Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 874: Breakthrough

Chapter 874: Real Body Breakthrough

Chapter 874: Real Body Breakthrough

In the end, the nine-color crystal turned into a large cocoon, encased Li Xing, and quietly suspended in the air. Chang Hong was frightened, and he was spurring the power of Jiu calamity, but he felt that the mud cow had gone into the sea and never returned.

"What's going on? Can he absorb Tianzun's robbery?" Chang Hong was shocked, and his face changed color. The rest of the saints changed their expressions and muttered in their hearts.

Although shocked, Chang Hong felt that he must do something, and he must not let the person in front of him continue. He gave a loud scream, and then sent out another nine swords, killing the past brilliantly to destroy the cocoons.

Unfortunately, the big cocoon was originally woven by Li Xing with the power of Jiujia. Are you afraid of the attack of Jiujia? When Jianguang hit it, it was directly absorbed by the cocoons, making the nine colors on it more intense.

In the heart of Chang Hong, he finally felt uneasy. During his life, monks below the Celestial Master hardly looked at him. Even in the chaotic world and the Proterozoic world, he can be called a peerless talent, and there are few rivals below Tianzun.

Today, however, he encountered a man who couldn't be beaten, and suddenly felt very shameless. The man in front of him was obviously not even the Holy Immortal, but he carried his nine swordsmanship sword by heart.

Just when Chang Hong felt that there was nothing he could do, Li Xing's changing cocoon suddenly cracked, and a golden light burst out, turning it into a true body. Li Xing rushed out of the cocoon, and his breath was more than twice as terrifying. The twelve-successful Da Luo Zhenshen broke through again and reached thirteen!

The thirteenth Daluo true body is another qualitative leap, which makes his true form of arrogance reach an unprecedented height. The next time he encounters Jiujianjian again, he will never be suppressed again.

The ten saints, including Chang Hong, were shocked, especially Chang Hong, with a hint of fear in their hearts. Even him, with the power of the flesh alone, it is impossible to receive the Jiujiajian. This person who is not a holy immortal in front of him can do it.

In a short time, Chang Hong flashed countless thoughts in his mind. In the end, he decided to kill Li Xing with all his strength and not to leave the other side. As he rolled his palms, a nine-color orb appeared in his hands.

On that ball, hundreds of millions of millimeters of light were emitted, and each millimeter of light was full of robbery, working in the same way as Jiujian Sword, but its lethality was ten times more powerful.

"Ah! It is Jiu Jie Zhu, a plane tool made with the power of Tianzun Jiu!" Exclaimed the saint, and his heart sank again with his cheerful face.

The plane tool possesses the prestige of Tianzun. Although the strength may not be as high as Tianzun, it is not something that can be resisted by holy figures. This Chang Hong, devoted to killing Li Xing, actually cast his weapon on the plane.

Li Xing is much more simple. He broke into the thirteen major Luo Zhenshen and gained great benefits, but he will not fight hard. Immediately turned around and walked away, even Chang Hong had no time to urge the plane tool, after all, this thing is not so easy to urge.


Li Xing directly broke through the barriers of the plane, entered the heavens and the earth, and then performed Supreme Maneuver, all of a sudden went far. When Chang Hong and others chase out, where can he still see his shadow?

Han Gongzi was also among them, and his heart was relieved, and he secretly murmured: "It seems that his father's treasure is right. Once this Li Xing is sanctified, his strength will be unfathomable. Maybe he can become a deity in the future!"

Chang Hong was so angry that he felt that a wicked fire had nowhere to vent. He slaped his hands and drew it to Han Gongzi's face, and then hummed heavily and flew away.

Suffering from this delusion, Han Gong was annoyed and shocked. He spit out his mouth and murmured, "And let you be arrogant, I'm afraid it won't be long before Li Xing can kill him?"

The affairs of the Sanqing Great World had already been done long ago. At this moment, Li Xing was unharmed and flew all the way to the dartboard. After some time, he arrived at the dart board and saw Lao Tai and others.

Upon meeting, Li Xing first returned the 10,000 forged crystals.

All the six and a half respected felt that Li Xing's breath had been arrogant again, and they were shocked. Lao Tai said: "Brother Li, we have just received a large number of big business a few days ago, and we will start in just a few days. You Just right. "

"Oh? What big business?" Li Xing was interested. He came here to take advantage of the opportunity to travel around, and by the way make more fortune. Once his Sword of Law is completed, he will open up a cavern. At that time, it will take days to create a spar, and he must prepare in advance.

Although more than 65 million forged crystals were obtained from the greedy wolf, God knows how much it will take when breaking through, and there is no harm in preparing more.

Lao Tai said: "A mysterious guest, unwilling to reveal his identity, is willing to pay the price of one million forged spar, let me wait to **** him to the eternal kingdom. That eternal kingdom belongs to one of three thousand times Eternal kingdom. Because this kingdom is very special, there was an eternal deity who wanted to refine it, but eventually failed. However, eternal time and space also became an eternal kingdom. According to legend, it is very dangerous and many powerful characters will go there. Adventure. "

Li Xing thought for a while and asked, "Is the task completed if the person arrives?"

Lao Tai nodded: "As long as people deliver, the rest is irrelevant to us."

"It's weird. Since this person dared to go to the eternal kingdom by himself, aren't you afraid of something wrong on the road?" Li Xing said, "This thing is weird."

"These are not important, we just need to take on the task. Brother Li, this trip is a poor job. We intend to let you pass, would you like it?" Lao Tai laughed. This is also a return to the previous Li Xing Righteousness.

On hearing that, Li Xing smiled, and of course he would not quit, saying, "Okay, I'll **** it."

According to the rules, if Li Xing escorted this trip ~ www.readwn.com ~, he would receive half the reward, which is 500,000 forged crystals, which is a considerable amount.

Arrange everything, and within a few days, the mysterious guest appeared. The other person is a boy-like monk with a clear eyebrow and a straight nose. The breath on his body is looming, and outsiders can't see it through.

However, Li Xing's chaotic array is good at deduction, but he sees that the other party is a half respect and very strong. Although it is not as good as Chang Hong, it is much better than Lao Tai and others.

"This man has such strength, why do he have to use a dart escort? I am afraid that the six of Lao Tai joined forces, not his opponents." Li Xing turned his thoughts and became increasingly skeptical.

However, there is nothing to say about the business. After a brief discussion, we set off.

The location of the eternal kingdom is not transmitted by the law circle, so Li Xing and the mysterious guest can only walk along the way. Of course, as an escort, this task fell on Li Xing.

The mysterious guest turned into a brilliance, attached to Li Xing's side, and with his strength, walked between heaven and earth at an extraordinary speed.


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