Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 872: Trample saints

Chapter 872 Trample the Saints

Chapter 872 Trample the Saints

The plane tool is not trivial. If you want to sacrifice it, it will be difficult and difficult. Only the characters of the Celestial Order can get a greater chance. However, Li Xing's chaotic array is extremely mysterious, he can calculate everything, and use his strength to worship, there is a great opportunity.

At this time, the three thousand guards cooperated with Li Xing and urged the ghost ship. Li Xing spit out hundreds of thousands of strange lights, and these radiances penetrated into the ghost ship one after another.

There is also a spirit in the ghost ship, and it has long been stolen by the sacrifice of veneration. However, at the time, Pirate Zun personally gave the ghost ship to the hands of the Ghost Saint, and the Yuanling saw that the Ghost Saint wanted to refine it, but he did not resist, let alone ask.

After merging the Yuanyuan Formation, Li Xing's calculation method was even worse than that of Tianzun. At the moment, he sacrificed a magic weapon, which went smoothly at the beginning. However, when he touched the core of the ghost ship, a supreme will was released, and he asked, "Junior, how bold you are!"

The master of the voice is obviously a robber, and what happened in the burglar world cannot be concealed from him. However, after all, the Three Saints of the Yuan Dynasty were not people who stole the realm. If they did not respect the people, they would kill, and he was too lazy to ask questions.

Even later, Li Xing led the Six Saints outside to beheaded and killed, and the thief saw it clearly, without questioning. This is Tianzun, and he looks very pale at everything that seems to be big.

However, at this moment Li Xing actually wanted to sacrifice his ghost ship, which led the robber to ask Li Xing. That terrifying coercion made Li Xing suffocate and could hardly breathe.

His look remained unchanged, saying: "Stealing Heaven, your people go out and plunder, and they have no capital to buy and sell. They can rob people, and I can rob them, naturally."

Robbery: "Boy, you can kill as many people as you like. You ca n’t just ask the deity. You are all ants. You ca n’t bother with this deity. However, this ghost ship is valuable to the deity, and you ca n’t take it away.

The meaning of stealing respect is very obvious. If Li Xing dares to continue to practice, he will really take a shot and wipe it out.

Li Xing was frightened, and he immediately stopped the sacrifice, saying, "Since this is the case, I have to give up next." After saying that, he withdrew from the ghost ship.

Suddenly, the entire ship shook slightly, breaking through the void and disappearing. The 3,000 guards and slaves on it were taken away. Li Xing was very sorry, and secretly said, "This robber, be sanctified for me, the first one to visit him!"

Although the ghost ship disappeared, but the ghost time and space were still there, Li Xing simply stayed, sacrificing the sword of the law, and absorbing the law of the ghost. He has experienced entering into nothingness and timelessness, and practice has been quite smooth.

Seven days later, the ghost world of the ghost ship was lost, and the inner rules were absorbed by the sword of the rules. The whole space-time also collapsed and disappeared. The sword of Li Xing's law was a full success.

During this time, Li Xing found a teleportation circle, crossed the void, and returned to the Sanqing World.

When the Three Saints of Qiongzhou learned that Li Xing had killed the nine Saints on the greedy wolf, they were very impressed and grateful. They set up a banquet and served Li Xing three days with a spirit fruit immortal wine.

Three days later, Li Xing returned to Xunyuanmen to make arrangements and ordered everyone to practice well. He went to Yuqing Realm, ready to bid farewell to Han Gongzi, so that he could go to work in the dart board. In the world of darts, he can contact a lot of time and space and planes, and get a lot of crystals, which is good for his practice. Otherwise, he will not enter the dartboard to do things.

However, when Li Xing came to Hanfu, he found that the entire Hanfu had been surrounded by people. As soon as he appeared, he was stopped by a sage: "Stop!"

The extremely holy black face rounded his eyes and was fierce, staring at Li Xing and asking, "You Li Xing?"

When Li Xing's heart moved, thinking of the people in the gate, he said, "I'm Li Xing."

"Did you hurt the Bully Thunder?" The other asked again.

Li Xing said: "Yes."

"Very good! This saint is ranked twenty-three among the three hundred saints. His nickname covers the heavenly hand. Today he brought another eight saints to come and meet you!"

"It turned out to be a saint, disrespectful." Li Xing looked indifferently. "It is not easy for you to take the lead for others. If you also lose, you will lose half your life."

He has just opened two new meridians and refined Ghost Time and Space. His strength has soared and his confidence has increased.

"Raughty!" Covering his hands with a sneer, grabbing his hands and suppressing Li Xing.

It is indeed a "covering hand". When the big hand comes out, it blocks the sky and covers the sky. The breath is terrifying. Obviously this is a holy art, which has evolved by virtue of the power of the world itself.

After monk Dongtian, he will open up a small world. After that, at the Holy Level, the small world opened up will be very complete, producing a world power of very high quality. In fact, after the Dongtian ranks, the source of combat power for the monks, princes, princes, and even heavenly monks is the power of the world.

This kind of power is still essentially the power of the law of the avenue. However, the monks of different grades have different qualities and powers.

Next, Li Xing will also open up Dongtian and become a monk of Dongtian series. By then, his strength will be qualitatively improved.

The cover of the sky was suppressed, and Li Xing turned his palm up, slamming it up, and shouting, "Break!"

Supreme Power, suddenly erupted, implying nine destructive powers. Just hearing a loud noise, Zhetian's big hand suddenly exploded and was broken by Li Xing.

Covering his hands, Mutian snorted, rolled down from the sky, fell to the ground, kept bleeding, and looked shocked.

At this moment, Li Xing's big hand pressed down fiercely, and said lightly, "Now, pay the price to challenge me!"

Seeing it, the covering hand will turn into flesh, and the eyes will show horror. At this time, Badao Shenghui rushed to the bottom of Li Xing's palm to forcibly stop the blow. It turned out that the other eight saints who watched in the distance shot.

Although these eight saints are not as high as the princes, they are higher than the little fighters, and all of them have good strength.

Unfortunately, even if eight people joined forces, they could not stop Li Xing's attack. On the successive explosion of Hui, UU read the book www.uukanshu. com dissipated, the real shape palm didn't even pause for a while, then slap down.


The earth sank, Yuqingjing shivered fiercely, covering the sky, this twenty-third saint was shot into the ground and turned into a mass of flesh and blood. The flesh squirmed, trying to recover form.

That's not to say, Li Xing stepped forward again, amplifying his true shape into a phosgene, stepping on it fiercely, and making a loud noise. Once again, every time the covering hand recovers its shape, it will be trampled into mud, as repeatedly.

The other eight saints, where dare to stop. They haven't been able to block it. They have already tried out that Li Xing's strength is very horrible. If he really shot it, I'm afraid it will end with Zhetian!


Suddenly, a majestic and cold voice sounded, and a figure landed in the sky with golden light and sprinkled countless Shenghui.

As soon as this person appeared, the eyes of the eight saints brightened, and they seemed to see the savior. One shouted, "Chang Hong is here. He is ninth. This is all right!"


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