Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 879: 10 days of law! Really holy!

Chapter 879 Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Ten Powerful Heavens! Really holy!

Chapter 879: Heaven is Tenfold! Really holy!

Back and forth, Li Xing was killed by the destroying Tianzun who sent three batches of masters to kill the eternal son. The next journey, no ghosts appeared, and the two arrived safely in the eternal kingdom.

When approaching the eternal kingdom, the eternal son felt a great power summoned to him. He shouted and said to Li Xing: "Brother Li, thank you so much, my brother is going first!"

Li Xing smiled and said: "You go, there is me outside."

For Li Xing, the eternal son can be described as reassuring, burst into laughter and rush into the kingdom of the kingdom. The eternal kingdom, like a nebula, was originally hidden in the void, and it was revealed by the presence of the eternal son.

The eternal son enters into it, and the whole kingdom shrinks slightly, it seems that something is brewing. Li Xing waited quietly outside, he knew that when the eternal son came out again, he would definitely soar.

Every day, every month, every year. This is a long process, and Li Xing is not in a hurry. He is outside the kingdom and cultivates with peace of mind, and successfully completes the recently opened Yuanyuan cave.

When it's quiet, it's always short. Three years later, a young man, dressed in white, appeared outside of eternal time and space. The young man had his hands on his back, and a sharp sword filled his body, filling the world.

As soon as this person appeared, Li Xing knew that this person belonged to the Celestial Character, because he had the momentum of the Celestial Law all around him.

"Who's coming?" Li Xing opened his eyes and asked lightly.

"Son of the Sword Emperor," said the youth, "a member of the Imperial Court."

"Heaven bans the army!" Li Xing's eyes flashed, and he continued to ask, "What's the matter?"

"Kill," the other party said directly.

Li Xing laughed with a "hey" and said, "It's getting more and more interesting. Destroy Tianzun always sends people in the sword world. Is Destroyer Tianzun the sword's laozi?"

"Presumptuous!" The son of the sword shouted, "Destroy Tianzun and Jianzun, both of them are heaven court martial arts, and the relationship is good, how dare you speak well!"

"So it is." Li Xingcong mocked and said coldly, "Since it's here, let's talk nonsense, you can take it."

"You are crazy," the son of the sword said scornfully, "but you are not qualified to let me do it."

This son of the sword does not even have half respect in his eyes, let alone an unsanctified person like Li Xing? As soon as his words fell, a group of monks came out behind him, and the number was so large that Li Xing narrowed his eyes.

There are many monks, most of whom have half-level ranks. The weakest has also reached the extreme state, with 300 people! These people, uniformly dressed, wearing armor, and holding spears, were murderous.

"These people are all my subordinates. Do you want to continue to be arrogant?" Tian Zi laughed, staring at Li Xing with a look at the prey, mocking his face.

Li Xing, however, showed a weird expression and slowly said, "Three hundred and a half deities, most of them come from different planes, must be elite figures selected from the major planes?"

"You have eyesight. Every embargo is a peerless figure with unlimited potential. The power of heaven is not known to you and other inferior people. Anyone who is an embargoed soldier can reach the hegemony and become a hegemon. "The son of the sword proudly said," So, kneel down, you don't have to do useless resistance, you can die with peace of mind! "

Li Xing said to himself: "Three hundred and one people from two hundred and eighty planes. Very good, very good. Your presence will make my cave heaven completely complete."

"What did you say?" The son of the sword frowned. He felt Li Xing's tone was not right, and he didn't look afraid. Or, is this person frightened and start talking nonsense?

Li Xing stepped out, as if there was a great shore behind him. The supreme power, overwhelmingly suppressed, shrouded the Quartet up and down, including the three hundred monks, and the children of the sword.

Cave monk can evolve cave sky to be used against the enemy and can get unexpected results.

Three hundred and one monks changed their looks, and they instantly felt that they had been included in the field. This feeling is like entering another plane, being rejected and suppressed everywhere.

How powerful Li Xing's Dongtian was, it formed nine million miles. What's more, there are crackdowns in the Yuan Dynasty, and the pressure is even more extraordinary. It was only at this moment that supreme power broke out, and everyone shuddered.

Li Xing proudly stands in the middle, like the master of heaven and earth, coldly saying, "You will kill me, I will kill and return!" Then, as soon as he stamped his feet, he saw the earthquake shaking, the rules intertwined, and a wave of strong shock waved out.

The wave swept over 301 people, some of them were weak, their bodies exploded directly, turned into the power of rolling rules, and were absorbed by the high-altitude air-hundred tripod.

The others were terrified, and the son of sword Li Xiao: "Are you brave enough to dare to fight against the heavenly embargo?"

Li Xing said coldly, "If you kill me, I will kill you. It has nothing to do with heaven. Even if heaven wants to kill me, I will destroy it!"

"Arrogance! It is arrogance! In the heavenly courts, there are countless heavenly deities, even the heavenly emperor has to serve the emperor, you dare to say such a thing, it's a goddamn!" The child of the sword was terrified and cursed loudly.

With a smile, Li Xing ran a full swing of the power of the sky, and it turned upside down. One after another, the Heavenly Court embargoes, screamed and fell, dying cleanly, and then the law was absorbed by the mixed Yuanding.

Li Xing used the field of Dongtian to suppress the cultivation of these people to the utmost extent, so that they could play less than one tenth of their strength. Moreover, with the help of the power of the cave, he greatly enhanced the combat power, so he could easily kill these people and devour their laws.

The son of the sword did have some means. When the three hundred forbidden troops were completely destroyed, he was still alive, but his mouth was bloody.

At this moment, not only was there no fear on his face, but a cold smile, staring at Li Xing: "You can't kill me!"

A sword hovering above Li Xing's head was the sword that opened the sky. After he stepped into Fatian Jiuzhong, the sword was even more powerful and sharp. He said lightly: "Kill you butcher the dog."

"Si Lingling!"

The sword light flew forward, carrying the power of heaven and earth, the power of various laws. When the unstoppable Jianguang was about to hang the son of the sword, a swordlight suddenly flew out of his brows.

This sword light, covering the stars and moons and ignoring the rules, represents a very high state. Sensen's murderousness, shocked all of a sudden, smashed Li Xing's cavernous field.

Li Xing moaned and almost vomited blood. And that sword light, breaking the sword of Li Xing's law, continued to kill him.


In an instant, Li Xing thought of Master Jian Guang. The sword lord must have left a mark of will in the son of the sword, which could save his life at a critical moment.

"What about Tianzun, destroy me!" Li Xing was furious, his hair was flying, his martial arts volition was running, and he was blown with a punch.

This fist blasted out a hundred millionth of a moment before. In the Yuanyuan Ding, there were 280 kinds of powers of the rule, which were constantly deduced by the Yuanyuan Ding, leaving one after another in that way, leaving the laws of various planes. brand.

Two hundred and eighty rules branded! Suddenly, Li Xing's true power quality was raised to an unprecedented level!


The real meridians are opened again and again, seventy, seventy-one, and seventy-two.

When the real person's meridian reached the 72nd level, Li Xing officially became a true saint! His body, spirit, and will began to transform at the same time. Da Luo Zhenshen, from the thirteenth, broke through to the fourteenth, and became more horizontal!

At the same time, a kind of Shengwei appeared in Dongtian, which made Li Xing's Taoism complete in an instant. The whole Yuanyuan tripod suddenly shrank into a ball, and it was brewing the idea of ​​incomparable Yuanyuan, turning it into a supreme tire!

That tire has eight holes on it and nine tricks on the bottom, which conjure up heaven and earth magic and four-dimensional mystery. It is the law of the heavens and the earth that beats like a heart, every time it shakes the heavens.

A saint can be immortal, immortal. The benefits this brings to Li Xing are huge. As fast as the true power running week, his fourteen major Luo Zhen body has been completed!

When Li Xingquan was out, he was still a monk with Fatian Jiuzhong. When the fist reaches halfway, he has completed the transformation from a mortal to a saint, becoming a true saint. At the same time, Fatian Jiuzhong has stepped into the Fatian Tenfold Path to consolidate the Tao tires!

The strength of the mighty shore came at once, directly crushing Tianzun's will and disintegrating the sword. There was an astonishing voice in the sword light: "How is this possible?"

As soon as Li Xing grabbed his hand, he absorbed this will into the palm of his hand, and when he ran it slightly, he refined it and merged it into the fetus. Tian Zun's will, not to be trivial, was absorbed by Li Xing and left the imprint of the laws of Kendo directly.

Only as soon as he became sanctified, he beheaded Tianzun's will, showing his sharp edge. Later, he grabbed his hands and blasted the tragic look of the sword child, ingesting the rules.

After a short time, the surroundings were quiet again, Li Xing had no joy or sorrow in his heart, and said to himself, "Is this the holy realm? Under the holy realm, I won't be able to take a long time to complete the fetus, and then I will break through to the Tao. . "

He didn't even expect that he would meet the son of the sword and take a 300-day court forbidden army to besiege him ~ www.readwn.com ~ If in normal times, he would like to refine and absorb 280 rules, not a few decades Years cannot be completed. Now, he was taken care of it at once, and his strength soared immediately, breaking directly into the realm of true sacredness.

At this moment, Li Xing felt that there was no fear in the heavens and the earth, that he could swallow the stars and moons, run the heavens and the earth, and stretch in all directions.

However, it is said that three years have passed since Li Xing beheaded the Tianting embargo. In the eternal kingdom, there has finally been change. It suddenly shrank into a portal, and the eternal son emerged from it.

At this moment, his breath is not weaker than Li Xing, it seems that he can break through to the state of heaven at any time.

"Brother Li, my brother is hopeful of a breakthrough, but we will have to retreat for a while. Thank you for your kindness now, and you will report tomorrow." Said the eternal son.

Li Xingwei nodded: "Brothers will go there, and they will become gods in the future. They can find me in the Sanqing Great World."

After the eternal son left, Li Xing said to himself, "After walking for a few years, it's time to go back and look at it." With his flickering figure, he left the place, smashed through time and space, and flew to Sanqing World.


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