Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 890: The Shining Demon

Chapter 890: The Shining Demon Supreme

Chapter 890

Li Xing's practice of mixing magical powers is the same as Tao Dao's practice. The magic fetus is equivalent to the Taoist realm, and the magic baby is equivalent to the Taoist realm. At this moment, the magic baby is complete, which is equivalent to Daojun's completeness.

If he wants to grow further, he must cultivate Dao infants and make them complete, and then let the two babies dominate the Yuan infants who are united in the Dao magic, and then become one with the flesh, thus entering the meta-form unity. Tao respect realm.

After Dao Zun, Li Xing even entered the level of God. For him, this series is not much difficult. With the foundation of the true Holy, he can easily spend it and step into the Lord's Series in one fell swoop.

Only after becoming the Lord can his true holy realm continue to ascend. By that time, the double holy unity, Li Xing stepped up to repair, there is a clear road in front of him, pointing directly at the plane level!

The magic baby swallowed the sky and breathed, stirring the core of Jiuyang Jingtian, causing Jiuyang to vibrate. He quickly collected the magic baby and walked out of Jiuyang Jingtian with the second-phase boy.

Looking at Li Xing's horror, the two-phase boy cried: "The master's cultivation is very good. If you cooperate with the young, you may not be able to slap the low-level Celestial Master!"

The two-phase boy can also be regarded as the existence of plane planes. He has a deeper understanding of the state of heaven than Li Xing. On that day, there was Nine Emperors, and after the third one, the small perfection, the sixth one, the perfection, and the ninth one, the large perfection.

In order to reach the ninth major level of perfection, Xiu can be called the Great Celestial Master. The means of Da Tian Zun is earth-shattering and belongs to the extreme of Tian Zun.

Of course, there are also strong and weak points in Datianzun, and the difference between them lies in the number of cohesive order gods. The more gods there are, the stronger their cultivation. Generally speaking, as many second-order Celestial Beings as possible are born in their planes, there will be as many order gods as possible.

For example, a second level plane gave birth to ten heavenly deities, and then each heavenly deity will learn a new world law and build a new third-level plane within the framework of the second plane. However, although these planes are independent, they are still inseparable from the constraints of the secondary planes. The principles of their cultivation will also be understood by the Great Heavenly Lord and transformed into divine principles.

After listening to the words of the two-phase boy, Li Xing smiled slightly. His magic baby was completed successfully, and his strength really improved a lot. If he meets a monk in the plane, he can still get three or two moves with the two-phase ring.

"Second phase, let's choose the nearest one and say hello to the demon statue there!" Li Xing said.

The second-phase boy responded, rolled up Li Xing, and a flicker disappeared. The next moment, a Guanghua broke through the barrier and rushed into a magic plane.

Owning the plane of the host generally does not like to let the presence of plane planes break into it. Even in the Sanqing Great World, when the second-phase boy entered, he was also warned by Taiqing Tianzun, not to mention such a three-level plane.

Sure enough, as soon as the two-phase boy appeared, he was locked by a will, and a thunderous voice was conveyed: "Bold! Who broke into the Shining World?"

Following this yelling, a middle-aged man in white clothes with a pale face and white hair appeared in front of him, staring at Li Xing. It seems that this deity is by no means a bad stubble.

Feeling the cruel and cold will of the other person, the two-phase boy manifested, grinned, and arched, "Master, Lord, you are polite!"

The Shining Demon smirked with a yin smile, and his white tongue licked his upper and lower lips: "Less around, say, what are you doing?"

The two-phase boy laughed "hee hee": "I want to make friends with Lord Mozun through your expensive land."

"Not interested." The Shining Demon Zun refused directly. "Go away immediately, otherwise this demon Zun would not mind suppressing you and slowly refining."

As soon as the second-phase boy changes his face, he will have an attack. This boy is very arrogant. At this time, Li Xing was in the form of an avatar and said loudly: "The Shining Demon Lord, we are here to inquire about the news."

The Shining Demon Squint narrowed his eyes and stared at Li Xing. "You little doll is interesting, not even the Demon Saint, but the magic is so pure and powerful. What great adventure did you get? Let this demon see clearly."

The Shining Demon still talking, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Xing. This catch immediately led to the magic of the entire Shining World, and suddenly Li Xing was locked, unable to move.

Li Xing was well prepared. The devil could tell any truth and do whatever he wanted. So as soon as the other shot, he immediately cooperated with the second-phase boy and shocked him fiercely.


As a plane tool, it has a terrible effect in a third-level small plane. The shock wave of terror was destroyed on all sides. If this continues, the magical civilization established in the entire plane may disappear. "

The Shining Demon was furious, and he could not hesitate to Li Xing, and fully supported the entire plane to prevent the destruction from spreading. But even so, one tenth of the creatures were killed in an instant and turned into blood mist.

Li Xing sighed, and said, "Why is this painful? You can see that you have just practiced the Shining Demon, but it is a demon in a realm. The established plane is not perfect, and you ca n’t stand the frustration at all. If I were two, People do a lot of damage, or they will crash your plane. "

"Presumptuous! At the place of Benzun, how dare you threaten me? Kill!" With the scream of the Shining Monzun screaming, layers of space rushed out, and he immediately drove the two-phase ring and Li Xing out.

"No, the magic respect is really powerful, the same plane level, the little can not do him." The second-phase boy screamed strangely and took Li Xing to leave.

"Come back!" Bai Sensen's big hand stretched out of the void, and immediately held the two-phase ring. The two-phase ring vibrated fiercely, popping it off instantly, and cursing: "Fuck, just ask the way, why should you kill someone?"

Li Xing combined human and device, urged the two-phase ring with all his strength, ripped the void, and continuously made space jumps. His own understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, coupled with the plane-level power of the two-phase ring, suddenly made Feiyu speed incredible.

The big hand of the Shining Demon grabbed it only once, and then grabbed it again after being bounced off. The two-phase ring has long gone. Knowing that he can't catch up, the Mozun scolded: "Don't let this Mozun meet next time!"

At the other end of the distance, the two-phase boy gasped for breath and wiped his sweat: "Master, every level of the realm is so difficult to deal with, and he almost catches the small ones."

Li Xing was not discouraged at all, and said, "We are able to escape freely from the deities, this is also a kind of strength. Anyway, this is not possible, and another plane."

The second-phase boy nodded: "To put it bluntly, the master's strength is increasing every day, and it won't take long for him to compete against the demon."

In the underground world, there are countless planes above the vast magical sea. The two-phase boy instinctively felt that if there were some planes with too terrible breath, he chose to give up. Picking like this, finally found another breath similar to the Shining plane.

However, when the two-phase boy appeared, he was locked by a group of demon heads. In all four directions, a demon statue appeared at the same time, and each demon statue was above the dual realm, and its strength was unfathomable.

The two-phase boy's face was all white, conveying an idea to Li Xing: "Master, we are finished now!"

Li Xing was so impatient, he was confident that these demon heads did not know his identity. The sudden wall must have a purpose, so he simply appeared and said, "Why are the four deities respectable?"

The four demon statues did not speak coldly, but a young demon head of the ancestor-devil level came out. This devil is personable, with a handsome face and a slight smile, saying: "His Royal Highness Yan Mo needs a plane weapon, and this one in your hand is just right."

Li Xing was not angry, and said coldly: "The four demon statues in the world actually besieged me a little junior, which made the demons laugh too much."

The young man "haha" laughed, carrying both hands, and said, "You are not convinced? There is nothing you can do. The director in charge always uses the most practical and efficient method. Do n’t talk nonsense, suffer!"

"Have to kill me?" Li Xing sighed. "I grabbed the weapon and grabbed it. Why not give me a way to live?"

"Give you a way? Your magic is not weak. There must be a secret on your body. Wouldn't it be better to kill you and read your memory?" Said the young man with a smile. "You can die in the hands of the four deities.

"Slow!" Li Xing shouted, "Do you dare to kill me without fear of angering Shura Modi?"

"The Shura Demon Emperor?" The young demon stunned, "Are you a Shura tribe?"

"Although I am not a Shura tribe, I am a puppet of the Shura tribe!" Li Xing yelled, "If you dare to kill me, you are the enemy of the entire Shura tribe!"

The youth frowned and seemed to be thinking about decision-making. Li Xing was a little nervous, but he knew the origin of the Yan Mo plane. The Yan Mo Plane is a second-level plane born in the underground world. Inside, there is a great demon statue sitting in the town, called the Purgatory Great Demon Statue, also known as the Yan Demon Emperor.

The Yan Mo Emperor has a very high status and strong strength, and is on the same level as the Great Demon of the Nine You planes. However, this great deity lived in another place among the ten places, purgatory land.

The steward who came out of the second-level plane would not have put Shura Modi in his eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing just had a glimmer of hope. In the face of the four Celestial Masters, with a solid lock, he could not escape at all, and could only outsmart him.

After a while, the young man said: "It turned out to be a horse. I heard that Princess Xiuluo recruited a horse, but I didn't want to be you." He stared at Li Xing. "My prince has some friendship with Shura Modi, but it's not easy to grab him. "

Li Xing was very pleased, and on the surface he calmly said, "Since you are your Majesty's friend, the prince needs a plane weapon and is willing to give it away. However, in the name of Prince Jiu Jiu, I want to see the previous one."

Prince Yan Mo must be among the ten places. To see him, he must first enter the ten places. In this way, Li Xing killed two birds with one stone, not only escaped, but also entered the ten places.

Upon hearing that Li Xing was so fascinated, the manager was very pleased and looked at Li Xing with admiration and said, "You are very good. Since you are willing to send high-level instruments, you are friends of the prince. You can meet each other naturally. The prince has always been willing to make friends. friend."

The other party agreed, Li Xing secretly sighed and smiled: "His Majesty once praised Prince Yan Mo is one of the young masters in the young generation. It is an honor for me to see the previous one, and I have a way to work."


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