Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 883: Ancient saints

Chapter 883: Ancient Sage

Chapter 883: Ancient Sage

Heaven outside? Li Xing's eyes flashed and shocked the sky, and he still contained all the Protoss saints and suppressed them. His cave-like sky, nine million miles in length and inexhaustible power, restrained the two hundred saints by birth, unable to move.

"Bold!" The rumble in the air sounded, "Do you dare to violate the will of Heaven?"

"Huh! I'm not Li Tiantian, why should I obey Tian Tiantian's order? It's ridiculous!" He flipped his palm and smashed into the sky, yelling, "Give me down!"

Collapsed at a high altitude, a roar came out, and a man fell into a wolf and appeared in front of Li Xing. This man is half-respected and has good strength, but compared to Li Xing, he is not enough. Below the deity, no one can suppress him.

"You said that Fengtiantiantian will, then tell me, why should Tianwaitian order me?" Li Xing asked coldly, grabbing each other with his big hand. The half deity felt only supreme power, blocked his holy power all at once, couldn't resist at all, and showed his fear.

Li Xing's strength makes this person have a lot of temper, and slowly said: "Li Xing, I am an angel of heaven, do n’t make mistakes! Where did you come from outside in the day? Heaven is in the dragon elephant world A secondary plane. As a dragon elephant world, shouldn't you be obedient to the Heaven and Earth Order? "

Li Xing didn't argue with him, he just asked, "What's the request from Heaven and Heaven to call me in the past? Is it because I want to kill the people of the Proterozoic?"

"This is just one aspect. The Proterozoic World belongs to the first-level plane. Even Tianzun is unwilling to provoke it. Why do you want to find your own way?" Said the messenger. error."

"Self-error, you don't need others to comment." Li Xing coldly, "answer my question."

The messenger didn't dare to say more, and said busyly, "Tianzun has a life and wants you to practice outside the sky. You know, the dragon elephant world is now occupied by the Proterozoic, and there is no place for you. Even if you kill now All the Proterozoic people, it won't be long before there will be more people coming in. By then, how will you respond? "

"Let me go to heaven and sky to practice?" Li Xingmo said blankly. "It seems that Tianzun really cares about me."

"That is of course." The messenger said, "Your deeds are known to many deities in the heavens and the heavens. Formerly, the ancestor of the dharma ji had formed an alliance with you, which is also the meaning of the deities. You think about it, you were weak at that time, What makes the character of the ancestors of Jifa two celestial figures favored? It is because of the meaning of celestial deities that you have such an honor. "

"Tianzun said that you have great luck on your body, and even the ancient texts that he created in those years are gone. In theory, you are still a descendant of Tianzun." The messenger said.

"What are you talking about? Ancient Xuanjing? Is Tianzun the ancient sage?" Li Xing was taken aback. In the era of ancient human beings, a peerless sage appeared, and the world was enlightened, which caused the ancient human beings to rise rapidly.

For this real person, Li Xing has always felt very mysterious and does not know its whereabouts. But never imagined that this sage is actually in Tianwaitian, and that is the founder of Tianwaitian!

"Yes, the person you are talking about is the Supreme Lord, the sage among the real people in ancient times." The emissary said proudly, "After the Yuan Dynasty altar suppressed the power of the dragon, Tianzun, in order to find a way for all real people, just became Tianzun. Based on the world of the dragon elephant, open up the sky. "

"Now, Tianwaitian is like a cloud, and there are thirteen Tianzun sitting. And, Tianzun has reached the edge of the breakthrough, and it is very likely that in a short time, it will break into the realm of Tianzun! At that time, Tianwaitian may not be Cannot compete with heaven! "

Li Xing was quite shocked in his heart. This incident was beyond his expectation. For a long time, he knew only everything about Tian Wai Tian, ​​and didn't want it to be like this.

"Do n’t you know me all the time?" Li Xing asked. This question is very important. If the sage noticed him from the beginning, it means that he is likely to belong to a mold of the sage and be under his control unconsciously.

"It's true to say so, Lord Tianzun said that you are the most different person in the world of dragon elephants and even the heavens and the world." The messenger looked at Li Xing. "As for the difference, I don't know . "

Li Xing's heart was pounding. Could it have been long known that he did not belong to this world? Once this idea came out, there was a strong resistance in his mind. As a traversal, this identity is known only to him, and even the closest ones have not been informed. He doesn't want to know it!

From the very beginning, he has received the attention of the Supreme Lord, which is good or bad, no one can say for sure.

Seeing Li Xing's silence, the messenger continued: "Li Xing, Tianzun is about to break out, so I don't want to provoke people from the Proterozoic World. When Tianzun becomes the Great Tianzun, he will take back the dragon elephant world."

"Why not stop?" Li Xing asked suddenly, coldly. "The billion-dollar creatures in the Dragon Elephant World were killed as much as possible. Why did n’t Tianzun prevent it? It is not difficult to save all the creatures by his means. , But some holy figures, is n’t Tianzun afraid of them? "

The messenger sank, and said, "Li Xing, are you questioning Tianzun? You really did nothing on that day? In fact, many monks in the Dragon Elephant World moved to the realm with the help of Tianzun. Then Among the realms, they are more suitable for their cultivation than the dragon world. "

"You must ask, why does n’t Tianzun save all the people." The messenger smiled bitterly. "This is impossible, because once the Lord Tianzun fired, the Tianzun of the Proterozoic will also appear. By then, there may even be monks who entered the realm. It will also be slaughtered. What's more important is that no deity can shoot in the dragon elephant world because it belongs to the boundary of the land. It is best to use the plane tool on your body less here, otherwise there will be big trouble. "

"Why?" Li Xing frowned.

The messenger pointed down: "Because of the land boundary. The land boundary is one of the poles of the main plane, and there is also a master. In the presence of the one, the deity is not enough. Otherwise, the major planes would have been long ago. Someone has come to the dragon elephant world. "

"So it is." Li Xing was startled. It seemed that the territories had matured, at least the masters had already emerged! He had long heard that only the master can master the core nine-yang rules and nine-yin rules.

Turning his thoughts, he thought of Jiuyinzhu. Since the success of Nine Girls Yin Gong, the little girl doll who sent him Nine Yin beads at first had penetrated into Nine Yin beads and never came out again.

Moreover, just a while ago, Jiuyinzhu disappeared for no reason, even Li Xing did not know where he went. Jiuyangzhu and Jiuyinzhu. The former belongs to the ancestor of Pure Yang and the latter belongs to the doll. What are the identities of the two? Why do you master the core rules that the master can only know?

This question had been in his mind for a long time, and he couldn't figure it out, and it came out at the moment.

The messenger said: "Li Xing, you must think twice, let go of these people, and then go back to heaven and heaven with me, and see Lord Tianzun."

Li Xing had his own intentions. After thinking about it, he waved, "No need to say, I must kill these people." Then he let go of the messenger and said, "Go back and tell Tianzun, before my strength is not strong enough, Will not go to heaven. "

The reason for this choice was Li Xing's own ideas. Tianwaitian's deity, that is, the ancient sage, has always known him, and is likely to monitor his every move. Maybe, in front of that deity, he has no secret at all.

In the face of this one, Li Xing was instinctively vigilant and unwilling to meet him. Moreover, he did not want to be bound by any force, even the ancient sages could not influence his behavior.

At this time, he had not yet entered Tianwaitian, and the one above would prevent him from beheading and killing the Proterozoic. If entering Tianwaitian, I am afraid there will be more control, which is not what Li Xing wants.

The messenger took a deep look at Li Xing, nodded, and said, "Tianzun said, if you don't want to go up, I hope you remember one thing."

"Say." Li Xing moved.

"Your speciality is not only your biggest obstacle in the future, but also your biggest advantage in the future. I hope you will do it yourself." Speaking, the messenger no longer said it, turning it into a clear light and rising into the sky.

Li Xing immediately shook the cave and instantly turned all the holy kings of the Proterozoic into powder, and then said to himself: "I will eventually return to my own world, knowing what all this is all about!"

Why did the soul cross through the cliff when it fell off? What is the relationship between the present world and the original world? All of this can only be revealed until the day when Li Xing can be supremely broken.

Cutting 300 saints made Li Xing absorb a large number of Proterozoic rules and strengthen the Tao tire by one point. Later, he swept through his thoughts, searching for the remaining Proterozoic people, beheading them one by one, leaving no piece of armor.

When the Proterozoic people were beheaded and killed, outside of the dragon elephant world, a great existence roared, Li Xiao repeatedly: "Damn! You dare to kill Proterozoic people, younger, you can't escape death sooner or later!"

Obviously, this person is a peerless existence of the Tianzun series, but cannot enter the dragon elephant world, and can only be fierce outside. His cold and ferocious voice clearly entered the dragon elephant world and was heard by Li Xing.

"Huh!" He sneered ~ www.readwn.com ~ ignored. Since the other party is afraid to enter the dragon elephant world, it is best, however, that he can practice here for a while, strengthen Dongtian, and at least achieve Heavenly Supreme.

After the Proterozoic slaughter, Li Xing no longer stayed, directly broke through the barriers and entered the realm.

It was not the first time he had entered the realm, and he was quite familiar with it. As soon as his people arrived, they disturbed the monk. Lords of the Taiyin Gate, Spring and Autumn Gates, and other local holy gods appeared one after another.

When they saw Li Xingzhi, they were shocked and happy, and they even said, "Li Daoyou! I never thought you would come!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "You guys, I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that everyone has made great progress in their cultivation."

Most of these great saints in front of them have made progress, and even the Spring and Autumn Period pens have reached the level of extreme sacredness, not to mention the Spring Yuan Great Sage, Qiu Yuan Great Sacred, and others.

"Li Xing!" Suddenly, two figures appeared, but the dragon emperor and the demon emperor appeared in front of Li Xing. Both were also sanctified, but obviously both suffered serious injuries and looked pale.


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