Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 877: Sword complete

Chapter 877: The Complete Sword

Chapter 877: Complete Sword

The nine and a half deities, one by one, are full of intentions and full of confidence. After hearing Li Xing's seemingly arrogant words, they all sneered, and didn't say more, each sending out a sword light. . . Strange to say, each of the nine swords is different, each derived from a different plane principle.

However, when they came together, they suddenly developed dozens or even hundreds of times of lethality. Its powerful power suddenly changed the look of the eternal son. The whole person sat on the ground with one buttock and couldn't bear this horrible pressure.

With his thirteen-year-old Daluo true body and a sixty-seven-year-old real human body, Li Xing carried it down, seeing the light, and said loudly: "Interesting!"

In his body, chaotic bursts of rapid movement. Immediately, based on the two-phase law, supplemented by the laws of heaven and earth, the sword of the laws of operation, came up. The sword of the law seemed to stab out.

At this time, Li Xing's sword technique was called a two-phase sword technique. This sword technique is one for two, two for four, and four for eight. When Jianguang differentiated into the Eight Paths, it was just the number of gossip.

For a time, the law of heaven and earth combined with the law of two phases, Li Xing actually evolved eight sword lights that can be produced by similar independent laws, forming a two-phase gossip sword array. The power of this sword array is not inferior to the nine sword lights.

Jianguang differentiated combination, sharp and unparalleled, Si Lingling rushed to kill, without falling into the wind. When the time passed, all the nine and a half deities felt strong pressure, and found that the sword array could not take advantage immediately.

Nine people were shocked and furious. They formed this sword and called it Jiuhua Sword Art. Based on nine rules, it was created by the sword lord. With nine swordsmen, they can cross the realms of the world, below the Celestial Master, almost invincible, and do not know how many holy figures have been killed.

Today, with one person's strength, a set of two-phase gossip swords, they have been able to block nine people's combined attacks, which suddenly made them unacceptable. One of them shouted Li Xiao and said, "Nine swords in one, ten times the sword power!"


The nine swords of light burst out into the Supreme Sword, bursting into squares like thin needles. Among them, a glorious Jianguang, with a faint glory of dignity, swept towards Li Xing.

Li Xing was startled, and his whole body was mad and screamed. Eighty-four, forty-two, one yin and one yang, two sword lights, based on the two phases, use the power of heaven and earth to kill the past.

These two sword lights, one represents the law of the sky, the other represents the law of the earth. Suddenly, the power of heaven and earth was communicated, the majestic power was omnipresent and boundless. Heaven and earth seem to have become vassals of Li Xing, giving him supreme power.

Power was generated in the void, the thunder rang, and the two swords of the mighty shore seemed to be breaking new ground. The Jiuhua Sword Formation was smashed at once, revealing flaws. His mighty Jianguang was not weak, and when he struck forward, he killed one of them.

The other eight were so horrified that they screamed and dared not resist, and flew with all their strength. Unfortunately, between heaven and earth, below the Celestial Master, who can fly at the speed of Li Xing? He really shaped his hand and captured it all around. In a few moments, he caught the eight and a half deities who had fled in all directions.

Under the supreme power of Li Xing, these half deities had no resistance, and all their brains were put into the mixed Yuanding and began to refine. Including the half-strangled hanged, its law power, wasted, and was absorbed by Li Xing.

In Xingyuan Ding, half screamed, Li Xing was unmoved. But he saw the eternal son beside him trembling and said, "Brother Li, what is this tripod? How could it be so powerful?"

Li Xing did not hide him, saying: "This is a mixed Yuanding, which can refining all kinds of heterogeneous rules for my use."

"What?" The eternal son was terrified. "There is such a magical method in the world? Refining all the rules, wouldn't it be invincible?"

This eternal son, who has seen and heard extensively, has never heard of anyone who can absorb the laws of different species. The heavens and the world, countless planes, and each plane has a rule.

The monks living in the plane can only practice the laws in the plane. When they leave the local plane, they are often suppressed by the laws of the heavens and the earth and cannot be exerted with all their power. The nine half-reigns just now, if they can return to their respective planes, their combat power can be improved several times. Otherwise, Li Xing will not be killed so easily.

Therefore, among the heavens and the earth, those who practice the laws of the heavens, or the laws of the earths, are often much stronger than the monks in general. After all, the former belongs to the monks of the heaven and earth plane, while the latter is some second and third planes.

Even if the characters from the first level plane, such as the Sanqing Great World and the Great Chaos Great World, their cultivation is also a character who is to be practiced by the laws of heaven and earth. This is why, when Li Xing previously told people from heaven, he would be respected.

Of course, in the local plane, because they can mobilize the power of the laws of heaven and earth, they will also take advantage.

Only Li Xing, who has practiced the laws of heaven and earth, and mixed Yuan Avenue, no matter where they are, cannot be suppressed by him, and can play 100% of his combat power. At this point, he is undoubtedly taking advantage.

Nine and a half deities, each from nine third-level planes. Each of them uses the rules of the plane to condense a sword of law, and then merges with a holy holy weapon to form a flying sword between the plane and holy tools, playing an extraordinary battle. force.

In the beginning, in order to condense their respective flying swords, the nine have drawn countless laws. At this moment, in the Yuanyuan Ding, the nine-handed flying swords exploded, bursting out of the power of huge laws. The chaotic bursts ran fast.

At the same time, the nine people exploded in their respective worlds. By virtue of the Jiuhua Sword's tens of thousands of years, they cut off numerous enemies and accumulated huge wealth. After their small world shattered ~ www.readwn.com ~ Countless fortune crystals were discovered by Li Xing.

Of course, there are some treasures that are of great value. Li Xingzhao received it all, and counted it. Except for the treasures, only 1.3 billion were made of chemical crystals!

This number made Li Xing air conditioner again and again, and he was overjoyed. Seeing the eternity aside, he was so envious that he almost stared out.

With a smile, Li Xing said to himself, "Someone will send a pillow when they want to sleep, and they are preparing to open up the sky, so they will harvest so many spar, God help me!"

Nine days later, he succeeded, and the sword of the law formed in Ling Taichung finally reached his best condition. It uttered a dragon chant, trembling again and again, then radiated hundreds of millions of sword lights, shining on the earth.

The sword light contains the magic of heaven and earth, the true meaning of the four dimensions, and there are all kinds of magic and incredible. At this moment, Jianguang rose to the sky, shaking for nine days and deterring ten places. In the meditation, he communicated the heavens and the world and connected the heaven and earth road.

Li Xing prepared the spar. His eyes were full of self-confidence and desperate. He split his sword between the sky and the earth, and would open up his unique cave.


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