Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 881: Proteran disaster

Chapter 881: Disasters of the Ancient Times

Chapter 881: Protozoa

"Huh!" Mingyue Tianzun listened to Li Xing and reprimanded, "You, a foreign monk, actually want to challenge the Sanqing Great World Saints. Can you really compete against a big world?"

When Li Xing's heart moved, he heard that the Mingyue Tianzhang ostracized in fact, in fact, he warned him secretly, and could not open the killing ring in the Sanqing world, otherwise he would most likely lead to a powerful opponent, and he would undoubtedly have to compete with the whole Tsinghua University opposes.

He hurriedly said, "The junior knew something wrong."

Mingyue Tianzun said coldly: "You, a foreign monk, came to Sanqing to cause trouble, which is really abominable. Now take a trip with Tianzun and accept punishment!"

Li Xing: "The juniors are willing to be punished."

With that said, as soon as Mingyue Tianzun waved his sleeves, Li Xing was taken into a plane. Among this plane, there is a round of bright moon overhanging, the scenery is beautiful and pleasant, it is the Taiyin plane opened by the bright moon Tianzun.

After accepting Li Xing, Mingyue Tianzun shifted gently and left the scene. As soon as she left, behind Chang Hong, she walked out of the three deities, but was among the top eight saints. These three Celestial Masters were all shrouded in clear air and could not see their faces.

One of them said: "Why does Mingyue Tianzun save this person?"

It turned out that the three Celestial Masters had always been hidden in the dark. As long as Li Xing dared to take a shot, they would join forces to kill him. Unexpectedly, Mingyue Tianzun appeared and took him away, destroying their plans.

Chang Hong quickly and respectfully said: "Fiveth, seventh, and eighth Lord, this person can live under the nine jealous beads, the potential is endless, you must not let him live, otherwise it will be my enemy."

One day respectfully said: "If you ca n’t be a **** respect, you are all ants. The moon honor is an elder, and I ca n’t wait to provoke it. However, it is impossible for Ming Yue to protect his life, and I will talk about this later."

Li Xing didn't know that he had just walked away from the ghost gate. When he entered the Taiyin realm, he saw that Qiongzhou Sansheng had also arrived and congratulated him in succession: "Brother Li is finally sanctified.

Li Xing returned the gift, and then exclaimed, "Thank you for your help."

A woman, still unclear, appeared in front of several people. San Sheng quickly bowed down and said, "See Heaven!"

Mingyue Tianzun said: "You are so bold, you dare to provoke people in the holy gate. Behind Chang Hong, there are three heavenly gods hidden. You just have to do it and you have no life."

Li Xingxin said that may not be the case, but his mouth said: "We have lost our respect and salvation, and Li Xing will definitely report it in the future."

"My people, after receiving your favor, you should save you once, and you do n’t need to thank you. You do n’t have to go back to Sanqing World for the time being. Stay in the Taiyin world for a while. It ’s not too late when the wind passes." Road.

Li Xing thought about it, and said to himself, "It is better to put the mixed Yuan religion in the Tai Yin world and let Mingyue Tianzun take care of him." His biggest worry now is that the people of the mixed Yuan religion are harmed. It's better than that.

With this in mind, his long-time worshiper of Mingyue Tianzun: "The junior has something to do with him, and will soon leave. I beg Tianzun to take refuge in them." Then, he released all the Yuanyuan people.

His movements mixed Yuandong Tian, ​​some breath was revealed, and Mingyue Tianzun gave a frivolous whisper, saying, "So powerful Dongtian, no wonder you dare to fight Changhong."

The practice of Fa Dao, the ten days of Fa Tian, ​​even if they step into the cave heaven series. The cave sky series has three steps and nine small steps, which are three steps in the lower part, three steps in the middle part, and three steps in the upper part.

The three steps of the lower realm are Taoist, Daojun, and Dao Zun; the middle realm is the Heaven-Man series; the upper realm is the Tianshi class. Dongtianxiajie opened up and built Dongtian; Dongtianzhongjie upgraded Dongtian into a small world; Dongtian Shangjing completely completed the laws of the small world.

After the cave day, it is called the God level.

There is a distinction between God and Great God. God, that is, the level of the king, and God, that is, the level of the god. God can extend the power of the opened small world to the outside, thereby affecting the outside world.

The Great God will elevate this influence to the extreme. For example, a great God in Tianwaitian entered the Sanqing world. Then, he can release the influence and at least weaken the suppression of the San Qing rule.

Above the level of God, it is the level of the Holy Lord, and it is divided into four major levels: first, middle, upper, and most holy.

Of course, Li Xing's approach to cultivation is different from others. In terms of the Fa, he is still in the sky series. But in terms of real people, he is actually a true saint, reaching the level of the first saint.

The way of real life, which originated from the dragon elephant, can be regarded as the cultivation way of the dragon elephant world. It does not conflict with the Fa, but instead helps each other and enhances each other's power.

In the future, when Li Xing is also on the Fa and reaches the realm of the Lord, then he is a double-minded saint. This is like, a person's sword skill is very good, reaching the level of sword master. So this does not prevent its sword skill is also very good, becoming a generation of sword sage. And swordsmanship and swordsmanship can improve each other.

The practice of the true sacredness will allow him to practice thousands of miles a day in the practice of the Fa. In a short period of time, he will enter the level of the Lord.

At this moment, he showed Dongtian a little, and he could surprise a Tianzun, showing that Dongtian is extraordinary.

"The cultivating methods of the juniors are slightly different from ordinary people." Li Xing said, "Let Tianzun laugh."

"Your potential is endless, and your future achievements are limitless." Mingyue Tianzun praised, "these people will stay in the Tai Yin world and nothing will happen."

Li Xing thanked him, and then ordered all the people in the mixed Yuan religion to leave, and then left. During this trip, he will go to the Dragon Elephant World.

Leaving the Tai Yin Realm, Li Xing directly entered the heaven and earth plane and flew quickly. At the beginning, when he left the Dragon Elephant World, his strength was limited, and he had to rely on the teleportation array to walk.

But now, he has become a true saint ~ www.readwn.com ~ With the laws of heaven and earth, he can directly travel through the wormhole without using the teleportation array. Therefore, not long after, he sensed the coordinates of the dragon elephant world and entered directly.

It has been a long time since I left the Dragon Elephant World, and at this point I feel very different. The thematic plane of heaven and earth is full of the laws of heaven and earth. Although the two laws are not completely integrated, they also complement each other.

However, the dragon elephant world is all based on the laws of territorial boundaries, giving Li Xing an imperfect feeling. This period is called the Yin-Yang period, and the yin-yang dichotomy is the law of heaven and earth.

The two laws are equally important to maintain the operation of the main plane. Like Li Xing, understanding the laws of heaven and earth at the same time is really an odd number.

At this moment, Li Xing is in the world of Dragon Elephant, in the center of Tianyuanzhou. Here, originally the place where the mixed Yuan religion stood, at this time it was full of a Proterozoic atmosphere. He let go of his thoughts and found out immediately that the entire world of the dragon elephant had been occupied by the Proterozoic people.

The Proterozoic, from the Proterozoic world, is the only one of the three first-level planes that has produced the existence of supreme fragmentation and has a strong influence. Could it be said that the Elder Great Celestial Master has decided to occupy the dragon elephant world?


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