Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 889: Magic baby

Chapter 889: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 889: Devil Baby

It turns out that the magical sea whale's mana is boundless and its body is huge. Every time it eats, it must devour all living beings that have a radius of 100,000 miles. If some ancestors or even quasi-monks have bad luck, they are classified within the range of 100,000 miles, and 80% will fall.

Fortunately, this killer whale is not yet an adult, and Li Xing is unparalleled in physical form, so he is not afraid. He fell into the mucus, which was extremely toxic and corrosive to other demon heads, but he could not even drop a piece of his hair, just melting his clothes.

"Good stomach juice. Generally monks below Tianzun can't support it for an instant, and they have to be turned into blood in a flash. Thanks to Da Luozhen, who is unparalleled in the world, can only bear it." He turned his mind and looked around Strike.

I saw a vast ocean of slime. Hundreds of millions of creatures landed from the air and were melted away by the killer whale's stomach fluid, turning into pure magic, becoming the energy of this behemoth.

This scene is like a drop of wax being thrown into the magma, a plume of smoke erupting, and everything disappears. And on the ocean of gastric juice, the intricacies of magic are intertwined into a halo of magic charms, which rises into the air.

As soon as Li Xing's eyes lighted and he was running the magic fetus, he opened his mouth fiercely and immediately sucked the magic charm into the mouth, which was absorbed by the magic fetus. A piece of charm entered the abdomen, and a contentment of satisfaction was born in his heart, and he secretly said, "Good luck. Before the baby turned into a baby, he lived here and absorbed the magic daily, better than the hardship outside."

Poor this killer whale is just a common hunter, but when he meets a fierce man like Li Xing, he is not only not afraid of his corrosive gastric juices, but also stays in his stomach and snatches his food like a vampire.

Killer whales eat countless monsters at once. These monsters, hundreds of millions of varieties, have been transformed into pure magic qi. This time, Li Xing was cheaper, and there was no need to work hard to refine it. He just opened his mouth and took a sip.

At the beginning, there was not much absorption, but later, as soon as he sucked, a magic vortex would be formed above the ocean of mucus, and all the newly generated magic power would be absorbed to strengthen the fetus.

Li Xing was so tossing in the belly of the killer whale, but the killer whale didn't feel it, it was just secretly strange, why did he eat this big meal and still be so hungry? Where does this killer whale think of what is happening in the body, but also when he is getting older, he eats so much.

So it shook its huge body and dived into the ocean floor again, preparing for a second hunt. This killer whale has a strong instinct, knows where the prey is the most, and then hits it all.

The magical sea whale is in the magical sea, located at the top of the food chain. It is not Tianzun, and it cannot control them at all. Therefore, every time a killer whale eats food, it shakes the earth and kills countless lives.

The first feeding of the killer whale, the magic absorbed, was absorbed by Li Xing. After that, his magic tire became terrifying, and he immediately suppressed the Tao tire and gained the upper hand.

At this moment, Li Xing was full of magic in his eyes. And the magic power of the magic fetus is stronger than the true power. He just stayed inside the killer whale, waiting for a second meal, to plunder the magic and use it to grow the magic fetus.

Originally, the killer whale would eat for several years. However, this time, because Li Xing captured most of the energy, the hunger was still strong. So three months later, the killer whale started eating for the second time.

At the same time, he locked 100,000 miles of magic sea all at once, then swallowed up in one fell swoop. The harvest this time is even greater than the last time. The uncountable monster head sea monster was completely wiped out, fell into the slime, and turned into a rolling magic.

This time the killer whale had no such good luck. Li Xing took a sip, and more than 90% of his magic power was taken by him, leaving less than 10%. At this moment, the killer whale felt something wrong. It made a long howling sound, and the sound shook for nine days, sweeping a wave of powerful thoughts across the stomach.

Suddenly, the killer whale discovered Li Xing, who was just a few steps away. He was still alive and was trying to capture the food he had worked hard for. At this moment, the killer whale was furious, the mucus turned into waves, and slapped Li Xing fiercely.

However, such a means of attack would not hurt Li Xing at all. On the contrary, when he swallowed Jiucheng magic in one breath, he ran the magical power of Yuanyuan and gradually made the magic tires complete.

In the nothingness, a cry came out. At this moment, Li Xing had a feeling of transformation. This transforming power, accompanied by the infant cry, suddenly broke out in an all-round way. In such a short moment, the magic fetus was broken, and a supreme magical energy rose into the sky, and within the belly of the whale, condensed into a magic baby.

The appearance of this devil baby is the same as that of Li Xing. He is very tall, enchanted, and breathes between heaven and earth.

At the moment when the fetal infant changed, a huge amount of magic power also strengthened Li Xing's physical body, causing it to transform again. Finally, Da Luozhen's body was successfully completed from 14th to 15th!

The killer whale felt the anguish of the demon baby and roared uneasily. The magic baby opened his eyes and slammed the world, saying coldly, "You want to eat me? Come on!"

A huge devil's palm ripped through the void at once, and approached the killer whale Nedan. There are countless overlapping time and space in this killer whale. But this devil baby broke everything directly and simply found the hidden inner Dan.

The clutch of the devil's palm grabbed the hill-like Nedan into the palm of his hand and pulled it hard.

"Ang ~" screamed screamingly, and the whale died suddenly, almost fainting. At the same time, it was completely enraged, sending out a strong divine thought to kill Li Xing.

Li Xing snatched the killer whale Neidan, heard a long whistle, gathered up the magic baby, and then blasted out with a punch. In the fifteenth major Luo Zhenshen, his power was so incredible that he just punched through immense amount of time and space and limped out.

You know, an adult killer whale is equivalent to a demon plane. Although this killer whale is underage, it also has a vaguely planar scale. Li Xing's punch is equivalent to punching through a plane and forcing it to stand out.

Above the whale's back, a terrifying magic burst out, flashed, and disappeared. Although the killer whale lost Nedan, it would have to pay a considerable price to kill it.

Li Xing had already seized its inner Dan, and obtained great benefits, so he had no intention of killing it again. As soon as people came out, they immediately left the scene and went far away, leaving only the roaring fierce whale.

Not long after, Li Xing appeared in another area. He had just gathered the magic babies, but there was an extreme imbalance in his mind. That's the induction of the road tire.

The emergence of the magic baby strongly suppressed the Tao tire, giving it a momentum to quickly and breakthrough. However, to break through the road tire, we must find the power of the dragon elephant and use it as a nourishment.

The power of the dragon elephant was suppressed below Jiuyou. Li Xing hunted down many demon heads in the underground world and got a lot of information. After integrating these information, he had a more detailed understanding of the power of Jiuyou and the Dragon Elephant.

According to the classification, Jiuyou is a second-level plane, and there is a big demon statue in it, called Jiuyou demon statue.

There is a disciple under the seat of Jiuyou Damonzun, calling for reincarnation. That rebirth of the deities, born from the inheritance of the realm of the earth, has the ability to control the power of reincarnation. Wherever the laws of the earth are involved, after the death of the living beings, as long as a touch of the true spirit is immortal, they can be reborn into the nine continents, and the reincarnation disk established by the reincarnation.

That reincarnation is a very powerful plane tool, which can re-give the true spirit falling from the heavens and the world and let it regenerate. It can be said that the reincarnation demon is in control of the six reincarnations, and it is destined to become the great demon in the future.

The devil rumors rumored that Jiuyou Dazun has gradually failed to suppress the reincarnation demon. Once the reincarnation demon becomes a great demon, it will replace the Jiuyou demon, and control the new master of the whole world.

Of course, these are just rumors. No one knows what the facts are.

It is worth mentioning that Jiuyou World is located in the land of reincarnation, one of the ten places. There are nine heavens and ten earths. In the land of reincarnation, there are several large deities and numerous deities.

If you want to enter the world of Jiuyou, you must first enter the land of reincarnation. The problem is that Li Xing doesn't even know where the entrance to reincarnation is.

Obviously, the ten places are definitely not above the magic sea, otherwise, Li Xing would have found the answer from the memory of countless demon heads long ago.

"First, you have to find the way to enter the ten places." Li Xing frowned, wondering where to go to ask for directions.

For a month, Li Xing wandered aimlessly. In the meantime, he encountered many demons and ancestors, arrested some of them for torture, but couldn't ask why.

"Does only Mozun know how to enter the Ten Places?" Li Xing couldn't help thinking about this, he decided to visit a Mozun and ask the path.

It is undoubtedly dangerous to visit Mozun. Before that, he must be fully prepared to call out the two-phase ring first. The second-phase boy was a bit suffocated for a while and called out, "Master, why did you let the younger out?"

Li Xingdao: "You're in no hurry, master, I'm going to take a risk-seeking game and meet Mozun right away. Although you are a plane weapon, you can't defeat Mozun. At that time, you and I will cooperate fully in case of trouble So that I can escape. "

Erxiang Huan stared and said, "Master, rest assured ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it ’s a small fight, but there is no problem running away."

Li Xing nodded: "I still can't be careful. Let me prepare for a while and improve my strength a little bit." He won the killer whale Nedan and has not refined it yet. If the killer whale Nedan can be refined, his strength will rise to another level.

In the following three months, Li Xing and the two-phase boy entered Jiuyang Jingtian to practice. Since Li Xing opened up the cave sky, the Jiuyang cave sky has not been used much. Entering here at the moment, Li Xing actually had a strange feeling. It seemed that some changes had taken place in this nine-yang realm.

However, at this time there was no time to think about it, he immediately entered the deep cultivation, refining the killer whale Nedan. The killer whale's inner Dan is no small matter. It contains a huge amount of magic energy. If it can be absorbed, it can make Li Xing's magic baby directly complete.

At the beginning of refining, it was more difficult, because the magic in Nei Dan was too powerful, and he blew Li Xing several times. But after trying a few times, he took control of the fire, and subsequent practice was much easier.

On this day, the magic clouds in Jiuyang were rolling, and Li Xing's magic babies finally came to a complete conclusion.


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