Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 885: Invisible magic domain

Chapter 885: The Invisible Demon Realm

Chapter 885: Invisible Demon Realm

On the contrary, the innocent demon is a devil, jealous like enmity, leaning on the bright and royal atmosphere of the hall, not like a demon. This demon sage avoids monarchs and has a sentiment out of mud, but unfortunately it is a demon after all.

He snorted, and the demons retreated, afraid to get too close. The innocent demon approached Li Xing ten minutes ago, and yelled loudly, "You are very young and you don't know respect. How dare you drive the innocent as an avatar?"

As soon as the Innocent Demon Clan is born, it is the magic holy series. The difference is that there are only the first holy, middle holy, upper holy, and extremely holy. This innocent demon, looks very old, is a master of extremely holy level.

Faced with the questioning, Li Xing smiled and said, "These demon heads can be imagined, but it's just because of the magical nature of you."

"Presumptuous!" The demon head of the Daying ancient demons also said, this person is a middle-level sacred demon, and shouted loudly when he was far away. I die!"

The big Ying ancient demon was so violent that he shot directly at Li Xing. But he could see that Li Xing was about a junior demon, so he was so confident when he shot that he wanted to take Li Xing down.

The opponent shot fiercely, Li Xing still smiled, stretched out his palm and rammed into the air, and said, "Are you delivered to the door?" Overshadowed.

This is an absolute power. In the face of this power, all the tricks are not worth mentioning. True-shaped hands shrouded down, driving the sky and the earth's situation. It was as simple as grasping it, and Daying Mosheng was caught.

Later, with the pinch of Li Xing's palm, the Great Ying Demon exploded, and the strong Great Ying Demon's qi was absorbed by his imagined Great Ying Demon head. Suddenly, the demon head condensed into an entity, and became a middle-level devil steadily.

The fifteen demon heads he contemplates are between reality and reality. As long as they absorb enough homogeneous demon qi, they can continue to improve.

After killing Daying Mosheng, the innocent Mosheng felt uncomfortable. He gave a loud scream. The first one was strong, and the second one was to Li Xing. I wish he could not, Li Xing immediately destroyed a demon holy, terrified the innocent people, and subconsciously shot.

Of course, the end of the game was the same as the talented Daying Mosheng, and he was blown up with a single palm, and once again achieved a polar monster sacred series Big Ying ancient demon, becoming a clone of Li Xing.

The other demon heads were frightened and frightened, and they fled to all directions to escape.

"Come on! I'm not this opponent at all!"

"Run away quickly! This person is too terrifying to transcend the magic holy!"

It is a pity that hundreds of demons are as weak as the paper when facing the powerful Li Xing. He covered his hands with the true shape of the sky, turned down, and shrouded the power of the cave, and in the blink of an eye, he collected all the demon heads, and after refining, he used them as the nourishment of the demon heads.

Soon, all the fifteen demon heads rose in strength, especially the innocent and big Ying ancient demon, all reached the demon level, which improved Li Xing's strength. He couldn't help thinking: "It would be better to walk the demon sea, and practice the demon fierce meditation to the eighteenth level, and raise the power of the demons to the most sacred realm, even a half rank."

As soon as this idea came out, he "haha" smiled and felt that he had found another way to improve his strength. You know, the eighteen demon heads are his avatars. The stronger the demon heads are, the stronger he is, and he will bless the eighteen kinds of power on him.

With Li Xing's strength at this time, it is not difficult to cultivate the fiendish fierce meditation to the eighteenth. In the sixteenth stage, the fiendish fierce Zen envisages the Rakshasa demon; in the seventeenth stage, contemplates the Shura ancestor.

Up to the eighteenth, I don't think of new demon heads, but use the power of the first seventeen kinds of devil heads to conceive a demon fetus and call it a demon fetus. This fetus, if mature, will produce a very evil ancient demon.

Hundreds of demon heads around him were immediately cleaned up, and the monsters in the distance were shocked and distant, and no one dared to approach Li Xing. In fact, on the entire continent, the highest cultivation is the most holy level, and no one is his opponent.

Li Xing walked on the mainland and encountered various monsters on the way. Some are rare, he just put it away and put it into the cave. It didn't take long for him to find Daji margins. For the first time, he saw the magic sea.

The continent at this moment is just a relatively small one in the boundless magic sea. In the Devil Sea, some continents are 10 million times larger than here, and there are Mozun sitting there, or they have bred supreme fetuses.

Above the magic sea, the magic gas rolled, rushed into the sky, and then condensed the cloud gas. The lightning flashes in the clouds, lowers the magic rain, and moistens the magic soil on countless continents. Breathing the magical air blowing on the sea, the fifteen demon heads conceived by Li Xingguan all moaned comfortably.

Li Xing smiled and said, "Just get to know the fierce Zen here!" As soon as he thought about it, the 16th-level Rakshasa demon was visualized, and then the Shura ancestor. How the two demon avatars could stop Li Xing was easily suppressed.

However, in the underground world, he imagined that the ancestral demon came out, and immediately shocked the deity. In the boundless sea of ​​magic, there were huge waves, and two dark clouds rolled in. Above all, it is the masters of the ancestral lands of the Raksha and Shura clan.

"Who dares to drive my tribe!" One of Shulu's ancestors was furious and opened his mouth. Hundreds of thousands of magic arrows were shot at Li Xing.

Li Xing ignored the arrow rain and walked forward, rushing to the front, and yelled, "Dead!" When Jianguang flashed, the ancestor was chopped into two sections, and then he was pinched and exploded by his big hand. .

The strength of the ancestral demon is often higher than the level of the demon, which is similar to half respect, but it is not trivial. But in the face of Li Xing, he couldn't even hold a move and was directly cut off. Another Shurazu demon yelled and turned away.

When they passed by, they felt that their clan was controlled by people, so they came to kill them. However, when they met Li Xing and other killing talents, they were killed in person. The other soul fluttered, only hated that the parents had lost two legs.

Li Xing only grabbed his hand forward, breaking through many spaces, and held him back and forth. He also grabbed it and used it to feed the devil. With two ancestors and two heads of imagination, their strength soared, and they soon reached the level of ancestors.

"The eighteenth weight, condensing the demon fetus!" Li Xing urged 17 demon heads to form a mysterious magic array in the air. In the center of the magic array, there was infinite suction, and began to devour a large amount of magic breath rising from the magic sea.

However, this suction lasted only a moment, and one of the demon heads exploded, apparently unable to withstand this force. Li Xing was very unfortunate, and his heart trembled: "It seems that only by raising all the seventeen demon heads to the level of ancestors and demons can one break through the eighteenth!"

Between thoughts, he set foot on the sea and strode forward. The law of the underground world is the law of the territories. Here, Li Xing is like a fish, and he walks quickly, stepping out one step, and can travel through countless time and space.

At the same time, his thoughts unfolded, searching all directions to find seventeen demons that could be used to fulfill them. However, he was unscrupulous and shocked many ancestors and came to him in succession.

However, when they saw the eighteen demon heads that Li Xing followed, they all dispelled the question of questioning and quietly returned.

The magic sea is boundless. The suspended mainland is dotted with stars, and there are some very large ones. There is also a very powerful existence on it, or a powerful existence is about to be born, Mozun.

Soon, Li Xing found such a continent with a terrifying atmosphere on it, so strong that it would suffocate Li Xing. Moreover, on this continent, there are hundreds of demons and ancestors.

His luck is good. This continent is called the Invisible Demon Realm, which belongs to the ancestral land of the Invisible Demon Clan, the underground world, and all invisible Devil heads are born here. This is the right place. Among the devil heads that Li Xing contemplates, the invisible devil head is one of them.

Just breaking into the ancestral land of the Mozu, there was no doubt that Li Xing was surrounded by a group of demons and ancestors for the first time. Devil heads are not unreasonable. When they are faced with unpredictable characters, they often make sense.

An ancestor yelled, "Where did your lord come from? How did you break into our invisible demon?"

Li Xing ignored the other person's question at all, but started his thoughts and locked in a great thing, which was a magic fetus. At the core of this continent, a mysterious magic fetus was born with a strong breath. The horror that Li Xing felt before was exuded on this fetus.

Obviously, a magic statue was born in that fetus!

Mozun, a super existence that belongs to the level of Tianzun, Li Xing can only turn around and leave. However, the demon is obviously not yet born, and he is not afraid.

Feeling that Li Xing spied on the forbidden land of the invisible demons, the demons were so angry that they didn't even talk about "reason", so they shot directly. One of the leaders yelled, "This man has bad intentions and cut him off!"

Suddenly, countless magic fell from the sky and all attacked Li Xing. The latter did not move or even resisted. But countless attacks could not even get his body close.

Da Luo Zhen's body is fourteenth complete, only Tianzun can hurt, and the damage below Tianzun can be ignored at all.

Seeing that Li Xing was so powerful, the demon heads were shocked, and even more people came in order. Faced with more and more attacks, Li Xing also felt the pressure. He withdrew his thoughts and suddenly yelled.

This roar ~ www.readwn.com ~ The ground is shaking, the sea is shaking, wherever the sound waves go, a demon head explodes, turning into pure energy, swallowed up by the invisible demon head conceived by Li Xing, quickly growing up.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the invisible demon head was elevated to the ancestral demon realm. Now, even if Li Xing's purpose is achieved, he will no longer kill, but will only release his might and drive the demons back.

The demon screamed again and again, but unfortunately did nothing to cause substantial harm to Li Xing. At this moment, the entire continent was shaken by a heavy earthquake, a magic light, beheaded from the void, in the middle of Li Xing's body.


Blood splattered, Li Xingzhang backed, looked at himself, and found that the skin was broken open by the magical energy, and almost hurt the bone. He narrowed his eyes and said nothing, turned and left.

There is no reason for it, that magical energy is the core position of the mainland, and the mysterious magical fetus is emitted. In other words, the future deities of this continent finally shot.

(Happy holidays to the students. The new January begins, and the update will gradually get on track.)


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