Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 878: Fatian is 9th! Open up the sky!

Chapter 878 Jiuyang Evil King! Open up the sky!

Chapter 878: Faithfulness! Open up the sky!

His sword is brave and unyielding. He goes ahead and cuts it with a sword. Billions of electricity are extinguished. The layers of void are shattered, and a time and space are created. This time and space was very weak the previous moment, and the next moment has turned into a hole in the sky, gradually growing rules.

The chaotic array suddenly melted into it, turning into a chaotic thundercloud. The thunder exploded, and a clear sky soared into the sky; the turbid gas settled and turned into a land.

This side of heaven and earth is Li Xing's cave heaven, which contains the laws of heaven and earth. And in this side of the world, there is one side of the tripod to suppress Qi Yun, it is the mixed yuan tripod. This tripod can absorb any law, transform it into supreme power, and nourish this world.

To open a cave, most people need the power of a few crystals. For example, most monks in the Dragon Elephant World can break through this level by taking advantage of their own accumulated power, and eat a little elixir at most.

But Li Xing is different. The caves he opened up belonged to the heavens and the earth, echoing the heavens and the earth. The mighty shore of this cave is huge and cannot be satisfied by his power. At the beginning of the world, he began to invest heavily in the creation of crystals.

Each spar exploded and turned into a tumultuous gas, becoming the source of energy for Li Xingdongtian. The force of fortune came down, and under the change of Li Xing's knowledge, it turned into mountains, sun and moon, rivers, plants, insects and fish.

It is like a vivid picture scroll, slowly unfolding in the cave, and the change comes true. During Li Xing's life, the magnificent rivers, mountains, and forests that he saw, all evolved into reality at this moment.

The natural gas has the natural energy, it has evolved a variety of animals and beasts, countless flowers and trees, and even some tall buildings.

This process, seemingly complicated, actually happens in a short time. Just a few blinks, the whole cave is basically complete. Before and after, Li Xing consumed one hundred and eighty million fortune crystals!

The heavens, earth, and sky are also very wide, covering nine million miles. The land of Jiuzhou, the dragon elephant world, is so vast. And at the edge of the cave, the crystal wall system continues to creep, and there is obviously potential for expansion.

When the sky is ten percent, the power of the world is continuously produced. This kind of world power, although immature, can still greatly enhance Li Xing's true power quality. Under the impact of Zhenli, the sixty-eighth and sixty-ninth real meridians were opened one after another.

"Finally, Heaven and Heaven are in full swing, opening up the sky!" Li Xing shouted, and the whistling sound shook the earth, shattering the ancient stars in the distance. The eternal son has changed his face and exerted himself to protect his body.

The opening of the caves this time is inherently intolerable. It should cause the anger of the heavens and earth, and it is difficult to join with infinite calamity. However, because of the simultaneous understanding of the laws of the heavens and the earth, Li Xing was able to mediate on his own, so that the robbery would disappear in the first place.

Therefore, this pass was a mediocre one, and nothing happened. It's just that his temperament has changed dramatically, even deeper. At this time, he was regarded as a cave monk who could produce the power of the world in his body.

When Dongtian was 10%, he stepped into Fatian Jiuzhong. The task at this level is to build caves, perfect the laws, and create your own Tao. Taking Li Xing's repair at this time, the Yuanyuan Avenue is not far away from completion, so it won't be long before he can break through to the top ten of Fatian and enter the Tao.

Mixed Yuan Avenue is still immature, because the absorptive plane rules are not enough, and it has not accumulated enough strength. As soon as it incorporates more plane rules, it will be complete, so that it will enter the tenfold law of law, condense the road tires, and enter the road.

Li Xing opened his eyes and smiled a little, and said to the eternal son: "These nine people actually promoted my cultivation to another level, and it was considered meaningful death."

The eternal son had a strange expression. He felt Li Xing's breath was ten times more powerful than before. He couldn't help asking: "Li Xing, your practice seems to belong to the Fa?"

Li Xing: "You know the Fa? Yes, I'm just Fa Tian Jiuzhong's practice."

The eternal son jumped in his heart, shocked and said, "Fa Tian is ninefold, but is a monk in the Heavenly Heaven class? All unsanctified people have such a practice. Is it not horrible to be sanctified in the future?" After he was shocked, he thought, "This I know more about Fa-Dao. Just because Eternal Heavenly Lord has an old friend, that is the ancestor of the extreme Fa. "

"Oh? You've also seen the ancestor of Ji Fa." Li Xing was surprised.

"Yes, the eternal Supreme once said that the method created by the ancestor of Jifa was progressive and able to cooperate with other cultivation methods. It seems true. Li Xing should have cultivated more than one method." Eternal Son Road.

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, I have also cultivated the Tao of Reality. This Tao of Reality has its roots in the Dragon Elephant."

"It turned out to be the way of real people. The dragon elephant world was built in the realm of land. Not many people knew it. It is strange that Brother Li's strength was so strong that he had to rely on it." He wanted to understand.

After Li Xing broke through, he hurried along with the eternal son and continued to the eternal kingdom to find the eternal imprint. Unconsciously, it was another two days. On that day, the two stopped suddenly and looked coldly forward.

A huge ship, hundreds of miles long, ran across the front. On the ship, five overbearing forces were released, clearly locking the eternal son and Li Xing.

"Extermination of robbers!" The eternal son's face suddenly ironed and shouted.

The extermination robber is one of the ten most famous people among the robbers that travel across the world. Among the top ten robbers, extinct robbers ranked seventh. In the hands of extermination robbers, there is a plane-level magic weapon. Extermination of flying slugs is exactly what is at hand.

The extinct flying owl can release the extinct realm and draw the life force of all beings. This method is somewhat similar to the instinct of the undead royal.

The extermination robber is not one person, but five people. Each of them has a half-level practice. According to legend, these five people are from heaven, and they practice the laws of heaven, so their strength is far beyond the average half respect.

All this information was found by Li Xing from the memory of the enemies who beheaded him. It was sorted out instantly and understood what was facing.

"It's over." The eternal son's face was ugly. "As soon as the extinction field comes out, no one can stand below it."

"That's not necessarily." Li Xing's eyes were fierce, and he stared firmly at the extinct flying puppet. "Ask for the intention first, and then talk about the other. Brothers rest assured, the worst, we can leave safely."

With Li Xing's promise, the eternal son immediately relaxed his mind, nodded, and shouted to Feiyu: "Extermination of thieves, what is your intention to stop me and the two?"

There was a cold laughter in Feiyu. Someone said, "Let's take the destiny of destruction and come to take your fate."

This made it clear that there was no need to ask anything, and Li Xing waved his hand and directly put the eternal son into his newly opened chaos. Then he laughed loudly, without any nonsense, and shot straight.

Fatian Jiuzongdongtian produces world power in his body. And the quality of Zenith has also been raised to 69, with unprecedented strength and arrogance. In the face of a plane weapon, Li Xing had no fear, his shape changed, and he punched out.

The golden giant fist penetrated the space, broke through time and space, and severely hit Fei Ming. The extinct robber snorted heavily, and Feiyu suddenly radiated a mighty power, covering four dimensions. An extermination of true meaning locked Li Xing and began to extract a lot of his life force.

Faced with this weird force, Li Xing was also frightened. However, since he dared to make a shot, he was naturally well prepared, and suddenly he took the mysterious foreign object that even the Tianxie Emperor let him use less, the ancient altar.

With the supreme power of Li Xing at this time, the power of the altar can be fully exerted. Suddenly, a brilliance rose into the sky, turning into a huge halo, covering the entire ship.

A stranger force than the force of extinction was born out of thin air. In the midst of it, countless powerful beings flew over to lock out the extinct flying puppet.

At the time of extinction, the extinction field sent by extinction Fei was restrained. At this moment, Li Xing immediately blasted nine punches, each with a power to open up the world and destroy time and space.

"Boom boom!"

Feiyu continued to tremble. Although the gods were in trouble, after all, they could not stop such a powerful attack and disintegrated directly. This is also the power of the Proto-altar altar sealed, otherwise, Li Xing could not break through the realm and hurt its roots.

As soon as Hida was broken, Li Xing would put away the altar of the Proterozoic. Without him, he didn't want to use it. But at this moment, a **** hand protruded from nothing. The strength of this big hand is extremely arrogant. Compared to the idea of ​​pursuing and killing his virtual phoenix on the same day, I do not know how many times stronger.

"Not good!" Li Xing shouted, and couldn't help himself, and turned away.

Suddenly, he grabbed the Altar of Proterozoic. On that altar, an infinite amount of light erupted, like a sword light cutting. The big hand stagnates slightly, and the five fingertips explode. However, it eventually grabbed the Proto-Altar.

The horrible explosive power directly turned the five thieves dropped from the flying puppet into flying ash. Li Xing was also hit by the shock wave of terror, and the thirteen-time Daluo Zhenshen was also badly hit and he vomited blood again and again.

Fortunately, ~ www.readwn.com ~ The big hand had little interest in Li Xing, and after holding the Proto-Altar, he retracted and took away the altar.

"Hateful! Who is it?" Li Xing's face changed. Just now, if the man had shot him directly, he would have died 10,000 times long, and would have no chance to survive!

This time, he felt the horror of absolute power again.

"Tianzun is incredible!" He sighed.

Half-respect and saints, although separated by a line, have a huge gap. If half-zun is a baby who cannot protect himself, then Tianzun is a martial arts master. A martial arts master can destroy countless babies in one move. This is the gap.

His current strength, although he can kill half respect, is far from Tianzun's state. Of course, Tianzun is generally disdainful of doing things to small people.

The extermination robbers were killed by the regiment, the Prototype altars were robbed, and good things and bad things happened. However, Li Xing did not feel sorry for losing the altar. It would be nothing if he was strong enough to **** things back.


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