

There is a vague tendency among the three arithmetic arrays. Li Xing narrowed his eyes and forced the three of them into the mixed Yuanding Ding. He felt that it would be a big threat if the three operators were united.

Yuanyuan Ding, the most overbearing, broke up several people at once and began to fight on their own. Li Xing defeated each, refining the prophets in advance. After all, the prophets couldn't support after a series of refining, and shouted, "Li Xing, don't kill everything, leave me a way out!"

"Leave you alive? Give a reason." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

The prophet exclaimed: "In the Proterozoic World, there are three sutras: the past, the present, and the future. These three sutras are reserved by the ancestor who broke through the realm of the Great Heaven. The three of us are all The descendant of the Great Celestial Master! With these three sutras, plus my bloodlines, I will break through to the Celestial Rank! "

Ghost Holy Road: "Yes, Li Xing, if you don't kill me and wait, we will tell you more secrets!"

Li Xing gave a cold hum, and the prophet suddenly exploded, turning into a blast of phosgene, and his memory and even the same laws were refined by Li Xing. In addition, the two Saints even roared, but they were helpless. Li Xing tried to kill them, and he couldn't escape.

Failed to persist for too long, and the two and a half deities were also refined. Three strange Proterozoic rules were felt by Li Xing. In particular, the three arithmetic arrays representing the past, present and future were all captured by the chaotic array.

In fact, Li Xing was able to quickly kill and kill the trio ~ www.readwn.com ~ with the help of the chaotic array, the suppression locked the trio's calculation. The three major calculation arrays belong to the core of the Three Saints, which is equivalent to Li Xing's chaotic array. Once restrained, their strength will be greatly reduced, and they are not Li Xing's opponents at all.

Suddenly, Li Xing's Taoism was completed again, and the quality of Zhenli was improved. The sixty-fiveth live human meridian and the sixty-sixth live human meridian have been opened one after another, and their strength has risen to a higher level.

Most importantly, the three arithmetic arrays entered the chaotic array, and they continued to arrange and combine. Under the guidance of the chaotic array, they constantly changed and gradually merged.

The memory of the three saints tells Li Xing that their biggest wish is to merge the three arithmetic arrays so as to achieve the state of unity. At that time, all three are likely to enter the Celestial Series.

In ancient legends, there are three major clan branches in the Proterozoic World. They inherited the blood of the person who broke through the Great Celestial Master and had a strange physique. When the three bloodlines deduced from the calculation array can be combined into one, the Yuanyuan large array can be aggregated. According to rumors, the Yuanguo Tianzun, who can break up supremely, relies on the Yuanyuan Great Formation.

Just under Li Xing's eyes, the three math arrays gradually merged into one under the deduction of a chaotic array, turning into a bright light.


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