Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 75: Strength of Qi 1

Xun appeased Li Hu, Li Xing suddenly called the messenger of the message, thought for a while, and said, "The messenger, starting today, you will be my challenge."

The messenger of the news stunned, saying: "Does the young master want to continuously improve his strength through fighting with villains, so as to be sure to defeat Wang Yang?"

兴 Li Xing smiled slightly: "It's not all that. When fighting, you must do your best, as long as you don't kill me, you can do whatever you want."

News made 愣 愣 是, he is a character who has achieved full success in training, and his strength is not a little bit stronger than Li Xing, but many times stronger. Under the circumstances of great disparity, Li Xing cannot be his opponent at all. What is the significance of this kind of fighting?

However, the messenger finally obeyed Li Xing's order and nodded: "Yes!"

This is a wide flat land. Li Xing changed his tights and stood with his feet on endlessly. Directly in front of him, the messenger stood up, sending a murderous look around him, locking up Li Xing.

Li Xing took a deep breath, practiced the blood in eight layers, and was compressed by thirty times the blood gas. In each breath, the blood gas operated for 80 weeks. The surface of his body was covered with a layer of bright blood that was twenty centimeters thick.

Blood flew through the body, shaking the air and making a "buzzing" sound. The sound is very rhythmic, like a regular piece of music, which sounds clear.

The news messenger showed a surprised expression, widened his eyes, and admired: "The young man is so strong-blooded that even if he meets the ten most successful warriors, he can fight a battle!"

Li Xing secretly operated the sixth type of Tianlei, Tianlei went out. He has to use the messenger to be proficient in the Ten Thunder, and at the same time, he must test the strength of the Qi master. His enemy, Wang Yang, is also a figure with heavy training.


The ground shook slightly, Li Xing suddenly moved, and the whole thing turned into a **** phantom, and he immediately came to the messenger of the news.

The message messenger stayed still, only one hand forward, a white light flashed. Li Xing suddenly felt a shocking force hitting him. His chest was like a rock hitting him. He came quickly and went faster.


He fell to the ground and opened a mouthful of blood. This is the difference between practicing Qi and practicing Qi, and the news that Li Xing can be seriously injured by raising a hand.

His body flickered, and the messenger of the news arrived in front of Li Xing, half-kneeling to examine the injury: "Damn!"

Li Xing grinned: "It doesn't matter." As he said, he sat in place and started to recover.

In the Nine Sun Beads, a little force poured into the body. Li Xing found that in the recent period, with the increase in the number of uses of Jiuyang beads, it seems that the speed of repairing injuries is getting faster and faster.

After an hour, Li Xing, who was seriously injured, stood up alive in the incredible eyes of the messenger of the news, and smiled at him: "Next, call Tianlei Cannon!"

He said that Li Xing's plan took Li Hu shortly afterwards. Li Jie knew that he was in a big business. When he returned, he found that the guards had been knocked down. Li Hu and the old woman's corpses were gone.

"What's going on? Why does Li Fei lie to us?" Li Jie asked angrily.

Li Yuan sighed, "Have you not seen yet? That man is not Li Fei at all!"

"Not Li Fei? Who would that be?" Li Jie was shocked and angry.

"The old slave speculates that this person is most likely related to Li Xing." Li Yuan's eyes flashed fiercely. "If this person is Li Xing himself, then his strength may not be weaker than the old slave."

杰 Li Jie was startled: "What are you talking about? His strength is no less than you? How is this possible! Absolutely impossible! He is just a six-time practitioner of blood training. How can he be stronger than you?"

Li Yuan pointed to several unconscious warriors on the ground: "The young master saw that the injuries on these people were caused by a single blow. The opponent was powerful and accurate. Those who shot had the lowest strength but also had perfect training in blood, otherwise there would be no This effect. "

"If he is Li Xing, what should I do? Only a few days later, he is actually training the blood, and he really has to fight against Wang Yang?" Suddenly, Li Jie panicked. Somehow, he was afraid of Li Xinghui Victory in the battle with Wang Yang.

Because vaguely, Li Jie thought that Li Xing could achieve such amazing achievements in such a short time, so what about his future? Will he step into the triple practice of qi and become a terrible figure like Li Ziran?

On that day, Li naturally stunned that Li Jie almost urinated his pants, leaving a shadow in his heart, and he would be afraid of practicing the triple character of blood all his life.

Li Yuan's heart was also stunned, and his eyes couldn't help killing himself: "Master, rest assured, even if Li Xing really is such a talent, Wang Yang will not let him go!" He thought for a while, "Who is Wang Zixing? He is training blood The four big masters are even more masters under the hand, killing a Li Xing is as easy as slaughtering chickens and dogs! "

"Li Xing's offense to Wang Yang is a dead end. Master does not need to worry, the day of the decisive battle is Li Xing's death!" Li Yuan said fiercely.

杰 Li Jie rejoiced and relaxed again, nodding again and again: "Yes, yes, Li Xing is dead!"

He and Li Jie and Li Yuan hate Li Xing differently. Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are both concerned about Li Xing's whereabouts at this moment.

On the surface, the second daughter slaps melon seeds leisurely ~ www.readwn.com ~ Pinxiang 茗, one sentence without a word.

霜 Chen Shuang laughed: "Sister, yesterday, I stepped into the fifth training, but it was a day faster than you."

雪 Chen Xue said indifferently, "Xiao Shuang, can you win a day soon?"

"It will be fast in a day." Chen Shuang was proud of himself.

Chen Xue sighed, "Li Xing hasn't shown up for a long time, I don't know where he is."

"Sister missed him?" Chen Shuang half joked and said half seriously: "If my sister really likes Li Xing, she must work hard to cultivate."

雪 A flash of anxiety flashed across Chen Xue's face, and she sighed.

"Sister is worried about Li Xing's safety?" Chen Shuangxiu frowned. "Did you forget that he is a 'monster'? There must be nothing wrong."

雪 Chen Xue smiled bitterly: "But the person he offends is Wang Yang. Even if he is of extraordinary qualifications, how can he be an opponent of Hou Furen?"

霜 Chen Shuang was actually worried, but she didn't show it. She was silent for a moment, and gritted her teeth, "He must be fine!"

Li Xing is all right, but he was just seriously injured by the messenger of the news. In the past few days, he has continuously performed three types of Sky Thunder, Sky Thunder Cannon, and Ben Lei Sword, one style is fiercer than the other. When performing "Benlei Slash", it can send out a three-meter-long blood blade, which is severely chopped at the enemy, with great power.

However, the messenger of the message easily broke Ben Lei and severely injured Li Xing.

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