Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 76: Heaven evil. 9 Yang

同时 But at the same time, after repeated failures, serious injuries, and repeated failures and serious injuries, the gap between Li Xing and the messenger of news is still huge, but it is no longer that far away. At the same time, Li Xing also took the opportunity to master Tian Lei's ten styles.

连续 After continuous serious injuries, Li Xing continued to absorb the power in Jiuyang Pearl and once again had the upgraded qualification. Therefore, after three days, after being severely injured sixty times by the messenger of the news, Li Xing finally hit the blood again.

The most important thing for Xiu Lianxue is to hold the blood in the body into a mass in Dantian.

Li Xing's blood is thick and crystalline, but it is not a real crystal. In this case, if the blood line is crystallized, it will only appear on the monks who have practiced ten great successes. At this time, Li Xing, who had trained in blood, had this phenomenon.

This shows that Li Xing's internal blood is much deeper than that of ordinary blood-training eight-tier warriors, which is comparable to the blood-training ten-tier warriors.

I sensed the blood in my body, Li Xing gradually grasped the pulse of the blood, suddenly urged the blood, and drank in my heart, "Gather!"


As if the thunder was rolling, Li Xing's body made a dull sound, and a large amount of blood flew into Dantian's area, and hugged into a huge blood ball. With a sphere of 10%, Li Xing suddenly felt that the strength of his whole body suddenly consummates, becomes stronger, and condenses.

If you say, Li Xing's strength was only loose and weak. Then Li Xing's power at this time is cohesive and powerful!

The most central position of blood gas is as if there is a huge suction, which **** up the surrounding blood gas and condenses into a ball. At this point, Li Xing stepped into the blood training nine! The flesh holds Dan!

The flesh and blood holding Dan can already be called a master of the warrior. With one stroke and one stroke, he can destroy the house and crack the ground, throwing incredible power. Generally speaking, a blood-thirsty warrior has strength of up to fifty fights.

And Li Xing's strength is much higher than fifty, more than one hundred!

However, Li Xing's training is not Li Xing's goal. He did not stay in the slightest and continued to move forward.

Training blood is ninefold, divided into three phases: front, middle and back. In the early stage of the training of blood, it is just to let the blood gas hold Dan. In the middle of the ninth stage of blood training, the blood gasification of Baodan state should be divided into several levels, and the blood gas concentration of each level is different.

According to the experience of people who practice blood in history, the more levels of blood gas concentration, the easier the blood dans formed in the future, and the greater the power of tan dan. If the blood gas is divided into two layers, it is called double-pocket. The blood gas concentration is divided into three layers from the outside to the inside, which is called triplefold Dan. By analogy, there are fourfold Baodan, fivefold Baodan, and so on.

The record with the highest level of Baodan in history is thirty-six heavy, thirty-six heavy blood gas, gradually increasing the concentration from the outside to the inside. This layer of blood-gas layering can make blood more layered and lay the foundation for Jiedan.

In the later stage of blood gas Baodan, a blood gas crystal was condensed at the most central position of blood gas. This step is called germination. Once crystallized, it means that the next step of Dandan.

Li Xing operated the blood gas over and over in accordance with the law, which gradually separated the blood gas into layers.

Hu Dan is double, Bao Dan is triple, Bao Dan is four ...

With each increase, the difficulty will increase many times, and the pressure on Dantian will increase. When Li Xing reached the fifteenth weight of Dan, Dan Tian made a "click", and a strong pain was conveyed.

Li Tian's Dan Tian was torn continuously by blood, and there were signs of collapse. The so-called Dantian is the place where the Dan grows in the human body, where the breath meets, the place where strength gathers, is extremely important, and everyone loves it.

丹 If Dantian is damaged, it will almost become a waste in the future.

However, Li Xing apparently did not have such concerns, because after the damage to Dantian, Jiuyangzhu immediately began to repair.

In this way, repair the damage, and then repair the damage. During the repairs, Li Xing's Dantian became more and more tenacious and could withstand more blood.

He did not say that Li Xing's strength was constantly improving, but said that Wang Yang ordered 35 soldiers and horses, and went all out to investigate the news, and finally got results.

In Yehou House, Wang Yang and Wang Zixing were talking in secret.

"Father, you have got the accurate news! That person has indeed entered our territory!" Wang Yang looked very excited and his voice was trembling.

Wang Zixing was so impressed that he said, "This person can escape from Yu Hou, and even a character at the level of God has not been able to leave him. There must be extraordinary means. Although he was seriously injured, you and I must Take it lightly, you must think of a perfect method to take down the Heavenly Essence. "

King Wang Yang couldn't help asking: "Father, after hearing about the" Xian Xing Jing ", you will be invincible! Is this true or false?"

Wang Zixing frowned and stared at Wang Yang: "Yanger, you think it's too simple. No matter how precious the" Tian Xie Jing "is, it's just a Xuanjie Wu Jing. If you don't have enough strength, even practice With the Tian Xing Jing, nothing can be achieved. "

After a pause, he said, "The" Xian Xing Jing "not only records martial arts, but also records many secrets that are not transmitted. For example, making poison, refining, casting, etc. This was the first strongest person in Tianyuan that year. Written by Emperor Tianxie. "

Wang Wangyang heard itching in his heart: "Father, since he is the first strongman, the Tianxie Jing must be extraordinary!"

Wang Zixing sighed: "Yanger, you only know the" Tian Xie Jing ", but you never know that no one can fully practice the Tshen Xie Jing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Only because the original Tie Xie Emperor had achieved the same result as before. To the extent that he can do things that future generations can't. "

"So, this" Evil Scripture "has flowed out more than once, and many people have learned a few furs, but none of them can get the essence of the" Evil Scripture. "In the legend, only the other scripture" "Jiuyang Jing" to fully grasp "Tianxie Jing". "

He Wangyang listened, and asked in amazement, "There is also a" Jiuyang Jing "? What is it?"

Wang Zixing narrowed his eyes: "When I was in the Qiyun School, I once heard an elder who practiced in the door said that there is a magic" Jiuyang Scripture "in Tianyuanzhou. This Scripture contains the highest spiritual practice Upright, if you understand it, you can become the first person in the world! "

只是 "However, from ancient times to the present, no one has ever been able to comprehend the Jiuyang Sutra, and how many times he has forgotten to sleep and eat, and once he has realized it for decades, he has found nothing."

"Why?" Wang Yang was puzzled.

Wang Zixing smiled bitterly: "Because many people who have obtained the" Jiuyang Scripture "found that this Scripture cannot be cultivated at all, even if it has reached the level of the law and heaven as it exists in the legend. And it is rumored that if you want to cultivate this Scripture, you must It is the body of Jiuyang. "

Wang Wang Yang was taken aback: "The body of Jiuyang? Is there really a body of Jiuyang in the world?"

Xun Prince said lightly: "I don't know if there is such a person, but if so, this person must be the world's first wizard! The first person in Tianyuan!"

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