Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 886: Supreme Realm

Chapter 886: Supreme Real Demon

Chapter 886: Supreme Real Demon

The undead Mozun just sent out a magical blast and wounded Li Xing, forcing him to retreat. Li Xing rushed out of the mainland and fled into the vast magical sea. However, whenever he feels carefully, he can still feel a sense of killing, and there are countless empty spaces, which vaguely lock him.

With this line of lock, as long as Li Xing dared to approach, the magic fetus could instantly give a fatal blow, causing him a big loss and suffering heavy losses.

"The strength of Mozun is really horrible. It seems that I still have to improve it, otherwise I can't compete with Mozun at all." Li Xing trembled, and he started to look for the next target after he got enough distance.

In the magic sea, there are as many continents as there are sand in the Ganges. On each continent, there are countless monsters. Li Xing looked and walked in this way, and successively found Youmei, Poor and other races.

For three years, three years later, all seventeen demon heads rose to the level of ancestral demon. At this point, he can finally congregate the demon fetus.

At this point, Li Xing was standing above the sea of ​​magic, with seventeen demon heads outside him in a circle, forming a magic array. Eighteen forces, including Li Xing, merged together in the central position, giving birth to a strange force, which was the origin of the extremely demon fetus.

This process seems very long, but it is only an instant. Meanwhile, Li Xing began to appreciate the true meaning of magic.

In the yin and yang era, there are points of heaven and earth, there are also points of yin and yang, points of righteousness and evil, and points of Taoism and Demon.

Taking the avenue as the yardstick and the heart as the foundation, it belongs to a practice system. If they build planes, they call them heaven, and they represent the right way. On the other hand, do whatever you want, evil and cruelty is the devil. If the demon establishes a plane, it is the plane of the devil, called the demon.

Either fierce or faint, every kind of demon is actually a kind of magic law. Each kind of demon, in order to reach a certain degree, can open up his own demon plane. The Dao Ben is nameless, and the Dao name is strong; the Mobong is nameless, and the Dao name is strong. Devil and Tao are above a grade.

Seventeen kinds of magical rules are fused with Li Xing's mixed will, and they are transformed into a completely new type of rule. This law forms a magic fetus. This fetal fetus should have been called an extremely demonic fetus.

However, Li Xing's power is too tyrannical, so it dominates the nature of the magic fetus. Although this fetus is magical, it is assimilated by Li Xing's mixed-yuan will, so it should be called mixed-yuan magic.

The mixed Yuanyuan fetus condensed successfully, and immediately confronted the mixed Yuandao fetus. At this point, Li Xing's laws of heaven and earth are more complete. The law of heaven corresponds to Tao Fei, and the law of devil corresponds to Fetal Fetus. Taoism and the twins can only be performed without superfluous elements.

At the moment of the fetal fetus achievement, the seventeen demon heads exploded, turning into nourishing fetal nourishment, which was completely absorbed by them.

When the fetal fetus is 10%, it releases the majestic magic and strengthens Li Xing's physical body. Although this kind of magic power cannot be compared with Li Xing's true power, it does not hesitate to let it go, revealing extremely high quality.

Today, Li Xing's temperament has changed greatly. He could be a demon or a sermon, and his breath was more complete. There is a first-line connection between the magic fetus and the Tao fetus, and the damage is more than the complement, and each other gradually grows.

"One positive and one evil is like a day and a place. This is the way of yin and yang, which is the reason of the yin and yang discipline!" Li Xing was heart-struck, and he got a deeper understanding of the yin and yang principle.

"Mixed Yuan fetal growth is rapid, as long as it absorbs enough magic power, it can grow quickly. And the more types of magic power it absorbs, the higher its quality. It won't be long before the magic fetus can produce a mixed Yuan magic baby. This made the Demon Fiend Zen reach great consummation. By that time, Dao Fei will also grow rapidly under the stimulation of the Devil Baby, and soon give birth to Dao Baby. "

All kinds of thoughts flashed in my heart, Li Xing suddenly felt that the character who created the fierce Zen of the demon was really the talent of heaven. Of course, it would not have been possible to produce a mixed Yuan Demon without his mixed Yuan Gong.

The original fiendish fierce Zen was to combine the power of seventeen kinds of demon heads into one to achieve a super demon fetus. Under the improvement of Li Xing, this method has become a peerless one-on-one magical skill and a mixed magic skill.

"With this mixed-yuan magic, combined with the cultivation of Fa Dao, my achievements will be even more brilliant. Next, I need to capture a large number of demon heads and refine them for the use of devil's fetuses." Li Xing Xinxin said.

But he said that Li Xing condensed the Yuanyuan fetus and released a strange magic power. This magic immediately shocked many nearby characters, including several powerful ones, and rushed towards here.

These are two Shura ancestors, and they stopped at a distance away from Li Xingbaizhang. One of the Shurazu demons loudly said, "Please! Your weather is extraordinary. I don't know which devil is it?"

The breath released by Li Xing is stronger and more pure than this demon holy. The other party actually regards it as a kind, thinking that he is also the demon holy of the underground world. In this case, he also filled the magic holy, and said lightly: "This seat is from the mixed Yuan demon domain."

"Hunyuan Demon Realm?" The two Shulu ancestors looked at each other and looked at each other. They had never heard of any Hunyuan Demon Realm. However, judging by the momentum of others, it must not be a small place, such a big man cannot be found in a small place.

Winking at each other, a Shurazu demon arched his hand and said, "I have a great view of Your Excellency, and a young hero. Our youngest daughter, Princess Sifei, who is under the jurisdiction of Shuramo Emperor, is recently recruiting relatives."

Li Xing asked for a moment, with a strange expression: "What do you mean, let me be the son-in-law of Emperor Shura?"

Another Shura zumo proudly said: "It is not easy to want to be a shulu of Emperor Shura. Dozens of ancestors have been beaten down by the princess. The princess said that only by defeating her can she be eligible to become a mule . "

"Oh? Your princess is very powerful, presumably also the ancestor of the ancestor?" Li Xingdao, a little surprised in his heart, speculated that the Shura demon emperor, afraid of being a figure of heavenly respect.

Sure enough, the ancestral demon said: "That's nature! Her Majesty is a magnificent demon, and the princess was born as soon as she was a ancestral demon. Now that she has grown up, she has reached the quasi-respect level!"

Li Xing was taken aback. He didn't know if he could reach the quasi-respect level. The princess Shura was amazing!

After turning his mind a few times, he thought, "The Shura mainland must be at the third-level plane, just to use the name of the selected horse to go and see. By the way, how can we enter the ten places."

Thinking like this, he laughed: "Interesting, very interested in the next, I do not know how to participate?"

"Easy, as long as you report your history and name, you can participate immediately." That ancestor is very happy. "Originally only Shura Mozu can participate, but unfortunately, none of our Shura tribe can defeat the male. Unfortunately, this is the only way. Run outside and allow outsiders to participate. "

"Good luck, let's just go through this place to find a suitable candidate. I don't want to meet you." Another ancestor "Haha" smiled. "If you want to participate, follow us immediately. Even if you don't choose, Shura tribe I won't treat you badly. "

The two sides snapped together, and Li Xing immediately followed the two ancestors to fly to Shura mainland. During the flight, the two demons exerted their full strength, peeping at Li Xingshi, but saw that he not only followed slowly, apparently not doing his best.

"I just sensed this person's breath, strong and mighty, I don't know how to cultivate it, Junyuan Demon Realm? Why never heard of it?" They were puzzled, but they didn't ask much.

Little half a day, the second demon suddenly opened a plane channel, three mermaids came in. Upon entering the Shura plane, Li Xing felt a strange magic of Shura. Magic is a force that is parallel to the law of the avenue and has a comparable status.

The magic of Shura created the Shura plane, just as the Sanqing rule created the Sanqing world. Entering the Shura plane, Li Xing was not repelled. You should know that his mixed Yuan fetal fetus also contains the magic of Shura.

As soon as the magic fetus breathed, he absorbed a large amount of Shura magic power, which was used to strengthen himself, so that there was a sense of contentment in his heart.

"Please!" The two led the way, straight into a great palace. In the void of this palace, there are no people. But by chance, one or two demon heads flew into the temple.

"Here is the princess' palace. You live with other selected ones temporarily and wait for the news." One ancestor magic road, then led Li Xing into the hall. Entering the main hall, there is a time and space in it, and a huge city is built.

In the city, as if human civilization, various commercial systems were established, and even officials maintained order. The city is square and the road extends in all directions. At this moment, Li Xing is on a large road.

"People who can come here are all talents from all continents. It is inevitable that their temper will be a bit big. If there is a dispute, I hope you can tolerate one or two and not to conflict easily, so as not to anger the princess." The one who sent Li Xinglai Mozu reminded.

"Also, don't go around the street if you're fine, lest you accidentally break into the forbidden areas of several quasi-mages."

Speaking of quasi-monarch, even his face changed slightly, and he was very afraid.

"Those quasi-magic statues must be the descendants of demons, right?" Li Xingdan said lightly.

The demon ancestor nodded: "After the emperor's throne ~ www.readwn.com ~ the realm of the land is now in the process of rapid growth, one day at a time. Maybe the day before yesterday is Zhunzun, the next day may become a demon! So don't provoke such a character, otherwise you will lose your life. "

Li Xing silently, he also understood that the significance of this realm was as great as that of heaven. How powerful the heavens are, how powerful the worlds will be in the future, and even a demon will emerge every day.

Thinking of the strongest class, Li Xing secretly sighed, the ascension became more and more intense. In this world, strength represents everything. Without strength, everything is vain.

Cross the street and turn into an alley. The demon ancestor opened a courtyard door and introduced Li Xing into a dual courtyard. The first entrance is a house made of four magic jade, and the second entrance is a place for walking, planted with flowers and plants.

As soon as the two entered the courtyard, ten Shura girls came out. Shura girls are born with beautiful flowers and gentle water. Not like men are very ugly and grumpy.

As a gift to Li Xingying, they said respectfully: "See the master."


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