Chapter 887: Mad Demon

Chapter 887: Mad Demon

Ten beautiful Shura girls let Li Xing shine. In terms of posture, the Shura women are second to none among the demons. Of course, this also caused other demons to invade the Shura continent from time to time, the reason is very simple, that is to compete for the beauty of Shura.

Shura women are not only beautiful, but often not weak. The ten young girls in front of them all have the practice of the devil series. Of course, this strength lies in front of Li Xing, and he can't see it at all.

The lead ancestor smiled: "Waiting for the empty day the princess calls, they will accompany you. If you leave in the future, you can choose to bring them."

Li Xing nodded, and the ancestor demon left.

Next, the ten Shura beauties each performed their duties. Someone massaged Li Xing, some people prepared food, and some people sang songs. At this moment, Li Xing was like the master of a little rich family, enjoying at home.

The food in Shura mainland has unique flavors. Many magic fruits and magic danks have never been seen before, and Li Xing has tasted a lot. In the meantime, he asked the maid beside her, "Does your princess look as beautiful as you?"

The maid was startled, and then pouted and smiled: "How can a slave be compared with a princess? But the princess is the first beauty in Shura mainland." A smile can make a man unwilling. "

Li Xing: "The princess is really extraordinary, she practiced such magical magic."

Picking up the words, the maid continued: "Master, there are many interesting places in this Red Dust City. The princess practiced in the city to reverse the magic power of Red Dust."

"How do you say this?" Li Xing raised an eyebrow.

"The princess sharpened her heart in the rolling red dust, cultivated her mind after joining the WTO, and left many legendary stories with many romantic men in the city." The maid said.

Hearing this in Li Xing's ears, I felt a little tired. No matter how he cultivates, no matter how strong he is, his view on women is still more conservative. If a woman changes her boyfriend from time to time, she is happy, and it makes men unacceptable.

Seeing Li Xing's silence, the maid said: "Master, the city owner has many brothels, can you go for a few days?"

Since Li Xing came here, he had wanted to see and see, not by any means what he wanted to do. Besides, the princess Shura had no idea how many husbands she had changed. In her mind, I am afraid that men are just tools for practicing the red dust magic.

So, after thinking about it, he said, "Okay, let's go for a walk."

The planning of the Red Dust City is square, with residential, commercial, and entertainment districts. Since you are out and having fun, you will naturally go to the entertainment area. There are singing and dancing food here. Many beauties are definitely men's paradise.

The Shura woman was extremely beautiful, and the outstanding one was moved by the soul, which was taken away by God and could not be self-sustaining.

Li Xing looks like a young man in his twenties, wearing a moon-white robe, holding a paper fan, white jade around his waist, personable and elegant. He followed two young crickets, jogged slowly, and walked on the street like this.

There are many pedestrians on the streets, and most of these pedestrians are men. Their cultivation is high or low, some are Shura people, and some are from outside the Shura people. Among the crowd, Li Xing's temperament is the most peculiar, giving a sense of standing out from the crowd.

The strongest feeling was the two maids. They have the illusion that Li Xing is a walking emperor, while the rest are ordinary people. The two are not on the same level.

Before long, I walked to a dance. The so-called dance Wan is a place dedicated to singing and dancing. Guests enter, just need a certain number of magic crystals, you can taste wine, singing and dancing.

Different seats have different prices. As for the magic crystal, Li Xing had already made it clear. The magic crystal is a kind of magic crystal, similar to the created crystal. Before that, he beheaded many demon heads and collected a lot of magic crystals, which together amounted to more than 300 million, which was enough for him to splurge.

Before Wu Wan, a young lady came forward respectfully and bowed, singing: "Guests come in!"

Li Xing nodded, led by Xiao Yan, and entered Wanzhong. There is a rotunda with seating around. There is a conspicuous stage in the center, on which is a beautiful woman who dances slowly and sings slowly, with a sultry posture.

In the entrance hall, Xiaoying first introduced Li Xing to the cabinet, handed over the magic crystal, and then arranged it to the viewing seat. The seats are divided into four classes and first class positions, and the nearest distance can smell the aroma of the dancer.

Second-class seats are closer, but not as good as first-class seats. The third and fourth grades are even more backward, and they can only be viewed from a distance, not close.

Li Xing shot generously and threw a thousand magic crystals directly and chose a first-class seat. After handing over the spar, Li Xing issued a list on the counter, and then politely invited him to his seat.

The first-class seat was relatively spacious. Li Xing sat down with the two maids, leaving a few seats. The seat was large and comfortable. Li Xing was sitting in the middle, and the lady waited from side to side, one peeling fruit and one tray.

Li Xing ate fruit and watched singing and dancing. He had read the list, and it was clearly written that the dancing woman named Qing Luo was one of the top ten masters among the dancing forests of the Red Dust City.

Qing Luo's legs are strong and strong, and she is white and immaculate. She is the most perfect work of art, and she can see Li Xingdu's eyes shining. The woman had a face with sunflower seeds, and her eyes were filled with fire-like enthusiasm, glancing at every guest present.

I did n’t eat two fruits, and I did n’t appreciate the dance. Suddenly, I heard the loud noises around me, and a rough voice sounded like thunder. “All the people are going away for Lao Tzu, our master has wrapped it here!”

Seeing that the shopkeeper in the lobby hurried over and even said good things, he got a bunch of good fights, his teeth were polished with a slap, and the blood was dripping. A five big and three thick man, not a Shura, has horns in his head, dark skin, hands and feet, and black cross hair on his chest, which is very dense and ugly.

The roar of the big man made the audience very dissatisfied and Qing Luo stopped singing and dancing. However, when they saw the appearance of the big Han, they changed color one by one, without saying a word, they got up and left.

Li Xing's maid was also anxious, and one whispered, "Master, let's go quickly, it's not easy for mad demons."

"Do you know him?" Li Xing asked curiously.

"Although I don't know him, I know his physical characteristics. At first glance, he knows that he is from the mad demons. The mad demons are arrogant and unscrupulous. They are one of the most difficult races in each race.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "No matter what demons he disturbs me, he will be punished."

He didn't stop talking, and everyone was gone. It's just a song and dance. In this way, Li Xing became more conspicuous. Only his family did not leave in the large hall.

The big man immediately noticed, leng hummed, walked away from Li Xing and walked to Li Xing, reached out and lifted Li Xing, raised him in the air, and asked sternly, "Do you want to die?"

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, saying: "I don't want to."

"Don't want to die immediately, get off!" After that, Li Xinghuan fell to the ground fiercely. At this moment, Li Xing was like a stump, and he was shot into the ground half a foot at a time, shaking the whole hall with a tremor.

Li Xing slowly pulled his leg from the ground and grinned, "Don't go."

Big Han suddenly became furious, opened his five fingers and tried to catch Li Xing, but raised his palm and slammed. With this blow, he hit a downward force, and also regarded the opponent as a human-shaped stake, and struck fiercely.

His blow was much more fierce than that of a big man, and I was not as powerful as I was. The big man only felt a numbness in his lower body and lost consciousness. All but his head was nailed below the ground.

And because the impact was too severe, he turned into rotten meat and bones below his waist, which was very miserable. It took a long time for the big man to make a roar, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stared viciously at Li Xing.

Li Xing said with a smile: "What do you think I do?" Raised his foot and only heard a "pounce". The big man was stepped into the ground and his skull exploded.

This man has the practice of the devil. He will not die immediately when the body is destroyed. He wriggles and wants to recover, but is suppressed by the magic released by Li Xing and cannot be recovered.

What happened here alarmed the host. A young man in black, violent and cold, walked into the living room. As soon as he appeared, he looked at Li Xing and said, "Go to death!"


Electricity was generated in the void in the hall, and a wave of horrible magic bombarded Li Xing, but it was the young man who performed a magic, calling it a mad voice. Once this magic comes out, you can instantly kill the demon.

As Tianyin approached, he was forced to drive away by a supreme magic. He couldn't get close at all, and even the maid beside Li Xing could not be hurt.

Seeing that a blow was not possible, the young man was very surprised and yelled, "Boy, where are you from? Dare to oppose this boy!"

Li Xing didn't speak, but the maid was quite courageous. She also saw that Li Xingxiu was unpredictable, so she had no fear, so she said loudly: "Our master is here to apply for a horse, the devil of the mixed Yuan demon!"

The young man laughed wildly and pointed at Li Xing: "It was originally here that Yingmao should be selected. Very good. I will kill you today, one less competitor!" He said, shaking under his feet and instantly turning into an afterimage ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Mad Devil Dance! "With a loud shout, thousands of afterimages were attacked by Li Xing, but they were all right. Each of the afterimages can double the fighting power of the youth.

Those demon heads that did not have time to go away were affected one by one, and when their bodies were hit by the afterimage, they "exploded" and exploded, turning into a rolling mist of blood.

Li Xing only sneered, but did not move. He only moved the true power and magic power, and supported millions of attacks every moment. The power of this crazy devil dance is great, but it is the magic trick of the crazy devil.

It was also this young man who saw that Li Xing was powerful, so when he shot, he used his strongest move and wanted to get rid of the other party as soon as possible. However, Li Xing was much stronger than him. The fourteen major Luo Zhenshen ignored this attack at all.

Every afterimage was blocked by Zhen Li and magic and exploded. Seeing almost, Li Xing said lightly: "You have hit enough, pick up!" He punched with a flick.

This fist implies the power of two true magics of magic road. The two forces are combined into one and the power is infinite. Under the shroud of fist, the youth's devil's complexion changed greatly, and with a loud roar, he turned and fled.


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