Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 882: Proterozoic invasion

Chapter 882: Proteran Invasion

Chapter 882 Invasion

He fired with such thoughts and soon shocked the Proterozoic, and nearby masters rushed to it. The first one to arrive was a Proterozoic saint. When he saw Li Xingshi, his eyes narrowed suddenly. Because he felt that Li Xing was also a saint.

This Proterozoic saint, looking young, seems to have just ascended to the saints shortly. He stared at Li Xing, in a commanded tone: "Speak your origin!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "I pass by this place and want to come to the strange dragon elephant world in the rumors. I did not expect that this place has been controlled by the Proterozoic World. I do n’t know, what does the Proterozoic World want?

Seeing that Li Xing was not hostile, the First Saint relaxed his vigilance a little while, while looking at Li Xing, he said, "The Dragon Elephant World will be used as a sub-plane of the Proterozoic World, for our tribe's cultivation."

Only so many words were spoken, and the void around them shook, and more than a dozen Protoss saints appeared one after another. The strongest among them has reached the level of half respect. They all looked at the prey with a beast and stared at Li Xing.

With a large number of people, the first holy prince who appeared first became stronger, and his tone became even more domineering. He shouted, "The dragon elephant world is the private space of the Proterozoic. You just break in and you must pay for it!"

"Oh? What price do I have to pay?" Li Xingping asked, not seeing the slightest anger or nervousness.

"Look, you are also a saint, surrender all the instruments and spar of your body, and then enter my Proterozoic for ten thousand years." A very holy voice said, "Looking at you, there must be some small plane out. The strength is limited. Being able to work in the Proterozoic will be an honor in your life. "

Li Xing nodded and said, "The requirements are not high."

The Protoss saints laughed, and at this time they all agreed that this saint in front of him was just a soft egg and had succumbed to their absolute power.

At this time, Li Xing asked: "Why is there no Tianzun sitting here?" It turned out that he had previously thought about firing and did not feel the power of Tianzun, but he was not sure, so he asked.

"Hmm! Do you still need to get the supreme when you sit here? Needless to say, hand over things and follow me." The Jisheng began to urge, treating Li Xing as meat on the board, not paying any attention.

Having determined that there is no heavenly respect here, Li Xing nodded, but continued to ask, "Where did the indigenous people of Dragon Elephant World go?"

"Your words are so many!" The immortal was impatient, clapping and clapping at Li Xing. This shot seemed to take carelessly to kill a fly. With an extremely holy strength, suppressing a single-minded young Saint, you will succeed no matter what you think.

Unfortunately, what he encountered was Li Xing, a half-character super character who could be killed when he was not sanctified.

Photographed by the other hand, the peculiar breath of the Proterozoic shrouded down. Li Xing's big hands came into the sky, and he smashed the opponent's arm with a single click. Then he grabbed it, like a chicken, and held it in his hands.

Li Xing still used a plain tone and asked, "Where did the indigenous people go?"

Shocked and angry, this extremely saint shouted: "Damn! You dare to act on this saint, you are dead, no one can save ..."


Without waiting for the other party to speak, Li Xing squeezed his hands and exploded them. The other party's Proterozoic rule was absorbed at once and used to complete the fetus.

The rest of the saints roared as Li Xing started. Seeing Li Xing killing people at this moment, he was furious and shot. All the holy arts had the mighty power, all of them came over to Li Xing.

In the face of numerous attacks, Li Xing slightly lifted his palm, the power of the cave was released, and all the saints were loaded into it instantly. In Dongtian, he is the absolute master. No one can resist. Everyone's attack is interrupted and his face is horrified.

Another Xingsheng was caught in his hands, and Li Xing interrogated for the third time.

This time, this saint did not dare not answer. He knew that if he continued to be tough, his end would be the same as that of the extreme saint who had just been crushed on the spot.

"Everything was killed." The sacred screamed, "Have you done this, aren't you afraid of revenge from the Proto-World?"

"Bash!" Li Xing caught him directly, whispering to himself, "All killed?"

He thought of the Dragon Emperor, the Emperor Emperor, and the Jiuzhou people, but all of them were killed. This dragon-like world, once prosperous, disappeared at this moment.

With an irresistible killing in his chest and a raging anger, he asked eeriely: "Why do you do this?"

"But it ’s just a group of ants. Kill them. Who is your lord? If you think about it, you must offend the Proterozoic world ..."


It was another catch, and the third holy king of Proterozoic was killed. Such a fierce means made all the Protoss saints scared and no one dared to speak again. Li Xing told them in action that he was not afraid of revenge from the Proterozoic World, and could kill any of them at any time.

The fourth Protoss saint was arrested again. He shivered and hurriedly said, "What do you ask me to answer, please don't kill me."

Li Xing said indifferently: "Very well, you tell me the details."

This person did not dare to conceal anything in detail, and told Li Xing all the information he knew.

As early as the establishment of the Dragon Elephant World, the Proterozoic World sent a group of Proterozoic people to settle, which is the so-called ancient people. The ancient people once stood side by side for a period of time, until the gods of the chaotic world appeared later.

The Dragon Elephant Grand Celestial Master is a very powerful figure, and even the Yuan Dynasty Grand Celestial Master and Chaos Grand Celestial Master dare not to underestimate others. Therefore, although the two first-level planes are very interested in the dragon elephant world, they only send out a small number of low-level monks to test.

Later, the real people in ancient times rose. At that time, the heavenly gods of various circles thought that the real people in ancient times had inherited the will of the dragon elephant. So when real people swept the big world, all circles still didn't express it, just let it be.

Until recently, the various circles Tianzun did not know what channels through which it was determined that the Dragon Elephant was no longer alive. This time, there is nothing to fear in the realms, and they have sent people to capture the dragon elephant world.

It was a chaotic world, sending people to it twice, and they were beheaded by Li Xing. Then there was the Proterozoic World, sending three hundred saints to receive the Dragon Elephant World.

How many saints can there be in the world? Naturally, he was not the opponent of the three hundred saints, and was soon killed. Not only that, countless innocent people, as well as weak monks, are inevitable.

The mission of the holy kings of the Yuan Dynasty is to exterminate the indigenous people of the dragon elephant world. So when they appeared, they slaughtered, hundreds of millions of people, countless monks, and a large number of souls. No matter whether it's in the sea, in the forest, or on the mountain, all have been killed, and none have survived.

The only thing that comforted Li Xingxin was that some of them had escaped into the realm. The land boundary and the dragon elephant world are two in one, and the barriers are weak, so they can easily communicate with each other. The demon emperor, the elephant emperor, the dragon emperor, and some strong factions all moved collectively into the realm.

The mission of the Proterotype invaders was to clean up the indigenous people. They did not have the mood to catch up with the fugitives and let them die.

In addition, the other party also told Li Xing a more useful information. One of the tasks of the Great Proterozoic World was to find the inheritance power of the dragon elephant, namely the power of the dragon elephant.

After the masters of some great worlds have fallen, the power of the world will gradually decline and eventually become a pure force of creation. The power of the dragon elephant world, the power of the dragon elephant, has not weakened. It is for this reason that Tianzun of various circles believes that the dragon elephant Datianzun has not fallen yet.

If not, the dragon elephant world has long been occupied by a certain plane, and will not wait until today.

Some Celestial Masters of the Proterozoic World are very interested in the power of dragon elephants, so let them look for the power of dragon elephants by the way. Celestials want to know why the power of the dragon elephant has never disappeared.

After asking everything clearly, Li Xing sighed and said, "What is the sin in this world? Why can't we allow others to survive?"

His tone was very bland, but it contained a horrible murderous power. The holy kings of the Proterotype cried out and said, "Don't kill us, killing us is not good for your ..."

Li Xing didn't talk nonsense with them. The caves shook, all the saints of the Proterozoic exploded, turning into ancient Protoss rules and becoming the nourishment of Tao tires.

The entire dragon elephant world has three hundred holy kings and three thousand ancestors. These are the forwards sent by the Proterozoic world to kill. These people have been destined to become Li Xing's prey.

His heart was full of anger. A large world, passed down from generation to generation, was almost extinct by the Proterozoic. Those innocent people, what did they do wrong? Was deprived of the right to life for no reason?

"Everyone is going to die!" Li Xing roared in his heart, and immediately shot. The two-phase ring was held in his hand and gently shaken, and a wave of force was shaken out.

Wherever the wave went, an ancestor vomited blood and died, and the one below was even more unbearable and directly exploded. The two hundred and eight holy kings, showing an expression of anger, screamed and rushed towards Li Xing.

This is exactly what Li Xing wants, attracting everyone ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then hitting it all in one go. If it were not for this purpose, the Holy King would also be seriously injured under the attack of the two phases.

In the same plane, distance is not much for the holy monks. Within ten breaths, all the holy kings arrived and surrounded Li Xing in the middle.

"Who uses the magic weapon? Are you tired?"

"Bold! Dare to be savage in the Proterozoic, you are impatient!"

"Take him down! Let him die!"

A loud rage came, all directed at Li Xing. Even the Holy King shot as soon as he arrived, hitting the Holy Art and attacking him.

Faced with attacks and scolding, Li Xing used the mixed Yuan Dongtian to put all the saints into Dongtian all at once, to kill them all at once.

However, when he started, Skyrim suddenly conveyed the next powerful coercion, a majestic voice exclaimed: "Stop! Do you want to infuriate the Proterozoic world? By the order of Tiantian Tianzun, calling Li Xing into Tianwaitian! "


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