Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 871: Ghost Ship

Chapter 871: Ghost Ship

Chapter 871: Ghost Ship

Once the Yuanyuan Formation appeared, it was immediately integrated into Li Xing's chaotic formation. This was Li Xing's ultimate goal. Within a short time, the burst of "Boom" trembled, suddenly emitting endless light, brilliant.

In that sacred light, the image developed by Hongmeng evolved, the earth, fire, feng shui made the world, and the yin, yang and the five elements set the horizon, and vaguely, Li Xing had a feeling of being the master of the world.

This was just an instant intuition, and the next moment he returned to Qingming, trembling: "It seems that I'm not far away from opening the cave. Until then, this chaotic array can help me to develop the supreme cave!"

The ability of the chaotic array of calculations suddenly improved several times, reaching an unprecedented situation, which surprised Li Xing. After some thought, he directly used the large array to calculate the rules of the Proterozoic World.

At the beginning, Li Xing did not refine the Proterozoic. However, at that time, he could not understand the rules of the ancient times. But nowadays, when he refines the Yuan and Yuan formations, he can easily understand the rules of the Yuan Dynasty.

The three and a half sage kings contain a huge amount of Proterozoic laws. Some time ago, when San Sheng left the Dragon Elephant World, he returned to the ancestral Proterozoic world and made great progress in his practice.

At the same time, Li Xing's sacred Proterozoic avatar was also smashed together and merged with numerous Proterozoic laws. It didn't take long for this rule to be fulfilled.

When Li Xing thoroughly understood the Proterozoic Laws and left the imprints of the Proterozoic Laws in that way, the quality of Qi was immediately improved, and the sixty-sixth meridian was completely completed.

"Next, the six true human meridians before becoming the true sage, it is not easy to open, you must understand a lot of the principles of the plane, so as to improve the quality of true energy." Li Xing said, "Since it has reached the thief, simply understand this rule. "

Thinking about it this way, he operated the chaotic array of evolution again and began to calculate the law of stealing with all his strength. However, at this moment, the six holy lights crossed the sky and descended, manifesting the six deities.

The six saints, as soon as they saw Li Xing, were all surprised, and they all asked, "Who are you?"

From the memory of the Three Saints in the Proterozoic, Li Xing recognized that these six were all high-level greedy wolves, ranking second only to the Three Saints. The greedy wolf is a robber organization, which crosses the major star domains and contains nine saints.

The Three Saints of the Yuan Dynasty were dead, and the remaining six people actually arrived. As soon as Li Xing thought, he stretched his arms out into the air, and suddenly cut through the void, breaking through the barriers of the plane, and disappeared.

The Six Saints were startled, and followed almost subconsciously. When they came here, they were looking for the Three Saints of the Yuan Dynasty to discuss things. Unexpectedly, they ran into a stranger who had never seen Li Xing before. They immediately became suspicious and followed them together.

Li Xing left here hurriedly, but did not want to kill the saint in the thief, so as not to attract the attention of the pirate. Although he is strong, he does not dare to provoke the master of Tianzun series. However, once he left the thief, he could pinch the six saints in minutes.

He flew too fast, and as soon as he left the thief, he was overtaken by the six masters. One of them yelled, and said, "Stay!" Big hands flew out, hitting a violent blow, and Li Xing was captured.

At this moment, Li Xing turned around suddenly, and the true shape of the big hand struck back, suddenly zooming in, covering the four wilds, and catching the six sages with a single catch, as simple as catching a chicken.

Subsequently, the six sages were thrown into the mixed Yuanding Dinghua and issued a series of screams. Li Xing shook his hands, the small worlds inside the six exploded, and a large number of forged crystals fell out.

It turned out that the greedy wolf, a robber organization, had robbed a large number of caravans and pedestrians, and accumulated a large number of good luck crystals, all of which were controlled by six gods. Li Xing counted as many as 65 million!

"You have robbed and killed countless people throughout your life. You have been beheaded today, and there is no complaint." Say, two true-shaped hands grind, the body of the Six Saints exploded, and then was completely refined by the Yuan Dynasty.

The law of stealing the world was stripped out, and under the calculation of the chaotic large array, gradually came to realize the consummation and left a mark on the Tao.

After beheading the Six Saints, Li Xing kept on his feet, relying on the memory of reading, to cross the void and head to the old wolf's nest. The old nest of greedy wolves, located in a hidden space and time, called the ghost space and time.

At that time, the space was zigzag, and their breath could not be found from the outside. At the same time, entering the ghost time and space, you will be disturbed by the ubiquitous ghost in it. Here, it became a natural fortress of the greedy wolf.

This ghost time and space belongs to heaven and earth and one of three thousand time and space. The birth of the ghost king has long been stolen and submerged, and has been refined into a plane weapon, called the ghost ship.

The ghost ship's defense is extremely strong, which is why the greedy wolf can always exist. It can be said that as long as a ghost ship is present, it is impossible to eliminate the greedy wolf if Tianzun takes the shot or a more powerful plane device appears.

A conservative estimate is that the power of the Ghost Ship is not weaker than that of the two-phase ring. Li Xingruo's forcible shot has no chance at all. You should know that this plane implement is equivalent to the existence of the Celestial Series.

As the ghost time and space approached, under Li Xing's chaotic array of calculations, the true form of the body suddenly changed and turned into a ghost-like appearance. At the same time, the chaotic array mimics the breath of the ninety-nine ghost calculations. Even if the Prophet King and the Undead King regenerate, it is impossible to see the flaws.

Li Xing, transformed into a ghost, swayed into Ghost Time and Space. In the ghost space-time, it is full of ghosts everywhere, a kind of semi-living being, very aggressive. However, they cannot pose a threat to Li Xing.

It was gray in all directions and very overcast. From his memory, he easily found the ghost ship. The ship was about three miles long and a mile wide. The huge white-bone sail flew and flew, and the stern bone exuded black phosgene.

In that phoenix, hundreds of millions of ghosts were produced, and the combat power of each ghost was comparable to a monk-like monk. One is nothing, if ten million or even hundreds of millions of ghosts attack at the same time, it will be terrible.

On the Ghost Ship, in addition to the guards of the 3,000-day King series, there are 10,000 ship slaves ~ www.readwn.com ~ guards who are mainly responsible for controlling the Ghost Ship and launching the strongest attack on the invaders at any time.

"Ghost Saint" appeared, and a light bridge shot from the ghost ship. "Ghost Saint" stepped on the light bridge and swung into it.

"Meet the master!"

Several nearby guards hurried forward to meet. Around, there are many ship slaves with low spirituality who are in charge of some chores on the ship and dare not look at the "Ghost Saint."

Li Xing nodded slightly, and said, "You give your best to help this Saint, refine the ghost ship."

When the guards heard it, they were surprised, but they didn't dare to ask more. Immediately, each of the three thousand guards urged everyone to urge the ghost ship. At the same time, Li Xing entered the hub of the Ghost Ship, then started a chaotic array and began to refine the plane weapon.

(The so-called commitment is nothing more than to give yourself some pressure. Otherwise, it's definitely a chapter every day. In the past few days, isn't it more or less, try to have two chapters a day? No way, when you are working, you must keep running. West. Poverty too, the renovation budget is not large, only clean up the labor, materials are bought by oneself, this is really so complicated, just slaughtered once yesterday.)


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