Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 875: Eternal son

Chapter 875: Eternal Son

Chapter 875: Eternal Son

The vast star road seems to have no end, the mysterious guest said nothing, and so silently flew with Li Xing for several months. In the past few months, I have encountered several robbers, but all of them have limited strength and were easily killed by Li Xing.

Until that day, when the two passed a huge ancient star, suddenly there was a terrible breath covering both sides. Li Xing stopped and stood in the void quietly, staring at the ancient star.

Above the ancient star, two black lights emerged, revealing two and a half deities. With Li Xing's eyesight, the breath of these two people is not under the mysterious guest. As soon as they appeared, the mysterious guest who had not spoken suddenly came to Li Xing and stared at the indifferent.

"You still show up." The mysterious guest sighed.

Two and a half deities, both wearing a black robe, glare darkly, one said coldly: "Eternal Son, the eternal deity has fallen, and you should not continue to exist."

Hearing the words "Eternal Son", Li Xing's heart moved. Of all the heavens and earths, among the planes that have given birth to the Celestial Master, if the law of planes has been passed down, those who have been passed on can be called sons of planes.

For example, the chaotic world, if anyone gets the core inheritance of chaos, he is called the son of chaos. For example, if the paradise is the core heritage of bliss, it is the son of bliss.

Naturally, the sons of the plane are all shocked and brilliant, and hopefully become the next Celestial Master. Like the saints in the Sanqing Great World, they are not yet qualified to be called the sons of the Sanqing. As the heirs of the first plane, their requirements are extremely high, only the existence of the Celestial Order, and they are likely to become the Celestial Celestial. Only qualified.

The son of the plane represents not only a kind of inheritance, but also a kind of strength. However, the eternal son in front of him, although inherited, has not yet broken through to the highest level.

Mysterious guest, the voice of the eternal son is full of hatred and coldly said: "The eternal celestial body shines through the ages, one step can establish the eternal world, and let the heavens and the earth produce a second level plane again. If it is not your master Destroy Tianzun as a stalk of it, will Tianzun fall? Today, you still do n’t give up, and you will drive me out and kill me. Will you be deceived as an eternal son? ”

The man in the black robe smiled with a yin smile: "Destruction and eternity are two opposing worlds. If the eternal deity becomes the great deity, it will affect the heaven and earth air machine and suppress the destruction of the deity of the deity. How can he grow up? However, in order to slay the eternal deity, the destruction of the deity is also created. But it does not matter, the deity is about to be restored. I wait here to kill all the eternal sons and cut off the roots! "

"But Son of Eternity, Destroyer of Heaven has decided to give you one more way. If you are willing to surrender to destruction and offer an eternal imprint, you will be saved from death."

The eternal son "haha" laughed: "I thought I would be as stupid as you? No matter if I do n’t offer the eternal imprint, the end will not be different." His expression turned harsh, "Between heaven and earth, there is a line of its own Eternal vitality, as long as the eternal immortality is immortal, a new eternal deity will be born! "

"Huh! No matter how many eternal celestial beings are born, they will also be destroyed!" The two men in black robes were impatient and stepped forward, they had to start. The eternal son is also ready to fight and fight desperately.

At this point, Li Xing suddenly stood up and stood between the two sides, sighing and saying, "Guest, have you forgotten, am I a dartmaster?"

The eternal son froze, and from the beginning, he didn't take Li Xing very seriously. In his opinion, Li Xing is not even a saint. Although there are some means to kill the thief along the way, it is nothing.

It is not uncommon to think that when the eternal son was not sanctified, he sacrificed the saint. However, at this time Li Xingming saw the three strong men and dared to stand up, which surprised him.

"Li Dartist, with the help of your dart board, originally I just wanted to hide people's eyes, but I didn't want to be found. Now that your mission is over, please go back." This eternal son, blandly and authentically, "The things here are already expensive It's irrelevant. "

This made Li Xingda feel good. A person who is about to face a brutal battle, who is not sure about his life and death, can think of others, is a respectable person. Such people know how to cherish life, whether it is their own or others'.

The people in black robes spoke, and they said in a dark voice, "Leave? No one can leave!"

Li Xing turned around and grinned, and said, "Who said I was leaving?"

"Huh, look for death!" Seeing Li Xing had no fear, he was rather arrogant. A man in a black robe became angry, stretched out Hesseson's palm and grabbed Li Xing.

The superiors used to suppress the lower ones often used this method. When they grabbed their hands, they held the enemy in their hands like chicks and killed them. Li Xing often does these things, but few people can do this to him unless the other party is Tianzun.

"Is your hand big?" Li Xing said scornfully, suddenly flying out his real hand. His hand changed even more, and he wrapped the other person's palm together with them, like a huge iron plate, overwhelming and crushing it.


The emptiness was shattered, and the violent force set off by the real shape hand shattered the huge ancient star at once, turning it into a dust of empty air. Two black robe men, one palm was shattered, and then two people were captured by Li Xing.

Among the real masters, Hunyuan Ding slowly operated, holding two and a half honors. Li Xing asked ruthlessly: "Are there any synthetic crystals on your body?"

One of them angered, "You dare to destroy the deity, you really don't know how to live and die! Sin should be dead!"

When Li Xing shook his hand, the half-respected curse was suddenly swallowed up by the light of Yuanyuan, the small world on his body shattered, and millions of forged crystals contained in it flew out.

The other person was terrified. Before Li Xing asked, he even said, "I have spar, I have spar!" Hurriedly also surrendered more than two million forged crystals on his body, shaking him.

Li Xing received the spar, and was in a good mood. The combined spar of the two, nearly four million, was a small fortune. He smiled slightly, temporarily suppressed the half, and then said to the eternal son who had been stunned: "Keep going."

The eternal son came back to God at this moment, a long moment, and said, "There are no eyes under the eyes, before I underestimated my brother, forgive me!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "It doesn't matter."

Now that the identity has been exposed, the eternal son and Li Xing flew side by side, no longer hiding their tracks. On the way, Li Xing also refined another half deity, absorbing the law of destruction.

But unfortunately, there are a limited number of rules, and they are so far behind that they can leave a mark of destruction in that kind.

"It would be nice if we could slay a few more Dao Zun who destroyed the plane, and learn more about the law of destruction." He regretted.

When the eternal son heard this, his face was strange, and he was afraid that he would meet someone who destroyed the plane all the way. He thought about it, and suddenly said, "In the lower hand, there is a pearl of destruction, which may be useful for the cultivation of my brother."

The eternal son also saw that Li Xing had amazing means to devour the law of destruction. It seems that this method can be used to promote cultivation. He was grateful for Li Xing's help, and also wanted to win over this strong aid, so he gritted his teeth and took out the pearl of destruction.

This is a black faint bead, all with the smell of destruction on it. At the sight of this bead, Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he smiled, "Is the pearl of destruction? Where did my brother come from?"

The eternal son said: "In the beginning, the destruction of Tianzun conceived that although the eternal Tianzun was successful, it was also severely damaged and was cut off. One arm was used to make five pearls of destruction before his death."

Li Xing was taken aback: "It turned out to be a treasure made by Tianzun's body, thank you!" He was also polite, and put away the beads directly, but he did not dare to refine immediately, and only used the chaotic array to continuously decipher the mystery.

While refining and flying, I do not know how many ancient stars have flown and how much time and space they have traveled, but they have not yet reached the eternal kingdom. However, Li Xing finally deduced the core of the Pearl of Destruction and instantly refined it.

Suddenly, a blast of destruction burst out, making Li Xing's chaotic array covered with a layer of death gray, almost severing life. However, the next moment, the chaotic array resumed as always. In that way, the mark of destruction was deeply engraved, and the quality of authenticity was once again improved.

However, this invigorating quality has not yet allowed Li Xing to open the 67th True Human Meridian.

After refining, Li Xingyi was still exhausted, and asked the eternal son: "Is there anything like the Pearl of Destruction on my brother?"

The eternal son had a strange expression, and said that he would not take himself as an outsider. If the Orb of Destruction is put up for auction, it will definitely be able to sell sky-high prices, millions or even tens of millions of forged crystals.

However, on the surface, it is not good to refuse. The eternal son thought about it again and again, and felt a little pain in his heart. He said, "There is something in the hand of the younger brother, but it is an eternal sand left by the eternal deity. This eternal Sha ~ www.readwn.com ~ is made by using eternal true meaning, which is not trivial and more precious than the heart of destruction. However, this thing is very important for younger brothers. In the future, you need to use this thing. "

Li Xing salivated his face and said, "Brothers shouldn't run out of it?"

When faced with such a thick skin, the eternal son felt unable to do anything, and smiled bitterly: "It's not enough, I don't know how much Brother Li needs?"

"It won't take much, as long as I can understand the laws of eternity." Li Xing smiled, "Of course, I won't take the things of the brothers in vain. I know that when you travel to the eternal kingdom, there must be some plans, I will do my best help you."

This time, the eternal son finally moved. His biggest wish was in the eternal kingdom. After thinking about it, he bit his teeth and said, "I think Brother Li is faith, and my trip is dangerous and the chance of success is no more than one percent. But even so, I will not give up, I must find an eternal heart! If my brother can help me, my brother will repay his life! "

Li Xingdao said: "It's important. You help me, I help you, everyone can live well. But before that, I want to know what the eternal imprint is, and what the dangers are in this trip.


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