Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 873: 9 Robbery Sword

Chapter 873: Nine Calamity Swords

Chapter 873: Nine Calamity Swords

A Shenghui swordman cut from the void and sharply cut to Li Xing's neck. . . Jianmang hit the true shape, making a "ding ding" dense sound, the flames splashed, this shocking sword, can't cut Li Xing's skin.

Jian Mang and his body, he felt a sting like a needle, drew back and stared into the void. A man in golden clothes, with a magnificent momentum, came from nothing, with a star-shaped eyebrow and a tiger-backed wolf waist, very majestic.

This man appeared, and all eight saints greeted him, bowing in salute one after another: "I've seen Jiuye!"

Among the saints, all the other saints in the top ten will call "lord". Chang Hong ranked ninth because he called it "Jiu Ye".

Chang Hong nodded slightly, turning his gaze to Li Xing, indifferently saying: "What kind of person are you? You have the courage to dare to attack the saints here! It ’s so sinful and unforgivable!"

Li Xing hummed and said: "This man first shot at me and wanted to kill me. Is it because he is a saint, he will be allowed to be slaughtered? Hugh said he is a saint, even if he respects Lao Tzu, If you commit me, you will suffer the same consequences! "

Chang Hong was extremely angry and smiled. Although he had not reached the level of Heavenly Supreme, he had reached the peak of half-respect. The extremely holy spirit was also difficult for him. This person, not even Shengxian, dare to speak to him like this.

Although he only saw Li Xing's shot, he was the ninth Lord among the saints. He had sufficient confidence in himself and didn't look at Li Xing as much.

"Do you want to make sense with the saints like ants? Needless to say, suffer!" This Chang Hong, arrogant and overbearing, decided to die. Having said that, a pointer to Li Xing.

A splendid sword, with this finger cut out, the power is stronger, and it is several times stronger than just hitting it. The sword was so fast that Li Xing could not avoid it, his eyebrow was hurt, and he was cut and bleeding.

Immediately after Li Xing's blood dripped, he exploded, turned into Qi, and returned to his body. His Da Luozhen is twelve heavy, and even if he is injured, he can be repaired quickly.

This time, he was surprised. Below Tianzun, it has been a long time since he could be injured. This Chang Hong is really not simple, and his strength is very strong!

He shouted with a fist and blasted his fist. Wei An was really surging like a river in the Yangtze River. He was so imposing that he shook the sharp sword light suddenly. At the same time, the infinite potential came to persecution, making Chang Hong breathless.

"What? You can bounce my sword light?" He was taken aback. You should know that the sword light he issued, called Nine Calamity Swords, was a bit of evil spirit extracted from the robbery when the Supreme Master was robbed, condensed into Sword Gall.

Chang Hong used nine sword gallbladder to make a holy art, called Nine Calamity Swordsmanship, invincible. Even if he is half respected, he can't do anything in front of him.

Zhen Li approached. He tightened his body, felt the threat, opened his eyes, and shouted, "Flame!"

His sword light suddenly burst into infinite firepower, and suddenly he drove Li Xing's sword light away to show his profound skill. Among the saints, the top eight are all Celestial Masters. This Chang Hong ranks ninth, second only to Celestial Masters, showing how strong they are.

Not surprisingly, Chang Hong is very likely to become Tianzun within a hundred years, with unlimited potential. Even if he did not become a Celestial Supreme, he was very scary at this time, and it was not Li Xing who was trying to flatten.

The bursting sword, with infinite firepower, forcibly pushed Li Xingzhenli. He stepped back a few steps and yelled, "Okay, come again!"


There is another sword light, this sword light is extremely incomparable, wherever he goes, the void freezes, and the souls fall down, the eight saints are far away from each other and dare not approach. Suddenly, Li Xing felt that his fist became slowly stagnant.

He exhaled loudly, and was so shocked by his strength that he barely broke the frozen force and made a "click".

Then, Chang Hong's third and fourth swords were issued in conjunction with the seven swords. Each sword had its own different power, which was blocked in style, making the fists and fists of Xingxing uncontrollable and everywhere.

When the ninth sword was over, Li Xing was already sealed by a nine-color crystal, and his breath was sealed. Nine-colored crystals are suspended in the air, and Li Xing among them seems to have lost vitality.

Chang Hong sneered: "You can't help it!"

At this time, eight saints came forward to praise. Even the veiled cover-hand that was miserable by Li Xing was also excited to regain shape and praised him.

"Jiu Ye deserves to be a peerless person who will soon become Tianzun. He will suppress this as soon as possible!"

"Huh! This person is not even the Holy Fairy, how can he compete with Jiuye? Jiuye's strength is second to heaven, and it is like a mustard."

Among them, the most concealed is the cover-up hand, staring at Nine-colored crystals and saying, "Jiu Ye, you must not let this person go, take him to the holy gate, and refine him!"

"Yes, this person has not been sanctified, he has practiced it so that he will be sanctified in the future, is it okay? It must pose a great threat to the saints, and they must not be allowed to grow up."

On the surface, Chang Hong was light and light, suppressing Li Xing, but he was actually shocked. His Nine Calamity Sword was made with the power of Tianzun's robbery, killing monks of the same rank. But the person in front of him was not killed, it was just sealed.

Indeed, as several people have said, if this person is sanctified, he will not be able to suppress it, and it will definitely be a lifeless enemy.

As soon as his thoughts changed, Chang Hong was ready to completely kill Li Xing, and absolutely did not give him a chance to grow. And at this moment, in the cold house, the cold boy burst out and said loudly, "My mercy!"

Chang Hong swept coldly and said, "Han's family is going to ask about the gate?"

Han Gongzi's face changed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lianlian arched his hand again and again: "Dare not dare, but in this man's hand, there is a two-phase chessboard of the father's plane weapon. I am afraid it should not be disposed of before this thing is recovered."

However, Chang Hong did not eat this set at all, and said ruthlessly: "I will return the instrument since I am refining this person, so you don't have to worry about it."

Seeing that his father Hanbing Tianzun couldn't hold back the other side, he was helpless immediately. His heart was so anxious and trembling: "Li Xing, Li Xing, I can't save you now!"

And at this moment, the nine-color crystal suddenly “clicked” and began to be crunchy, and it began to be covered with fine lines. The lines are getting more and more fine, and the crystals are completely blurred.

Among the nine-color crystals condensed by robbery, Li Xing runs Daluo Zhenshenju, but actually uses this robbery to break through Daluozhenshen and make it even higher!

The slightest force of assault, absorbed by the true form, continuously destroyed the real human meridian, then quickly reborn, and then strengthened the body and bones. It didn't take long for Li Xing to reborn and the body burst into billions of threads, pierced into crystals, and formed cracks.


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