Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 880: Mingyue Tianzun

Chapter 880: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 880: Bright Moon Celestial Master

After becoming a sage, Li Xingfei's technique was much more sophisticated. It took only more than ten days to run the power of the world and returned to the Sanqing World. It was only a few years after he left, and after coming back, he discovered that the mixed Yuan religion had changed a lot.

It turned out that in the past few years, the two-phase boy has accelerated the passage of time, making some believers' leaps and bounds. The most eye-catching is the nine ladies of Li Xing, at this time all reached the extreme state, each of them has a shocking method.

The strength of the nine women is that even if they meet half deities, they can be killed with one stroke. It is not only related to the laws they practice, but also to the mixed elemental power taught by Li Xing.

Below the Nine Women, the seven little Jinwus are equally eye-catching, and now they are all extremely holy. The others, Jun Qianheng, Nangong Xiaoyi, Jian Xingtian, Wu Xiaobao, Li Xuanbai, Li Yingxiong, Min Min, Wu Tong, etc., all reached the realm of sacredness.

The older generation of people, sincerity, first-class people, have also reached the realm of heaven. In addition, there are many believers who are sanctified, and the number adds up to more than a hundred.

In a martial art, hundreds of holy figures were produced in a short period of time, which is also rare in the Sanqing world.

Among them, Xiao Xun's cultivation did not disappoint Li Xing. She is indeed a Sanqing sacred body, a penance in the two phases, and at this time has reached half-respect level. If you have a chance in the future, you may have a chance to become a god.

Of course, everyone's entry cannot be compared with Li Xing. As soon as he returned, people discovered the sanctification and congratulations.

Li Xuanbai laughed: "The leader has finally become sanctified, and we will be on the right track in the future."

At that time, although Li Xing's strength was strong, he had been making slower progress than others in the realm. When he entered Fatian, others were already the cultivation of Tianshi and Tianwang. Anyway, as the head of a religion, this kind of entry is somewhat unjustifiable.

Of course, in terms of strength, Li Xing has always been No. 1 in mixed Yuan religion. This is beyond doubt. At this point, he finally became a true saint, not only his strength soared, but he was not bad.

Li Yingxiong couldn't help asking: "What level of the leader's strength has it reached? It shouldn't matter if he slayed the half deity?"

Li Xuanbai said aloud: "Are you confused? When the leader was not sanctified, he killed and killed half deity, what is half deity now? I heard that there are some characters who are infinitely close to the deity. They The strength is far beyond half respect, and the leader must have reached that level. "

Li Xing waved his hand and stopped the two from arguing, saying, "Now that I'm sanctified, I'm quite confident in my combat power. The next step is to return to the dragon elephant world, look at the situation, and then enter the realm to find the dragon elephant. Power."

Nowadays, Li Xing condenses the mixed Yuan Tao tire. If Daotai wants to grow quickly, the best way is to find the power of the dragon elephant, and then absorb it all. You know, the power of those dragon elephants originally belonged to the dragon elephant world, but they were suppressed by Jiuyou.

The power of these dragon elephants is the inheritance power of the dragon elephant, and it is similar to Li Xing's mixed Yuan Avenue, which can be absorbed and used. In fact, the power of Li Xing's mixed yuan can be regarded as an upgraded version of the power of the dragon elephant, and its potential is even better.

Upon hearing that he was returning to the Dragon Elephant World, Li Xuanbai and others expressed their fellowship, but were blocked by Li Xing, saying, "The Dragon Elephant World must now be flourishing, and it should be found out that the situation will not be late."

Li Xing decided to return to the Dragon Elephant World. He did not leave immediately. He still had to stay for a while to instruct the practice of some believers.

Few months, thunders and thunders this day, the whole mixed Yuan religion was shrouded in a ray of sacred power. The two-phase boy reacted for the first time, shaking slightly, and shattered the strand of Shengwei, at the same time he asked, "Who?"

From the sky, a figure emerged, but it was the saint Chang Hong who was defeated by Li Xing last time. Behind Chang Hong, Han Gongzi stood there frowning. It can be seen that it should be Chang Hong who forced him to lead the way and found this place.

Chang Hong's hand held Jiu Jiezhu, the plane weapon, with a cold expression. When Li Xing appeared, he yelled, "Li Xing, come out and die!"

Li Xing was furious. This Chang Hong didn't know how to move forward. A few years ago, he beat him up at Han Gongzi's Mansion. I didn't want this person to be so vengeful, but after a few years, he came to the door again.

It turned out that since Li Xing escaped last time, Chang Hong hasn't given up hunting him. Unfortunately, Li Xingyuan is in a foreign domain. How can he find it? As a result, the saint often persecuted Han Gong and asked him to help find the whereabouts of Li Xing.

Han Gongzi couldn't find it. It wasn't until some time ago that he heard the news of Li Xing's return. It was forced too tightly, so he told Chang Hong the news.

Chang Hong had never forgotten that arrow's revenge, and when he got the news, he immediately brought Jiu Jiezhu to slash Li Xing under the sword. As the ninth saint among the holy gates, he has great face. The last time he was taught by a little person has been spread inside the gate, and it is regarded as a shame and shame.

During this trip, Chang Hong made full preparations and absolutely did not allow Li Xing to escape. Therefore, before he appeared, he laid a net of heaven and earth around it to block the void.

Han Gongzi said awkwardly, "Brother Li, I'm sorry."

Li Xing was too lazy to look at him, only looking at Chang Hong, she said in a deep voice: "Chang Hong, although you are a saint, you have come to me repeatedly. Now, if you can retreat, I can spare you once. If you treat me like Li Xing, and you still bully, you ca n’t say no, I ’m gonna kill you today! ”

"Haha ..." Chang Hong laughed loudly and said with a scornful expression, "Stop me? Do you have that strength? With nine jealous beads in my hand, I can send a celestial blow and I can kill you!"

"Huh! If you rely on foreign objects, you think you can defeat me? Today, in front of everyone, I will break your nine jealous beads, and then you will be beheaded. Those who listen to the holy gate are this Chang Hong Too much bullying, to kill me, I was just forced to fight back! "

Below Li Xing, the score is clear. In the hidden time and space, there are many characters hiding in them. The breath on them is strong. Eight Chengdu people belong to the holy gate. Even, Li Xing felt that some of them belonged to the peerless masters of Tianzun series.

Because of this, he had the above remarks. With the second-phase boy present, he became a saint again, and even if Tianzun took the shot, he had a chance to escape. However, before such a possible thing happens, he must occupy a word of "reason", something will be said later.

"There's so much nonsense, I'm dead!" Chang Hong was already impatient, and immediately offered the nine jealous beads in his hand, landed in the sky, and all slayed towards Li Xing.

Each strand of light is extremely heavy, as sharp as a sword light, which can split the void and reverse the time. In the face of such a fierce attack, Li Xing had no fear. He was running his true power and punched him fiercely.

After sanctification, his strength increased greatly, and Luo Luo's body reached the fourteenth! The strength of a body is not as bad as Tianzun, but it is not as bad as Tianzun.


It is indeed a plane weapon, which can send a celestial blow. Li Xing really couldn't bear it and was shocked by Zhenfei, hitting the ground severely.

In this attack, Li Xing also wanted to try his own strength. As a result, he was very satisfied. Although the plane weapon could repel him, he could only cause minor injuries. Such injuries were within his tolerance and could be recovered instantly.

The ground was smashed in a pit, and Han Gong frowned, Chang Hong laughed, and said loudly, "Anything like a ant, dare to oppose this saint?" He raised Jiu Jie Zhu, and he was going to teach the whole assassin Kill all.

Some time ago, the reason why Chang Hong didn't start with the mixed Yuanjiao was because he was afraid of hitting the grass. At that time, in case Li Xing escapes, and then finds a place to practice hardship, and then to return to revenge after becoming Tianzun, it will be difficult.

For Li Xing, he is still more afraid of it, knowing that if such people give enough time, they can grow into extremely terrifying characters, and it is impossible for them to get there.

Therefore, when he got the news from Han Gongzi, he immediately started to kill Li Xing.

Just before the blow, Chang Hong thought that Li Xing was not dead and was seriously injured, and he could not resist. Right now, it's time to build Li Xing's power and hit it all.

Unexpectedly, in the underground pit, Li Xing turned into a golden mang, and still rushed to the sky. At the same time, he reached out and the two-phase ring fell into his hands. Above the two-phase ring, phosgene surrounds it, and the momentum is definitely not below Jiujiazhu.

At the same time, Li Xing operated the Dongtian means, and incorporated the whole Yuanyuan religion into his body. In his eyes, there was a murderous murder, and he yelled, "Please, Taiqing Tianzun, look down! The holy disciple Chang Hong, using the plane weapon, slaughter me, etc. As a last resort, the younger generation also used the plane weapon to fight back. ! "

Li Xing, then soldiers, Li Xing didn't want to leave an excuse, in case he provoked the master of the Taiqing Tianzun series, he couldn't eat it.

With all that said, he would shoot with a wave of two phases. Chang Hong's face was also dignified. The two-phase ring looked extraordinary and might be able to compete with Jiu Jiuzhu.

At this moment, a bright moon-like light shone down, and a cold voice said, "It is unwise to argue between two spirits."

Then, a woman ~ www.readwn.com ~ appeared between the two. This woman hung a bright moon behind her, shining all over the world. Her appearance was unclear, she could only see that she was dressed in white and was in a state of inattention.

As soon as this person came out, Chang Hong was taken aback and quickly bowed down: "Chang Hong see Mingyue Tianzun!"

"It turned out to be Mingyue Tianzun." Li Xing was slightly surprised, and stepped forward to give a present. Only then did he see that the Three Saints of Qiongzhou appeared faintly in the distance, and suddenly understood that it was very likely that the Supreme Master of the Moon was invited by the Three Saints of Qiongzhou.

Mingyue Tianzun said: "Chang Hong, you may not be able to win with the nine jealous beads. On the contrary, this war will do great damage to the Sanqing world. When it angers the three heavenly gods, you will not be able to eat. "

Chang Hong dare not say half a word, the strength of Mingyue Tianzun is far above the average Tianzun. The same as Tianzun, the power gap is also huge, Mingyue Tianzun is the kind of high-end existence.

"Yes, the junior knew what was wrong," he said hurriedly, turning his eyes.

Li Xing took advantage of the situation and said: "Back to the Celestial Master, the saints often fooled people too much. The younger generation had to fight back. Please give the Celestial justice."


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