Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 876: Before the break

Chapter 876 Before the Breakthrough

Chapter 876: Before Breakthrough

"There are three thousand important time and space between heaven and earth. These three thousand time and space will give birth to the plane of heaven in the future. The birth of heaven will go through several processes, one of which is called imprint. The appearance of Tianzun's imprint means that it has transformed to the plane. This imprint is called the avenue imprint. "

"The main principle of the heaven and earth plane naturally belongs to the law of heaven and earth. However, under the framework of the law of heaven and earth, there are three thousand roads to supplement it. Due to the early division of heaven and earth, today's three thousand roads are far from mature and still in In the making. "

"Eternal time and space, the eternal plane of the future, will give birth to an eternal deity. Of course, this naturally born eternal deity has far more strength than the eternal deity that has fallen. At the beginning, my ancestors reached the realm of deity, and Taking eternity as the number, I want to refine the eternal space and time, and replace it, to become one of the three thousand natural celestial beings in the future. "

"The eternal time and space are relatively mature, and the eternal imprint has been born. At the beginning, the ancestor Tianzun was going to refine this imprint. When he succeeded in half, he was destroyed by the destruction of the heavenly deity. The destruction of the heavenly **** was also preparing to deconstruct the time and space. In the future, he will destroy Tianzun naturally. However, his progress is obviously slower than that of eternal Tianzun. In order to avoid being suppressed by the heaven and earth air machine, he calculated the Tianzun. "

"Although the Eternal Celestial Emperor has fallen into shadow, it has partially sacrificed the Eternal Immortal. The younger brother has gained the recognition of the Eternal Immortal by virtue of the blood of the Eternal Celestial Emperor, thereby obtaining the opportunity to become the second eternal Celestial Celestial."

When the eternal son came here, Li Xing asked the core question: "The eternal imprint can make you a god, what kind of thing is it?"

"The immortal imprint is a kind of imprint of the realm, which can be called a denomination qualification. If the younger brother does not find this thing, it won't be long before the imprint will gradually form an independent thought, generate an ego consciousness, and form a natural deity." "Thousands of time and space, most of them are very concealed, and even the Great Celestial Master cannot be easily calculated. Even if the position is estimated, it will not be possible to receive the Celestial Brand because of timing."

"So, this eternal imprint is very precious to me." At this point, he looked at Li Xing, "Brother Li should be tempted, right?"

Li Xing laughed and said, "Who doesn't care about good things? However, since I promised you, I will certainly give you all my help and let you get this thing."

"Well, I believe in Brother Li." This eternal son, I do not know if it is based on intuition or other methods, actually trusts Li Xing very much, and has immortalized such a great thing, telling it truthfully and never concealing it.

He grabbed a handful of sand from his small world. Within this sand, there is an eternal breath, condensed by the power of the law. Li Xing knows that this is the eternal sand, the treasure of the eternal heaven.

"This eternal sand belongs to the eternal kingdom, and the law is formed. The younger brother just said that this thing is needed for future cultivation. In fact, if the younger brother can receive the eternal imprint, he will not use it." Sighing here, he sighed, " All this eternal sand is given to Brother Li. "

Li Xing glanced at him, and said lightly, "Are you so generous, do you want me to desperately?" Then he smiled and took the sand of time generously, and said, "As long as it isn't Tianzun, I will keep you safe."

At this time, he is qualified to say this sentence, below the Celestial Master, he has the strength to fight.

The eternal son was overjoyed. When he was looking for the eternal imprint, he was most afraid of being disturbed. With the care of Li Xing, a strong man, his chances of success increased a lot.

Li Xing said at this time: "This eternal sand may help me improve my strength. It is not urgent to find a brand, let us rest for a while."

The eternal son nodded, Li Xing's ability to improve his strength was naturally a good thing for him, and he immediately agreed. Not far away, there was an ancient star, and the two landed on the ground to cultivate.

The ancient star was rather desolate and lifeless. The two opened a stone cave to practice inside. While the eternal son guarded the law, Li Xing tried to refine the eternal sand. This sand belongs to the essence of the eternal kingdom. As long as it is fully absorbed, it can leave the imprint of the law of eternity in that kind, and enhance the quality of authenticity.

Li Xing sat side by side, palms facing each other, shrouded in Dan Tian. In the center, a little tripod is flowing with chaos, which is the mixed tripod tripod. The eternal sand was thrown into the Yuanyuan Ding, and when the Yuanyuan phosgene was twisted, a piece of sand exploded first.

One sand and one world, sure enough. Obviously it was a grain of sand. After it exploded, the power of a world erupted, and the Yuanyuan Ding swelled. Fortunately, this tripod is extremely strong, but it is the most powerful thing in Li Xing, but he can still hold it.

Subsequently, the second and third grains of sand continued to explode, and a huge amount of eternal law appeared and was absorbed by Li Xing. Of these eternal sands, Li Xing only consumed less than half of them, and condensed the imprint of the law of eternity, which improved the quality of Taoism and the power of the magic sword.

Before that, he condensed the imprint of the law of destruction, and at this moment there was the imprint of the law of eternity. The two support each other and immediately pushed Li Xing's cultivation to another level. Zenith's quality has been greatly improved, and it directly broke through the 67th live human meridian.

At the same time, the sword of the law, under the action of the eternal sand, is almost complete. It is a short time away, and it can have great power. One sword opens up the sky and lets Li Xing step into the heavens.

Li Xing had just made a breakthrough there, and suddenly he heard the eternal son scream, and said loudly, "Are you really going to kill everything?" The stone cave had already emerged.

He opened his eyes without anger and joy, and smiled: "These people give me!"

On the ancient star, there were nine more people at this time. Each of these nine people has a different breath. Obviously they come from different planes and represent the power of the nine laws. Nine people, each of them half-respected, powerful and murderous.

The eternal son's face changed when he saw the nine people ~ www.readwn.com ~ Shen said: "Nine swords?"

Li Xing asked: "What is Jiujian?"

Son of Eternity: "Evidenced by the sword, the sword lord who opened up the sword world received nine disciples. They came from different planes, and each of them became a peerless swordsmanship. These nine people can use the power of different laws. Forming an extremely powerful sword formation, legend has surpassed half respect. "

"That's the combat power of Tianzun series?" Li Xing was taken aback. He could not fight Tianzun no matter how strong he was.

"Is Tianzun's realm capable of surpassing the sword formation? These nine people are just superimposing each other's power, I have seen it." The eternal son said, "Brother Li, today you and I will have a fierce battle. "

Li Xing suddenly relaxed again and laughed: "As long as it is not the Supreme Master, discipline them to come back and forth. Brothers swept aside and see how I destroy them!"

Seeing Li Xing being so confident, the eternal son's nervousness was relaxed, and he smiled, "OK! Brother Li, please!"


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